Michael Hardwick
the Devil (1979)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Dubuque; Mycroft Holmes; Adolphe
(Mary Morstan; Dr Verner; Black Peter
Carey; Stanley Hopkins; Patrick Cairns; Arthur
Cadogan West; Violet Westbury; Hugo Oberstein;
Colonel Valentine Walter; Sir James Walter;
Watson's Father; Watson's Brother (Henry))
Historical Figures: Mathieu Dreyfus; Alfred
Dreyfus; Lucie Hadamard Dreyfus; Pierre Dreyfus;
Jeanne Dreyfus; Major Georges Picquart; Marquis du
Paty de Clam; Armand Cochefert; Cochefert's
Secretary; Felix Gribelin; Hubert-Joseph Henry;
Ferdinand Forzinetti; General Darras; Sergeant of
the Guard; Queen Victoria; Eusapia Palladino;
Marie-Charles Walsin-Esterhazy / Fitzgerald; (Edgar
Colonel Maurel; Raphael Dreyfus; Jeanette
Dreyfus; Jacques Dreyfus; Dreyfus's Brother;
Dreyfus's Sisters; Orderly; Lieutenant-General
Boisdeffre; General Mercier; Alphonse Bertillon;
Kaiser Wilhem II; Abdul Karim (The Munshi);
de Lamothe; Edouard Drumont; Colonel Maximilian
von Schwartzkoppen; Colonel Fanizzardi; Colonel
Jean Conrad Sandherr; Captain Lauth; Cesare
Lombroso; Sir Oliver Lodge; Bernard Lazare;
General Billot; General Gonse; Anne de
Esterhazy; Madame Bastian; Louis Leblois;
Scheurer-Kestner; Emile Zola; Godefroy
Count Christian esterhazy; Mme de Boulancy)
Other Characters: Door Attendant; Prison
Guards; Handwriting Experts; President of Court;
Court Officers; Soldiers & Ex-Servicemen;
Diplomats; Journalists; Court Martial Crowd;
Artillerymen; Republican Guard Lieutenant; Café
Patrons; Queen's Indian Attendants; McRither;
Passengers; Ship's Master; Ship's Officers;
Guiana Officials; Hotel Proprietor; Albert
Seamen; Cayenne Wharf Crowds; Convict Porter; Mme
Louveque; Bar Customers; Louveque's Girls;
Violinist; French Guiana Officials; Raoul; Manuel;
Murderer; Millionaire Nobleman; Louveque's Waiter;
Devil's Island Guards; Mycroft's Messenger;
Postlethwaite; Diogenes Members; Cabby; Constable
Dobson; Ambulance Attendants; Swiss Band;
Waiter; Messenger Boy; Rue Maurice Concierge;
Claudine's Maid; Mademoiselle Claudine; Seamus
Murphy; Sailors; Georgetown Bar Patrons;
Lookout; Bartender; Bartenders Wife; Bar Girls;
Pianist; Captain Muros; Dynamite Johnny O'Brien;
French Navy Matelots; O'Brien's First Mate; Second
Mate; Bosun; Hyde Park Protestors; Military
Troops; (Court Officers; Municipal Guards;
Times Correspondent; Dreyfus's Maid; Italian
Hairdresser; One-Eye Jules; Governor's Office
Clerk; President of France; Captain Hunter;
Hunter's Third Officer; Daily Chronicle
Journalist; Police Surgeon; Meyer's Porter;
Porter's Wife; Prison Settlement Commandants;
Picquart's Staff; Medium; Holmes's Geneva
University Friend; Watson's Mother; Claudine's
French Visitor; Hotel Receptionist; Hotel
Picquart's Messenger; New York Rescue Syndicate;
German Embassy Cleaning Woman; French Dancer)
Date: 1928 / May, 1895 - December, 1896/
October, 1894 - January, 1895 / June, 1899 / 1906
Locations: Watson's Home; 221B, Baker
France; Paris; 6, Avenue du Trocadero; Alma
Quai d'Orsai; Rue St-Dominique; Cherche-Midi
Courtroom; War College Courtyard; Left Bank Café;
Windsor Castle; A Steamer; British Guiana;
Georgetown; Hotel; Ship; French Guiana; Cayenne;
Louveque's; A Fishing-Boat; Devil's Island; A
on the Caribbean; Pall Mall; Diogenes Club; 13,
Great George Street; A Train; Kent; Switzerland;
Geneva; Restaurant; Le Havre; University of
Rue Maurice; Claudine's Apartment; Café Maurice;
Hotel; Ratcliff Highway; Sumner Shipping Agency;
Georgetown Bar; O'Brien's Ship; Hyde Park; French
Story: Mathieu Dreyfus calls on
Holmes to prove his brother's innocence, but Holmes
turns down the case, unwilling to interfere with the
legal processes of another country. He does,
continue to show an interest in the case, and some
time later, he and Watson travel to Paris to confer
with Dubuque. After solving the Bruce-Partington
Holmes is asked by the Queen to investigate the
Dreyfus affair because she has received a letter
the Kaiser accusing the British Government of
engineering the affair to foment trouble between
France and Germany.
Disguised as a journalist, John James, Holmes sails
to Guiana, where with the aid of and ex-convict
fisherman he is able to land secretly on Devil's
Island and speak with Dreyfus, but finds himself
adrift in the Caribbean on his escape from the
On his return to London, Holmes decides to use the
press to renew public interest in the case,
the rumour that Dreyfus has escaped, utilising
Meyer as an intermediary in the spreading of the
story, and the anti-semitic Libre Parole
its mouthpiece. Holmes has an angry meeting with
Mycroft, and later learns that Meyer has been
A meeting with Picquart in Geneva reveals more
evidence of Dreyfus's innocence. They also, at the
request of Dreyfus's wife consult the medium,
Palladino, who appears to make contact with the
of Watson's father, and refers to an officer who
like a black vulture, and Haydn's Farewell Symphony.
Watson interviews the alluring spy, Claudine. Holmes
gives Picquart the name of his chief subject, but
Picquart comes under political attack, and a
stirs up more outrage in Paris. Holmes puts together
crew for a rescue voyage, and sails to Guiana, where
death occurs almost as soon as they arrive, and they
find themselves in the midst of a bar-room brawl.
They encounter O'Brien, leader of an American
to rescue Dreyfus. The joint raid does not go
according to plan, and a surprise awaits them in
Dreyfus's hut. On his return to England, Holmes is
warned off the case by, and learns the truth of it
from, Mycroft.
Private Life of Dr Watson (1983)
Story Type: Autobiography of Dr Watson
Canonical Characters: Dr. Watson; Watson's
Brother (Henry Watson); Watson's Father; (John
Watson); Sherlock Holmes; Percy "Tadpole" Phelps;
Berkshire Regiment; Murray; Stamford; (Lord
Fictional Characters: William Gale; Colonel
Ripon; (Angus Hudson; Donald Hudson; Captain
Historical Figures: Henry Ward Beecher;
Beecher; George Grossmith; W.S. Gilbert; Arthur
Sullivan; W.G. Grace; Sarah Bernhardt;
A.F. Preston; Brigadier-General Burrows
(William Ashby; Sir Francis Walsingham; Robert
E. Bonner; Howard Marsh; A.E. Cumberbatch;
VII; Lt-Col James Galbraith; General Sir
Roberts; Ayub Khan; Shere Ali Khan; General
Other Characters: Watson's Mother (Violet
Hudson); Central Park Horse Riders; Dr Hudson;
Grandmama Hudson; Flora "Florrie" Hudson; Verbena
"Verbie" Hudson; Cousin Heliotrope; Percy; Miss
Dobbs; Rev. P.J. Kennedy; Mrs Kennedy; City Hall
Lecture Chairman; City Hall Audience; Clergymen;
Bishop; Dock Painter; Asia Passengers;
Henderson; Asia Official; Asia
Officer; Civilian; Pansy Hudson; Pansy's Mother;
Plymouth Church Girl; Congregation; Band;
Aggie Brown / Lady Greene; College Boys; Sturges;
Phelps's Servant; Mrs Phelps; Rugby Captain;
Station Guard; Railway Officials; Pleasure Garden
Bands; Couples; Bar Customers; Paddy; Frank
Prostitute; University Tutors; University
Rugby Spectator; Rugby Official; Hooper; Chorus
Girls; Old Ted; Music Hall Performers; Audience;
Stage Door Johnnie; Macgregor; Sorcerer Cast;
Percy Forbes; Claude; Watson's Theatre
Companion; Cricketers; Australia-Bound Passengers;
Shipping Company Representative's Wife; Australian
Train Passengers; Ballarat Townspeople; Ballarat
Hotel Waiter; Administrative Office Clerks;
Pawnbroker; Mining Supplies Shopkeeper; Miners;
American Miner; Chinese Miner; Dr Ramsay;
Institution Inmates; Ramsay's Irishwoman; Ballarat
Parson; Sextons; Undertaker's Men; Long Jim
Coach Passengers; Waiter; Cook; Cobb & Co.
Clerk; State Troopers; Mount Alexander Prisoners;
Chief Jailer; Inspector; Police Officers; Lynch
Reverend Mr Copperthwaite; Slameston
Bo'sun; Ted; Eddie"Waves" Waveney-Waveney; Café
Royal Waiter; Madame Lecoq; Paris Hotel Porter;
Lavallier; Actors Bernhardt's Audience; Theatre
Managers; Florence; Jacques; Crowd Outside
Bernhardt's Mansion; Bernhardt's Servants;
Butler; Poona Surgeon; P&O Passengers; Senior
Ship's Doctor; Steward; Mr Clements; Captain; Cox
& Co Assistant Manager; Mrs Capper; Cox &
Co. Clerk; Prostitutes; Bar Girl; Recruiting
Sergeants; Police Constable; Recruiting
Interviewers; Netley Doctors; Netley Adjutant;
Bombay Officials; Indian Army Officers; Indian
Children; Kandahar Adjutant; Maiwand Soldiers;
Ghazis; Orderlies; Native Bearers; Afghan
Medical Board President; Gladyce; Music Hall Band;
Soprano; Music Hall Chairman; Paddy; Forbes's
Servant; Strand Hotel Manager; Manager's Wife;
Pot-boy; Criterion Doormen; Criterion Customers
(Henriques; Stranraer Porter; Watson Family's
Servants; Daily Boy; Teacher; Larne Distillery
Director; Drunken Hamish; Dr Grieves; Captain
Buchanan; Buchanan's Wife; Buchanan's Cook;
Medical Benevolent College Governor; Phelps's
Father; Violet's Doctor; O'Reilly; Joe Bishop;
Wilkinson Earl of Eppington; Lord Greene; Young
Frank; Greene's Brother; Brother's Wife;
Lawyer; Lawyer's Indian Clerk; Watson's Editor;
Date: September, 1588 / Spring, 1846 /
1863-1864 / 1867 / 1875-1881
Locations: Scotland; Black Head;
Wigtownshire; Stranraer; New York; Central Park;
Surrey; Bagshot; Glasgow; City Hall; Liverpool;
Aboard the Asia; Nova Scotia; Halifax;
Massachusetts; Boston; Brooklyn; Plymouth Church;
Pansy's House; Hotel; 221B, Baker Street; Epsom;
Royal Medical Benevolent College; Woking;
Croydon Station; Cremorne Pleasure Gardens; London
University; Greenwich; Blackheath; Deer Park;
Hall; Opéra Comique; Public House; Bloomsbury;
London Cricket Ground; Edinburgh; Aboard a Ship;
Australia; Melbourne; A Train; Ballarat; Hotel;
Pawnbrokers; The Benevolent Institution;
Cobb & Co Booking Office; Posting Station;
Alexander; Bendig; Mount Alexander Jail; Melbourne
Shipping Office; Aboard the Salmeston;
China; Shanghai; United State of America;
California; San Francisco; Tilbury; Glasshouse
Street; Café Royal; France; Paris; Madame Lecoq's;
Hotel; Comédie Française; Bernhardt's Mansion;
India; Poona; Aboard a P&O Liner; Charing
Cox & Co; Fulham; Aggie's Apartment off the
King's Roa; King's Cross Station; A Train; Bar;
Whitehall; Parliament Square; Recruiting Office;
Hampshire; Netley; Royal Victoria Military
New Forest; Southsea; Portsmouth; Bombay; Army
Medical Department; Indian Train; Sibi; Kandahar;
Maiwand; Hotel off the Strand; Canterbury Music
Hall; Holloway; Forbes's House; Criterion Bar
Story: Watson hears from his father of the
wreck of a Spanish galleon on the Scottish coast
1588. One of the survivors, an officer named
Henriques, was their ancestor. His parents met in
1846, when his father, John Henry Watson, saved
mother, Violet Hudson, from falling in the sea at
Stranraer. They married in Bagshot in 1847.
brother, Henry was born in 1849, and Watson on
7th, 1852. During Watson's childhood, his father
develops a drink problem and loses his job,
the family to emigrate to America. Before they
depart, his mother becomes enamoured of Henry Ward
Beecher, whose lectures she has attended in London
and Glasgow. In New York, her growing infatuation
drives the family apart and Watson's father and
brother leave for California. When Aunt Pansy
catches Violet and Beecher together, Watson and
mother are forced to leave her home and return to
live with Violet's parents in Bagshot. Watson is
sent to boarding school at the Royal Medical
Benevolent College in Epsom, where, with the
assistance of "Tadpole" Phelps, his experience of
women begins.
University, Watson becomes interested in rugby,
music-hall, and Gilbert and Sullivan. He
finds himself standing in for a drunken actor at a
rehearsal of The Sorcerer. Despite
to travel, when he learns that his mother is close
death, he decides to continue his studies at Bart's,
where he plays cricket with W.G. Grace. After his
mother's death, a letter arrives from his father,
outlining his misfortunes in the California and
Australian goldfields. Watson gets a job as a ship's
surgeon and sails to Australia, finding his father's
watch in a pawnshop in Ballarat, and his father on
deathbed. He travels further through the goldfields
search of his brother, experiencing a runaway
stagecoach and a bush-ranger hold-up which brings
to the object of his quest, and a stay in prison.
The brothers sign aboard a ship and travel to
Shanghai, Hong Kong and San Francisco, where Henry
leaves to hunt for gold. Back in England, Watson's
grandfather plans for Watson to take over his
in Bagshot. Waveney-Waveney, a rugby acquaintance
takes him to Paris, where he finds himself attending
to Sarah Bernhardt. He turns down his grandfather's
offer and returns to sea as a P&O line ship's
surgeon. Sailing out of India he meets an old
acquaintance from his schooldays, and realises that
has a son. Rejected by the boy's mother, he signs up
for military service, and sees action at Maiwand,
before returning to London.
Revenge of the Hound (1987)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Watson (Coral Atkins); Mrs Hudson;
Inspector Lestrade; Mycroft Holmes; White Mason;
Tobias Gregson; (Killer Evans; The Hound of
Historical Figures: Edward VII; (Oliver
Cromwell; Henry Ireton; John Bradshaw)
Other Characters: Henrietta "Henry"
Wilmington Atkins; Hotel Russell Waiters; Rugby
Players; Boaters; Police Driver; Hampstead
Constables; Sergeant Roberts; Chapman; Hospital
Attendant; Cabby; Marble Arch Constables;
Arkwright ; Workmen; Dr Garside; Lord Belmont;
Arkwright's Assistants; Equerry; Deckhands; Ferry
Passengers; Peter Anderson; John Sweh; Captain
Bassett; Newhaven Sergeant; Victoria Station
Porters; Passenger; Ticket Collector; Sailors;
Cabbies; Crowd; Constables; Sergeant Clegge; Jack
Robbins; William; Lavinia Glanvill; Glanvill's
Edwards; Belmont's Footman; Guild Workmen; Cabby;
Annie Dodds; Cemetery Attendants; Highgate Crowd;
Matthew Spurrier; Belmont's Watchers; Albany
Duty Sergeant; Police Drivers; Funeral Constables;
Wardresses; Undertaker's Manager; Highgate
Gardener; Cemetery Attendants; Oliver's Men;
Branch Men; Slav; (Inspector Blenkinsop;
Hampstead Tramps; Editor; Hubert Glanvill; Mr
Poole; Malay Owners of the Bar of Gold; Russian
Library Patrons)
Date: 1st - ?, July, 1902
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Russell
Square; Grand Agricultural Hall, Islington; Hotel
Russell; Blackheath; Regent's Park; Hampstead
Heath Street; Hospital; Marble Arch; A Train;
Dieppe; Cross-Channel Ferry; Buckingham Palace;
Newhaven; Lewes ; A Train; Victoria Station;
Canterbury; Mickleden; Alkhamton; Deal; The Vale
Health; Highgate Cemetery; Baker Street; Albany
Street; Old Moore Public House; (The Bar of
Gold; The Free Russian Library, Commercial Road;
Shinwell Johnson's House)
Story: Watson has his proposal of marriage
accepted by Coral Atkins days after being shot by
Killer Evans, while Holmes announces his plan to
retire, then asks him to go to Lausanne on the
Carfax case. Lestrade arrives with news of an
on a tramp on Hampstead Heath by what is being
to have been the Hound of the Baskervilles
from the dead. They visit the Heath, hear a
wailing, and find footprints, but Holmes loses
interest after visiting the vagrant who was
attacked, who later disappears. The following day
Holmes summons Watson to Marble Arch, where an
excavation at the site of the Tyburn gallows is
uncovering the remains of those hanged there.
Watson's deductions lead to the discovery of the
beheaded bodies of Oliver Cromwell, Ireton and
Bradshaw: remains which, Holmes believes, could
foment revolution. Mycroft arrives at 221B to
Holmes over his refusal of a knighthood. Lestrade
brings the news that the bones of Cromwell and his
companions have been stolen.
As they
return from Lausanne, Holmes tells Watson of his
visit to Buckingham Palace where, in light of a
planned visit to America, the King is keen to have
Holmes retrieve a compromising letter from Mrs
Glanvill. A Chinese steward is murdered on their
ferry, but Holmes arranges with White Mason to let
the murderer go free. When they arrive back in
London, they find Gregson investigating the
decapitation of a statue of Charles II. Holmes
Watson to retrieve the King's letter, and Watson
finds himself spending the night at Lord Belmont's
country home.
back in London to be dragged back to Hampstead by
Holmes, where he learns that the hound case is
connected to the shipboard murder, before they
the fair and view a body in Highgate Cemetery.
Watson provides the key to linking their other
into the picture. They take a wolf to a funeral,
attend a revolutionary gathering in a crypt before
bringing all the threads together to resolve the
case. Watson's fiancée reveals the contents of the
King's letter.
Holmes: My Life and Crimes (1984)
Story Type: Autobiography / Pastiche narrated
by Holmes
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Stamford; Victor Trevor; Trevor, Sr.;
Musgrave; Dr. Verner; the most winning woman;
Holmes; Professor Moriarty; Mrs. Hudson; railway
porter; Peter Steiler, the elder; Swiss boy; Von
Herder; Colonel Moran; Inspector Lestrade
Historical Figures: Karl Marx; Allan
William Pinkerton; Robert Pinkerton; Ievno Azeff;
Margrave of Hess; the Margrave's family
Other Characters: Librarians; Montague
landlady; young woman; young man; hostess; host; the
most winning woman's aunt; Diogenes porter; Diogenes
members; Frau Steiler; waiter; secretary of the
Technische Hochschule; violinist; orchestra; castle
usher; chief of police; policemen; castle flunkeys;
Rauber; plain-clothes detectives; prison governor;
naval officers; Whitehall civilians; Jock; captain;
Sir George; signaller; Admiral; sentries
Date: 1891-1894 (Main storyline)
Locations: Holmes's Sussex Villa; Bart's;
Donnithorpe; Christ Church College, Oxford;
Montague Street; British Museum Reading Room;
Hurlstone Manor; Chicago; 221B, Baker Street; Stoke
Moran; The Diogenes Club; Victoria Station; Watson's
home; a train; Canterbury; Brussels; Strasbourg;
Valley; Gemmi Pass; Interlaken; Meiringen; The
Englischer Hof; Lucerne; Basle; Karlsruhe; the
Technische Hochschule, the Margrave's Schloss;
Von Herder's shop; Karlsruhe Police headquarters;
cell; a German train; Tower Bridge; Piccadilly
Baker Street; Portland Prison; Portland Harbour;
Weymouth Bay
Story: Holmes tells of his early cases,
including time spent in Chicago with the Pinkertons,
and his early romantic involvements. After dealing
with the early part of his career and time with
he goes on to tell of the true events surrounding
Reichenbach incident: Holmes receives a summons to
Diogenes Club from Mycroft. On arriving he finds
his brother is accompanied by Moriarty, and insists
that the two rivals must work together. Holmes &
Moriarty stage their own deaths at Reichenbach, for
Watson to report to the world. Together, they travel
to Karlsruhe to investigate German advances in radio
technology. After a year of working together,
begins to start acting suspiciously and Holmes
him coming out of the shop of Von Herder, the blind
gunsmith. After they are forced to leave Germany,
Moriarty, who is working on the secrets they have
uncovered, reveals that his lieutenant, Colonel
is on his trail. |
Michael & Mollie Hardwick
Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970)
(Based on the original story and screenplay by
Billy Wilder & I.A.L. Diamond)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes;
Watson; Mrs. Hudson; Mycroft Holmes; Inspector
Historical Figures: Queen Victoria
Other Characters: Bank Porters; Woman in
Bank; Bank Customers; Nervous Motorist; Woman in
Sportscar; Elderly Lady; Miss Hopper; Mr.
Havelock-Smith; Mr. Cassidy; Dr. Watson;
Nicolai Rogozhin; Imperial Russian Ballet Corps;
Stage Technicians; Ballet Orchestra; Petrova's
Maid; Pavel; Mischa; Boris; Dmitri; Illya;
Cabby; Ilse's Cabby; Gabrielle Valladon; Street
Children; Canary Woman; Two Carters; Diogenes
Receptionist; Diogenes Members; Wiggins; Ticket
Collector; Third Class Passengers; Trappist
Inverness Porter; Funeral Procession; Minister;
Gravediggers; The Tumbling Piccolos; Coachman;
Caledonian Hotel Manager; Urquhart Workmen;
MacGregor; Victoria's Coachman; Victoria's
Footman; J.W. Ferguson; Professor Simpson; W.W.
Prescott; Naval Officer; Sailors; Equerry;
Lady-in-Waiting; Ilse von Hoffmansthal
(Admiral Abernetty; Abernetty's Chambermaid;
Holmes's Assistant at Bart's; MacLarnin;
Date: 1970 / September, 1887 / June,
/ 17th - ?th April, 1888 / September, 1888
Locations: Cox & Co. Bank; 221B,
Street; A Theatre; 32, Ashdown Street; The
Diogenes Club; Regent Circus; The Highland
Express; Inverness Station; Glennahurich
A Hotel; Loch Ness; The Caledonian Hotel;
(Yorkshire; Bart's)
Story: 1970: Dr. Watson, a Canadian
veterinarian, arrives at a London bank to open
his grandfather's dispatch box, sealed until
fifty years after his death. It contains
of Sherlock Holmes, and an unpublished
Returning home from investigating the murder of
Admiral Abernetty in Yorkshire, Holmes is driven
to make a dramatic choice between the
companionship of Watson or cocaine.
Holmes and Watson are sent tickets to a
performance by the Imperial Russian Ballet.
Petrova, the prima ballerina puts a proposal to
Holmes regarding the fathering of her child.
Holmes's solution to the problem does not meet
with approval from Watson, ruining his evening.
Holmes gains a violin from the incident.
1888: A
young woman, saved from the river, is brought to
Baker Street by a cabby. Holmes learns that she
Gabrielle Valladon, looking for her missing
husband, the inventor of a new kind of air pump.
The trail leads to an empty shop and a cage of
canaries, and thence to the Diogenes Club, where
Mycroft warns Holmes off the case. Acting on a
lead overheard from Mycroft, Holmes, Watson and
Gabrielle travel to Scotland, where they stay
Loch Ness. A visit to a cemetery reveals the
location of a troupe of midgets missing from a
circus, and the fate of Gabrielle's husband.
Watson sees the Loch Ness Monster. A visit to
Urquhart Castle reveals the destination of the
canaries from London, along with a delivery of
sulphuric acid. A boat trip on the Loch is
interrupted by another appearance of the
On their return to the hotel, Holmes, Watson and
bottle of champagne receive a summons to the
castle, where Holmes's deductions regarding the
monster are confirmed, but where he learns more
than he wants to know about Gabrielle, and meets
very gracious lady.
Back at
Baker Street some months later, Holmes receives
sad news from Yokohama, and Lestrade asks him to
investigate the Ripper murders in Whitechapel
is sent away by Watson.