Children's Books
A listing of children's books referred to, citing
edition used. Dates are publication dates of edition used, not of
first publication.
- Abnett, Dan: "Winston’s Diary: A Day in the Life of Winston
Zeddmore" (The Real Ghostbusters, Number 145, Marvel Comics
(UK), 23rd March 1991. pp.11-12)
- Adler, Irene: The Dark Lady (Capstone Young Readers (USA),
- Adler, Irene: The Mystery of the Scarlet Rose (Capstone Young
Readers (USA), 2015)
- Adler, Irene: The Soprano's Last Song (Capstone Young Readers
(USA), 2015)
- Alexander, Sue: "The Ghost of Plymouth Castle" (Whatever
Happened to Uncle Albert? and Other Puzzling Plays, Houghton
Mifflin (USA), 1980. p.2-15)
- Ambrus, Victor G.: "Humpty Dumpty, Did He Fall? Or Was He
Pushed? (Dracula's Bedtime Storybook, Oxford University Press
(Australia), 1992)
- Angell, Judie: "The Case of the Blazing Star" (Shirley Holmes:
The Case of the Blazing Star and the Case of the King of Hearts,
Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.1-41)
- Angell, Judie: "The Case of the Burning Building" (Shirley
Holmes: The Case of the Burning Building and the Case of the
Ruby Ring, Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.1-59)
- Angell, Judie: "The Case of the King of Hearts" (Shirley
Holmes: The Case of the Blazing Star and the Case of the King of
Hearts, Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.45-89)
- Angell, Judie: "The Case of the Ruby Ring" (Shirley Holmes:
The Case of the Burning Building and the Case of the Ruby Ring,
Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.63-118)
- Anonymous: "Croquet Caper" (Angel, Number 14, Dell Publishing
(USA), May-July 1958. p.20)
- Anonymous: "Danny Jones and the Great Detective" (Leonard
Matthews (ed.), Thrilling Detection & Mystery Stories,
Hamlyn (UK), 1978. pp.55-66)
- Anonymous: "Um Detetive
em Apuros" (Almanaque d'O Tico-Tico 1957 (Brazil). pp. 25,
- Anonymous: "Hubert Holmes Boy Detective" (Angel, Number 2,
Dell Publishing (USA), May-July 1955. p.34)
- Anonymous: "Shirley Holmes Detective" (Bananas, Number 16,
Scholastic Magazines (USA, 1977. p.31)
- Anonymous: "Zoonoses" (Current Health 1 (USA), Volume 3 Number
1, September 1979. pp.22-24)
- Ball, Brian: "The Case of the Captive Clairvoyant" (The Baker
Street Boys, Knight (UK), 1983 [pb]. pp.9-47)
- Ball, Brian: "The Case of the Disappearing Despatch Case" (The
Baker Street Boys, Knight (UK), 1983 [pb]. pp.51-94)
- Barrett, Tracy: The 100-Year-Old Secret (Henry Holt (USA),
- Barrett, Tracy: The Beast of Backslope (Henry Holt (USA),
- Barrett, Tracy: The Case That Time Forgot (Henry Holt (USA),
- Benjamin, Alan: Mickey Mouse Detective (Western Publishing
Company (USA), 1985)
- Bergen, Lara: The Mystery of the Jeweled Eggs (Scholastic
(USA), 2007)
- Betty Lou: Sherlock Hemlock and the Great Twiddlebug Mystery
(Western Publishing Company (USA), 1972)
- Bond, Ruskin: "The Stolen Daffodils" (Rusty Goes to London,
Puffin (India), 2004 [pb]. pp.38-43)
- Bookworm Club: Bookworm Detective Guidebook (Bookworm
(Singapore), 1996 [pb])
- Bosco, Don: The Immortal Nightingale (Marshall Cavendish
(Singapore), 2015 [pb])
- Bosco, Don: The Legend of Lady Yue (Marshall Cavendish
(Singapore), 2015 [pb])
- Bosco, Don: The Peranakan Princess (Marshall Cavendish
(Singapore), 2015 [pb])
- Bosco, Don: The Scroll of Greatness (Marshall Cavendish
(Singapore), 2015 [pb])
- Brooke, Helen: Mystery in London (Oxford University Press
(UK), 2000)
- Cavallaro, Brittany: A Study in Charlotte (Katherine Tegen
Books (USA), 2017 [pb])
- Cheshire, Simon: "The Adventure of the Dented Computer"
(Dennis Hamley (ed.), An Oxford Anthology of Mystery Stories,
Oxford University Press (UK), 2004. pp.1-17)
- Coleman, Michael: "The Mysterious Case of the Supermarket
Shopper’s Secrets" (Crashing Computers, Scholastic (UK), 1999.
- Coren, Alan: Arthur and the Bellybutton Diamond (Puffin Books
(UK), 1995 [pb])
- Coren, Alan: Arthur and the Great Detective (Puffin Books
(UK), 1981 [pb])
- Coren, Alan: Arthur and the Purple Panic (Puffin Books (UK),
1987 [pb])
- Coren, Alan: Arthur V. The Rest (Puffin Books (UK), 1983 [pb])
- Coville, Bruce: The A.I. Gang: Operation Sherlock (Minstrel
(USA), 1995 [pb])
- Crummel, Susan Stevens: Sherlock Bones and the Missing Cheese
(Amazon (USA), 2012)
- Dhami, Narinder: The Case of the Disappearing Dragon (Collins
(UK), 1998 [pb])
- Dicks, Terrance: The Case of the Blackmail Boys (Piccolo (UK),
1981 [pb])
- Dicks, Terrance: The Case of the Missing Masterpiece (Piccolo
(UK), 1980 [pb])
- Dicks, Terrance: The Cinema Swindle (Blackie (UK), 1980)
- Dicks, Terrance: The Cop Catchers (Magnet (UK), 1987 [pb])
- Dicks, Terrance: The Disappearing Diplomat (Blackie (UK),
- Dixon, Franklin W.: The Giant Rat of Sumatra (Minstrel (USA),
1997 [pb])
- Duckworth, John: "Clueless" (Instant Skits for Childrn's
Ministry, Group Publishing (USA), 1999. pp.16-20)
- Eulberg, Elizabeth: The Great Shelby Holmes and the Coldest
Case (Bloomsbury (UK), 2019 [pb])
- Frow, Gerald: Young Sherlock: The Adventure At Ferryman's
Creek (Dragon (UK), 1984 [pb])
- Frow, Gerald: Young Sherlock: The Mystery of the Manor House
(Dragon (UK), 1982 [pb])
- Gaarder, Jostein: Sophie's World (Dolphin (UK), 1997 [pb])

- Gibson, Ben: "Sherlock Holmes and the Dancing Man" (The
Ghastly Dandies Do the Classics, Razorbill (USA), 2013.
- Gleason, Colleen: The Carnelian Crow (Avid Press (USA), 2017)
- Gleason, Colleen: The Chess Queen Enigma (Chronicle Books
(USA), 2015)
- Gleason, Colleen: The Clockwork Scarab (Chronicle Books (USA),
- Gleason, Colleen: The Spiritglass Charade (Chronicle Books
(USA), 2014)
- Gleason, Colleen: The Zeppelin Deception (Chronicle Books
(USA), 2019)
- Glinert, Ricki: "The Secret of the Fortune Cookie" (John
McInnes et al (eds), Ripple Effects, Nelson (Canada), 1983. pp.
- Goel, Sudha: "The Mystery of the Missing Toy" (Children's
World (India), Volume 9 Number 10, January 1977 - Volume 10
Number 6, September 1977.)
- Hapka, Cathy: Basil and the Royal Dare (Aladdin (USA), 2019
- Hayes, Stoddard: "The Case of the Glass Slipper" (The Worst
Cakes in the World (Editors of Highlights for Children),
Highlights for Children (USA), 1995. pp.77-82)
- Hearn, Sam: Sherlock and the Disappearing Diamond Mystery
(Scholastic (UK), 2016 [pb])
- Heath, Lester: The Case of the Aluminum Crutch (Dell Seal
(USA), 1963 [pb])
- Hunt, Roderick: Detective Adventure (Oxford University Press
(UK), 2015)
- Hurn, Roger & Jane A.C. West: Horror in the Chamber
(Badger Publishing (UK), 2014)
- Jackson, Joseph H. & Edward D. Evans: "Stories in Stone"
(Spaceship Earth: Earth Science, Houghton Mifflin (USA),
1976. pp.489-490)
- Keilty, Derek & Mark Elvins: The Sceptre of the Pharaohs
(Scallywag Press (UK), 2020 [pb])
- Kingsland, Robin: The Case of the Hollywood Soap Star (Young
Lions (UK), 1993 [pb])
- Kingsland, Robin: The Case of the Missing Case (Young Lions
(UK), 1993 [pb])
- Kingsland, Robin: The Case of the Sheik's Missing Shake Maker
(Young Lions (UK), 1993 [pb])
- Korman, Justine: Bialosky and the Big Parade Mystery (Western
Publishing Company (USA), 1986)
- Kostick, Anne: Bialosky's Big Mystery (Western Publishing
Company (USA), 1985)
- Kotzwinkle, William: "The Case of the Caterpillar's Head"
(Trouble In Bugland, David R. Godine (USA), 1996 [pb]. pp.63-98)
- Kotzwinkle, William: "The Case of the Emperor's Crown"
(Trouble In Bugland, David R. Godine (USA), 1996 [pb].
- Kotzwinkle, William: "The Case of the Frightened Scholar"
(Trouble In Bugland, David R. Godine (USA), 1996 [pb]. pp.35-60)
- Kotzwinkle, William: "The Case of the Headless Monster"
(Trouble In Bugland, David R. Godine (USA), 1996 [pb].
- Kotzwinkle, William: "The Case of the Missing Butterfly"
(Trouble In Bugland, David R. Godine (USA), 1996 [pb]. pp.3-32)
- Kraus, Robert & Bruce: The Detective of London (Andersen
Press (UK), 1979)
- Landon, Lucinda: Meg Mackintosh and the Stage Fright Secret
(Secret Passage Press (USA), 2004)
- Lane, Andrew: Black Ice (Macmillan (UK), 2011 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Death Cloud (Macmillan (UK), 2010 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Fire Storm (Macmillan (UK), 2011 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Knife Edge (Macmillan (UK), 2013 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Night Break (Macmillan (UK), 2015 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Red Leech (Macmillan (UK), 2010 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Snake Bite (Macmillan (UK), 2012 [pb])
- Lane, Andrew: Stone Cold (Macmillan (UK), 2014 [pb])
- Lasky, Kathryn: Double Trouble Squared (Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich (USA), 1991)
- Leone, John: Cape May Tales (John Leone Computer Accessories
(USA), 2016)
- Lethcoe, Jason: No Place Like Holmes (Thomas Nelson (USA),
2011 [pb])
- Lewis, Cass: Dead Man's Confession (FamilyVision Press (USA),
1993 [pb])
- Lewman, David: Spongebob Detectivepants: The Case of the
Missing Spatula (Simon Spotlight (USA), 2006)
- Low, A.J.: Sherlock Sam and the Ghostly Moans in Fort Canning
(Epigram Books (Singapore), 2013 [pb])
- Low, A.J.: Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong
(Epigram Books (Singapore), 2012 [pb])
- Low, A.J.: Sherlock Sam and the Sinister Letters in Bras Besar
(Epigram Books (Singapore), 2013 [pb])
- McDowell, Josh & Bob Hostetler: "Dr Luke and the Case of
the Disappearing Patriarch" (Don't Check Your Brains at the
Door, Word Publishing (USA), 1992. pp.60-61)
- Mack, Tracy & Michael Citrin: The Fall of the Amazing
Zalindas (Orchard Books (USA), 2006)
- Mack, Tracy & Michael Citrin: The Final Meeting
(Scholastic (USA), 2010 [pb])
- Mack, Tracy & Michael Citrin: In Search of Watson
(Scholastic (USA), 2009 [pb])
- Mack, Tracy & Michael Citrin: The Mystery of the Conjured
Man (Scholastic (USA), 2009 [pb])
- Mears, Charles: "The Mystery of the Tortoise and the Hare"
(Child Life (USA), Volume 57 Issue 7, August-September 1978.
- Melton, Holly: Brown Bear Figures It Out! (Hampton-Brown
(USA), 2000(?))
- Michaels, Ski: The Mystery of Windy Meadow (Troll Associates
(USA), 1986)
- Milos, Andre: "The Case of the Cat Burglar" (Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual, Grandreams (UK), 1979. pp.15-19)
- Milos, Andre: "The Case of the Suspect Swami" (Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual, Grandreams (UK), 1979. pp.34-38)
- Misri, Angela: The Jewel of the Thames (Printed by Amazon
Fulfillment, Poland. [pb])
- Misri, Angela: Thrice Burned (Printed by Amazon Fulfillment,
Poland. 2017 [pb])
- Mongredien, Sue: The Case of the Alien Abductions (Collins
(UK), 1998 [pb])
- Mongredien, Sue: The Case of the Blazing Star (Collins (UK),
1998 [pb])
- Mooser, Stephen: "Shannon Holmes's First Case" (Bruce Lansky
(ed.), The Best of Girls to the Rescue, Meadowbrook Press (USA),
2002. pp.231-244)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Adventure of the Cursed Cartouche" (The
Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes: The Cherry in the Cake, Studio
Press (UK), 2018. pp.20-33)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Adventure of the Found Finger" (The
Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes: The Pound of the Baskervilles,
Studio Press (UK), 2018. pp.48-61)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Adventure of the Vanishing Lord" (The
Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes: The Cherry in the Cake, Studio
Press (UK), 2018. pp.48-61)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Cherry in the Cake" (The Casebooks of
Sherlock Holmes: The Cherry in the Cake, Studio Press (UK),
2018. pp.6-19)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Forger and the Fake" (The Casebooks of
Sherlock Holmes: The Pound of the Baskervilles, Studio Press
(UK), 2018. pp.20-33)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Poisoned Apprentice" (The Casebooks of
Sherlock Holmes: The Pound of the Baskervilles, Studio Press
(UK), 2018. pp.34-47)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Pound of the Baskervilles" (The Casebooks
of Sherlock Holmes: The Pound of the Baskervilles, Studio Press
(UK), 2018. pp.6-19)
- Morgan, Sally: "The Terror of Traymar House" (The Casebooks of
Sherlock Holmes: The Cherry in the Cake, Studio Press (UK),
2018. pp.34-47)
- Newman, Robert: The Case of the Vanishing Corpse (Aladdin
(USA), 1980 [pb])
- Newman, Robert: A Puzzle for Sherlock Holmes (Carousel (UK),
1981 [pb])
- Owen, Dilys: "Merseyside Mouse Goes a-Haunting" (Child
Education (UK), October 1972. P.19)
- Panek, Dennis: Detective Whoo (Bradbury Press (USA), 1981)
- Paskins, Stella: The Case of the Burning Building (Collins
(UK), 1998 [pb])
- Paulus, Margaret: "Sherlock Holmes and the Gorgon's Head"
(Scholastic, Volume 41 Number 9 (USA), 9-14 November 1942.
- Peacock, Shane: Becoming Holmes (Tundra (Canada), 2012)
- Peacock, Shane: Death in the Air (Tundra (Canada), 2008)
- Peacock, Shane: The Dragon Turn (Tundra (Canada), 2011)
- Peacock, Shane: The Eye of the Crow (Tundra (Canada), 2007)
- Peacock, Shane: The Secret Fiend (Tundra (Canada), 2009)
- Peacock, Shane: Vanishing Girl (Tundra (Canada), 2009)
- Pearce, Wanda: "Murder on the American Express" (A Bunch of
Fun Dramas, Broadman Press (USA), 1990. pp.76-82)
- Pendleton, Edrie: "Ghosts in the Library" (Plays (USA), Volume
IX No. 2, November 1949. pp. 21-32)
- Peterson, Doug: Sheerluck Holmes and the Hounds of Baker
Street (Big Idea (USA), 2005)
- Pigott-Smith, Tim: The Dragon Tattoo (Hodder Children's Books
(UK), 2008 [pb])
- Pigott-Smith, Tim: The Rose of Africa (Hodder Children's Books
(UK), 2009 [pb])
- Pigott-Smith, Tim: The Shadow of Evil (Hodder Children's Books
(UK), 2009 [pb])
- Pinkwater, Daniel: The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death
(5 Novels, Farrar Straus Giroux (USA), 1997 [pb]. pp.327-476)
- Pinkwater, Daniel: The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror
(4 Fantastic Novels, Aladdin (USA), 2000 [pb]. pp.429-619)
- Pinkwater, Daniel & Jill: The Werewolf Club Meets Oliver
Twit (Aladdin Paperbacks (USA), 2002 [pb])
- Pinkwater, Daniel & Jill: The Werewolf Club Meets The
Hound of the Basketballs (Aladdin Paperbacks (USA), 2001 [pb])
- Pitt, Darrell: The Firebird Mystery (Text Publishing
(Australia), 2014)
- Power, Norman S.: The Firland Saga (Halmar (UK), 1970)
- Quackenbush, Robert: Sherlock Chick and the Case of the Night
Noises (Parents Magazine Press (USA), 1990)
- Quackenbush, Robert: Sherlock Chick and the Peekaboo Mystery
(Parents Magazine Press (USA), 1987)
- Razzi, Jim & Mary: "Bones at the Cookie Factory" (The
Sherluck Bones Mystery-Detective Book 1, Bantam Skylark (USA),
- Razzi, Jim & Mary: "The Crooked Cowboy" (The Sherluck
Bones Mystery-Detective Book 1, Bantam Skylark (USA), pp.24-30)
- Razzi, Jim & Mary: "Mixup at the Airport" (The Sherluck
Bones Mystery-Detective Book 1, Bantam Skylark (USA), pp.16-22)
- Razzi, Jim & Mary: "Scotson Solves a Case" (The Sherluck
Bones Mystery-Detective Book 1, Bantam Skylark (USA), pp.40-46)
- Razzi, Jim & Mary: "Who Gets the Prize?" (The Sherluck
Bones Mystery-Detective Book 1, Bantam Skylark (USA), pp.32-38)
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Captive Clairvoyant (Walker
Books (UK), 2006 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Disappearing Detective (Walker
Books (UK), 2005 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Haunted Horrors (Walker Books
(UK), 2009 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Limehouse Laundry (Walker Books
(UK), 2007 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Racehorse Ringer (Walker Books
(UK), 2012 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Ranjipur Ruby (Walker Books
(UK), 2006 [pb])
- Read, Anthony: The Case of the Stolen Sparklers (Walker Books
(UK), 2008 [pb])
Reed, Rod: "Sherlock's Worst Case" (Whiz Comics #79, Fawcett
Publications (USA). pp.24-25)
- Richards, Kel: The Curse of the Pharoahs (Beacon Books
(Australia), 1997 [pb])
- Richards, Kel: Footsteps In the Fog (Sherlock Holmes:
Footsteps in the Fog & Other Stories, Beacon Books
(Australia), 1999 [pb]. pp.110-204)
- Richards, Kel: The Headless Monk (Beacon Books (Australia),
1997 [pb])
- Richards, Kel: The Vampire Serpent (Beacon Books (Australia),
1997 [pb])
- Richards, Kel: The Waters of Death (Sherlock Holmes: Footsteps
in the Fog & Other Stories, Beacon Books (Australia), 1999
[pb]. pp.2-105)
- Richards, Kel: Wolfman of Dartmoor (Sherlock Holmes: Footsteps
in the Fog & Other Stories, Beacon Books (Australia), 1999
[pb]. pp.208-302)
- Roberts, Richard: Rags to Riches: The Case of the Hire Shop
Fiend (MDF The BiPolar Organistion (UK), 2006)
- Robinson, Ian: "Rupert and the Pharaoh's Treasure" (The Rupert
Annual: 75th Anniversary Edition, Pedigree Books (UK), 1995.
- Rock, Brian: The Deductive Detective (Sylvan Dell (USA), 2013)
- Rodgers, Frank: Sherlock Mr Croc (A&C Black (UK), 2010
- Ross, Scott: Sherlock Hound and the Case of the Foul Smell
(Unicorn Publishing House (USA), 1993)
- Sadar, Albin: Hamster Holmes: A Mystery Comes Knocking (Simon
& Schuster (USA), 2015)
- Salmon, Michael: Who Did It? At the Beach (Five Mile Press
(Australia), 1995)
- Salmon, Michael: Who Did It? At the Circus (Five Mile Press
(Australia), 1995)
- Salmon, Michael: Who Did It? At the Zoo (Five Mile Press
(Australia), 1995)
- Salmon, Michael: Who Did It? In the Old Castle (Five Mile
Press (Australia), 1995)
- Salwi, Dilip M.: "The Error of Sherlock Holmes - Part II"
(Children's World, Volume 9 Number 8 (India), 1976. pp.28-30)
- Simmons, Alex & Bill McCay: The Raven League: Sherlock
Holmes is Missing! (Sleuth Razorbill (USA), 2006)
- Sipherd, Ray: Sherlock Hemlock and the Creatures from Outer
Space (Western Publishing Company (USA), 1981)
- Sivers, Brenda: Count Dobermann of Pinscher (Abelard (UK),
- Sivers, Brenda: Hound and the Witching Affair (Beaver (UK),
1981 [pb])
- Sivers, Brenda: Hound in the Highlands (Beaver (UK), 1981
- Smath, Jerry: Classroom Capers (Troll Associates (USA), 1994)
- Smith, Lawrance: The Deeds of Doyly McPurr (Rex Collings (UK),
- Sommers, Tish: A Bird's Best Friend (Western Publishing
Company (USA), 1986)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets (Philomel
(USA), 2008)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Cryptic Crinoline (Philomel
(USA), 2009)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Gypsy Goodbye (Philomel
(USA), 2010)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Left-Handed Lady (Sleuth
Philomel (USA), 2007)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Missing Marquess (Sleuth
Philomel (USA), 2006)
- Springer, Nancy: The Case of the Peculiar Pink Fan (Philomel
(USA), 2008)
- Stevenson, Peter (Illustrator): "Sherlock Hound" (5-Minute
Puppy Tales for Bedtime, Derrydale (USA), 1996. p.31)
- Stone, David Lee: The Dwellings Debacle (Hodder (UK), 2006
- Tallarico, Tony: What’s Wrong Here? At the Movies (Kidsbooks
(USA), 1991)
- Thoene, Jake & Luke: The Giant Rat of Sumatra (Thomas
Nelson, Inc. (USA), 1995 [pb])
- Thoene, Jake & Luke: The Jewelled Peacock of Persia
(Moorings (USA), 1996 [pb])
- Thoene, Jake & Luke: The Mystery of the Yellow Hands
(Moorings (USA), 1995 [pb])
- Thoene, Jake & Luke: The Thundering Underground (Thomas
Nelson, Inc. (USA), 1998 [pb])
- Titus, Eve: Basil and the Lost Colony (Archway (USA), 1978
- Titus, Eve: Basil and the Pygmy Cats (Minstrel (USA), 1989
- Titus, Eve: Basil In Mexico (Archway (USA), 1977 [pb])
- Titus, Eve: Basil in the Wild West (Minstrel (USA), 1990 [pb])
- Titus, Eve: Basil of Baker Street (Knight (UK), 1986 [pb])
- Tryon, Leslie: Albert's Halloween: The Case of the Stolen
Pumpkins (Scholastic (USA), 1998)
- Wallace, Karen & Emma Damon: The Case of the Fiendish
Dancing Footprints (Young Hippo (UK), 2002)
- Walt Disney Productions: The Mystery of the Missing Peanuts
(Purnell (UK), 1977)
- Warriner, Mercer: Sabrina The Teenage Witch: Hounded By
Baskervilles (Pocket Books (USA), 2002)
- Whitehouse, Howard: The Island of Mad Scientists (Kids Can
Press (Canada), 2008)
- Whitman, John: "The Case of the Maestro's Ghost" (Shirley
Holmes: The Case of the Maestro's Ghost and the Case of the
Second Sight, Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.1-58)
- Whitman, John: "The Case of the Missing Marbles" (Shirley
Holmes: The Case of the Missing Marbles and the Case of the
Rising Moon, Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.1-39)
- Whitman, John: "The Case of the Rising Moon" (Shirley Holmes:
The Case of the Missing Marbles and the Case of the Rising Moon,
Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.43-90)
- Whitman, John: "The Case of the Second Sight" (Shirley Holmes:
The Case of the Maestro's Ghost and the Case of the Second
Sight, Dell (USA), 1999 [pb]. pp.61-116)
- Wicklund, Linda & Shelly Nielsen: "The Case of the Crafty
Serpent" (Adventure Club: Exploring the Universe of God's
Promises, Davd C. Cook Publishing Co. (USA), 1990. pp.108-109,
- Wilson, Bob: Stanley Bagshaw and the Frantic Film Fiasco
(Puffin (UK), 1998 [pb])
- Yolen, Jane: Shirlick Holmes and the Case of the Wandering
Wardrobe (Coward, McGann & Geoghegan (USA), 1981)
- Young, Richard & Judy Dockrey: "Rap…Rap…Rap!" (Favorite
Scary Stories of American Children, August House (USA), 1990.