Holmes at Close Range" (1905)
Included in: Toronto Saturday Night, 3 June
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; (Dr
Professor Moriar[i]ty)
Historical Figures: (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Narrator; Young Lady
Date: 1905
Locations: Canada; Toronto; Yonge Street
Story: The narrator meet Sherlock Holmes on
Yonge Street in Toronto. Holmes explains why he is
in Canada, and befuddles the narrator with a series
of deductions about hairpins. |
Stephen Wade
"The Case of the Vanishing Inn"
Included in: The MX Book of
New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part I: 1881-1889
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Extra-canonical adventure of Dr
Watson & Inspector Lestrade
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; Inspector
Lestrade; Professor Moriarty; (Sherlock
Other Characters: Detective Constable
Lees; Old Charger Customers; Landlord; Lizzie;
Harry Devaney; Jim; Jim's Girl; Door Guard;
Maurice Kunstlich; Gunman; Lisette; Policemen;
Constable Hesslam
Date: Early June, 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Poland
Street; Old Charger Tavern
Story: With Holmes away, Watson is alone
at Baker Street when Lestrade calls with the young
Constable Lees, whom he is showing the ropes of
policing. Lestrade has received a note
warning of danger to a royal personage, and asks
Watson to accompany him and Lees to the Old Charger
Tavern in Poland Street, for the demanded
rendezvous. There they face a bar brawl and a
Wendy N. Wagner
"The Kingdom of
the Sea Awaits You" (2022)
Included in: Gaslight Ghouls
(J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type: Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Characters: Morvoren
Other Characters: Liam; Johnny;
Captain Michaels; Connor; Captain Overton
Unnamed Characters: Old Woman; Fishermen;
Publican; Lighthouse Keeper
Locations: Cornwall; Rinnick Head; Cottage; The
Sea's Arms; Rinnick Head Lighthouse
Story: Dr Watson awakens, sick, in a Cornish
cottage. The old woman sent to care for him tells
him that Holmes has gone to the lighthouse, and
gives him a talisman for protection. He is taken to
the local in to tend to a dying sailor, whose
shipmates say was a victim of the morvoren. |

Howard Waldrop
"The Adventure of the Grinder's
Whistle" (1977)
Included in: Night of the Cooters (Howard
Waldrop); The Big
Book of Jack the Ripper (Otto Penzler)
Story Type: Fantasy Pastiche narrated by
Edward Malone
Canonical Characters: Baker Street
Irregulars; Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Inspector
Fictional Characters: Edward
Historical Figures: (Jack
the Ripper; Arthur Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Jenkins; Neddie; Mr
Soakes; Aubrey; Malone's Mother; Toldo Wigmore;
Police Sergeant; Police Officers; Doss House
Manageress; Victim; Dr Daniels
Date: 1888
Locations: Baker Street; Irregulars'
Basement; Whitechapel; Bremick Road
Story: Holmes summons the
Irregulars, of which Malone is hoping to become a
member, to the site of the latest Ripper murder. A
witness has heard a tuneless whistle and the sound
of knives being sharpened. Malone and Watson come
face to face with the killer, and the murder is
solved, but the Ripper remains at large.
Hilda Moyse Walker
"The Black Thumb Gang" (1920)
Included in: Northern Weekly Gazette, 7
February 1920
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherlock Bones
Other Characters: (Greasy Gus)
Unnamed Characters: Lady; (Husband;
Locations: Bones's Office
Story: Sherlock Bones arrives at
his office to find a lady waiting there. she is
worried that every day she receives a letter from
her husband in Hassamania with a black thumb print
on it. She fears that he has fallen in with the
Black Thumb Gang. Bones finds a more local solution.


Jan Walker
The Singular Case of the Duplicate
Holmes (1994)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade; (Vamberry;
Fictional Characters:
Historical Figures: (Arthur
Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Elizabeth Victoria
Bedford Penrose; Jacob "Jake" Anderson; The Hon.
Richard Charles Claymore Penrose; Mrs Prudden;
Mr Prudden; Mr Judd; Crosbie; Lady Beatrice
Featherstone; Nurse Campbell; Joseph Rickett;
Reverend Sutcliffe; Gentleman Jack Cooper; Clarice
Blackwell / Cooper / Penrose; Ralph Rawlins;
Marshall; Snelgrove; Mrs Ricketts; (Henri
Beurrecauld; Bridget; Alfred, Lord Featherstone;
Lady Margaret Elizabeth Bedford Penrose; Wilson;
Chambers; 3rd Baron Featherstone; James Edward
Langley Bedford, 10th Earl of Newbury; Rebecca
Margaret Bedford Penrose; Captain Sir Patrick
deFauconberge Neville; Ames; Lancocke; David
Despain; The Spencer Bunch; The Lavertys; Rolly
Cuttersome; Foxworth; Quigleys; Taylors;
Talcotts; Will Cooper; Duke of Chalford; Lady
Unnamed Characters: Bookseller; Brougham
Driver; Rotherhithe Doorway Sleepers; Crosbie's
Clientele; Baker Street Passers-by; Dress Shop
Proprietress; Cabbies; Featherstone's Footman;
Elderly Couple; Lady Featherstone's Messenger Boy;
Lestrade's Officers: Euston Station Crowds;
Mourners; (Trevor Square Servants; Penrose's
Cook; Penrose's Coachman; Mrs
Prudden's Kitchen Maid; Wigmore
Street Pawnbroker; Holmes's Parents)
Date: 14th November 1901 - ?
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Hyde Park;
Bookshop; Kensington; Trevor Square; Aybrook
Street; Chancer Lane; Lancocke & Judd Offices;
Rotherhithe; Crosbie's Tavern; Queen's Hall;
Church Street; Hertfordshire; Carlingwood;
Wethampton; Benstede Manor; Paddington Station;
Berkshire; Reading; Chippendown; Ladykirk Manor;
St Stephen's Vicarage; St Stephen's Church;
Grosvenor Square; Euston Station; Bedford Square;
Bayley Street
Story: After a period of inactivity,
Holmes is approached by Elizabeth Penrose, who
demands that he stop persecuting her, and shows
him some threatening letters that have been sent
to her in his name. While carrying out
investigations in Trevor Square, Holmes sees a man
arrive at the Penrose house and introduce himself
as Sherlock Holmes. Holmes pursues him across
Kensington. Elizabeth moves out of the family
home, but her room in her new lodgings is
ransacked, and the law office where family papers
are held is burgled. Meanwhile, Holmes is
approached by Jake Anderson, who has his request
to be taken on as an apprentice denied. He
discovers that the plot stems from events in his
own past, and pursued by the police, he and Watson
race to prevent a murder.
Karen Wallace & Emma Damon
The Case of the Fiendish Dancing
Footprints (2002)
Story Type: Children's Story
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherlock Hound
& Dr WhatsUp Wombat
Other Characters: Telegram Man; Sir
Sid Whisper; Birdbrain; Professor Ha-Ha Hyena; Dr
Locations: Hound's Rooms; Secret Service
Building; GreyMatter's Laboratory; Hyena's
Treehouse; 221B, Barker Street
Story: Sherlock Hound tries to teach Dr
Whatsup Wombat to waltz. They receive a
telegram from Whisper, head of the secret service
who asks them to investigate the disappearance of Dr
GreyMatter, the inventor of a mind-reading device.
At the professor's laboratory they find mysterious
dancing footprints in wet cement and hyena
pawprints. Whisper is also abducted, so Hound uses a
parrot and a cheese and pickle sandwich to discover
the evil Professor Ha-Ha Hyena's lair.
Penelope Wallace
"The World According to Uncle
Albert" (1982)
Included in: John Creasey's Crime
Collection 1982 (Herbert Harris)
Story Type: Homage
Detective: Uncle Albert
Other Characters: Frances Stephen; Hound,
the Great Dane; Mrs. Hubbard; Roger; Jane; John
Canning; Batty Annie; the vicar & his wife;
Mr. & Mrs. Payne; Mrs. Caxton; Dr. Spence;
Simon Lantern; Don; Susan; Sammy; P.C. Brown;
Locations: Uncle Albert's country estate.
Story: Uncle Albert is a Sherlock Holmes
buff. During Frances, his niece's 19th birthday
party, her jewelry is stolen. During the night
Frances hears a faint hissing from the front of
the house, and the footprints of a man walking on
his toes are discovered. Uncle Albert is convinced
that the theft was an inside job, but it is left
to the local police to solve the crime.
Michael Walsh
Song at Twilight" (2009)
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes In America (Martin H. Greenberg, Jon
Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes;
Mycroft Holmes; Mrs Hudson; The Scowrers; Von
Herling; (Dr. Watson; Birdy Edwards; Von
Historical Figures: H.H. Asquith; (George
Sir Edward Grey)
Other Characters: Mrs Murphy;
Maddie McParland; Rooftop Women; Blind Pig Ptrons;
Player; ; Barman; The Boss; Charlie Morey; Lefty
Louie; One-Eye; Happy Jim; Paddy the Priest; Irish
Street Arabs; Wild Geese Patrons; Barmaid; (Mr
Maddie's Father)
Date: July, 1912 - July 1914
Locations: USA; Chicago; Holmes's Sussex
Cottage; Mrs Murphy's Boardinghouse; Bridgeport;
3154 S. Normal Avenue; Blind Pig; New York State;
Buffalo; Altamont Hotel; Ireland; Skibbereen; The
Wild Geese Pub
Story: Mycroft sends Holmes to
America to deliver a sealed envelope to Maddie
McParland in Chicago. He is told by the Prime
Minister that should his mission go awry the
government will deny all knowledge. After delivering
the letter, he is lured to a bar, drugged and held
captive, at the end of which he is branded and
accepted as a member of a Fenian gang. The gang move
to Buffalo to lay low, and Holmes grows a goatee,
takes Irish and American lessons, and works for a
motor mechanic. As she lays dying in his arms, he
learns Maddie's true identity, and sets off in
pursuit of her killer to Ireland, where he also
encounters Von Herling.
Ray Walsh
The Mycroft Memoranda (1984)
Story Type: Pastiche narrated by Watson
& Holmes, & in Minutes from the Diogenes
Canonical Characters: Dr. Watson; Sherlock
Holmes; Billy; Tobias Gregson; Mrs Hudson;
Wiggins; Mary Jane; Watson's Brother; Mary
Morstan; (Athelney Jones; Inspector Lestrade;
Mycroft Holmes; Baker Street Irregulars; Tonga;
The Matilda Briggs; The Netherlands-Sumatra
Company; Mrs Cecil Forrester)
Fictional Characters: Lord John Roxton;
(Duke of Pomfret)
Historical Figures: Major Henry Smith;
Arthur Conan Doyle; Sir Charles Warren; Inspector
Frederick Abberline; Mary Jane Kelly; Caroline
Maxwell; PC Robert Spicer; Amelia Palmer; Jack the
Ripper; William Druitt; (Dr Thomas Openshaw;
F.S. Reed; Catherine Eddowes; George Lusk; PC
Edward Watkins; Elizabeth Stride; Louis
Diemschutz; Michael Ostrog; Aaron Kosminski;
Queen Victoria; Lord Salisbury; James Monro;
Henry Matthews; Rosy; Brixton Doctor; Dr Thomas
Bond; Sarah Lewis; Colonel Fraser; Annie
Chapman; George Street Lodging House Deputy;
Montague John Druitt; Mr Valentine; Druitt's
Other Characters: Cabbies; Berner
Street Ruffians; Casual Ward Men; Loafers; London
Hospital Porter; Scotland Yard Desk Officer;
Everson; Ringer's Clientele; London Hospital
Patients; Orderly; George Street Tenants; Sloane;
Roxton's Man; Ah Cheong; Chinese Servant; Seaman;
Policeman; (Plain Clothes Policemen; Peshawar
Staff Surgeon; Bruiser Bradshaw; Mycroft's
Date: 20th October, 1888 - 7th January,
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; St James's
Park; Marylebone Road; Trafalgar Square; Mitre
Square; Whitechapel; Berner Street; Whitechapel
Road; The London Hospital; Scotland Yard; The
Embankment; City Police Headquarters; Whitehall;
Mycroft's Office; York Terrace; Commercial Road;
Everson's Warehouse; Court off Brady Street;
Junction of Lamb & Crispin Street; The
Britannia Pub; White Street; Miller's Court;
Dorset Street; George Street; Palmer's Rooms; The
Albany; East India Dock Road; Limehouse; T'ien
Shen Opium Den; Southsea
Story: Having returned from Baskerville
Hall, Holmes is visited by Smith bearing the
kidney sent by Jack the Ripper, and he and Watson
travel out to the East End to examine the scenes
of the murders, running into Conan Doyle in the
process. A meeting with Gregson is disrupted by
Charles Warren, and results in Holmes's refusal to
assist the Yard. Abberline attempts to change his
mind, and he is reinforced in his task by a
summons from Mycroft to a meeting at which Holmes
is offered Warren's job. Refusing it, he takes to
the streets of Whitechapel in an unlikely
disguise, but is unable to stop an old
acquaintance falling victim to the Ripper. Watson
finds himself accused of being the murderer, but
Holmes asks him to find a woman among his London
Hospital patients to act as a Judas goat to trap
the real Ripper. When the woman is attacked,
Mycroft takes a firmer hand and assigns Roxton to
assist Holmes, who reveals to them the identity of
the Ripper and the reason for Watson's absence.
Roxton and Holmes face the Ripper in Baker Street
and an opium den before the case reaches it's
NOTE: Not all those listed under
"Historical Figures" are named in the text, being
referred to only by description.
Walt Disney Productions
The Mystery of the Missing Peanuts
Story Type: Children's Story
Sherlockian Detective: Donald Duck (as
Detective Donald)
Fictional Characters: Mickey Mouse;
Chip 'n' Dale
Other Characters: Camel; Kangaroo;
Ostrich; Elephant; Penguin; Hippo; Monkey;
Octopus; Bears
Date: February 18th, 1886
Locations: The Zoo; Detective Donald's
Story: When zookeeper Mickey notices that
peanuts are disappearing from the animal food shed
he calls on Detective Donald to investigate.
Donald finds a hole in the shed wall, and makes
each of the zoo animals try to reach the peanuts
through the hole to narrow down his list of
suspects. When that fails he sets a trap
in the food shed

Robert Walton
"The Adventure of the Speckled
Hand" (1999)
Included in: Ascent (Allen Steck, Steve
Roper & David Harris)
Story Type: Humorous Third-Person Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs [Penelope] Hudson; (Inspector
Historical Figures: (Sylvester
Other Characters: Rob Monarch; Napoleon
Pectoral; Katrin Montana; Talbot Amen
Date: Late 20th Century
Locations: USA; Yosemite; Camp 4
Story: Holmes and Watson are climbing in
Yosemite when they come across the corpse of Rob
Monarch. From four spots on Monarch's right hand,
Holmes deduces murder. Holmes loses the company of
Watson and Mrs Hudson to two of his suspects, and
makes another climb to the site of the murder in
the company of his third.
Daniel Ward
Sherlock Holmes ~ The Way of All
Flesh (2004)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Dr. Watson; Sherlock
Holmes; Mrs. Hudson; Athelney Jones; (Clive)
Thurston; Baker Street Irregular; (Inspector
Lestrade; Mycroft Holmes; Percy Phelps)
Historical Figures: Dr Robert Donston
Stephenson; Minna Mabel Collins; Jack the Ripper;
(Mrs Stephenson)
Other Characters: Patients; News Vendors;
Baker Street Pedestrians; Cab Drivers; Simon
Eversham; Constable Andrews; Inspector Toller;
Police Driver; Josiah Rumney; East Ham Hospital
Attendant; Charing Cross Hospital Porters; Green
Atlas Omnibus Conductor; Dock Workers; Charles
Adams; Vagrants; Arthur Warren; Mrs. Thurston; St
Luke's Matron; Buxton's Porter; Brothel Doorman;
Clientele; Girls; Pianist; Barman; Stephenson's
Jarvey; Captain Hughes; Jeremiah Bootle; Mrs
Bootle; (Templeton; Gianluca Carletti / Pietro
Buffón; Buxton's Porter; Duty Manager;
Constable; Police Sergeant; Dock Workers;
Victoria Dock Bobby; Buxton Manager; Wharfinger;
Jarvey; Brand & Co. Bank Manager; Sergeant
Cox; Young Solicitor; Dr McAuliffe; Urchins)
Date: February 18th, 1886
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Clerkenwell; Chadwell Street Surgery; Baker
Street; Holborn Post Office; Plaistow; Marsh Lane;
East Ham Hospital; Charing Cross Hospital;
Victoria Dock; Nelson Street Tavern; Brompton; The
Thurston Residence; St Luke's Hospital; Buxton's
Hotel; Chelsea; Brothel; Hampstead; Stephenson's
House; A Train
Story: While Watson is serving as locum
for a colleague in Clerkenwell, Holmes is called
upon by Mycroft to investigate the murder of an
Italian government envoy whose mutilated body has
been found in the Thames. He begins his
investigations at the docks disguised as a sailor
turned groom. Meanwhile, Athelney Jones arrests a
vagrant who has pawned the dead man's possessions.
When the body of a young solicitor is found at
Plaistow, Watson is sent undercover to locate a
house of ill repute, an investigation which takes
him into a circle of spiritualists, into
captivity, and into a bizarre sacrificial ritual.

Cynthia Ward
Adventure of the Incognita Countess (2017)
Story Type: Science Fiction Homage
Canonical Characters: Mycroft Holmes ("M"); (Bruce-Partington
Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson)
Fictional Characters: M; Carmilla
Karnstein ("Clarimal Stein"); The Red Weed; Paul
D'Arnot; (War of the Worlds Martians; The Nautilus;
Prince Dakkar; Mina Harker; Jonathan
Harker; Dr Hesselius; Baron Vordenberg; Laura;
Count Dracula; Professor Challenger)
Characters Based on Fictional Characters: Lord
Greyborough [Tarzan]
Historical Figures: Major Archibald
Butt; Francis Davis Millet; John Jacob Astor IV;
Madeleine Astor; Margaret "Molly" Brown; Benjamin
Guggenheim; W.T. Stead; Titanic Band;
Captain Edward John Smith; Joseph Boxhall; Elizabeth
Rothschild; Robert Hichens; Arthur Peuchen; Captain
Rostron; (William Howard Taft; Pope Pius X;
Sheridan le Fanu; Bram Stoker; Thomas Andrews;
Martin Rothschild)
Other Characters: Lucy Harker; Lady Joanne
Greyborough; Dr Krüger; Franz Schlosser; Margaretha
Rudolph; (Giuffrida Norton)
Unnamed Characters: Titanic
Passengers; Lookouts; Purser's Assistant; Bugler;
French Waiter; Stewardess; Heir to the Earldom of
Towndon and His Son; Stewards; Greyborough's
Daughter; Master-at-Arms; German U-boat Crew; Titanic
Officers; Greyborough's Irish Nurse;
Greyborough's Lady's Maid; (Mycroft's
Sons; Lucy's Young Man; Knights; Dhampir Child;
Dhampir's Parents; Vampires; Greyborough's Cousin;
Heat-Ray Technician; French Sailors)
Date: 9 April 1912
Locations: Whitehall Court; M's Office;
France; Cherbourg Harbour; Aboard the Titanic;
Ireland; Cork Harbour; Atlantic Ocean; A Lifeboat;
Aboard the Carpathia; USA; New York Harbour
Story: Lucy Harker, daughter of Dracula, is
tasked by M with Major Archibald Butt's safety as he
travels back to the USA with the plans of the Nautilus, recently
recovered by the Germans, aboard the Titanic, a
ship constructed with Martian technology. Lord
Greyborough, a young viscount whom she suspects to
be the jungle lord rumoured to have been raised by
apes in Africa, has been assigned as Lucy's
protector on the voyage. At Cherbourg, a Styrian
vampire, Clarimel Stein, joins the ship. As Lucy
grows closer to Clarimal, while simultaneously
planning to kill her, the plans are stolen from
Butt's stateroom.
NOTE: Although it is not stated in the book,
her name suggests that Lucy Harker's first lover
Giuffrida Norton may be a daughter of Godfrey Norton
and Irene Adler.
Norman W. Ward
"Colonel Warburton's Madness"
Included in: The Best of the Pips (The Five
Orange Pips of Westchester County)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Colonel Warburton
Other Characters: Robert Warburton;
Vincent Harrison; Mrs. Atkinson; Trap Driver;
Sergeant Nicholson; Barney Hutton; (Shopkeeper;
Mrs. Atkinson's Son)
Date: Spring, 1890
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Northumberland; Bellingham; The Warburton Arms;
Warburton Manor
Story: Holmes is visited by Robert
Norberton, who, it transpires, is the nephew of
the commander of Watson's old regiment. He is
worried about his uncle, who, on a recent visit,
seemed not to recognise him. Holmes sends Watson
to Northumberland to visit Warburton, who he finds
sitting unresponsively in a chair, and who fails
to recognise, or even acknowledge him. All he
learns is that a package addressed to Harrison,
his servant, arrives every week. Back in Baker
Street, Holmes seems inordinately interested in
the servant's right ear, and intercepts a package
of tea, before restoring Colonel Warburton to his
"Report of a Recent Conversation in a
Remote Cottage on the South Downs" (1955)
Included in: The Best of the Pips (The Five
Orange Pips of Westchester County)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Locations: Holmes' Sussex Villa
Story: Watson visits Holmes in Sussex.
Holmes deduces that he came by train and left in a
hurry. Watson is outraged at a series of stories by
a relative of his literary agent and someone named
Carr, which, he says, they are claiming are genuine
Sherlockian adventures. Holmes reassures him, and
tells him they are to old to be worried by such
things. |
Mark Wardecker
"The Adventure of the Docklands Apparition"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
Mystery Magazine #10 (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade;
Mycroft Holmes; Wiggins; Baker Street Irregulars;
Adolph Meyer (Lang)
Other Characters: August Pierpont;
Lombard Street Clerks, Businessmen & Workmen;
Policemen; Sailors; Stevedores; Imperial Bank Staff;
Bank Patrons; Diogenes Club Servant; District
Messenger; Buckley; Lewis Owen / Lester Owen;
Lestrade's Men; (Helena; Imperial Bank Clerks;
Sailors; Dockworkers; Riffraff; Ruffian with a
Truncheon; Docks Constable; Peters; Detective;
Imperial Bank Director; Stinson)
Date: Spring, 1896
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Finsbury; Christopher Street; Lombard Street;
Imperial Bank of England; Tobacco Shop; Christopher
Docks; Diogenes Club; Aldgate; Pub; 110, Vine
Street; Owen's Flat
Story: Holmes is consulted by
Pierpont, an accounts manager at the Imperial Bank
of England. He has found a photograph of a beautiful
woman on the front stoop of his house. He has since
seen the woman in the vicinity of his bank and near
his home. Watson, on stakeout, fails to spot the
woman, but the following day, Pierpont says that she
has led him to the Christopher Docks, where he has
seen his colleague, Owen, murdered.
"The Adventure of the Second
Round" (2011)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
Mystery Magazine #5 (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Lord Maynooth; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: Growler Driver;
Inspector Nicholson; Lord Morris; Lady Morris; Maid;
Perkins; Boggis; Bagatelle Club Servant; Members;
Theatre Manager; Cecilia Benson; Dr Smythe; Hospital
Inmates; Nurses; (Dr Edmund Samuels)
Date: November
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Kensington; Sherrinsthorpe Manor; Regent Street;
Bagatelle Club; The Strand; Burbage Theatre; St
Veronica's Hospital for Women
Story: Holmes and Watson are summoned
to Kensington by a letter from Inspector Nicholson.
They arrive to find that Lord Morris has been shot at
his desk. The gun used is on the desk and has been
reloaded. Watson finds his appointment book with pages
torn out. From Lady Morris they learn of a stranger
who has visited the dead man, and from his coachman
they hear about the Bagatelle Shakespeare Society. A
meeting with Lord Maynooth at the Bagatelle Club puts
them on the track of a missing actress at the Burbage
Theatre, and Watson makes inquiries at Bart's to bring
the case to its unexpected conclusion. |
R. Bruce Warden
"Herlock Sholmes Lends Santa a Hand" (1912)
Included in: The Western, Volume
17 Number 3, December 2012
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Herlock Sholmes
Folkloric Characters: (Santa Claus)
Other Characters: Mr Skinflint
Unnamed Characters: (The Milkman)
Date: Christmas
Locations: Sholmes's Rooms; Skinflint's House
Story: Sholmes investigates Skinflint's empty
Christmas stocking after Skinflint complains that
Santa has reneged on his promise to deliver presents
if Skinflint tips the milkman.

Kaaron Warren
"The Lantern Men" (2014)
Included in: Two Hundred and
Twenty-One Baker Streets (David Thomas Moore)
Story Type: Homage
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherlock Holmes;
John Watson
Other Characters: Grandfather; Bachelor;
T-Shirt Man; Peter Jones; Dead Man; Pathologist;
Bakery People; Teenagers; Sam; Builders; Drifter
Girl; (Boys)
Date: 2010s
Locations: Australia; Peppertree; Peppertree
Lodge; Peppertree Museum; Bakery; Holmes's Office;
Council Offices
Story: Australian architect Holmes is called
by Watson, his builder colleague, to the old mansion
that they are converting into the town museum. A
body has been found in the walls. Events bring back
memories of their teenage years and uncover a town
the Dead" (2017)
Included In: Sherlock
The Australian Casebook (Christopher
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Mrs Watson)
Historical Figures: Dr Constance
Stone; (Dr Singleton)
Other Characters: Melbourne
Landlady; Patients; Postman; Trackside Families;
Opium Addicts; Nurses; (Paperboy; Lacrosse
Players; Ophthalmologist; Army General;
Blackjack Vaughan; Postman's Mother; Dismembered
Postman; Diplomat)
Date: 1890
Locations: Australia; Melbourne; Collins
Street; Collingwood; Dr Singleton's Mission; A
Train; Sydney; Manly Beach; Cave; Hospital
Story: Observing a woman on a train,
Holmes is puzzled that she appears to be a doctor
rather than a nurse, and ascertains that she is
Constance Stone, Australia's first female doctor.
She asks him to investigate the case of a young
military veteran who claims to have been partially
blinded after seeing shadows of the dead in a cave
in Manly. Holmes and watson travel from Melbourne to
Manly to explore the cave.
Richard Warren
"An Epilogue" (1976)
Included in: More Leaves from the Copper
Beeches (The Sons of the Copper Beeches)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; (Victor Hatherly; Lady Brackenstall;
Captain Jack Croker; Teresa Wright; Fowler;
Alice Rucastle; J.H. Neligan; Captain James
Calhoun; Birdy Edwards; Biddle; Hayward; Moffat)
Other Characters: (Adelaide-Southampton
President; Bank Watchman)
Date: August, 1923 / January, 1898
Locations: Holmes' Sussex Villa;
(Mauritius; Port Louis; St Helena)
Story: Holmes summons Watson to Sussex,
where he tells him of a letter received in 1898
from St Helena, which appeared to refer to Lady
Brackenstall & Captain Croker. He contacted
Brackenstall, who told him that Croker's letters
to her had recently stopped. From the president of
the shipping line which owned the Bass Rock
Holmes learned of Croker's involvement with the
wife of the Governor of Mauritius, the former
Alice Rucastle, and of their disappearance.
Twenty-five years later he received another letter
from Croker telling him of the arrivals of a
number of familiar figures in St Helena in the
intervening years, and of a recent bank robbery,
asking him to travel to the island to investigate.
Holmes announces his decision and leaves Watson a
letter, only to be opened if he does not return.
Mercer Warriner
Sabrina the Teenage Witch: Hounded
by Baskervilles (2002)
Story Type: Children's Fantasy Novel
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
Fictional Characters: Sabrina the Teenage
Witch; Roxie; Aunt Zelda; Morgan Cavanaugh; salem;
Aunt Hilda; Miles Goodman; Josh; Drell
Mythical Characters: Sisyphus
Other Characters: Students; Dr. Mortimer
Cartwright; Baskers; Beatrice "Bea"
Bodenheimer-Brown; Dr. Finius Allerzapper; Witch
With Allergies; Flute Player; Swimmers; Bea's
Lawyer; Six Council Witches; Orchestra
Locations: Sabrina's House; Adams
College; Newman Hall; Zelda & Hilda's House;
The Other Realm; Allerzapper's office; Hilda's
Coffee Shop
Story: When she doesn't have time to read
The Hound of the Baskervilles for a class
assignment, Sabrina conjures up Sherlock Holmes to
tell her the story. In the first class of the day
she accidentally sneezes her animal communication
teacher, Dr. Mortimer Cartwright, and his dog,
Basker's (short for Baskerville) personalities
into each other's bodies. She takes them to her
aunts who are unable to reverse the spell. She
gets an A+ in her English test. Her aunts decide
she is suffering from an allergy and send her to
Dr. Allerzapper. As she continues to sneeze, more
people take on animal characteristics. She has to
find a way to cure her allergy and restore Dr
Cartwright to normal for a special presentation
dinner at the weekend. Allerzapper diagnoses a
guilt allergy which can only be cured by purging
the guilt. His receptionist, Bea, an old flame of
Salem's, is using Sabrina's allergy for her own
underhand schemes. All Sabrina has to do to sort
out everyone's problems is work out what is
causing her guilt.
T.A. Waters
The Probability Pad (1970)
Story Type: Psychedelic Science Fiction
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
(Altamont); Dr. Watson (Dr. Hudson)
Fictional Characters: Winnie The Pooh;
Dracula; The Caterpillar; The Seven Dwarfs
Historical Figures: T.A. Waters; Michael
Kurland; Chester Anderson
Other Characters: Uptown Girl; Piltdown
& His Primates; Pentalpha Audience; Weinie;
Wendy West; A Bum; Amy Muscar; Blonde; Mystic Jake
Sheba; Nobody Bartender; Annie; Solidus Plim;
officers; Chairman Plik; Null-T; Cops; A Parade of
Children, Hippies, Winos, Optional Psychos,
Photographers, Revolutionaries &
Unclassifiables; Frederick Kurland; Shapeless;
Girls; Coachman; Transylvanian Townspeople;
Bartender; Big Tex; Alphonse; Velia; The Kwikantha
Dead; What's That Clientele; Pair of Outlander
Females; Party Guests; Triskans; Wake-Up Service
Girl; Washington Square Park Crowd; Mounted
Policemen; Knights; Children of Bacchus;
Orchestra; Teen-age Thugs; Monster; (Perry
Locations: New York; Greenwich Village;
The Pentalpha; Broome Street; Houston Street;
Sullivan Street; Cafe Nobody; Waters' Apartment;
Lower East Side; Kurland's Apartment; Second
Avenue; The Jewel Bar; MacDougal Street; Bleecker
Street; Rivington Street; Mystic Jake's Apartment;
Trisk; Orchard Street; Transylvania; Town Square;
Inn; A Coach; Castle Dracula; A Desert;
Wonderland; The What's That?; Washington Square
Date: The Near Future; Saturday, April
30th, 1904 (Sherlockian section only)
Story: Chester disappears while coming
downstairs from the loft and a stair rail appears,
then disappears again; Waters & Kurland
investigate. Returning to the Pentalpha bar they
meet Chester, who denies having been at the loft,
and says someone is impersonating him. Waters
& Kurland learn that doubles of themselves
have been seen in the city and soon discover that
doubles of people and things are appearing
throughout the Village. They realise the
connection between all those duplicated is that
they own vidiphones, and their chief suspect
becomes Mystic Jake who claims not to own one, but
to have met his own duplicate. In searching Jake's
apartment Waters witnesses the arrival of a
shape-shifting alien, and Kurland is adopted by an
eight foot teddy bear who thinks he is
On a return trip to sabotage Jake's
vidip they find themselves zapped through time and
space to nineteenth century Transylvania. There
they meet 'Altamont', who they immediately
recognise as Holmes, and 'Dr. Hudson', who are
investigating strange events centring on Castle
Dracula. They travel to the castle with Altamont
& Hudson, where as prisoners in the dungeon
they witness Altamont carry Dracula to his death.
They finally deduce how to return to their own
time, but not before passing through a World War
II desert battle and Wonderland. They throw a
party, but it is interrupted by the arrival of
Solidus Plin, an alien, in the guise of a standard
lamp, a vacuum cleaner and a 3D TV set, who
explains the Triskan invasion plan and asks their
help to thwart it.
Alan Watkins
"Sherlock Holmes and the Invisible
Car Park" (1976)
Included in: Beyond Baker Street (Michael
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson
Historical Figures: Stanley Orme;
Edward Fletcher; Robert Carr; Dame Joan Vickers; (Fred
Marcus Lipton)
Other Characters: Cabbie; Uniformed Attendant
Date: November, 1972
Locations: New Palace Yard; Palace of
Westminster; Strangers Bar
Story: Holmes and Watson arrive at the
Palace of Westminster to find the surface of New
Palace Yard being churned up by cranes and
excavators. Holmes reveals that an underground car
park is being constructed, and explains to Watson
the machinations that have taken place, and the
threat to Big Ben.

Dr Watson
"The Crawfordsville Case" (1895)
Included in: The Wabash, April 1895; The
Ouiatenon, 1896
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Historical Figures: Charles B.
Kern; John E. Fry; Henry C. Hall; Harry O.
Pattison; William M. Hedrick; Walter
Whittington; (George Stockton
Burroughs; Prof. Duane Studley; Howard
Dickerson; Marshal Grimes)
Other Characters: (Professor
Unnamed Characters: Policeman; Students
Locations: USA; Holmes's Apartment;
Crawfordsville; Wabash College; The Crawford House
Story: Holmes and Watson travel to Wabash
College to investigate a series of thefts. Their
attention is drawn to the Athletic Association.
"The Colonial Adventures
of Shamrock Holes" (1904)
Included in: Victoria Daily Times, 23rd
April, 30th April, 4th May, 1904
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detective: Shamrock Holes
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; (Professor
Historical Figures: (Lord
Kitchener; Christiaan de Wet; Marie Curie; Baron
William Thomson Kelvin; Sir Oliver Lodge; Sir
William Ramsay; Sir William Crooke)
Other Characters: Sir Everard
Lanington; Earl of Larwick; Lord Dulwink; Sylvester
Butts; (Duke of Yo-; Stanley; Prince Hyanlohe;
Noggs; Sam Ling; George)
Unnamed Characters: Equerry; First
Lord; Landlord; Butts's Stable Man; Butts's Maid; (General
Locations: 13, Baker Street; Canada; Nova
Scotia; Halifax; Winnipeg; British Columbia;
Victopolis; Hotel; Buts's Farm
Story: Part I: Some Scouting and an
In the after math of the "Hound of the
Basket balls" case, Shamrock Holes is called upon by
Sir Everard Lanington, and employed to travel with
the Duke of Yo- to Canada.
Part II: Mystery of the Right-Handed Shunt
As the tour passes with no sign of danger,
Holes and Watson take on the task of tasting the
Dukes food and drink, to test it for poison. When
their carriage is disconnected from the Duke's
train, and they are left stranded in Winnipeg, Holes
deduces that Moriarty is behind it.
Part III: The Adventure of the Kinto Payuse
Deducing Moriarty's intention, Holes and Watson
travel to Victopolis, where they advertise for
business. They are hired by Sylvester Butts, a
farmer, to investigate the persecution he has been
subjected to by his neighbours, and the death of his
thirty-five-year-old pinto cayuse.

Dr H.A.E. Watson
"The Lost Democratic Majority"
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches:
1900-1904 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Historical Figures: (Marcus
A. Smith; John F. Wilson; Mike Hickey; E.S.
Clark; Joseph I. Roberts)
Other Characters: Client;
Date: Monday, 7th - Tuesday, 8th
November, 1904
Locations: USA; Arizona; Prescott; Hotel
Story: Holmes and Watson are stayiong at
the Hotel Burke in Prescott, Arizona, when they
are called on by an un-named client who has
lost the democratic majority.
I.A. Watson
"The Angel of Truth" (2019)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
and Doctor Was Not (Christopher Sequeira)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; (Professor Moriarty)
Historical Figures: Jane Dee; Dr
John Dee; Madina Dee; William Cecil, 1st Baron
Burghley; Sir Francis Walsingham; Elizabeth I; (Dee's
Edward Kelley; Arthur Dee; Roger Bacon; Tycho
Brahe; Prince Laski; King Stephen Batory; Emperor
Rudolph; Sir Francis Drake; Theodore Dee)
Other Characters: Lady Jenet
Hastings; (Lady Elsbet FitzHammond)
Unnamed Characters: Courtiers;
Court Attendant; Master of the Queen's Wardrobe;
Warden of the Queen's Bedchamber; Wasingham's
Private Secretary; Servants; Keeper of the Queen's
Jewel Box; Soldiers; Queen's Guards; (Gentlemen
of the Court; Maids)
Date: Early April 1590
Locations: Mortlake; Hampton
Story: Alchemist John Dee
summons his wife Jane to his laboratory, where he
says he has summoned the Angel of Truth. He
challenges it to reveal the truth of a plot against
the Queen, revealed to him by Walsingham, suggested
by the discovery of pins inserted into her clothing.
When word comes of Walsingham's death, the
angel, who calls himself William Sherlock Scott
Holmes, accompnies the Dees to Hampton Court. After
questioning the royal household, Holmes requests a
meeting with the Queen.
NOTE: Holmes's introduction of himself as
"Sherlock Holmes of Mycroft" refers to Baring-Gould's
idea that Holmes's family came from the homestead of
Mycroft in Yorkshire. |
"Dead Man's Manuscript" (2009)
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes Consulting Detective Volume One (Ron
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mary Morstan; Baker Street Irregulars;
Wiggins; Mrs Hudson; (Mycroft Holmes)
Historical Figures: (Rani
Lakshmi Bai; Jayajirao Scindia, Maharaja of
Other Characters: Captain Henry William
Lumley; Constable; Sergeant; Watson's Receptionist;
Watson's Patients; Bow Street Duty Sergeant; Sir
Tarrant Besting; Dr Hogan Forsythe; Museum Staff;
Sergeant Potter; Mrs Lobb; Charles Cayden; Bow
Street Constables; Satim Bey, Jr; Shedlow; (Colonel
Sir Derrington Lumley; Clerk of the Court; Bow
Street Officers; Museum Guards; Museum Visitors;
Dr Moore; Mr Goodge; Lumley's Cousins; Satim Bey,
Sr; Mr Reed; Mr Shawdene; Sybil Dawlish; Indian
Man; Hector Dorner; Dansen; Besting's Servants; Mr
Schott; Hauliers; Travoli Theatre Stagehand;
Scotland Yard Officers)
Date: 1891
Locations: Watson's Paddington Practice; Bow
Street Magistrates Court; 221B, Baker Street;
Cresswell Museum; Clarges Street; Hanley's Hotel;
Post Office; Besting's House
Story: Watson is visited by Lumley,
an old army colleague. He has no sooner told Watson
that he has been seeing his father's ghost, than the
police arrive to arrest him for the destruction of a
valuable document. Watson takes Holmes to hear
Lumley's story in the Bow Street Court cells. The
document was a cursed manuscript that was part of a
hoard of treasure looted by Lumley's father during the
Sepoy Mutiny, and bequeathed, on his recent death, to
the Cresswell Museum. Lumley says that his father's
ghost instructed him to destroy it. Holmes and Watson
visit the museum, and learn something of the
manuscript's recent history, and the hotel in which
Lumley saw the ghost, and are followed by a mysterious
carriage. They are visited by Cayden, an old army
friend of Lumley, Sr., who asks Watson's opinion about
Henry's sanity, but who is disturbed by Holmes's
passing reference to pepper. They take crown
prosecutor Besting, and Lumley, back to Lumley's
hotel, where Holmes demonstrates that none of the
events witnessed there or at the museum were what they
seemed to be. |
Ian Watson
"The Case
of the Glass Slipper" (1988)
Included in: Stalin's Teardrops (Ian Watson)
Story Type: Fantasy Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Fictional Characters: Cinderella's
Prince; (Cinderella; Fairy Godmother; Snow
Other Characters: (Hodgkinson; Royal
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: While Watson is visiting an
old friend, Holmes is visited by a Prince from a
neighbouring kingdom. He tells Holmes of a beautiful,
glass-slipper-wearing girl, who disappeared from a
ball at his palace on the stroke of midnight. After
finding the girl, Cinderella, and being married to her
for a year and a half, he has started to notice
changes in his bride. He believes she has been
replaced by a golem. Holmes has an altogether
different explanation. |

John H. Watson. M.D.
Adventure of the Booth-Nicholson Dipsodyne" (1954)
Included in: Flight and Aircraft Engineer,
No. 2396, 24 December 1954
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson
Historical Figures: (Glenn Curtiss;
Nicolaus Otto; Alberto Santos-Dumont)
Other Characters: Sir Gordon
Booth-Nicholson; Dr Mauriarty
Unnamed Characters: Journalist; Mauriarty's
Date: A summer morning at the turn of the
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Blackfriars
Story: Inventor Sir Gordon Booth-Nicholson
stumbles into the Baker Street rooms and reveals
that the plans for the Booth-Nicholson Dipsodyne, an
aerial locomotive, have been stolen from his
chambers in Tite Street. Holmes and Watson venture
amidst the publishing houses of Blackfriars to solve
the case.
Watson, Jnr.
"Sherlock's Dilemma" (1958)
Included in: As It Might Have
Been (Robert C.S. Adey)
Story Type: Parody
Detective: Mr Sherlock Holmes
Other Characters: Miss Ellam; English
Master; Baronsky; Headmaster Mr Sherlock; Games
Master; Greaves; Inspector Titmarsh; Boys; Chung
Ling; (Sir Hubert; Mannering; Webster)
Locations: School
Story: Miss Ellam arrives at the
headmaster's study to find him prostrate on the
floor, a kick from the sports master revives him,
and he tells them of the twin oriental faces he
saw at the window. The school trophies have been
stolen. Mr Sherlock begins investigating. The
Chairman of the governors was seen leaving with a
sack, and the English Master and the Head Boy are
both acting furtively. Mr Sherlock breaks up an
opium den in the conservatory, and learns of a
two-headed Chinaman who walks up walls. He finds
himself held captive and facing almost certain

T.S. Watt
"Giants in These Days" (1953)
Included in: Punch, 6 July 1953
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Sussex Housekeeper; Inspector Lestrade;
Two Coptic Patriarchs)
Fictional Characters: Boy Pleydell; Bertie
Wooster; Jeeves; (Berry Pleydell; Daphne Pleydell;
Jonah Mansell; Jill Mansell; Falcon)
Other Characters: Miss Gillibank; (Flail;
Bloodstock; Mrs Festival; Jane Bugworth; Parkinson
Family; Vandy Sabre; illicent Tantamount; Wooster)
Unnamed Characters: Watson's Patients; Woman
with Baby; Bus Conductor; Salvation Army Captain;
Clergyman; (Wooster's Manservant; Tibetan Lama;
Great Statesman)
Date: June
Locations: Watson's Consulting Room;
Hampshire; Wooster's Poultry Farm
Story: Boy Pleydell consults Holmes after the
theft of eight pairs of evening trousers from White
Ladies. He suspects the involvement of Bertie
Wooster and Jeeves who are renting a nearby poultry
Dan Watters
"The Docklands Murder" (2017)
Included in: Further Associates
of Sherlock Holmes (George Mann)
Story Type: Extra-Canonical Adventure of
Canonical Characters: Wiggins; Sherlock
Holmes; Mrs Hudson; Baker Street
Irregulars; Inspector Lestrade; (Dr Watson)
Other Characters: Albie Macrain; Sailors;
Police; Dock Workers; Jonesy; Ollie; Alex; (Wiggins's
Robert Gail)
Date: End of August
Locations: Baker Street; 221B, Baker Street;
Tower Hamlets; Docks
Story: When London dock overseer, Robert
Gail is murdered during a dock strike, Macrain, one
of the strike leaders, consults Holmes, fearing he
will be accused of the murder. When Holmes dismisses
the case, Wiggins decides to investigate.
Watson's Under-study
in Perth: The Case of the Straw-Street Boarding
House" (1908)
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches II:
1905-1909 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters: Reporters;
Steward; Waitress; Mrs Wing; John George Harris;
Tiger; Philip John Wing; Alderton; Barker; (Jane
Selina; George Harris Hildersley; Kip)
Locations: Australia; A Ship; The
Swan River; Perth; Primal Hotel; Park; 1084, Straw
Story: Holmes and Watson are
greeted by reporters when their ship arrives in
Australia. In their hotel they are visited by Mrs
Wing, a boarding-house proprietress, and later by
Harris, one of her lodgers, who tells them of the
theft of a purse and a viola, and the discovery of a
violin bridge at the boarding house. Holmes takes
rooms at the house, in disguise, and buys a dog to
solve the case.
Robert Weinberg & Lois H. Gresh
"The Adventure of the Parisian
Gentleman" (1997)
Included in: The Mammoth
Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures (Mike
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Huret
Historical Figures: Casimir Perier; (Alfred
Other Characters: Inspector Girac;
Politicians; Girac's Men; The Belgian Ambassador;
(Edward Ronet)
Date: October, 1894
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Paris; A
Cab; The President's Club
Story: Holmes is called to Paris, in the
wake of the Dreyfus affair, by Inspector Girac of
the Sûreté, to protect President Casimir Perier
from Huret, the Boulevard Assassin. He is able to
deduce the time and place of Huret's attack, and,
in disguise, to effect the capture of Huret, also
in disguise. Returning to London, he reveals the
truth about the men who hired the assassin.

Philip Weintraub
"The Flaming Goat" (1928)
Included in: The Dentos 1928 (Loyola
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detective: Shamrock Bones
Other Characters: Stephen Wotosnootski;
Hank Erchiff; (Dr Al E, Vater; S.S. Black;
Unnamed Characters: Concert Audience;
Householder; Census Taker; Woman; Man
Locations: Concert Hall; House;
Centerville; Main Street; Cliff
Story: Wotosnootski plays in a concert. A
census taker calls. Shamrock Bones tussles with
Sheriff Erchiff. A man and woman fight on a
David A. Weiss
"The Celestial Pastiche" (1948)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes By Gas-lamp
(Philip A. Shreffler)
Story Type: Homage
Historical Figures: Arthur Conan Doyle
{Angel No.103}
Other Characters: The Recording Secretary;
Members of the Avenging Angels; The Gabriel; Angel
No.17; Angel No.5; Angel No.16; Angel No.82
Locations: Heaven
Story: After the speeches and papers at a
meeting of the Avenging Angels, the Heavenly
Sherlockion scion, the winning entry of the annual
pastiche competition is read by the Gabriel. The
story holds everyone spellbound, and its writer is
introduced as the author of such works as The
White Company.
Edward Wellen
"The House that Jack Built" (1987)
Included in: The New
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Martin H.
Greenberg, Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh & Jon L.
Story Type: Science Fiction Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Irene Adler (Adele Nerri); Professor
Moriarty; Mrs Hudson; Hound of the Baskervilles;
Giant Rat of Sumatra; (Moriarty Gang)
Fictional Characters: Cheshire Cat
Other Characters: Navvies; Idiot Savant;
George Adkins; Schoolgirls; Clergyman; Publican;
Weasel-faced Man; Gap-toothed Man; Scruffy Man; Matilda
Mate; Matilda Captain; Pilot;
Helmsman; Lookout; Sailors
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; The
Monument; 42½, Threadneedle Street; The Eagle; The
Matilda; Tropical Island
Story: Worried about Holmes's health,
Watson attempts to conceal the Times from
Holmes, but from it Holmes learns that Irene is
missing from her London hotel. He also finds a
cryptic verse in the agony columns, which he
deduces is directed at himself, and that Moriarty,
somehow having survived Reichenbach, is using
Irene as bait to lure him to his death. Holmes
sets out to follow the clues of the agony columns,
and Watson follows Holmes, but is knocked out in
Threadneedle Street. Holmes is led through a
series of traps and puzzles via a thought-network
device, to save Irene who has been imprisoned
along with an idiot savant, who along with
Moriarty is connected to the network, and in whose
mind the challenges take place, and to avert an
attack on the Bank of England. When Watson regains
consciousness he realises the true nature of the
events that have taken place.
"Voiceover" (1994)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
Through Time and Space (Isaac Asimov, Martin
Harry Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh)
Story Type: Humorous Science Fiction Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Other Characters: I Suppose; Lord Harry
Nash; The Venusian Voice; A Policeman; The Cormorant
Clientele; Barman; Woman; Waiter; Winthrop Morrill
Locations: New Baker Street; New London; The
Cormorant Public House
Story: Watson is worried: not only does he
seem to be having memory problems, but Holmes has
brought home an irritating,
Cockney-rhyming-slang-spouting, robot dog. They are
visited by Lord Nash, who mistakes Watson for a
Baker Street Irregular. He speaks of a voice that is
ordering him to trigger volcanic eruptions in the
Equatorial Belt. He has forgotten, however, that
this is the day the clocks change, and realises that
the voice can hear him. He dies in terror. They
travel to the Cormorant public house, where they
retrieve a document stolen from Nash by a
pickpocket. From its list of times and dates on
which Nash heard the voice they are able to deduce a
threatened invasion from Venus. I Suppose (the dog)
sets out to stop the Venusian threat, while an
accident with a ray gun and a mirror reveals to
Watson that Holmes is in fact a robot. He later
learns about his own strange relationship to Arthur
Conan Doyle. |
Manly Wade Wellman
"The Man Who Was Not Dead" (1941)
(Also published as "But Our Hero Was Not
Included in: The Game Is Afoot
(Marvin Kaye); The
Of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen); The Big Book
of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs. Hudson
Other Characters: Amos Boling; Philip
Davis; Constable Timmons
Date: During World War II
Locations: The Sussex Downs; Holmes's
Story: Boling, a German Intelligence agent
parachutes into England during World War II, to
activate a group of sleeper agents. Arriving at an
isolated Sussex cottage, he attempts to get a
telephone message through to his contact in
Eastbourne, only to find his plans thwarted by the
cottage's residents.

Manly W. Wellman & Wade Wellman
Sherlock Holmes's War of the Worlds
Story Type: Science Fiction Pastiche
(narrated by Edward Malone & Watson)
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes;
Morse Hudson; Fairdale Hobbs; Billy; Mrs. Hudson /
Martha; Dr. Watson; Inspector Merivale; John
Mason; Sir Robert Norberton; Shoscombe Prince;
Percy Phelps; Victor Trevor; Mycroft Holmes; Dr.
Fordham; Stanley Hopkins; Violet Hunter
Fictional Characters: Great Portland Street
Dealer {Mr. Templeton}; Tall Dark Man In Grey
{Sherlock Holmes}; Professor Challenger; Martians;
Mrs. Challenger; Jacoby Wace; Lavelle; Stent;
Henderson; Ogilvy; Lord John Roxton; Austin; (Edward
C. Cave)
Historical Figures: H.G. Wells
Other Characters: Scotland Yard
Inspectors; Seven Dials Forger; Murdered
Policeman; Picture Frame Maker; Scientific
Writers; Horsell Crowd; Bicyclist; Phelps's
Servants; Messenger from London; Woking
Postmaster; Newsboy; Brigadier Sir Preterick
Waring; Surrey Refugees; Mrs. Hudson's Aunt &
Uncle; Donnithorpe Rector; Postmaster; Blacksmith;
Villagers; Telegrapher; London Refugees; Refugee
Train Crew; Men on Cambridge Station; Newsboy;
Telephone Caller; Crowd outside Challenger's
House; Pallid-Faced Oldster; Telephone Operators;
An Attorney's Clerk; Austin's Friend; Passerby;
Policemen; Uxbridge Road Crowd; A Fat Man in a
Derby Hat; Cyclist; Dray Driver; Chelmsford
Committee of Supply; Sailors; Captain Howard
Blake; Luke Tovey; Man on Horseback; Plump Bald
Man; Regent Street Crowd; Blowsy Woman; Murray's
Neighbours; Murray's Fellow Lodgers; Preacher; Mr.
Morgan; (Ezra Prather)
Date: December, 1901 - 1902
Locations: Great Portland Street;
Templeton's Antique Shop; A Hansom; Great Orme
Street; Hobbs's Lodgings; 221B, Baker Street;
Mars; West Kensington; Enmore Park; Scotland Yard;
Shoscombe Old Place; Simpson's; Waterloo Station;
A Train; Horsell Common; Chobham Road; Woking;
Briarbrae; Woking Station; A Train; Donnithorpe;
Village Inn; Refugee Train; Cambridge Station;
Ware; Hackney Marshes; Hoxton; A Tobacconist's;
The Mouth of the Blackwater River; A Church; Great
Ilford; Camden House; Hyde Park; Kensington
Gardens; Kensington Road; Cumberland Gate;
Uxbridge Road; Edgware Road; Portman Square; A
Public House; A Haberdasher's; Clerkenwell;
Shoreditch; Mile End Road; A Meadow; An Inn;
Chelmsford; Tillingham; A Cottage; A Stone House;
Another Cottage; A Clothier's Shop; Cambridge
Road; Whitechapel; Grosvenor Square; The
Serpentine; Regent's Park; Baker Street; Regent
Street; A Confectioners; Highgate; Murray's
Lodgings; Kentish Town; Camden Road; Stoke
Newington; Kingsland Road; Piccadilly; The Sussex
Downs; Holmes's Cottage; Dollamore's Vintners; A
Haberdasher's Shop; A Provision Store; Park Road;
Clarence Gate; Regent's Park; Primrose Hill; The
Martian Camp; St. Martin-Le-Grand telegraph
office; Queen Anne Street; Watson's Rooms;
Kensington; Venus
The Adventure of the Crystal Egg
While retrieving Fairdale Hobbs's stolen
Cellini ring from Morse Hudson, Holmes purchases
an egg-sized crystal from Templeton, an antiques
dealer, intending it as a gift for Martha Hudson
for Christmas. Morse Hudson seems eager to get his
hands on the crystal. Back at Baker Street, Holmes
sees a strange landscape appear in the crystal.
The following day he takes it to Professor
Challenger. Challenger is able to deduce that the
landscape is, in fact, Mars. Templeton tries to
buy back the crystal. It becomes clear that the
crystal is a device sent to Earth by the Martians
so that they may study this planet. Jacoby Wace,
who had studied the crystal when it was in the
ownership of Cave, another antique dealer, comes
to Baker Street and asks Holmes to help him trace
it, Holmes takes him to see Challenger. While
Challenger studies the crystal further, Holmes
investigates a number of unrelated cases,
including that at Shoscombe Old Place. Holmes
reads a magazine story about the crystal, by H.G.
Wells, and Watson points out a newspaper story
about flares erupting from the surface of Mars.
Challenger shows Holmes that the view in the
crystal has changed to the inside of a Martian
craft. The first of the cylinders falls at Woking
and Holmes is summoned by Sir Percy Phelps.
Sherlock Holmes Versus Mars
Holmes & Phelps travel to Horsell Common where
they witness the destruction caused by the Martian
heat-ray. After spending the night at Briarbrae,
Holmes returns to Baker Street & Mrs. Hudson,
Watson is absent, tending to Murray, who is sick.
More cylinders fall, and Holmes sends Billy to
stay with his mother in Yorkshire. He sends word
to Challenger to look after the crystal, as it may
be used to trap a Martian. Phelps asks him to be
the Government's agent in London, the government
having moved to Birmingham, and Mycroft having
accompanied the Royal Family to Balmoral. He
agrees to return after taking Mrs. Hudson to stay
with Victor Trevor in Norfolk. In Donnithorpe,
Trevor & Roxton are in favour of forming a
volunteer militia, but Holmes advises against it.
He receives word that London has fallen to the
Martians, but resolves to return all the same. The
train he travels down on is followed by a martian
flying machine, and the crew resolve to go no
further than Ware. Holmes walks the rest of the
way into the city. Having heard the cries of the
Martians, Holmes returns to Baker Street, where he
encounters Hopkins who tells him of the battle
between the Thunder Child and the Martian
war machines. Holmes suggests he should stay in
London, and investigate the Martians'
capabilities, he sends Hopkins to Birmingham to
report what they have learned so far. Exploring
London, Holmes again encounters Morse Hudson, who
wants to know where his wife, Mrs. Hudson, is. He
attacks Holmes, but is captured by a Martian.
holmes returns to Baker Street where he is
pondering the possiblity of the Martians falling
victim to Earthly germs when Watson stumbles
through the door.
George E. Challenger Versus Mars
Returning from Horsell, Challenger theorises that
Mars is just a staging post, and that the invaders
come from elsewhere. He is unable to contact
Holmes. In the crystal he witnesses Martians
draining the blood from a human captive.
Challenger sends Austin off to help man the
refugee trains, and procures a horse and trap on
which he and his wife join the tide of refugees
leaving London. In Chelmsford a group of men try
to take their horse. Eventually they reach the
coast where Challenger sends his wife off on a
boat to France. Meeting up with a cavalryman,
Tovey, Challenger watches the battle between the Thunder
Child and the Martians, then sets off for
London to retrieve the crystal he had left there.
Returning home he has a narrow escape from a
Martian, but retrieves the crystal. After
witnessing a massacre in Regent's Street, he goes
to Baker Street where he finds Holmes &
The Adventure of the Martian Client
Watson stays with the ailing Murray until he dies,
then makes his way back to Baker Street, evading
the Martians, where he meets Holmes, who tells him
about the crystal. Challenger arrives, bringing
the crystal with him. He is followed by a Martian
in search of the crystal. They are abkle to
capture & subdue the Martian, which is
diseased & dying, for further study.
Venus, Mars, and Baker Street
Challenger still believes the invaders to have
originated on a planet other than Mars. After they
have preserved the Martian's body in alcohol, Mrs.
Hudson arrives back at Baker Street. Challenger
hurries Watson outside to allow her and Holmes to
be alone. Climbing into the Martian fighting
machine, Challenger retrieves another crystal for
further study. he and Watson continue to explore
the city, and after a few days venture as far as
the Martian's camp at Primrose Hill, where they
find all the invaders dead or dying. After the
invasion life returns to normal. Watson becomes
engaged to Violet Hunter. He visits Challenger who
has made contact with the invaders who are now
attempting to colonise Venus. Challenger's
assistant shows Watson an element of the Martian
heat ray, but Watson is prevented from inspecting
it by the arrival of Holmes and Hopkins, who
reveal Morgan's true identity.
A Letter from Dr. Watson
Watson points out to H.G. Wells the inaccuracies
in his version of the events.

"The Adventure of the Clothes-line"
Included in: The Game Is Afoot
(Marvin Kaye); The
Of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen); The Big Book
of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler);
Holmes Great War Parodies and Pastiches II:
1915-1919 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Fictional Characters: C. Auguste Dupin;
Ebenezer Gryce; Lecoq; Arsene Lupin; A.J. Raffles;
Rouletabille; Scientific Sprague; The Thinking
Machine; Luther Trant
Historical Figures: Vidocq
Other Characters: Inspector Spyer; The
Chief of Police; Flossie Flicker
Locations: Fakir Street; The East Side; An
El Train; A Tenement Block
Story: The members of the Society of
Infallible Detectives, from their headquarters in
Fakir Street, investigate the mystery of a woman,
seen, by Inspector Spyer, hanging from a
clothesline strung between two tenement buildings.
Each offers his own solution, but the truth is
finally revealed by the chief of police.

Adventure of the Lost Baby" (1912)
Included in: The Sunday Star Magazine
(Washington DC), 23rd February, 1913; Sherlock
Holmes Great War Parodies and Pastiches I:
1910-1914 (Bill Peschel); and on this site
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Fictional Characters: Arsene Lupin; C.
Auguste Dupin; Lecoq; Vidocq; The Thinking Machine;
A.J. Raffles; Luther Trant; Rouletabille
Other Characters: Mrs Ezra J. Plummer;
Ladies; Mrs Green; (Episcopalian Client)
Locations: Fakir Street; Mrs Plummer's House
Story: The Society of Infallible Detectives
are called on by the widowed Mrs Plummer who has had
a John Rogers statuette, "Weighing the Baby" stolen
from her locked home. After visiting Mrs Plummer's
home, each detective departs with a clue. They
return to Fakir Street with a group of apprehended
ladies from the Village Improvement Society. |
"The Adventure of the Mona Lisa"
Included in: Sherlock
Great War Parodies and Pastiches I: 1910-1914
(Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Fictional Characters: Arsene Lupin; The
Thinking Machine; Lecoq; A.J. Raffles; C. Auguste
Dupin; Luther Trant
Other Characters: Messenger Boys;
Sandwich-Men; Washerwomen; The Chief of Police; The
Locations: Fakir Street
Story: The members of the Society of
Infallible Detectives, from the headquarters in
Fakir Street, set out to recover the stolen Mona
Lisa. Gradually the premises fill with more
and more "genuine" copies of the painting recovered
by the detectives, until a phone call from the chief
of police announces that the thief has given himself
up and confessed all. |

"Cherchez la Femme"
Included in: Sherlock
Great War Parodies and Pastiches II: 1915-1919
(Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Fictional Characters: C. Auguste Dupin; Arsene
Lupin; Lecoq; The Thinking Machine; Ebenezer Gryce;
Craig Kennedy; Rouletabille
Historical Figures: Eugène-François
Other Characters: Elmer Ensign; Gracie
Golightly; Watson's Understudy; Fluffy Raffles; (Kid
Minna Ensign; Kitty Ketcham; Zykowski)
Locations: USA; New York
Story: Elmer Ensign hires the Society of
Infallible Detectives to find his missing aunt, Gracie
Golightly, an ex-dancer who was planning to change her
will, away from a butlers' charity to her nephew and
his wife. A ransom note has been received.

Way to Catch Every Criminal. Ha! Ha!" (1912)
Also published as "The International Society of
Infallible Detectives"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes in
America (Bill Blakbeard); Sherlock
Holmes Great War Parodies and Pastiches I:
1910-1914 (Bill Peschel); A Bedside Book of
Early Sherlockian Parodies and Pastiches
(Charles Press)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Fictional Characters: Professor Augustus
S.F.X. Van Dusen; Lecoq; A.J. Raffles; Arsene Lupin
Other Characters: Chief of Police;
Messenger; Archaeologist; Farmer; Pastry Cook;
Locations: Fakir Street
Story: The members of the Society of
Infallible Detectives, hold an indignation meeting,
at their headquarters in Fakir Street, over the
introduction of the 'Portrait Parle', a way of
recording physical details of criminals, believing
that it will remove the possibility of startling
detective exploits in the future. The chief of
police wants them to find a criminal in hiding and
sends the man's portrait parle - a box containing a
lantern, gimlet, hook, hatchet, scarab, apple,
carrot, mutton chop and pie. The detectives make
their deductions and are sent out by Holmes to find
the criminal. They each return with a different man,
but the police find the real criminal. |
J.W. Wells
"His First Bow" (1951)
Included in: Ellery Queen's Mystery
Magazine, December 1951
Story Type: Homage
Other Characters: Miss Tilley;
Adam Lake; Lieutenant Charles Ames; Patrolmen; 75th
Street Bystanders; Miss Clark; Mr Bellows; (Connelly;
Mr Stanton; Mark Willoughby; Clark, sr; Clark, jr;
The Sellingtons; Photographer)
Locations: USA; New York; Courtney
Library; 75th Street; Willoughby's Books
Story: Lieutenant Ames calls on
Adam Lake, Director of the Courtney Library, after a
bookseller, Mark Willoughby is murdered with a gun
from a display featuring a first edition of A
Study in Scarlet. After Willoughby's
assistant is arrested, Lake returns to see the
Holmes display by night, and gets the clue he needs
to solve the case.

Oliver Wells
Adventure of the Shattered Boudoir Glass" (1918)
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes Great War Parodies and Pastiches II:
1915-1919 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Other Characters: Cops; Victim; (Mayor of
New York; Crown Prince of Austria)
Date: Thursday
Locations: USA; New York; Biltmore Hotel;
Fifth Avenue; England; Holmes's Country Place
Story: In New York on a lecture tout, Holmes
receives an anonymous noting telling him that a
murder will be committed in an empty house on Fifth
Avenue. His investigations result in a broken
boudoir glass and the arrival of the cops. Watson
loses his faith in Holmes.
Zack Wentz
"Simplicity Itself" (2013)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
Mystery Magazine #10 (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche apparently
narrated by the bastard son of Dick van Dyke
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: Narrator and
presumably some others
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Oh, for goodness sake! Wentz
has decided to try to write this as a Cockney. If
you want to struggle through nine pages of stuff
like "I'm 'oldin me 'at like I'm chauntin' lay,
griddlin' inna street", go ahead: I'm really
not going to be reading this one for you. It appears
to be about a cheery Cockney drug-dealer delivering
Holmes's stash.

"The Adventure of the Missing Hop" (2013)
Included in: The Gateway, Volume 21,
Number 5 (30 October, 1930)
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detective: Hemlock Homes
Other Characters: Hiram K.
Bilgewater; Poizunn Ennybody; Rustless Rupert;
Burlington Bertie; Lobelia Bilgewater
Unnamed Characters: Police; Strong Men;
Drinkers; (Armed Detectives; Girl Guides;
Locations: Lager Springs; Bilgewater
Brewery; Haunted House
Story: A hop from the Bilgewater
collection of six is stolen from the brewery's safe.
Hemlock Homes and his dog, Rustless Rupert, arrive to
investigate. Burlington Bertie holds the hop to
ransom, wanting to marry Bilgewater's daughter,
Robert Weverka
Murder by Decree (1979)
(Based on the screenplay by John Hopkins)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade
Historical Figures: Jack the Ripper;
Edward VII; Edward's Family; Catherine Eddowes;
Mary Jane Kelly; Sir Charles Warren; Robert James
Lees; Grace Lees; John Netley (John Slade); Annie
Crook; Lady Gull (Lady Spivey; Sir William Gull
(Sir Thomas Spivey); Lord Salisbury; Henry
Matthews; (Polly Nicholls; Annie Chapman;
Elizabeth Stride; Joseph Hyam Levy; Joseph
Lawende; Constable Edward (Oliver) Watkins; Mrs
Gull; John Kelly; Alice Crook; Duke of Clarence;
Queen Victoria)
Other Characters: Opera Audience; Opera
Performers; Sir Goeffrey [sic] Harlton; Opera
House Concierge; Cab Drivers; Mr Makins; Mr
Lanier; Mr Carroll; Makins's Companions; Mitre
Square Crowd; Constables; Wharf Man; Dock Guard;
Lees' Butler; Lees' Maid; Newspaper Vendor; Lees'
Housekeeper; Nuns; Settlement House Inmates;
Alehouse Patrons; Danny; Public House Proprietor;
Police Sergeant; Prisoners; Telegram Boy; St
Christopher's Chief of Medical Staff; Wickshire
Attendant; Dr Hardy; Latimer; Head Nurse; Mother
Superior; Downing Street Constable; (Lord
Starkweather; Lady Starkweather; South American
Businessman; Henry DeRyder; Inspector
Foxborough; M. Poinard; Telegraph Boy; Park Lane
Constable; River-Ferry Captain; Eddy's Friend;
Catholic Priest; Midwife; St Christopher's
Date: September, 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Covent
Garden Opera House; Whitechapel; Mitre Square;
Wharf; Wentworth Dwellings, Goulston Street;
Elizabeth Wharf; 25, College Row; Scotland Yard;
Catholic Setlement House; Public House; Police
Station; St Christopher's Hospital; Victoria
Station; Train; Reading; Wickshire Hospital; Brook
Street; Spivey's House; Dorset Street; 13, Millers
Court; Hospital; Providence Row Convent; 10,
Downing Street
Story: Holmes is puzzled when, after the
second Ripper murder, he has still not been
consulted by the Yard. Returning from the opera on
the night of the third murder, Holmes is visited
by members of a citizens' committee from the East
End who wish him to investigate the murders. That
same evening, he receives an anonymous note, and,
with Watson, travels to view the scene of the
Eddowes murder, but they are seen off by Sir
Charles Warren. He is given a tip-off about a
further clue, and is able to chemically
reconstruct the chalked message about "The Juwes".
A further tip-off almost leads to a confrontation
with a swordsman on the Elizabeth wharf, and sends
him to talk to Lees, a medium who has seen the
Ripper in a vision, and later in person. They read
of the murder of Makins, leader of the Citizens'
Committee, Holmes makes a connection between the
murders and Freemasonry. He visits the Lees again,
and sends Watson to Whitechapel to interview the
victims' friends. He finds himself under arrest,
but leads Holmes to Mary Kelly, who reveals a
story linking the murders to the Royal Family.
Holmes visits an asylum, is almost killed, and is
called before the Prime Minister before the case
reaches its unsatisfactory conclusion.