A listing of books, stories (both real and fictional), poems and historical documents mentioned in Sherlockian pastiches and parodies. Titles in italics are fictitious.
Click on these links for publication details of editions used for indexing:
Habakuk Jephson's Chronicle - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist (Roberta Rogow) 94
Habakuk Jephson's Statement - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Problem of the Missing Miss (Roberta Rogow) 15; The Problem of the Spiteful Spiritualist (Roberta Rogow) 94
Un Habitant de la Plančte Mars: The League of
Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 2 (Alan Moore & Kevin
O'Neill) 62
Habitats and Behaviour of Tropical Snakes and Lizards
- Ophelia Wermeston: The Monster of the Mere (Philip
Purser-Hallard) 161
"Had Gadya": "The House that Jack Built" (Edward Wellen) 280
Hagstrom Street Guide: "The Adventure of the Gowanus
Abduction" (Joyce Harrington) 167
Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy - Lynley Dodd:
The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (H.G. Parry) 121
Haldane On Poisons - Daniel Haldane: "The Execution of Sherlock Holmes" (Donald Thomas) 47
Halsbury's Laws of England: "The Ghost in the Machine" (Donald Thomas) 36
The Hand of Fu Manchu - Sax Rohmer: The
Sax of Fu Manchu by Hand Rohmer: The Book of
Changes (R.H.W. Dillard) 65
Handbook for Westmorland, Cumberland, and the Lakes:
The Monster of the Mere (Philip Purser-Hallard) 8, 12, 18
Handbook of Medicine - Casper-Liman: "The Case of the Phantom Chambermaid" (Donald Thomas) 258
Handbook of the Practise of Forensic Medicine - Casper: All-Consuming Fire (Andy Lane) 62
Handbook to Simla - Towell: The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes (Jamyang Norbu) 71
Handbuch für Untertsuchungsrichter als System der Kriminalistik - Hans Gross: The Great Game (Michael Kurland) 127, 256; Sherlock Holmes and The Masquerade Murders (Frank Thomas) 201; Brigade (M.J.Trow) 262
Handwriting as a Guide Towards Vocation & Attitude - Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes and the Golden Bird (Frank Thomas) 3
The Hangman's Cellar - Hugh Abergavenny: "The Case of the Suicidal Lawyer" (Martin Edwards) 395
Sherlock Holmes and The Seven Deadly Sins Murders (Barry Day)
38; Sherlock Holmes and The Shakespeare Globe Murders (Barry
Day) 21; "The Adventure
of the Swaddled Railwayman" (Richard Dinnick) 240; Supping
with Panthers (Tom Holland) 338-339; The Stuff of Nightmares
(James Lovegrove) 102; The Hampstead Poisonings (Glen
Petrie) 137; Lestrade and The Dead Man's Hand
(M.J.Trow) 93; Lestrade and The Hallowed House (M.J.Trow) 499,
511; "Sherlock Holmes and
The Underground Car Park" (Alan Watkins) 306
"The Happiness of the World" - Christophe Plantin:
Gub-Gub’s Book (Hugh Lofting) 857-860
The Happy Prince - Oscar Wilde: Jack the Ripper: Case Closed (Gyles Brandreth) 288
Hard Times - Charles Dickens: The Master Sleuth on the
Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 180; The Dons and
Mr Dickens (William J. Palmer) 83
Harper's Accountants' Directory: Sherlock Holmes in Japan (Vasudev Murthy) 70
Harriet the Spy - Louise Fitzhugh: "The Last of Sheila-Locke Holmes" (Laura Lippman) 216, 218
Hart's Army List: Brigade (M.J. Trow) 319; Lestrade and The Brother of Death (M.J.Trow) 105
Hart's Navy List: Lestrade and the Sign of Nine (M.J. Trow) 60
Harzreise im Winter - Goethe: "Aber abseits, wer ist's?...": "An Affair in Ravello" (Ted Riccardi)
The Haunted Hotel - Wilkie Collins: The D. Case (Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini) 386, 413-414
"The Haunted Man" - Charles Dickens: "Lord, keep my memory green": "Fool’s Gold" (Martin Rosenstock) 115
The Hawk of Egypt or Zareh the Cruel - Joan Conquest: Pirate King (Laurie R. King) 43
Hawker's Diaries - Colonel Peter Hawker:"The Case of the Sporting Squire"(Guy N. Smith) 154
"Hazards of the Iron-Welding Trade" - Dr. Henry Barton: Sherlock Holmes and The Railway Maniac (Barrie Roberts) 96
Headlong Hall - Peacock: The Night Mayor (Kim Newman) 28
Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad: The Strange Adventures of
Charlotte Holmes (Hilary Bailey) 185; The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon) 52; All-Consuming Fire (Andy Lane)
295; "The Adventure of the Half-Melted Wolf" (Marcia Wilson)
"Whited sepulchre": Good Morning, Irene
(Carole Nelson Douglas) 140; Irene's Last Waltz (Carole
Nelson Douglas) 88
The Heart Sutra: Inspector Ginkgo Tips His Hat To
Sherlock Holmes (Alex Jack) 198
Heartstrings - Miss Bunion: "A Unique
Collection" (Coggeshall Macy) 283
"Heaven" - Rupert Brooke: "Death eddies near...": Time for Sherlock Holmes (David Dvorkin) 79
"Heaven-Haven" - Gerard Manley Hopkins: "Murder To Music" (Anthony Burgess) 187
The Hedgewitch Almanac: The Prayer of the Night
Shepherd (Phil Rickman) 221
Hellas - Percy Bysshe Shelley: "The
world is weary of the past":
"The Adventure of the Purple Poet" (Nicholas Utechin) 349
Heneage's Hertfordshire: Lestrade and The Magpie (M.J.Trow) 47
Heparchia Mystica
- John Dee:
"The Angel of Truth"
(I.A. Watson) 134
Her Benny - Silas Hocking: The Holmes Affair (Graham Moore) 1
"Herbert West: Reanimator" - H.P. Lovecraft: Pulptime (P.H. Cannon) 74
Herbs and Plants of the Thirteenth Century: Their Cultivation and Uses: "The Case of the Sporting Squire"(Guy N. Smith) 154
Hereditary Genius - Francis Galton: "The
Adventure of the Haunted Bagpipes" (Carla Coupe) 190; The
Sinister Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl (Theodora Goss) 106
Herzog - Saul Bellow: Bellow by Saul Herzog: The Book of Changes (R.H.W. Dillard) 65
Heu-Heu or the Monster - H. Rider Haggard: The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 24
Hiawatha - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: "The Adventure of the
Misplaced Hound" (Poul Anderson and Gordon R. Dickson)
105; Sherlock Holmes and the Abbey School Mystery (John Hall)
The Hidden Side of
Things - C.W. Leadbeater: The Case of the
Philosophers' Ring (Randall Collins) 135
The High Sheriffs
of Bristol from 1373 to the Present Day: The Cry
of the Innocents (Cavan Scott) 279
"The Highwayman" - Alfred Noyes
"Back he spurred like a madman"ť:
Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring (M.J. Trow) 111
"Dark in the dark old inn yard": Lestrade
and the Sawdust Ring (M.J. Trow) 190
"He did not come at the dawning...": Lestrade and the
Magpie (M.J. Trow) 163
"The moon was a ghostly galleon...": The Waters of Death (Kel
Richards) 48;
"The road was a ribbon of moonlight"ť:
Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring (M.J. Trow) 194
"Hillbilly Willy" - Rod Tommerlin: Elementary, My Dear Groucho (Ron Goulart) 56, 136
A Himalayan Test Case: Sanguigens and Agglutination - Dr. John Eliot: Supping with Panthers (Tom Holland) 223-224, 245-246
"The Hind and the Panther" - John Dryden: "War seldom enters but where wealth allures": Justice Hall (Laurie R. King) 168
His Final Creation: The Story of the Savage Building: Sherlock Holmes and The Masquerade Murders (Frank Thomas) 76-77
Histoire de Juliette - Marquis de Sade: The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 36
Histoire de la Chimie - Hoefer: The Childhood of Sherlock Holmes (Mona Morstein) 241
Histoire de la Révolution Française - Adolphe Thiers: A Samba for Sherlock (Jô Soares) 29
Historia Anglorum - Matthew Paris: "The Case of the King’s Evil" (Donald Thomas) 84
Historia Ecclesiastica - Bede: Hellbirds (Austin Mitchelson and Nicholas Utechin) 67
Historia Ecclesiastica - Orderic Vitalis: "The Hound of the D’Urbervilles" (Kim Newman) 151, 156
Historia Regum Britanniae - Geoffrey of Monmouth: Shadowfall (Tracy Revels) 94
Historical Sketches - Strabo: Sherlock Holmes: Draco, Draconis (Brett Spencer & Dorian David) 81
History and Practice of Accounting in the Clam Chowder Industry: The Murder of Sherlock Holmes (James Anderson) 164
History of Civilisation in England - Henry Thomas Buckle: "Sherlock Holmes Solves The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Harry B. Smith) 217
The History of Dirt: A Study in Charlotte (Brittany Cavallaro) 33, 200
A History of Draksville Hall: "The Lion of Draksville" (Julian Rathbone) 157
The History of England - Ralph Holinshead: Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 145
History of England - Thomas B. Macauley: The Demon Device (Robert Saffron) 58-59
History of England - Tobias Smollett: Sherlock Holmes and The Giant Rat of Sumatra (Alan Vanneman) 299
A History of Eternity - Jorge Luis Borges: Holmes Entangled (Gordon McAlpine) 11
History of Greyfriars - Quelch: Sherlock Holmes and The Greyfriars School Mystery (Val Andrews) 15-107
The History of Probability - I. Todhunter: Unquiet Spirits (Bonnie MacBird) 457
A History of Reconstructing the South: 1865-1877: "The Circle of Blood" (Steve Leadley) 63
A History of Sarawak Under Its Two White Rajahs - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 122
History of Secret Cults - Ryder: The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes (Jamyang Norbu) 15
The History of Spiritualism - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Baker Street Phantom (Fabrice Bourland) 87; Believe (William Shatner & Michael Tobias) 311
The History of Stamford - E.B. Huntington: The
Adventures of Young Stamford (Richard M. Caplan, M.D.) 87, 89
History of the Afghan Campaign - Colonel
Forbes Macallan:
"The Secret of Shoreswood
Hall" (Denis O. Smith) 360
A History of the British Isles: Season of Madness (Aaron Smith) 26
History of the Chinese Dynasties - Lutz: "The Riddle of the Golden Monkeys" (Loren D. Estleman) 150
History of the Council of Trent: The Case of the Philosophers' Ring (Randall Collins) 16
The History of the Dunbar Family - Sir Walter Scott: "The Adventure of the Iron Box" (Ken Greenwald) 167
History of the Great Rebellion - Clarendon:
"The North Walk Mystery" (Denis O. Smith) 273
A History of the Melbourne Racetrack:
"The Adventure of the Old
School Friend" (Denis O. Smith) 191
The History of the Ottoman Empire: Young Sherlock Holmes (Alan
Arnold) 120
History of the Past Republican Conventions Since 1956:
"The Great Media Mystery" (Art Buchwald) 220
The History of the Punjaub - Colonel Sir
William Dobbin: "A Unique Collection" (Coggeshall Macy)
A History of the Royal Army: "The Case of the Addleton Tragedy" (Jack Grochot) 100
A History of the Serrano Family - Eugenio, Duke of Zamora: The Quest for Bowie's Blade (J.T. Edson) 148
History of the Tattoo - Prescott: "The Mountain of Fear" (Ted Riccardi) 272
History of Tynwald - Crellin: The Winged Wheel (Peter H. Wood) 88, 137-138
The History of Witchcraft - Julian Karswell: Sherlock Holmes: The Breath of God (Guy Adams) 175, 240; "The Things That Shall Come Upon Them" (Barbara Roden) 69, 91
The Hitler Diaries: The Kentish Manor Murders (Julian Symons) 88
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien: Happy Endings (Paul
Cornell) 268; The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (H.G. Parry)
Hohenlinden - Thomas Campbell: "All bloodless lay the untrodden snow": The Tangled Skein (David Stuart Davies) 125
Hollow Dark Places - Hendrik Van Helsing: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 91
"The Hollow Earth" - H.G. Wells: "By Any Other Name" (Michael Dirda) 207
"The Holloway Flat Tragedy" - Ernest Bramah: "The Things That Shall Come Upon Them" (Barbara Roden) 62
'Hollywood Molly' - Jane Danner: Elementary, My Dear Groucho (Ron Goulart) 2, 19, 47, 60, 216-217
Holmes for the Holidays - Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L. Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Waugh: Elementary, She Read (Vicki Delany) 3
Der Holmes-Mythos und Seine Entwicklungen, Mit Einigen Bemerkungen uber das Watson-Problem - Otto Federhut: The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars (Anthony Boucher) 35, 67, 236
Holy Clues - Stephen Kendrick: Night Watch (Stephen Kendrick) 4, 6-7
Holy Thoughts and Good Deeds: The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter (Theodora Goss) 46
The Holy War - John Bunyan: "Voiceover" (Edward Wellen) 226
"Home Thoughts from Abroad" - Robert Browning:"Oh,
be in England...": "The Adventure of the Circular Room" (August
Derleth) 69; The Rainbow Affair (David McDaniel)
22; Lestrade and The Kiss of Horus (M.J. Trow) 159
"That's the wise thrush...": Sherlock
Holmes and the King of Clubs (Steve Hayes & David
Whitehead) 31
Homeopathic Vade Mecum - E.H. Ruddock: "The Execution of Sherlock Holmes" (Donald Thomas) 38
Homer - Alexander Pope: The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes (Hapi) 85-86, 118
Homeric Synchronism - W.E. Gladstone: Wilde About Holmes (Milo Yelesiyevich) 355
L'Homme Machine - Julien Offray de La Mettrie: The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 315
"Hop Frog" - Edgar Allan Poe: Nevermore (William Hjortsberg) 283-284; "The Adventure of the Second William Wilson" (Daniel D. Victor) 74; "The Comfort of the Seine" (Stephen Volk) 34
Horae Paulinae - William Paley: Dracula's Diary (Michael Geare and Michael Corby) 52
An Horatian Ode upon Cromwell’s Return from Ireland - Andrew Marvell: “As if his highest plot, to plant the Bergamot”: The Notched Hairpin (H.F. Heard) 57
"The Horla" - Guy de Maupassant: Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds (Manly W. Wellman and Wade Wellman) 38-39
Horrible London - George Sims: Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 100
"The Horror at Red Hook" - H.P. Lovecraft: Pulptime (P.H. Cannon) 86-87
The Horror of the Heights - Arthur Conan Doyle: "By Any Other Name" (Michael Dirda) 206
"The Horse of the Invisible" - William Hope Hodgson: "The Greek Invertebrate" (Kim Newman) 325
Houdini: A Mind in Chains - Bernard C. Meyer: Killer Finish (Denny Martin Flinn) 30
Houdini: The Untold Story: The Adventure of the Ectoplasmic Man (Daniel Stashower) 15
The Hounds of Vaudeville - Edward Malone: "A Study in Scarborough" (Guy Adams) 134
The House of Silk - Anthony Horowitz: Elementary, She Read (Vicki Delany) 77
The House of Souls - Arthur Machen: Doctor Watson and the
Invisible Man (Noel Downing) 42
The House of the Seven Gables - Nathaniel Hawthorne:
"The Yellow Band; or From New York to San Francisco by
Freight" (Anonymous) 6
The House of the Vampire - George Sylvestre Viereck: The Seventh Bullet (Daniel D. Victor) 24, 81, 88, 135-136, 142, 146-148, 155-157, 173
The House of the Wolf - Stanley Weyman: "By Any Other Name" (Michael Dirda) 205
The House on the Edge of Tomorrow: The League of Heroes (Xavier Mauméjean) 237
"The House that Jack Built": "The House that Jack Built" (Edward Wellen) 279-280, 284, 287, 291, 296-298
The House without a Key - Earl Derr Biggers: San
Francisco Kills (Denny Martin Flinn) 66
The Housekeeper’s Handbook - Moira Bea
Lenny: "The Cherry in the Cake" (Sally Morgan) 17
"How Eloquent Are Eyes" - Percy Bysshe Shelley: "Age cannot love destroy...": The House of Smoke (Sam Christer)
How I Did It - Victor von Frankenstein:
The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win
Scott Eckert) 91
How It's Done: Magical Secrets Revealed -
Leonard Midge: “The Adventure of the Vanishing Lord”
(Sally Morgan) 59
"How the King Held the Brigadier" - Arthur Conan Doyle: Baskerville (John O’Connell) 92
How the Other Half Lives - Jacob Riis: The Adventure of the Dead
Rabbits Society (Philip J. Carraher) 32
How to Become a Detective in Six Weeks:
"Sheerluck Holmes Deduces!" (J. Raymond Elderdice) 127
How to be Happy Though Married: "Dr Watson’s Wedding Present" (J. Alston Cooper) 166
How to Become a Detective by Post: "B-Men" (Anonymous) 90
How to Break a House Dog: "The Hound of the Basketballs" (Harvey Kurtzman and Bill Elder) 71
How to Build a Spaceship with Your Son – Fidel Alvarado: Sherlock Sam and the Sinister Letters in Bras Basah (A.J. Low) 118
How to House Break a Dog: "The Hound of the Basketballs" (Harvey Kurtzman and Bill Elder) 71
"How to Live on $36,000 a Year" - F. Scott Fitzgerald: Locked Rooms (Laurie R. King) 285
How to Make-Up: A Practical Guide to the Art of Making-Up - Haresfoot and Rouge: Moriarty (John Gardner) 56; The Return of Moriarty (John Gardner) 106
How to Rid the Fatherland of the Curse of the Jews - Dr Helga Krieger: Elementary, My Dear Groucho (Ron Goulart) 98, 105-106, 116-117, 132, 250
How to Rig a Trapeze - Jules Leotard: Lestrade and The Sawdust Ring (M.J.Trow) 202
How to Save Fuel - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 118
How to Take Care of a Jag When You Get One - Professor Boozem: "The Alcohol Annihilator" (Augustus Wittfeld) 293
How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes - Daniel Smith: Elementary, She Read (Vicki Delany) 22-23, 138, 171, 295
How to Win Friends and Influence Morons: Elementary, My Dear Groucho (Ron Goulart) 194
"How to Write a Blackwood Article" - Edgar Allan Poe: "The Death of Moriarty" (Peter Guttridge) 573
Howl - Allen Ginsberg: The Book of Changes (R.H.W. Dillard) 65
Hoyle's Rules: "A La Sherlock Holmes" (Charles Loomis) 55
"Hudibras" - Samuel Butler: "Spare the rod and spoil the child": Death Cloud (Andrew Lane) 173
Human Origins - Arthur Conan Doyle: Sherlock Holmes: My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 144
A Hundred and One Things a retired Police Superintendent Ought To Know, Volume Thirteen: Lestrade and the Magpie (M.J. Trow) 122
A Hundred and One Things to Do with a Boy: Lestrade and The Mirror of Murder (M.J. Trow) 53
Hung Lou Meng - Ts'ao Hsüeh-ch'in : Ten Years Beyond
Baker Street (Cay Van Ash) 250
"Hunted Down" - Charles Dickens:
"Sherlock Holmes Solves the Mystery of Edwin Drood"
(Harry B. Smith) 223-224
"Hunter Quatermain's Story" - H. Rider Haggard: The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 24
Hunter's Encyclopedia of Disease: Young Sherlock Holmes (Alan Arnold) 26
The Hunting of the Snark - Lewis Carroll: Sherlock
Holmes and The Alice In Wonderland Murders (Barry Day) 180
"Come to my arms, my beamish boy!": Sherlock
Holmes and the Alice in Wonderland Murders (Barry Day) 180
"He has softly and suddenly vanished away- for the Snark
was a Boojum, you see": Sherlock Holmes and the
Alice in Wonderland Murders (Barry Day) 180
"Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!": Sherlock
Holmes and the Alice in Wonderland Murders (Barry Day) 180
"Hymn to Proserpine" - Algernon Swinburne: "Thou hast conquered, oh pale Galilean...": Anno Dracula (Kim Newman) 257
Hymns Ancient and Modern: "Sherlock Speaks Again" (Anonymous) 32; The
Monstrous Regiment (Glen Petrie) 249; "Sherlock Holmes and
Certain Critics" (Ellis G. Roberts) 101; The Island of Mad
Scientists (Howard Whitehouse) 149
The Hymns of the Rig Veda - Ralph T.H. Griffith: Sherlock Holmes: My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 221
"Hyperion" - John Keats: "The Butler's Footprints" (David Scott) 28
Hypnosis in a Hurry:
“The Adventure of the Vanishing Lord” (Sally Morgan) 50
I Am Cool - Jonathan Quicksilver: The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror (Daniel Pinkwater) 463
I Caught Crippen - Walter Dew: Brigade (M.J. Trow) 246; Lestrade and the Brother of Death (M.J. Trow) 9, 25; Lestrade and The Devil's Own (M J Trow) 15, 44, 76, 82, 84; Lestrade and The Kiss of Horus (M.J.Trow) 27; Lestrade and The Leviathan (M.J.Trow) 115, 147-148, 250
I Ching: Inspector Ginkgo Tips His Hat To Sherlock Holmes (Alex Jack) 138, 209; The Case of the 2nd Séance (Sam McCarver) 73; The Probability Pad (T.A. Waters) 14, 58, 111; Everybody's Favorite Duck (Gahan Wilson) 95
I Married a Headhunter - Beveridge: The Confessions of Mycroft Holmes (Marcel Theroux) 101-102
"I Remember, I Remember" - Thomas Hood: Young Sherlock: The Mystery of the Manor House (Gerald Frow) 116
I, Robot - Isaac Asimov: East of Ealing (Robert Rankin) 100
I Rode with Wyatt: Tombstone's Invisible Man - Buckskin Frank McQuethy: The 6 Messiahs (Mark Frost) 182
"I Saw Eternity the Other Night" - Henry Vaughan: The Monstrous Regiment (Glen Petrie) 263
"I Travelled Among Unknown Men" - William Wordsworth: Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance (Gyles Brandreth) 244
I Was a Transvestite Mormon: A Three-Pipe Problem (Julian Symons) 52
Iceland, Its Scenes and Sagas - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 122
Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow: Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance (Gyles Brandreth) 184; "The Ghost of Sherlock Holmes" (Leslie Halliwell) 246
"Idylls of the King" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
"The Lancelot Connection" (Matthew Booth) 33; Moriarty
(John Gardner) 235; Enter the Lion (Michael P.
Hodel and Sean M. Wright) 173; Anno Dracula (Kim
Newman) 330; The White Worm (Sam Siciliano) 30; "The Case of
the Ghosts at Bly" (Donald Thomas) 234, 243; "The Case of the
Greek Key (Donald Thomas) 149
"Live pure, speak true...": Moriarty (John Gardner) 235
"The old order changeth": The Case of the 2nd
Séance (Sam McCarver) 33
The Iliad - Homer: Mycroft & Sherlock: The Empty
Birdcage (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar & Anna Waterhouse) 170,
232-233; "Dr Watson and Mr Holmes, or The Worm That Turned"
(J.W. Courtney) 254; The List of 7 (Mark Frost) 50; The Case of the Missing Stradivarius (Emanuel E.
Garcia) 21; The Language of Bees (Laurie R. King) 14;
The Labyrinth of Death
(James Lovegrove) 95; The Adventure of the Peculiar
Protocols (Nicholas Meyer) 202; The Canary Trainer (Nicholas
Meyer) 220; The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,
Volume 2 (Allan Moore & Kevin O'Neill) 114; The
Moonstone’s Curse (Sam Siciliano) 61; The Confessions of
Mycroft Holmes (Marcel Theroux) 84; Sherlock Holmes and The
Golden Bird (Frank Thomas) 87; Wilde About Holmes (Milo
Yelesiyevich) 271, 356
"Sing, goddess, the anger of...": Deadpool
Killustrated (Cullen Bunn & Matteo Lolli) 90
"I'll Get You Yeti" - Colonel Sebastian Moran: "A Volume in Vermilion" (Kim Newman) 64
The Illustrated History of Bugland: "The Case of the Frightened Scholar" (William Kotzwinkle) 41-43, 45-46
The Illustrated History of Bugland, Volume II: "The Case of the Frightened Scholar" (William Kotzwinkle) 53-54
The Illustrated Mother Goose: The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 32
Imagining Fact: Avedoi Merek in the Council of Ferra - Shamrock Ferret: The Last War: Detective Ferrets and the Case of the Golden Hope (Richard Bach) 131
An Imbolc Carol - Charolis Dickens: Druid's Blood (Esther M. Friesner) 171
Immaturity - George Bernard Shaw: The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter (Lewis S. Feuer) 37
"The Imp of the Perverse" - Edgar Allan Poe: The Night Calls (David Pirie)
52, 74; "The Black Heaven" (Ron Weighell) 115
The Imperfect Lover - Andrew Soutar: "Drama in the
Library!" (The Onlooker) 5
The Imperial German Army List: The Hampstead Poisonings (Glen Petrie) 145
Implied Logic in Everyday Life: Some Danger Involved (Will Thomas) 24
Imprisoned With the Pharoahs - Harry Houdini / H.P. Lovecraft: Pulptime (P.H.Cannon) 29-31
Improving the Obedience Dog: The Barker Street Regulars (Susan Conant) 79
In Darkest England: The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade (M.J.Trow)
In Darkest London - Margaret Harkness: A Knife in the
Fog (Bradley Harper) 32-33, 272-273
"In Memoriam" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Master
Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 194;
Sherlock Holmes Investigates the Murder In Euston Square
(Ronald Pearsall) 33, 100
"Sorrow makes us wise": The Shadow of the Rat
(David Stuart Davies) 126
"In Memoriam Sherlock Holmes" - Christopher Morley:
The Adventures of Young Stamford (Richard M. Caplan, M.D.) 3;
The Giant Rat of Sumatra
(Daniel Gracely) 3
In Memory Of - Iacomo Van der Berg: The Affair
of the Mysterious Letter (Alexis Hall) 152
In My Father's House - Princess Irulan: The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 141
In Praise of Anguish - Dr John
F. Watson: The Secret Files of Sherlock Holmes (June
Thomson) 8
In Search of the Okapi - Colonel George
Court: Sherlock Holmes and the Tomb of Terror (Val
Andrews) 7
In the Dusk of the Dawn - Father Surin: The Book of Changes (R.H.W.Dillard) 91
In the Forbidden Land - Henry Savage Landor: Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 152
In the MIddle Watch - William Clark Russell: "The Adventure of the Slipshod Charlady" (John Hall) 29
In the Shadow of the Rope - Christopherson: Dr Mortimer and The Barking Man Mystery (Gerard Williams) 121
"In the Workhouse: Christmas Day" - George R. Sims: Jack the Ripper: Case Closed (Gyles Brandreth) 210
"Incerti Auctoris te Vigilans Oculis": "Illic te Venus...": Druid's Blood (Esther M. Friesner) 35
"The Inchcape Rock" - Robert Southey: "The Bell Rock Light" (Guy Haley) 208-209
Index-Catalogue of Washington: "Bibliographic Bones" (Frank Place) 48, 51
Index Expurgatorius: Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (James Lovegrove) 266
Index Liborum Prohibitorum: "The Kingdom of the Blind" (Adrian Middleton) 57, 64, 67
Index Medicus: "Bibliographic Bones" (Frank Place) 48-51
India and the Colonial Experience - Krishnan Viswarath: Night Watch (Stephen Kendrick) 60
Indian Antiquities - Thomas Maurice: "An Affair in Ravello" (Ted Riccardi) 4
Indestructible Shapes – John Halson: Sherlock Sam and the Sinister Letters in Bras Basah (A.J. Low) 31, 79
"Indoor Sports" - Tad Dorgan: Nevermore (William Hjortsberg) 65
Industrial Democracy - Sidney & Beatrice Webb: Durkheim Is Dead! (Arthur Asa Berger) 108
Ineffabilis Deus - Pius IX: Allan Quatermain at the Dawn of Time  (Thos. Kent Miller) cxxviii
The Inferno - Dante: The Adventures of Young Stamford
(Richard M. Caplan, M.D.) 26; The Curse of the Nibelung (Marcel D'Agneau)
122; The Shadow of the
Rat (David Stuart Davies) 60; The Tangled Skein (David
Stuart Davies) 143; Sherlock Holmes and The
Apocalypse Murders (Barry Day) 177; Sherlock Holmes and The
Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 111, 168; From Prussia with Love
(John DeChancie) 236; The
Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott
Eckert) 145; "Flashman and the Tiger" (George MacDonald
Fraser) 303; The Whitechapel Horrors (Edward B. Hanna) 134;
A Knife in the Fog (Bradley Harper) 81; "The Italian
Sherlock Holmes" (Reginald Hill) 236; Enter the Lion (Michael P.
Hodel and Sean M. Wright) 170; "The Shadows on the Lawn"
(Barry Jones) 142; The Beekeeper's Apprentice (Laurie R. King)
348; Death By Gaslight (Michael Kurland) 259; All-Consuming Fire (Andy Lane)
223; "The
Weeping Masks" (James Lowder) 99; "The Adventure of
the Voorish Sign" (Richard A. Lupoff) 369; Sherlock Holmes and The Ice
Palace Murders (Larry Millett) 47, 290; Sherlock
Holmes The Missing Years: Timbuktu (Vasudev Murthy) 213; The
Case of Emily V (Keith Oatley) 67; Evolution (John Peel) 55; The Hampstead Poisonings (Glen
Petrie) 136; The Monstrous Regiment (Glen Petrie)
134; "The Case of the Vermilion Face" (Ted Riccardi) 203, 210;
The Baker Street Letters (Michael Robertson) 166;
"Curtain Call" (J.
Scherpenhuizen) 286; The Web Weaver (Sam Siciliano)
177; A Samba for Sherlock (Jô Soares) 16; "A Most Diabolical
Plot" (Tim Symonds) 302; Ten
Years Beyond Baker Street (Cay Van Ash) 17; "The Sect of the Salamander"
(Ron Weighell) 103
"Abandon hope all ye who enter here":
"Death of a Mudlark"
(Stuart Douglas) 21; The Devil and the Four (Sam
Siciliano) 254; Some Danger Involved (Will Thomas) 13
"CosĂŹ andammo infino alla lumera...": "The
Case of the French Savant" (Ted Riccardi) 118
"Gia era, e con paura il metto in metro...":
Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace Murders (Larry Millett)
"If he were beautiful as he is hideous": The
Monstrous Regiment (Glen Petrie) 252
"Lasciate ogne speranza...": The Angel of the Opera
(Sam Siciliano) 20
The Infinitely Profound Sayings of Confucius: The Immortal Nightingale (Don Bosco) 28-30
The Inflammatory Journals of Magister Nicolas Francken of Viborg: "The Adventure of the Unknown Worm" (Daniel McGachey) 70
The Influence of Alcohol Upon the Processes of Deduction - John J. Malone: "International Investigators, Inc." (E.G. Ashton) 73
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783 - Alfred Thayer Mahan: "The Circle of Blood" (Steve Leadley) 17-18
The Innocence of Father Brown - G.K. Chesterton: And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 221-222
Innocents Abroad - Mark Twain: "The Disappearance of Caroline Erskine" (Michael Mallory) 230; "The Adventure of the Jersey Girl" (Bill Peschel) 362; "The Adventure of the Stomach Club Papers" (Bill Peschel) 327; "The Humorist’s Curse" (Bill Peschel) 261
Inquest - Edward Jay Epstein: Sherlock Holmes in Dallas (Edmund Aubrey) 31
Insanity - Henry Maudsley: "The Case of the King’s Evil" (Donald Thomas) 77
Inside Cats - Edvard Hagerup: Basil and The Lost Colony (Eve Titus) 19
The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu - Sax Rohmer: Killer Finish (Denny Martin Flinn) 198; Gods of War (James Lovegrove) 111
The Inspector Grey Stories - Bertram Fletcher Robinson: The Case of the Grave Accusation (Dicky Neely) 75-77
Institutio Oratoria - Quintilian: "The House That Jack Built" (Edward Wellen) 280
Instructions to Coroners - Song Ci: Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon Sigil (Tim Symonds) 234
Instructions to Young Sportsmen - Colonel Peter Hawker:"The Case of the Sporting Squire"(Guy N. Smith) 154
Instrumentology - Tycho Brahe: Dreaming Spies (Laurie R. King) 232
The Insulted and the Injured - Dostoevsky: The D. Case
(Carlo Fruttero and Franco Lucentini) 34, 262
Insurance Brokers' Who's Who: "Miss Nightingale
Sang in Berkeley Square" (M.J. Trow) 378
Insurgent Mexico - John Reed: "The Case of the Zimmermann Telegram" (Donald Thomas) 301
Interesting Localities - see: Black's Guide to Roads, Railways and Interesting Locations
Internationales Centralblatt fuer Laryngologie und
Rhonologie: "Bibliographic Bones" (Frank Place) 50
The Inter-Planetary Columbus - Graeme M. Harcourt:
The Vanishing Man (Philip Purser-Hallard) 265-267
The Interpretation of Dreams - Sigmund Freud: Sherlock Holmes' Last Case (Robert D'Artagnan) 309; "Sherlock Holmes and the Ghost of Christmas Past" (David Stuart Davies) 325, 327; Sherlock Holmes and The Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 56; Sherlock Holmes and The Shakespeare Globe Murders (Barry Day) 121; European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman (Theodora Goss) 239; Locked Rooms (Laurie R. King) 11; The Case of Emily V (Keith Oatley) 13, 40-41, 48-49, 59, 67, 103, 128, 149, 311, 350
The Intimate Encounter of Fanny Hill and Moll Flanders: "The Problem of the Final Adventure" (Kim Newman) 386
"Intimations of Immortality" - William Wordsworth: The
Rainbow Affair (David McDaniel) 154
"But I yet know, where'er I go, that
there hath passed away a glory from the earth": The
Rainbow Affair (David McDaniel) 154
"The rainbow comes and goes...": The Rainbow Affair
(David McDaniel) 154
"A timely utterance gave that thought relief":
Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance (Gyles Brandreth)
"To me the meanest flower that blows...":
Oscar Wilde and a Death of No Importance (Gyles Brandreth)
Intricacies - Dozyphrase: "The Major
General's Pepper-Pots" (John Kendrick Bangs) 210
An Introduction to Entomology - William Kirby &
William Spence: Sherlock Holmes and the Beast of the
Stapletons (James Lovegrove) 40, 260
Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation - Jeremy Bentham: A Slight Trick of the Mind (Mitch Cullin) 144
The Invasion of 1910 - William Le Queux: Spy Hunter (H.B. Lyle) 68; The Bloody
Red Baron (Kim Newman) 16; Sherlock Holmes: The
Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 233
An Investigation into the Life of Alexander the Great
- Stanislaus Addleton:
"The Adventure of the Giant’s Hand" (Matthew Booth) 5
Invictus - William Ernest Henley: A Knife in the Fog (Bradley Harper) 227-228; The Execution of Newcome Bowles (Allan D. Mickle) 45
The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (K.J. Anderson) 48; The Baker Street Phantom (Fabrice Bourland) 167; The Osiris Curse (Paul Crilley) 19; Doctor Watson and the Invisible Man (Noel Downing) 1, 3-8, 13, 19, 52, 62, 66-67, 127; Holmes Coming (Kenneth Johnson) 41; "Sherlock Holmes and the Butterfly Effect" (Cristina Macía with Ian Watson) 278; The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep (H.G. Parry) 87; The Patient's Eyes (David Pirie) 6; The Spider’s Web (Philip Purser-Hallard) 149; The Seventh Bullet (Daniel D. Victor) 146
"L'Invitation au Voyage" - Baudelaire: A Samba for Sherlock (Jô Soares) 47
Irene's Peranakan Recipes - Irene Yeo: Sherlock Sam and the Missing Heirloom in Katong (A.J. Low) 60
The Irrational Knot - George Bernard Shaw: The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter (Lewis S. Feuer) 37
Irritant Poisons - Stevenson: "The
Case of the King’s Evil" (Donald Thomas) 77
"Is There for Honest Poverty" - Robert Burns: "A
man's a man for a' that": Lestrade and the Gift of the
Prince (M.J. Trow) 62
Isaiah and the Universal God - Rabbi Leonard Mandleberg: Night Watch (Stephen Kendrick) 60
Isis Unveiled - Helena Blavatsky: The List of 7 (Mark Frost) 1-2, 43, 64; Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (James Lovegrove) 260; The Arcanum (Thomas Wheeler) 23
Islam Comes to Egypt - Maurice Steed-Spaulding: Sherlock Holmes and The Sacred Sword (Frank Thomas) 35
The Island of Dr.
Moreau - H.G. Wells: "A Case of Royal Blood"
(Steven-Elliot Altman) 78; The Dracula Caper (Simon Hawke) 14; "A Matter
Without Gravity" (Alain le Bussy) 131, 143; The Seventh
Bullet (Daniel D. Victor) 146
"Fear the Law": Sherlock Holmes: The Army
of Dr Moreau (Guy Adams) 123, 184, 196, 210, 244
"He is not dead...": Sherlock Holmes: The
Army of Dr Moreau (Guy Adams) 131, 197
"The Islanders" - Rudyard Kipling: "Flannelled fools": Sherlock Holmes at the 1902 Fifth Test (Stanley Shaw) 118
It Is Time, Lord - Fred Chappell: It Is Time, Fred by Lord Chappell: The Book of Changes (R.H.W.Dillard) 65
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott : Mrs Hudson and the Malabar Rose (Martin Davies) 200; The Crusader’s Curse (Stuart Douglas) 93; Holmes on the Range (Steve Hockensmith) 117; A Study in Ashes (Emma Jane Holloway) 327; The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols (Nicholas Meyer) 102; "The Hound of the D’Urbervilles" (Kim Newman) 155; The Web Weaver (Sam Siciliano) 293; Lestrade and the Hallowed House (M.J. Trow) 594; Lestrade and The Sawdust Ring (M.J.Trow) 50
The Ivory Child - H. Rider Haggard: Allan Quatermain at the Dawn of Time  (Thos. Kent Miller) lxi; The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 24
"J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement" - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Other Log of Phileas Fogg (Philip José Farmer) 116; Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 81-82
"Jabberwocky" - Lewis Carroll: Sherlock Holmes and The
Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 139; Irene at Large (Carole Nelson Douglas)
375; Visitors from Oz (Martin Gardner) 66; The Unlikely Escape
of Uriah Heep (H.G. Parry) 254-256; "Dynamics of a Hanging"
(Tony Pi) 334; Sherlock Holmes: My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer)
25-26, 30-32, 259
"Callooh Callay": Oscar
Wilde and a Death of No Importance (Gyles Brandreth) 147;
Your Monkey’s Shmuck (Simon Louvish) 33; Sherlock Holmes: My
Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 259
"O frabjous day": A Letter of Mary (Laurie
R. King) 136; Your Monkey’s Shmuck (Simon Louvish) 33;
Sherlock Holmes: My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 259
"Twas brillig and the slithy toves...": Sherlock
Holmes and the Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 139
J'Accuse - Emile Zola: "Cabaret Aux Assassins" (Cara Black) 229; Prisoner of the Devil (Michael Hardwick) 406
Jack and the Beanstalk: The Punjat's Ruby (Marian J.A.Jackson)
140-141; The Bloody Red Baron (Kim Newman) 245; Shadowblood
(Tracy Revels) 94; Anatomy of Evil (Will Thomas) 142
"Fee Fi Fo Fum": Irene's Last Waltz (Carole
Nelson Douglas) 177, 269, 390; Sherlock Holmes and
the Red Demon (Larry Millett) 146; East of Ealing (Robert
Rankin) 123-124, 144-146, 175, 185
Jack the Giant Killer: Anatomy of Evil (Will Thomas) 142
Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution - Stephen Knight:
Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison)
Jack the Ripper: The Hooker Slasher:
"Honey: Stalking Jack the
Ripper" (Kelly Garrett & Tom Garst) 109
The Jackdaw of Rheims
- Richard Harris Barham: "The Man Who "Bested" Sherlock
Holmes" (Joseph Baron) 3
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë: Something Rotten (Jasper Fforde) 43, 73, 76, 82, 197, 216, 267, 336, 387; Dracula's Diary (Michael Geare and Michael Corby) 10; "The Adventure of the Madman" (Nancy Holder) 73, 81; The White Worm (Sam Siciliano) 111; The Fifth Heart (Dan Simmons) 126
The Japanese Koto - Pentatonic Musical Possibilities for the Western String Ensemble - Sherlock Holmes: Sherlock Holmes in Japan (Vasudev Murthy) 272
"Jaspar" - Robert Southey: The Master Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 115
Jataka: The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes (Hapi) 23
Jaundice in Indonesia: The Jewelled Peacock of Persia (Jake and Luke Thoene) 120
Je est un autre - Arthur Rimbaud: And Then
There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 39
"Jenny Kiss'd Me" - Leigh Hunt: Call the Turn (Zeke
Masters) 17
The Jewel of Seven Stars - Bram Stoker: Seven Stars
(Kim Newman) 329
Jewel of the Thames - Angela Misri: Elementary, She Read (Vicki Delany) 183
"Joan Hunter Dunn" - John Betjeman: The Kentish Manor Murders (Julian Symons) 170, 174
John Burnet of Barns - John Buchan: Sherlock Holmes and The Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 143
John Chilcote, M.P. - Katherine Thurston: "At the St James’s Theatre" (Max Beerbohm) 42
Jonathan Wild - Henry Fielding: "The Adventure of the Eccentric Inventor" (Eugene D. Goodwin) 109; The Incredible Umbrella (Marvin Kaye) 214
Jonathan Wild: Master Criminal - Pierce: Sherlock Holmes and The Golden Bird (Frank Thomas) 166-167, 178-183, 212
Joseph Andrews - Henry Fielding: "For clergy are men as well as other folks": "Missing Parsons" (Douglas Moreton) 149
Journal Intime : Recueil de Pieces Authentiques sur le Captif de Ste. Helene - Comte Henri-Gratien Bertrand: "The Case of the Phantom Chambermaid" (Donald Thomas) 273
A Journal of the
Plague Year - Daniel Defoe: Lestrade and The Kiss of
Horus (M.J.Trow) 103
The Journals of Lewis
& Clark: "Sons of Moriarty" (Loren D. Estleman)
Journey to Lhassa through Western Thibet - Hurree Chunder Mookerjee: The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes (Jamyang Norbu) 142
Journey to the Centre of the Earth - Jules Verne: Sherlock Holmes and the Knave of Hearts (Steve Hayes & David Whitehead) 18; Death in the Air (Shane Peacock) 21-22; The Monster of the Mere (Philip Purser-Hallard) 53; The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 228, 230
Journeys through the Lands of the Bible - Sir Michael Collier: Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (Paul D. Gilbert) 50, 93
The Joy of Sex: San Francisco Kills (Denny Martin Flinn) 134
Juanita - Jeffrey Aspern: "The Case of the Portuguese Sonnets" (Donald Thomas) 149
The Jubilee Book of Cricket - K.S. Ranjitsinhji: The Year of High Treason (Vithal Rajan) 96
The Jubilee of Anaesthetic Midwifery - Sir Alexander R. Simpson: "The Shape of the Skull" (Anoushka Havinden) 435
Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy: The Thinking Engine (James Lovegrove) 142
"Judge Rummy" - Tad Dorgan: Nevermore (William Hjortsberg) 65
"Julian and Maddalo" - Percy Bysshe Shelley: Island of
the Mad (Laurie R. King) 170, 217
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling: Sherlock Holmes and
the Hentzau Affair (David
Stuart Davies) 58; The Adventure of the Three Madmen (Philip José
Farmer) 141, 151, 165; The Abduction of Pretty Penny
(Leonard Goldberg) 211; Evolution (John Peel) 144;
Lestrade and the Gift of the Prince (M.J. Trow) 106-107
Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton: Something Rotten (Jasper Fforde) 328
Jurgen - James Branch Cabell: Locked Rooms (Laurie R. King) 286
"Jus' the Shy" - T.E. Brown: The Winged Wheel (Peter H. Wood) 88-90
Justine or the Misfortunes of Virtue - Marquis de Sade: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 97, 152; Who Thinks Evil (Michael Kurland) 59
Kaloolah - W.S. Mayo: "The Adventure of the Arsenic Dumplings" (Bob Byrne) 228
Kama Sutra: "The Adventure of the Arabian Knight" (Loren D. Estleman) 153; Inspector Ginkgo Tips His Hat To Sherlock Holmes (Alex Jack) 190; "The Case of the Cannibal Club" (Carole Johnstone) 240; Sherlock Holmes and the Servants of Hell (Paul Kane) 81; Dreaming Spies (Laurie R. King) 291-292, 296-298; The Empress of India (Michael Kurland) 198; Who Thinks Evil (Michael Kurland) 59; The Venerable Tiger (Sam Siciliano) 89, 121; Lestrade and the Hallowed House (M.J. Trow) 414; The Probability Pad (T.A.Waters) 139; The Tale Not Told (Constance Wilder-Wokoun) 76-77, 79
Das Kapital - Karl Marx: "Ten Lords A-Leaping" (Jake Arnott) 320, 327; "The Adventure of the Old Russian Woman" (Ian Charnock) 111; Sherlock Holmes and the Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 107; The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter (Lewis S. Feuer) 19, 29, 32, 57, 83, 86, 90, 139-140; The Holmes Factor (Brian Freemantle) 48; The Case of the Maltese Treasure (Thomas Brace Haughey) 105; The Irregular (H.B. Lyle) 267; The Red Ribbon (H.B. Lyle) 213; Sherlock Holmes and the Telegram from Hell (Nicholas Meyer) 186-187; "The Adventure of the Six Maledictions" (Kim Newman) 217; "The Mystery of the Missing Child" (Christine Poulson) 249; The Demon Device (Robert Saffron) 267; Escapade (Walter Satterthwaite) 66; The Case of the Left-Handed Lady (Nancy Springer) 106, 108, 110-111, 170
Katie's Secret: Lestrade and the Leviathan (M.J.Trow) 39
The Katzenjammer Kids (Cartoon Strip): "A Scarletin Study" (Philip José Farmer) 198
Kelly's Directory: The Secret of Sherlock Holmes (Gary F. Boothe) 4; Anatomy of Evil (Will Thomas) 257; Lestrade and the Devil's Own (M.J. Trow) 187-188; Lestrade and the Mirror of Murder (M.J. Trow) 130; Dr Mortimer and the Barking Man Mystery (Gerard Williams) 209
Kenkyusha's Japanese-English Dictionary: The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror (Daniel Pinkwater) 515
Kent Monuments - Corby: The Quallsford Inheritance (Lloyd Biggle Jr.) 110
The Kentish Manor Murders - Schultz: The Kentish Manor Murders (Julian Symons) 60-67, 69-74, 88-91, 93-103, 110-111, 122-124, 129-139, 143-146, 160-164, 172, 178, 183, 189-191
The Key of Solomon: Doctor Watson and the Invisible Man (Noel Downing) 65, 125; "The Gospel of Sheba" (Lyndsay Faye) 221-222, 233; Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (James Lovegrove) 261
"Khaled" - F. Marion Crawford: The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 30
Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson: The D. Case (Carlo
Fruttero & Franco Lucentini) 422; A Study in Crimson
(Robert J. Harris) 18
Killer Mid-On - Hugh Spaulding: And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 32
Kim - Rudyard Kipling: The Game (Laurie R. King) 8, 13, 43, 124, 169,
260, 328; "Kim and Kim Again" (Vithal Rajan) 163; Sherlock
Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 141, 147;
The Dead Can Wait (Robert
Ryan) 68; Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon
Sigil (Tim Symonds) 44; Lestrade and the Hallowed House
(M.J.Trow) 476
"Little friend of the world": The Game
(Laurie R. King) 124
Kimball's British Peerage: The
Spiritglass Charade (Colleen Gleason) 64-65, 264; The Zeppelin
Deception (Colleen Gleason) 20
King Albert's Book: Lestrade and the Magpie (M.J. Trow) 68
King Arthur - Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Anno Dracula
(Kim Newman) 330
The King of Elfland's Daughter - Lord Dunsany: The
Lazarus Machine (Paul Crilley) 35
King Solomon's Mines - H. Rider Haggard: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (K.J. Anderson) 23, 64, 70, 137; Sherlock Holmes and the Tomb of Terror (Val Andrews) 102; "The Adventure of the Conk-Singleton Papers" (John Dickson Carr) 268; Sherlock Holmes and the Thistle of Scotland (L.B.Greenwood) 185; The King Edward Plot (Robert Lee Hall) 22; Allan Quatermain at the Dawn of Time  (Thos. Kent Miller) xxxv- xxxvi, lvii, lix, I; The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 24, 32, 38; Sherlock Holmes on the Roof of the World (Thos. Kent Miller) 11
King's Handbook: The Disappearance of Sherlock Holmes (Larry Millett) 121, 123, 125
"The King's New Clothes" - Hans Christian Andersen: A Taste for Honey (H.F.Heard) 53
Kitab-al-Azrif - Abdul al-Hazred: "The Adventure of the Arab's Manuscript" (Michael Reaves) 272-276, 278, 280-281, 283-285, 288, 294
Kitab al Dunya al Aswad / Kitab el Khaouf - Abdul el Hazid: "The Evil Among Us" (Nicholas Boving) 48-54, 56
"The Knight's Tomb" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
"His soul is with the saints": Lestrade and the Magpie
(M.J. Trow) 56
"Where is the grave of Sir Arthur O'Kellyn": Lestrade
and the Magpie (M.J. Trow) 56
Know The Game: Cricket: Happy Endings (Paul Cornell) 130
Known Chemical Substances: San Francisco Kills (Denny Martin Flinn) 132
"The Kraken" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Master Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 79
"Kubla Khan" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Sherlock
Holmes and the Apocalypse Murders (Barry Day) 137-138, 145,
167, 173, 176; The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes (Hapi) 9, 93-94;
The Case of the Vanishing
Corpse (Robert Newman) 163; Sherlock Holmes in Tibet (Richard Wincor)
"A stately pleasure dome": The Mandala of
Sherlock Holmes (Jamyang Norbu) 232
"Down to a sunless sea": Camera Obscura
(Lavie Tidhar) 585
"In Xanadu did Kubla Khan": Sherlock Holmes in Tibet
(Richard Wincor) 14
"Through caverns measureless to man": The
Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 307
"Through wood and dale the sacred river ran...":
Sherlock Holmes and the Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 187
"Where Alph the acred river ran...":
Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 182;
Lestrade and the Guardian Angel (M.J. Trow) 61
Den Kunskapsrike Skolmästaren - Carl Rosander: Sherlock Holmes and the Rune Stone Mystery (Larry Millett) 48, 176
Die Kunst Ciromantia - Johann Hartlieb: "The Case of the Tell-Tale Hands" (Donald Thomas) 36
Kunst und Altertum - Goethe: "We can study the world as much as we like...": Sherlock Holmes: Draco, Draconis (Brett Spencer & Dorian David) 219
The Ladder of Life - Challenger: "Everything Comes In Circles" (Dana Martin Batory) 22
The Ladies' Moral Companion: The Case of the Bizarre Bouquets (Nancy Springer) 55
The Lady and the Tiger - Stockton: "Sherlock Holmes & 'The Woman'" (Michael Harrison) 127
Lady Chatterley's Lover - D.H. Lawrence: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 97
"Lady Clara Vere de Vere" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
"How e'er it be, it seems to me, 'tis only noble to be
good": The Monstrous Regiment (Glen Petrie) 99
"Kind hearts are more than coronets": The Great
Game (Michael Kurland) 153
The Lady from Knokke-le-Zoute - Gustav Slavorigin: And Then There Was One (Gilbert Adair) 3
Lady Hester and the Danvers Papers - Charlotte M. Yonge: The Revenge of Moriarty (John Gardner) 103
"Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight": The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes (Hapi) 9; Sherlock Holmes in Tibet (Richard Wincor) 15
"The Lady of Shalott" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
The Grimswell Curse (Sam Siciliano) 129
"Elaine the fair, Elaine the lovable":
The Final Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 125
"Four grey walls and four grey towers / overlook a space
of flowers": Sherlock Holmes and the Copycat
Murders (Barry Day) 148, 150, 154
"Lifted up her eyes and loved": The Final
Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 191
"The mirror crack'd from side to side":
Sherlock Holmes and the Copycat Murders (Barry Day) 171;
Good Night, Mr Holmes (Carole Nelson Douglas) 265
"She left the web...": Lestrade and the
Mirror of Murder (M.J. Trow) 151
"The Lady or the Tiger" - Frank R. Stockton: "Sherlock Holmes and 'The Woman' (Michael Harrison) 127
Lady Pakenham's Carbuncle - Percy Hinchcliffe: Lestrade and the Leviathan (M.J.Trow) 144
Lady Rose's Daughter: "Herlock Sholmes Again" (Anonymous) 36
"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" - W.B. Yeats: Watson's
Choice (Gladys Mitchell) 183
"Bee-loud glade": A Taste for Honey
(H.F.Heard) 29
Lake Wobegon Days - Garrison Keiler: Something Rotten (Jasper Fforde) 74
Lament For The Makars - William Dunbar: The Master
Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 91
"Timor mortis conturbat me": The Master
Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 91
Lament For The Molly Maguires - Arthur H. Lewis: Copper Beeches (Arthur H. Lewis) 11-12
The Lamp of Destiny - Ernest Wild: "The Case of the Peasenhall Murder" (Donald Thomas) 178
The Lancashire Witches - William Harrison Ainsworth: The Book of the Dead (Robert Richardson) 65
"The Land Ironclads" - H.G. Wells: The Dead Can Wait (Robert Ryan) 131
The Land of Mist - Arthur Conan Doyle: The
Baker Street Phantom (Fabrice Bourland) 87; Sherlock Holmes:
My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 239
The Land of Oz - L. Frank Baum: Visitors from Oz
(Martin Gardner) 23
The Land Registry: The Hampstead Poisonings (Glen Petrie) 137
The Lanes of Evil - Charles Dickens: Young Sherlock Holmes (Alan Arnold) 170
Lash Cordon, Worldbeater - Andy Blake: The Probability Pad (T.A. Waters) 65
The Last Days of Pompeii - Edward Bulwer-Lytton: "The Adventure of the Abominable Wife" (Paul D. Gilbert) 98
The Last Galley - Arthur Conan Doyle: Slickensides (John Buxton Hilton) 143
The Last of the Barons - Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Lestrade and the Mirror of Murder (M.J.Trow) 131
Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper: The White Worm (Sam Siciliano) 95
The Last Sherlock Holmes Story - Michael Dibdin: Sherlock Holmes and the Mysterious Friend of Oscar Wilde (Russell A. Brown) xiv
Last Stage To Tombstone - Carson Montague:
My Hero (Tom Holt) 25
"The Latest Decalogue" - Arthur Hugh Clough: "Thou
shalt not kill but needst not strive…":
Sherlock Holmes and the Lusitania (Lorraine Daly) 71
Latin For Idiots - Summers: Lestrade and the Gift of the
Prince (M.J.Trow) 13
The Law and Order of Draco - Stanislaus Addleton:
"The Adventure of the Giant’s Hand" (Matthew Booth) 5
"Law and the Dual Personality" - Dr Henry Jekyll: Dr Jekyll and Mr Holmes (Loren D. Estleman) 46
Lawd Today - Richard Wright: Richard Today by Lawd Wright: The Book of Changes (R.H.W.Dillard) 65
"The Lay of Horatius": "Sherlock Holmes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by Deduction, the Brig Bazaar" (Anonymous) 253-254
The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Lestrade and the Sign of Nine (M.J.Trow) 39
The Lay of the Last Minstrel - Sir Walter Scott: Lestrade and the Sign of Nine (M.J. Trow) 39
The Lays of Ancient Rome - Thomas Macauley: "Sherlock
Holmes: Discovering the Border Burghs and, by Deduction, the
Brig Bazaar" (Anonymous) 253-254; Sherlock Holmes and the
Seven Deadly Sins Murders (Barry Day) 125, 127; Death on a
Pale Horse (Donald Thomas) 106; Lestrade and the Hallowed House (M.J.Trow)
"For how can man die better...": "The
Victory Match" (Barry Perowne) 19
"To every man upon this earth Death cometh sooner
or later": The Execution of Newcome Bowles (Allan
D. Mickle) 52
Lead Poisoning in the Age of Rembrandt: The Language of Bees (Laurie R. King) 101
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill: Allan Quatermain at the Dawn of Time  (Thos. Kent Miller) xxxvi- xxxvii
The League of Heroes: The League of Heroes (Xavier Mauméjean) 236-237, 251-252
"The Leather Funnel" - Arthur Conan Doyle: "By Any Other Name" (Michael Dirda) 206
Leaves From A Higland Journal - Queen Victoria: Reply Paid (H.F.Heard) 34; "Holmes In Scotland (W.R.Duncan Macmillan) 129
Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman: The 6 Messiahs (Mark Frost) 136; "The Case of the Portuguese Sonnets" (Donald Thomas) 146, 183, 186
Lectures On Rhetoric - Hugh Blair: Young Sherlock: The Mystery of the Manor House (Gerald Frow) 113
Lectures on Some recent Advances in Physical Science - Peter Guthrie Tait: "The Case of the Ghosts at Bly" (Donald Thomas) 233
"The Legality of Insanity" - Dr Henry Jekyll: Dr Jekyll and Mr Holmes (Loren D. Estleman) 46
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Washington Irving: "Catskill Interlude" (Raymond Barrett) 415; "The Adventure of the Cheshire Cheese" (Jon L. Breen) 167; Something Rotten (Jasper Fforde) 232; Sherlock Holmes and the Treasure Train (Frank Thomas) 221
Legends of Ancient Houses - Derwent: "The Human Mystery" (Tanith Lee) 222
Legends of the Patriarchs & Prophets - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 118
Das Lehrbuch für Gerichtsmedizin - Stesemann: "The Case of the Ghosts at Bly" (Donald Thomas) 170-171
Lemegeton: Doctor Watson and the Invisible Man (Noel Downing) 126-127
"Lenin and Inessa Armand" - Bertram Wolfe: The Demon Device (Robert Saffron) 283
Lenin in Zurich - Alexander Solzhenitsyn: The Demon Device (Robert Saffron) 283
"Lenore" - Gottfried Bürger: "A Ballad of the White Plague" (P.C.Hodgell) 211-212; Sherlock Holmes and the Affair in Transylvania (Gerry O’Hara) 34
Lesbia Brandon - Algernon Swinburne: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 97-98
Lestrade and the Magpie - M.J. Trow: Lestrade and the Kiss of Horus (M.J.Trow) 55
Lestrade and the Sawdust Ring - M.J. Trow: Lestrade and the Kiss of Horus (M.J. Trow) 142
A Letter to His Grace, the Duke of Norfolk, on the Occasion of Mr. Gladstone's Recent Expostulations - John Henry Newman: Enter the Lion (Michael P. Hodel & Sean M. Wright) 196
Letter to M. Dacier in regard to the alphabet of the phonetic hieroglyphics - Champollion: Sherlock Holmes and the Sacred Sword (Frank Thomas) 117
Letters - Gustave Flaubert: "Voiceover" (Edward Wellen) 226
Letters - Pliny: The Notched Hairpin (H.F.Heard) 36-37
Letters From Terra - Van Veen: The Book of Changes (R.H.W.Dillard) 91
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes: The League of Heroes (Xavier Mauméjean) 100; The Great Game (Lavie Tidhar) 678
The Libellus Leibowitz: Â The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 142
Liber Damnatus Damnationum: Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (James Lovegrove) 262
Liber Ivonis: "The Giant Rat of Sumatra" (Paula Volsky) 171
Liber Logaeth - John Dee: "The Adventure of the Arab's Manuscript" (Michael Reaves) 273-274
Liber officiorum spirituum, seu liber dictus Empto Salamonis, de principibus et regibus demonorium: "The Kingdom of the Blind" (Adrian Middleton) 68
Librorum Phohibitorum: "The Deadly Sin of Sherlock Holmes" (Tom English) 55
Life After Death -
C.W. Leadbeater: The Case of the Philosophers' Ring (Randall
Collins) 135
Life Amongst the
Bone Cults of Lei - Evadne Silver: The Affair of
the Mysterious Letter (Alexis Hall) 48
The Life and
Charity of Edwyn Warwick: The Cry of the
Innocents (Cavan Scott) 119
Life, Being & Language - Gilbert Austin: The Book of Changes (R.H.W.Dillard) 90
The Life, Crime & Capture of John Wilkes Booth, and the Pursuit, Trial & Execution of His Accomplices: The Surrogate Assassin (Christopher Leppek) 112, 116-117, 230, 247, 316
A Life in the Saddle - Captain Benton Puryear: The Crimes of Dr Watson (Duane Swierczynski) 22
The Life of General Gordon: Sherlock Holmes and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (Paul D. Gilbert) 138
Life of Gladstone - Viscount Morley: Lestrade and the Leviathan (M.J.Trow) 140
Life of Nelson - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 122
Life of Poe - Thomas Holley Chivers: "The Comfort of the Seine" (Stephen Volk) 20, 26
Life of St. Augustine: "Sherlock Holmes, Dragon-Slayer" (Darrell Schweitzer) 134
Life of St. Columba - Adamnan: The Waters of Death (Kel Richards) 42
Life of Samuel Johnson - James Boswell: "A Unique Collection" (Coggeshall Macy) 284; The Affair of the Incognito Tenant (Lora Roberts) 187
The Life of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - John Dickson Carr: The Kentish Manor Murders (Julian Symons) 61, 63
The Life of the Bee - Maurice Maeterlinck: The Beekeeper's Apprentice (Laurie R. King) xv
Life of Wiliam Ashbless - James Bailey: The Bookman (Lavie Tidhar) 142
Life on the Mississippi - Mark Twain: Sherlock Holmes and the Nine-Dragon Sigil (Tim Symonds) 95
Life On Other Worlds - H. Spencer Jones: "The Adventure of the Extraterrestrial (Mack Reynolds) 165
Life on the Mississippi - Mark Twain: The Adventures of Young Stamford (Richard M. Caplan, M.D.) 114
The Light of Asia - Sir Edwin Arnold: The Fifth Heart (Dan Simmons) 352
"Light Shining Out of Darkness" - William Cowper: "God works in a mysterious way...": "Daydream" (Basil Rathbone) 495
"Lightning Kid's Debut" - Phillip Roberts: Pulptime (P.H. Cannon) 29
"Lines" - R.H. Wilde: The Book of Changes (R.H.W. Dillard) 160
Linley's Strategies of Chess: The Childhood of Sherlock Holmes (Mona
Morstein) 130
A Lion in the Meadow - Margaret Mahy: The Unlikely
Escape of Uriah Heep (H.G. Parry) 120-121, 399, 450-451
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe - C.S. Lewis: My
Hero (Tom Holt) 124
The Litanies of Satan - Charles Baudelaire: The Devil
and the Four (Sam Siciliano) 234, 2239, 267
Litefoot's Lepidoptera: Sherlock Holmes: The Army of Dr Moreau (Guy Adams) 193
"The Literary Fop" - Raymond Chandler: The Final Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 166
Literary Passions - William Dean Howell: "Sherlock Holmes Baffled" (J.C. Ochiltree) 10
Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens: Sherlock Holmes and the Thistle of Scotland (L.B. Greenwood) 178; "The Adventure of the Glass House" (Michael Mallory) 68; "The Adventure of the Other Woman" (Michael Mallory) 18; "The Adventure of the Ripper's Scrawl" (Michael Mallory) 32; "The Case of the Sporting Squire"(Guy N. Smith) 155, 158; Lestrade and the Magpie (M.J.Trow) 145
Little House on the Prairie - Laura Ingalls
Wilder: "The Thinking Machine" (Denise Hamilton); Double
Trouble Squared (Kathryn Lasky) 15, 104
The Little Lame Prince - Miss Mulock: The Sinister
Mystery of the Mesmerizing Girl (Theodora Goss) 96
Little Lord Fauntleroy - Frances Hodgson Burnett: The
Case of the Missing Marquess (Nancy Springer) 111
Little Nellie’s Piano Tutor (Spinsters’ Edition):
"The Embers of Truth" (Adrian Wright) 70
Little Red Riding Hood: "The Adventure of the Bogle-Wolf" (Anthony Boucher) 428-430
The Little Sister - Raymond Chandler: The Final Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 8
The Little White Bird - J.M. Barrie: The League of
Heroes (Xavier Mauméjean) 133
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott: "Ghosts in the
Library" (Edrie Pendleton) 23-24, 26, 30-31
Lives - Plutarch: The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter (Theodora Goss) 343; "The Dollmaker of Marigold Walk" (Barbara Hambly) 32; "Inga Sigerson Weds" (Richard A. Lupoff) 8; "The Folly of Flight" (Matthew P. Mayo) 163; Lestrade and the Ripper (M.J.Trow) 122
The Lives of the Caesars - Suetonius: The Notched Hairpin (H.F.
Heard) 36, 147, 194
Lives of the Saints and Martyrs - Gibbon: "A Shriek at
Midnight" (Robert Sprague Hall)
Living With Aye-Ayes - Hugo Vickers: Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 90
"Living With Two Men" - Mrs Hudson: Lestrade and the Sign of Nine (M.J. Trow) 27
Liyuhh: Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows (James Lovegrove) 275
Lloyd's List: "Holmes and the Loss of the British Barque Sophy Anderson" (Peter Cannon) 78; Dr Mortimer and the Barking Man Mystery (Gerard Williams) 50
Lloyd's Shipping Guide: Sherlock Holmes and the Golden Bird (Frank Thomas) 34; Sherlock Holmes and the Sacred Sword (Frank Thomas) 102
The Loa of the New World:
Shadowfall (Tracy Revels) 126-131
Locked Room Murders and Other Impossible Crimes -
Robert Adey: "A Nineteenth Century Debacle" (George Locke) 174
"The Locked Room Mystery: Its Seven Common Types and How to Solve Them - Dr Gideon Fell: The Magic Bullet (Larry Millett) 51, 172-173, 201, 245-246, 322
"Locksley Hall" - Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Master
Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 194,
196; Anno Dracula (Kim Newman) 65
"The ringing grooves of change": "The
Adventure of the Eminent Collector" (Tony Reynolds) 130
"Till the war-drums throbb'd no longer...":
The Great Game (Michael Kurland) 295
The Lodger - Marie Belloc Lowndes: Lestrade and the Ripper (M.J. Trow) 195-196
Logic - Hegel: "The Comfort of the Seine" (Stephen Volk) 33
Logic - John Stuart Mill: The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter (Lewis S. Feuer) 69, 76
Logic or The Morphology of Thought - Bernard Bosanquet: The Return of Moriarty (John Gardner) 15
Logicae Seu Philosphiae Rationalis Elementa: "The Kingdom of the Blind" (Adrian Middleton) 59
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov: And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 144
London - Fry: The Revenge of Moriarty (John Gardner) 280
London A To Z: "As to ‘An Exact Knowledge of London’"
(Tony Broadbent) 36; The Case of the Blackmail Boys (Terrance
Dicks) 74; The Cinema Swindle (Terrance Dicks) 69; The Curious
Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Mark Haddon) 186-188;
Raiders of the Lost Car Park (Robert Rankin) 43, 62, 82, 84,
London at Midnight - Henry Vigar-Harris: Mrs Hudson and the Irish Invincibles (Barry S. Brown) 13
London Labour and the London Poor - Henry Mayhew: The Master Sleuth on the Trail of Edwin Drood (Robert F. Fleissner) 49
London Soils - Sherlock Holmes: The Beekeeper's Apprentice (Laurie R. King) 268, 272
London Underworld - Mayhew: The Childhood of Sherlock Holmes (Mona Morstein) 294
The Long Embrace - Judith Freeman: The Final Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 6
The Long Goodbye - Raymond Chandler: The Final Page of Baker Street (Daniel D. Victor) 225-226
"Long Odds" - H. Rider Haggard: The Great Detective at the Crucible of Life (Thos. Kent Miller) 24
The Long Secret - Louise Fitzhugh: "The Last of Sheila-Locke Holmes" (Laura Lippman) 218
Look 'Em Straight in the Eye - Hugo Vickers: Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 90
Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad: "The Riddle of the Golden
Monkeys" (Loren D. Estleman) 140; Dead Man’s Land (Robert
Ryan) 96
James Jim by Lord Conrad: The Book of
Changes (R.H.W. Dillard) 65
Lord Kraven, Savior of the Empire: The League of Heroes (Xavier Mauméjean) 252
Lord of the Rings - J.R.R.Tolkien: The Beast of Backslope (Tracy
Barrett) 35; Masterminds of Falkenstein (John DeChancie)
133; The Mystery Surrounding Watson’s Lost Dispatch Box (Gary
Lovisi) 66;
"The Girl in the Key of C" (Weston Ochse) 190
Lord of the Rungs: "The Puzzle of the Pirated
Software" (Anonymous) 63, 24
The Lord's Way - Portnoy: Lestrade and the Leviathan (M.J.Trow) 65
Lorna Doone - R.D.Blackmore: I, Sherlock Holmes (Michael Harrison) 29; The Adventures of Inspector Lestrade (M.J. Trow) 177
The Lost and Hostile Gospels: An Essay on the Toledoth Jeschu, and the Petrine and Pauline Gospels of the First Three Centuries of Which Fragments Remain - Sabine Baring-Gould: The Moor (Laurie R. King) 122
"Lost Hearts" - M.R. James: "The Case of the Fiery Messengers" (Ron Weighell) 25
Lost Horizon - James Hilton: "A Christmas Episode" (Charles Fisher) 64; Killer Finish (Denny Martin Flinn) 213
"Lost in a Pyramid, or The Mummy's Curse - Louisa May
Alcott: "Sherlock Holmes and the Mummy's Curse" (H. Paul
Jeffers) 90
The Lost Princess of Oz - L. Frank Baum: Visitors from
Oz (Martin Gardner) 178
"The Lost Special" - Arthur Conan Doyle: The Sign of
Fear (Robert Ryan) 333-334
The Lost World - Arthur Conan Doyle: "The Footprints on the Ceiling" (Jules Castier) 245; Sherlock Holmes and the Seven Deadly Sins Murders (Barry Day) 156-157; Something Rotten (Jasper Fforde) 328; The Adamantine Sherlock Holmes (Hapi) 50; Nevermore (William Hjortsberg) 56; The Incredible Umbrella (Marvin Kaye) 202, 289; "Challenger’s Titanic Challenge" (Gary Lovisi) 27; Holmes Entangled (Gordon McAlpine) 24, 69, 159, 168; Skullduggery (Peter Marks) 83-84, 181, 272; The Case of the Grave Accusation (Dicky Neely) 79; "Dr Blackadder’s Clients" (Arthur Porges) 63; Believe (William Shatner & Michael Tobias) 98; Sherlock Holmes: My Life (Lawrence R. Spencer) 144
Lot No. 249 - Arthur Conan Doyle: "By Any
Other Name" (Michael Dirda) 211
The Lotos-eaters - Alfred, Lord Tennyson: "All
round the coat the languid air did swoon...":
Riviera Gold (Laurie R. King) 17
“'Courage' he said and pointed toward the land…”:
Riviera Gold (Laurie R. King) 294
Love a Cheate - Samuel Pepys: "A Unique Collection"
(Coggeshall Macy) 282
Love Among The Artists - George Bernard Shaw: The Case of the Revolutionist's Daughter (Lewis S. Feuer) 37
"Love and Sleep" - Algernon Swinburne: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 98
Love Day Afternoon - C.L. Pirkis: Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 94
Love Is a Jaguar - Sir William Clayton: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 91
Love Laws of Ancient Greece: A Three-Pipe Problem (Julian Symons) 52
Love of War and Women - Sir William Clayton: The Evil in Pemberley House (Philip José Farmer & Win Scott Eckert) 98
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Hitchcock - Pierre Sanary: And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 51
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" - T.S.Eliot: Justice Hall (Laurie R. King) 155
Loveday in a Cold Climate - C.L. Pirkis: Lestrade and the Giant Rat of Sumatra (M.J. Trow) 94
"The Luck of Roaring Camp" - Bret Harte: W.G. Grace's Last Case (William Rushton) 88
Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir - Malcolm: The Case of the Philosophers' Ring (Randall Collins) vi
"The Lurking Fear" - H.P.Lovecraft: Pulptime (P.H. Cannon) 74
Lust - Elfriede Jelinek: And Then There Was No One (Gilbert Adair) 124
The Lustful Turk: Lestrade and the Gift of the Prince (M.J.Trow) 27-28, 33, 91
Lust's Dominion: The Case of the Baker Street Irregulars (Anthony Boucher) 39-40
The Lycanthropicon: The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror (Daniel Pinkwater) 515-516, 537-538, 542-544
Lyrics of Love and Life - Thomas Davenport: Sherlock Holmes: The Unauthorized Biography (Nick Rennison) 22