Milo Yelesiyevich
Wilde About Holmes
Story Type: Canonical Revisioning narrated
by Wilde & Holmes
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes;
Professor Moriarty; (Dr Watson; Mary Morstan;
Mycroft Holmes; Inspector Patterson)
Fictional Characters: Gladys
Historical Figures: Oscar Wilde; Norman
Forbes-Robertson; Lillie Langtry; John Kelly;
Barney O'Shane; Inspector Williams; Grover
Cleveland; Frederick Gebhard, Jr; Frederick
Gebhard, Sr; Richard D'Oyly Carte; Henrietta
Labouchere; Miss Jay; Mrs Pendleton; Daniel
Manning; Frances Folsom; The Whyos; Red Rocks
Farrel; Googy Corcoran; Slops Connolly; Baboon
Connolly; James G. Blaine; Sam Ward; Mrs
Schermerhorn; Edgar Saltus; Colonel Morse; Bury I.
Dasent; Jay Gould; John Jacob Astor; Russell Sage;
A.A. Hayes; Mrs Hayes; Clara Morris; Theodore
Tilton; Jeanne-Marie Langtry; Henry E. Abbey;
Napoleon Sarony; David Belasco; Pierre Lorillard;
Leonard Jerome; Kate Hodson; Arthur Elwood; Abe
Hummel; Benoit Coquelin
(James Whistler; Lady Jane Wilde; Lady
Elizabeth Lewis; J.M. Stoddart; Edward
Burne-Jones; Mary Cornwallis-West; George
Childs; Mary Anderson; Reggie Le Breton; Charles
A. Dana; Reverend Ball; Reverend Kingsly
Twining; Mrs Folsom; Oscar Folsom; Ulysses S.
Grant; Ernest Fenellosa; Rev. Samuel D.
Burchard; Lester Wallack; Edward VII; Henry
Labouchere; William Le Breton; Diamond Jim
Brady; Richelieu Robinson; Edward Langtry;
George Lewis; William Ewart Gladstone; François
Joseph Regnier; Sarah Bernhardt)
Characters Based on Historical Figures:
Amber Halpin (Maria Halpin); Dandy John Nolan
(Dandy John Dolan); Jeanne-Marie Langtry (Oscar
Folsom Cleveland)
Other Characters: Woman in Window; Hansom
Driver; Lillie's Maid; Sailor; Dockers; Customs
Officers; Political Marchers; Cyprians; Porter;
Brevoort Commissionaire; Desk Clerk; Kelly's
Aides; Journalists; Artists; Brevoort Porters;
Brevoort Page; 23rd Street Ostlers; 23rd Street
Crowd; Amber Halpin; Office Boy; Gebhard's Butler;
James Mitchell; Streetwalkers; The Captain; French
Waiter; Amber's Butler; Policeman; Liveried
Servants; Gebhard's Guests; Gebhard's Maids;
Cleveland's Physician; Hotel Waiter; Moriarty's
Spies; Police; Vagabonds; Newsboy; Police
Headquarters Children; McGurk's Waiters; McGurk's
Clientele; Charley the Chisler; Pumpkinhead
O'Malloy; McGurk's Streetwalkers; Chinese Man;
McGurk's Policemen; Ludovic the Vampire; Ryder;
Maxwell; Hack Driver; Fifth Avenue Desk Clerk;
Fifth Avenue Bellboys; Delmonico's Beggars;
Delmonico's Patrons; Clergymen; Children; Wilde's
Valet; Chickering Hall Audience; Hayes's Guests;
Blaine's Aide; Newsboys; Captain of the Arizona;
Crewman; Lord X; Lady Y
(Covent Garden Child; Todd; Margaret; Barber; Mrs ----; Mary
Smithfield; Mr Smithfield; Smithfield's Child;
Chinese Workman; Ward; Inspector Wilson; Train
Boy; British Ambassador)
Date: 1874 & October- November, 1884
Locations: Boat Quay; Holmes's Rooms; The
Arizona; New York; Castle Garden; Pearl
Street; Fifth Avenue; Brevoort Hotel; 362 West
23rd Street; Gebhard's House; The Louvre; French
Café; Hotel Savoy; The Bowery; Palace of
Illusions; Police Headquarters; McGurk's Suicide
Hall; The House of Lords, Houston & Crosby
Streets; Brooklyn Bridge; Ward's Home; The East
River; Broadway; Blaine's Headquarters; Fifth
Avenue Hotel; Delmonico's; Cathedral of St John
the Divine; Chickering Hall; 112 East 29th Street;
Poe's House; Park Theatre; Wall Street; Stock
Exchange; Wallack's Theatre; Chicago; Grand
Pacific Hotel; San Francisco; Kansas City;
Washington D.C.; France; Paris
Story: 1874: Wilde suffers a hansom
accident while travelling across London to meet
Lillie Langtry off her ship. She visits Holmes, who
is working on a distillate of opium, and begs him to
love her.
1884: Wilde sails to America after his
play Vera is closed in London for
political reasons, and encounters Holmes on the dock
as he disembarks, recalling how he had almost come
to share rooms with him ten years previously. There
is a mix-up over their luggage and Holmes is almost
arrested for possession of banned books. He has
arrived in New York in pursuit of Moriarty who has
allied himself with the Whyos gang. They are both
staying at the Brevoort, where Holmes receives an
official welcome from Mayor Kelly. Later, they are
visited by Grover Cleveland, who asks Holmes to
retrieve a birth certificate from the actress Amber
Halpin, with whom he fathered a child nine years
previously and who is blackmailing him into breaking
his engagement to Frances Folsom. Wilde already has
a meeting, regarding Vera, arranged with
Halpin, and it is he who discovers her true
identity, while undertaking the task of marrying her
off to Gebhard. Gebhard wants to finance Wilde's
play, but his father has threatened to cut off his
allowance if he is not married by the following day.
Holmes and Wilde use a familiar trick to retrieve
the birth certificate.
At Gebhard's wedding, Holmes comes
face to face with Moriarty, and at Cleveland's hotel
he discovers that Moriarty now has the birth
certificate. The newspapers are full of the details
of the Cleveland scandal. Holmes discovers he is
being spied on, goes mad and writes a weird John
Lennon-esque chapter to prove it, then pulls himself
together again. He and Wilde discover they are being
spied on by the Whyos. Holmes is arrested in an
opium den, and later captured by Moriarty, who is in
league with Blaine and Kelly. He and Moriarty fight
on the Brooklyn Bridge, while Wilde organises an
American lecture tour.
There follows much philosophising and
political chicanery, but little to hold this
reader's interest.
Oh, and Holmes discovers he has a
The last fifty or so pages are
Lillie's diary.
Jane Yolen
Shirlick Holmes and the
Case of the Wandering Wardrobe (1981)
Story Type: Children's Homage
Detective: Shirli
"Shirlick" Holmes
Other Characters: George Parker; Women Raking Leaves;
Gloria; Candy; Frances Bird Baylor; Police Chief
"Chiefy" Parker; Gloria's Mother; Professor
Baylor; Mrs Holmes; Candy's Mother; Lester Gravel;
Mr Lolly; JF; Auction Bidders; Shirli's Father;
Shirli's Grandmother; Sandwich Man; State Tropers;
(Doc Kaiser; Bubba Baylor; Willard A. Baylor;
Mrs Parker)
Date: Autumn
Locations: USA; Hansfield; George's Yard;
Empty House; George's House; Auction House; School
Story: George Parker challenges
Shirli Holmes, who wants to be called "Shirlock", to
solve the mystery of antique furniture being stolen
from summer houses in their town. She begins
investigating with her friends Candy, Gloria and
Frances. The Girls visit the houses that have been
burgled to find clues, but are caught and warned off
the case by George's father, the chief of police,
although he assigns them the task of keeping watch
over the houses. Cigars, lollipop sticks and Juicy
Fruit wrappers provide them with clues, which lead
to Shirlick being trapped inside a wardrobe as it is
Gilbert Youmans
"Mrs Hudson Stays for Tea" (1985)
Included in: Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine
(January 1986)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mrs (Dorothea "Dottie") Hudson;
Inspector Lestrade; (Grimesby Roylott; Baker
Street Cook)
Historical Figures: (Arthur
Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Tea Shop Waitress; Mr
Fowler; Purse-Snatcher; (Baker Street Lodgers;
Sergeant Hudson; Fowler's Assistant; Carrie;
Cornelia Ransom; Mrs Hudson's Relative; Fowler's
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Tea
Story: Mrs Hudson consults Holmes over her
new gentleman friend, Mr Fowler, an American who
runs a fish stall in Soho, and whom she fears is
more interested in her widow's pension and 221B than
he is in her. It transpires that he has something
altogether different in mind.