Sherlockian Story Summaries

C - Clunk

A heading in Red indicates that the character appears, or plays an important offstage role, in the story.

Titles in regular type are those in which the character appears. Titles in italics indicate that the character is merely mentioned. Page numbers indicate the page on which the character appears or is mentioned.

Click on these links for publication details of editions used for indexing

Sherlock Holmes
                      Victorian Parodies and Pastiches: 1888-1899 (Bill


"The Mystery of the Spot Ball" (1893)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes Victorian Parodies and Pastiches: 1888-1899 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Mrs Boddle; Baker Street Policeman; Plainclothes Officers; Mugson; Mr Tollocks; (Police Inspector; Police Constables; Police Detectives)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; 16, Tooral Terrace
Story: After his deductions about Watson's night out are disproved, Holmes is called upon by Mrs Boddle, who after hearing strange noises outside her house, has discovered that her lodger, Mr Tollocks, has disappeared.
At Mrs Boodle's house, Chief Mugson shows Holmes a billiard ball and slip of paper, and after examing the garden and house, Holmes deduces that a murder has been committed by a secret society from the South Pacific.

Peter Calamai

"The Puzzle of the Vanishing Laboratory" (2003)
Included in:
Curious Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs. Hudson; Athelney Jones
Historical Figures: (Herbert Beerbohm Tree)
Other Characters: Jeffrey Carruthers; Jeremiah Beglo; Patricia Saunders; Four-Wheeler Driver; A Constable; Professor A.T.M. Jakobsen; (Count Gerster; Pevensey Bay; Sergeant; J.T. Wexham; Walter J. Wexham; Royal Society of Musicians Chairman)
Date: An Edwardian August
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; A Train; Eastbourne; A Four-Wheeler; Norman's Bay Martello Tower; (Pevensey Bay Police Station; Lisle Street; Royal Society of Musicians Offices)
Story: Holmes has read in the papers about a Hungarian found in Sussex, with surveying equipment, claiming he was looking for a site for a new restaurant. Meanwhile Watson has read of a young couple exploring a Martello Tower in Norman's Bay. When the young woman entered the tower it was full of scientific equipment, but in the time it took for her to climb down and bring her companion up, all the equipment had disappeared. Carruthers, a reporter, brings the couple to Holmes, who travels down to Sussex to investigate. An electric switch that seems to serve no purpose, wooden mouldings on the wall, a visit to the Royal Society of Musicians, and the actor-manager Herbert Beerbohm-Tree, set Holmes on the path to solving the mystery and connecting the two news stories.

                      Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II: 1890-1895
                      (David Marcum)

                      Investees' Anthology (David Marcum)
"The Riddle of the Rideau Rifles" (2007)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II: 1890-1895 (David Marcum)
; An Investees' Anthology (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Bartholomew Evans
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes / Sigerson; (Meyers; Dr Watson)
Historical Figures: Sir John Thompson; (William Gladstone; Colonel Arthur Percy Sherwood; George M. Dawson)
Other Characters: Bartholomew Evans; Private Secretary; Evans's University Classmate; Inspector Jack Wells; Detective Constable O'Reilly; Jephro Clarke; Patterson, Sr; Patterson, Jr; Hack Driver; Hibernian Debating Society Members; Colonel Benjamin Saunders; Police Constables; (Jonathan Evans; Geological Survey Assistant; Armourer; Carpenter; Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence)
Date: November, 1940 / March, 1894
Locations: Canada; Ottawa; Prime Minister's Office; Railway Station; Russell Hotel; Police Station; Parliament Hill; The Commissariat; LeBreton Flats; Duke Street; Couillard Hotel
Junior Canadian government aide Bartholomew Evans is summoned to the Prime Minister's office. Gladstone is sending a private investigator, Sigerson, to Canada to help discover who might be behind a rise in anti-American sentiments in the country, and Evans is assigned to assist him. They learn that a young police detective, who had been investigating the smuggling of explosives, has been found dead in the Rideau Canal. A tour of the Commissariat and a disguised infiltration of a meetig of the Hibernian Debating Society lead the case to a conclusion.
"The Steamship Friesland" (2008)
Included in:
Gaslight Grimoire (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; The Steamship Friesland; James Calhoun; Calhoun's Mates (Billy & Darrell); John Openshaw; (Colonel Moran; Mrs Watson; Mrs Hudson; The Lone Star; Lone Star Crew)

Historical Figures: (Arthur Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Karl Neustaedter; Swarthy Ruffians; Lascars; (Watson's Solicitors; Mrs Watson's Relatives; Jan Brouwer; McFarlane; Friesland First Officer; River Police)
Date: Early Summer, 1894
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; The Friesland; Preston Road
Watson wakes to find Holmes apparently talking to himself in the sitting room. The following day Holmes asks Watson to arrange an appointment with Doyle. On his returns, he tells Watson that he has been discussing the possibility of communication with the spirits of the dead, and shows him a cutting describing the discovery of the body of Brouwer, First Officer of the Friesland, in the Thames. He says that he believes he has heard the spirit voice of John Openshaw accusing Calhoun and his mates of Brouwer's murder. He and Watson board the Friesland, aboard which the Klansmen now work, and attempt to bring justice to the killers, but it is from another world that retribution finally comes.
Gaslight Grimoire
                      (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)

"The Suspicious Closure of the Wig & Pen" (2003)
Included in:
The Book of Love Letters (Paul and Audrey Gresco)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
; (Mary Morstan)
Historical Figures: Peter Calamai; Mary Calamai
Other Characters: London Constable
Date: 2003
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: The hundred-and-fifty-year old Sherlock Holmes deduces that Watson has spent the afternoon with Mary Morstan, then tells him of his visit from Mr and Mrs Calamai and their account of the events of the past year
. He deduces that Professor Moriarty is behind the closure of the Wig & Pen Club.

Cy Caldwell

"The Amazing Adventure of the Punctured Major General" (1934)
Included in:
Aero Digest, November 1934
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade
Historical Figures: (Billy Mitchell; Cliff Henderson)
Characters Based On Historical Figures:
Major General Sir Benjamin Chummy-Chumley Foulois (Benjamin Foulois); Sir Douglas MacArthur; (Jim Farley (James Farley); King Franklin I (Franklin D. Roosevelt))
Other Characters: (Surgeon General Carver)
Unnamed Characters: Cabby; Stuffed Admiral; Ex-Chief of Staff; The General Staff
221B, Baker Street; Muddled Mansions
Story: When Major General Sir Benjamin Chummy-Chumley Foulois, Chief of the Air Corps, is stabbed in the back, Lestrade takes Holmes and Watson to Muddled Mansions, the headquarters of the War Department, to investigate. There they encounter a sleeping General Staff and Sir Douglas MacArthur.

Laura Caldwell

"Art in the Blood" (2014)
Included in:
In the Company of Sherlock Holmes (Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock Holmes; Professor Moriarty)
Historical Figures: (Vernet)
Other Characters: Drew Dekalb VanWerden; Post Reporter; Benjamin "Binny" Moriarty; Barbara "BB" Baden-Shore; Charlotte Raford-Jennings; Tomasina Winters; BB's Waitstaff; Prisoners; (Gargeau; Tad; Vietnamese Grocery Clerk; Dekalb's Mother; BB's Husband; Dekalb's Customers; Christie's Appraiser; William Sharton)
USA; New York; Madison Avenue; Dekalb's Office; BB's House; Dekalb's Apartment; Prison
Story: Dekalb has been labelled "the Sherlock Holmes of the Art World" by the New Yorker, but is accused by a Post reporter of selling a forged Gargeau painting, Wheels of a Rogue, and
receives a letter from his former assistant and lover, Binny Moriarty, saying that he has the real Gargeau.

In the Company of
                      Sherlock Holmes (Laurie R. King & Leslie S.


"A Strange Suicide" (1921)
Included in:
Inter-America, Volume IV Number 5, June 1921
Story Type: Parody Script

Canonical Detective Loufock-Holmes
Unnamed Characters:
Unknown Visitor; (Visitor's Brother)
Locations: Argentina; Loufock-Holmes' Consulting Room
A sardine-executioner tells Loufock-Holmes that he committed suicide two hours previously. Loufock-Holmes visits his house to ascertain the truth.

Kenneth Cameron

Winter at Death's Hotel (2011)
Story Type: Homage

Historical Figures: Louisa Doyle; Arthur Conan Doyle; Theodore Roosevelt; Sir Henry Irving; Buffalo Bill Cody; Marie Corelli; Victoria Woodhull; (Carrie Brown; Inspector Thomas Byrnes; Ameer ben Ali)
Other Characters: George Manion; Ethel Grimstead; Mrs Harding; Gerald Oppenheimer; William Carnahan; Patrolman James Malone; Mrs Amos Simmons; Alexander Newcome; Lieutenant Jack Cleary; Roscoe G. Harding; Sergeant Grady; Sergeant Harry Dunne; Detective L. Cassidy; Finn; Mr Carver; Dr Strauss; Harvard Harry; Francotte; Mr Galt; Lady Jane; Anne-Marie "Minnie" Fitch; Musgrove; Mamie; McClurg; Mr Clapp; Fred / Daniel Gerrigan; Cullum; Leonard Rogers; Mrs Wayne; Anna May; Frederick; Philly Nugent; Herman "Hermie" Steinhoffer; Richard Hoffman; Deputy Chief Francis Xavier Halloran; Lieutenant Banks; Old Woebegone; Gargan; Detective Forcella; Detective Mercer; Detective-Probationer Matthews; Marion McCousins; Old Mr Carver; (General Sammartino; Cyrus Bickle; Masters; Mrs Alonzo Gappert; Colonel Beauregard; Tenny McLean; Duncan Moy; Mrs McCrae; Mrs Brown; Lina; Tipple; Officer Flynn; Miss Castle; Jackson; Foley)
Unnamed Characters:
New Britannic Receptionists; Wagon Driver; Street Sweeper; Barrow Man; Shop Worker; Elevator Boy; Hotel Cleaners; Bell Boys; Waitress; Hotel Guests; News Vendor; News Stall Customers; Murder Squad Detectives; Nurse; Police Stenographer; Cab Drivers; Wild West Show Man; Sandwich Board Man; Express Building Crowds; Express Lift Operator; Express Receptionist; Urchin; Express Staff; Copy Boys; Holtzer's Cashier; Tenth Precinct Officer; Express Telephone Operator; Hotel Waitress; Restaurant Waiter; City Hall Staff; Park Crowds; Hotel Waiter; Tenement Woman; Morgue Attendants; Paresis Doorman; Paresis Hall Clientele; Musicians; Barman; Walking-Stick Shopkeeper; Wild West Show Performers; Hotel Night Doorman; St Bartholomew's Parishioners; Golden Pit Clientele; Golden Pit Barman; Policemen; Mulberry Street Residents; Murdered Hack Driver; Milkman; Brooklyn Bridge Toll Operator; Hotel Cooks; Chief of Police; Police Commissioners; Night Watch Commander; Deputy Chief of Police; El Passengers; Copy Editor; Seventy-Seven Patrons; Seventy-Seven Barman; Roosevelt's Maid; Halloran's Driver; Doyle's Editor; Pawn Shop Customer; Pawnbroker; Italian Waiter; Séance Women; Firemen; Man on Train; Ferry Passengers; Brooklyn Cab Driver; Journalists; (Specialist; Homeless People; Cleary's Brother; Cleary's Sister; Medical Examiner; Architect; French Maid; Doyle's Audiences; Harding's Secretary; Hotel Housemaid)
January, 1896
Locations: USA; New York; New Britannic Hotel; Sixth Avenue; Greenwich Village; Bleecker Street; The Bowery; Mott Street; Elizabeth Street; Twenty-Third Street; City Mortuary; Mulberry Street; Police Headquarters; Printing House Square; New York Express Offices; Holtzer's; Park Row; Tenth Precinct Station; Restaurant; The Authors Club; Fifth Avenue; City Hall; The Tombs; Brooklyn Bridge; Shankey's; Sixth Avenue Saloon; Paresis Hall; Fifth Avenue; Union Square; Walking-Stick Shop; Central Park; Madison Square Garden; Clark's; St Bartholomew's Church; Thirty-Fourth Street; MacDougal Street; The Golden Pit; West Street; Spring Street; Washington Street; Van Dam Street; Varick Street; Worth Street; Broadway; Elm Street; Centre Street; Park Row; The Seventy-Seven Saloon; Chatham Square; Madison Avenue; Roosevelt's House; Nassau Street; Chase's Bank; Publisher's Office; Seventh Avenue; Friendly Pawn Shop; Madison Square; Brooklyn Heights; Cleary's House; Jersey City; Pennsylvania Railroad Terminal; The Brooklyn Ferry
The Doyles arrive at the New Britannic Hotel in New York with their maid, Ethel. A beat cop discovers a body dumped in an alley in the Bowery. Louisa Doyle reads of the murder in the newspapers the following morning, and realises that she had seen the dead woman in the hotel the previous day. Roosevelt brings millionaire Roscoe G. Harding to the morgue to identify the body of his wife, and orders Cleary, Commander of the Murder Squad, to keep the victim's identity out of the public record. A sprained ankle prevents Louisa from accompanying Doyle on his lecture trip, and forces her to remain at the hotel. She sends a message to Roosevelt about the young woman and the man she saw her with, but receives a visit from the police warning her to stay quiet. Looking for more information, she takes her story to newswoman Minnie Fitch. Dunne, the detective assigned to close off the case, continues to investigate behind the backs of his superiors.

A second murder is committed, the body disfigured in similar ways to the first. Manion, the hotel detective, assists Louisa in finding the details of the first murder. She spends time at City Hall looking for evidence of police corruption, and attempts to view the bodies at the city morgue. Edith, Louisa's maid tells her about the ghost of a French maid who disappeared in the hotel two years previously. A guard is killed during the dumping of a third victim's body, but a police pursuit fails to catch the killer. Louisa fears that Minnie is the latest victim, and arrives back from the morgue to discover that a murder has been committed at the hotel. After being assaulted outside her room, Louisa learns the secret of the hotel.

Steve Cameron

"The Mysterious Drowning at St Kilda" (2017)
Included In:
Sherlock Holmes: The Australian Casebook (Christopher Sequeira)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Historical Figures: Inspector Richard John Webb; Constable Davidson; J.L. Toole; Mr Beck (Coffee Palace Manager); Mrs Bowers; (Pauline Levi; Louis Lightman; James Shannon (Lightman's Companion); Mrs Breslau (Pauline's Landlady); Alexander J. Reid (Young Man on Ship); Samuel Sicklemore; Matilda Roberts; John Edgar Roberts; Miss Clayton (Matilda's Sister); Constable Fleming; Thomas Higgins (Boatman); Dr G.A. Syme (Autopsy Doctor))
Other Characters:
Mrs Withers; Asylum Matron; Dr Henry Parker; Mrs Parker; Theatregoers; Coffee Palace Employee; Harold Peters; Doctor; (Visitors; Parker's Son; Asylum Attendant; Shipping Agent; Constable Cutler)
Date: Late May, 1890
Locations: Australia; Fitzroy; Morgue; Kew Asylum; Melbourne; Parker's House; Collins Street Café; Theatre; St Kilda; Pier; South Yarra; Coffee Palace; Carlton; Rathdowne Street
Inspector Webb of the Melbourne police force, consults Holmes over the mysterious drowning of a woman at St Kilda who had first been identified as Pauline Levi, an English woman, who disappeared on the eve of her wedding to Mr Lightman, and then as Mrs Roberts, the Tasmanian wife of an inmate of Kew Asylum.

Sherlock Holmes: The Australian Casebook
                      (Christopher Sequeira)
A Study in
                      Lavender (Joseph R.G. DeMarco)

J.R. Campbell

"Court of Honour" (2011)
Included In:
A Study in Lavender (Joseph R.G. DeMarco)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Fictional Characters:
Arthur Birling
Other Characters: Mrs Nyland; Eric Birling; Schrader; Gillis; Dr Jenkins; (Adam Bellamy; Headmaster)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; School; Chapel
Watson delivers the news of her brother's suicide by poisoning to Mrs Nyland. After their client has departed, Watson announces that he is hiring Holmes to bring those who drove Bellamy to take his own life to justice. They take Bellamy's lover, Birling, back to the men's old school, where they carry out a ritual court of honour in the chapel

"The Entwined" (2008)
Included in:
Gaslight Grimoire (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters: Catherine Drayson; Mr Drayson; Cabbie; Theodore Willingham; The Rider; Scotland Yard Officers; (Doctors; Asylum Staff; Ronald A.Pursey; Jonathan E. Mulchinock; Russell B.Wolfe; David J. Johnson; Robert W. Elliott; Mrs Drayson)
Date: Spring
Locations: Asylum; A Cab; Drayson's Home; 221B, Baker Street; Wilingham's Lodgings

Asylum inmate Catherine Drayson asks Holmes to find out if she has murdered a number of men, whose names she has given him. Holmes has confirmed that at least three of the men have been murdered, while the other two are out of the country. Miss Drayson, however, has been confined in the asylum for nearly two years, so could not have committed the murders unless, as she claims, she can fly between two worlds. They try to prevent a sixth murder, learn of the Brotherhood and the Melvaris, and sit vigil waiting for the killer to appear.
                      Grimoire (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
                          Incidents (J.R. Campbell & Charles
                          Prepolec) "The First Mate's Jacket" (2002)
Included in:
Curious Incidents (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Constable Henry; Inquiry Board; Cluney; Mrs. Mary Ranstead; Cab Driver; Constable; Diver; Captain Dove; (Dock Crowd; Innkeeper; Mr. Ranstead; Embezzler)
Locations: Falmouth; Train Station; Killigrew Street; A Cab; A Beach
Story: While assisting Holmes in an embezzlement case in Falmouth, Watson is called to aid Mrs. Ranstead, the survivor of a shipwreck. She and crewman, Cluney, were the only survivors from a ship which was transporting an ancient meteorite from St. John's to Falmouth. Holmes and Watson attend the official enquiry, and Holmes seems taken with a rope burn on Cluney's jacket. He sends the local constable out on an errand, and the next day they mount watch on a buoy he has located. As they wait Watson spots a rowing boat heading towards it, and the truth of the matter is made clear.
"Lord Garnett's Skulls" (2015)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II: 1890-1895 (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Cab Driver; Detective Constable Cambers; Garnett's Head Buttler; Lord Garnett; Cambers' Constables; Henry Garnett; Climbing Boy; (Garnett's Dinner Guests; Garnett's Chief Cook; Lady Garnett; Lady Garnett's Physician; Workman; Sailor; Chimneysweep)
Date: Late 1890 or Early 1891
Locations: A Hansom Cab; Lord Garnett's House
Story: Watson encounters Holmes in a hansom in the street and is whisked off to Lord Garnett's house. He had been called in by Detective Constable Cambers after four skulls that Garnett brought back from Borneo had been stolen from a locked room, but now Garnett's young son has also been abducted. A list of visitors to the house, the servants' tales of treasure, and the boy's story of hearing a ghost in the night lead Holmes to a resolution of the case.
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part II: 1890-1895
                      (David Marcum)
                      Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles
                      Prepolec) "The Missing Coppertop" (2003)
Included in:
Curious Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Tobias Gregson; Mrs. Watson
Other Characters: Leslie Warboys; Mrs. Bodmer; Military Man; Cab Driver; Constable Rimbly; Gregson's Prisoner; Holmes' Messenger; Mrs. Warboys; Men on Engine; Norris Bodmer; Constables
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Goddington Street; Gregson's Hideout; Watson's House; Warboys' House; Scotland Yard; The Embankment; A Cab
Story: Warboys, a railway man, consults Holmes over an engine that has gone missing. When Watson visits the house of a retired driver, whom Warboys has remembered recently commenting on the engine, he sees a military-looking man, whom Holmes identifies as being connected to a blackmail case over which Gregson is currently holding a man prisoner. It soon becomes apparent that the two cases are linked and that Scotland Yard itself is under attack.
"Mr Other's Children" (2009)
Included in:
Gaslight Grotesque (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Inspector Bradstreet; (Mrs Watson; Mrs Hudson)
Other Characters: Mrs Bradstreet; Cabbie; Sarah; Hotel Guests; Mr Other; Constables; Coroner; B Division Officers
Date: December
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Baker Street; Bradstreet's House; Watson's House; Hotel
Story: Inspector Bradstreet's wife calls on Holmes when her husband disappears, having threatened to end his own life. Holmes and Watson find Bradstreet preparing his own grave, and persuade him to accompany them back to Baker Street. A key in Bradstreet's billfold leads them to a strangely lit hotel room, an unconscious woman, and a concealed journal in which she writes about her dealings with Mr Other. They fail to rouse the woman, and watch as creatures begin to emerge from her scalp. Watson discovers Mr Other's true nature, and they realise the nature of Bradstreet's fears.
                      Grotesque (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IV: 2016 Annual
                      (David Marcum) "Relating to One of My Old Cases" (2015)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IV: 2016 Annual (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Third Person Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
; Mrs Hudson; (Tobas Gregson; Dr Watson)
Other Characters: Mrs Mason; Reginald Mason; Tristan; Mary Leahy; Fireman Second Class Tarven; (Mr Mason; Darrel Norville; Clara Norville; Police Officers; Robbie Norville; Tristan's Landlady; Firemen)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Mason's House; Portsdown Road; Police Station
Story: Two years after his investigation into her husband's death, Holmes is visited by Mrs Mason, who asks for an explanation of his behaviour on the night of the murder. She has come to him in relation to the death of her late husband's mistress, Clara Norville, wanting him to prove that her son was not behind the fire in which they died.

Nick Campbell

"The Adventure of the Decadent Headmaster" (2014)
Included in:
Further Encounters of Sherlock Holmes (George Mann)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs Hudson; (Inspector Lestrade)
Historical Figures:
Nick Campbell
Other Characters: Secretary of the Chelsea Psychical Society; The Marvel of Montmartre; Marcus Crawthew; Students; Tiger Kit Marlowe; Beetle; Cricket Captain; Schoolmasters; "Froggy" Lemaitre; Mr Grimes; Policemen; (Cox & Co. Girl; Arnold Bragg; Mr Tournier; Bragg's Father; Marlowe's Father)
Date: August, 2013 / November-December 31st, 1899
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Primrose Hill; Meadowbrook College for Boys; Regent's Park; The Langham Hotel
Story: Campbell visits a medium to get a new story from Dr Watson.

Watson receives a letter from an anonymous master at Meadowbrook College asking Holmes to investigate the strange behaviour of the school's headmaster, involving the departure of one of the students and the apparent delivery of a woman's body to the headmaster's rooms. Holmes dismisses the letter as a schoolboy prank, but the following week the press carries a story of a master murdered at the school. The solution to the case is linked to a card-playing wax automaton, the Marvel of Montmartre.

Further Encounters of
                      Sherlock Holmes (George Mann)

Robin N. Campbell

"The Adventure of the Misplaced Eyeglasses" (1979)
Included in:
A Century of Scottish Mountaineering (W.D. Brooker)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
; Baker Street Page; (Mrs Hudson; Mycroft Holmes; Professor Moriarty; The Politician [Mr Willoughby])
Historical Figures: Harold Raeburn;
J. Norman Collie; (Eberhard Phildius; Oscar Eckenstein; Aleister Crowley; William Inglis Clark; Alfred Stieglitz)
Characters Based On Historical Figures: Mr Lawrie [Robert Lawrie]
Other Characters: Sergeant McDonald;
James Moffat / James Moriarty
Unnamed Characters: Telegram Messenger; Crianlarich Youth; Groom; (Police Oficers; Scottish Mountaineering Club Members; Doctor)
Date: January, Before 1897
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Lawrie's Boot Shop; Euston Station; Scotland; Crianlarich; Fort William; Alexandra Hotel; Police Station; Ben Nevis; Halfway Observatory; Tower Ridge; Summit Observatory; Gardyloo Gully
Story: Holmes and Watson travel to Scotland in response to a telegram from Holmes's cousin, Norman, a research chemist, who has been accused of murdering a fellow climber, Mr Willoughby, a Foreign Office secret agent, on Ben Nevis. The case hinges on the disappearance and subsequent reappearance of Willoughby's spectacles. Accompanied by Harold Raeburn, Holmes and Watson scale the mountain to examine the site of Willoughby's death, and learn that Aleister crowley was a member of the climbing party.

NOTE: Holmes and Watson visits Lawrie's shop near Marble Arch to buy boots. Although Robert Lawrie did sell mountaineering boots at 38, Bryanston Street, near Marble Arch, he did not set up premises there until the 1930s.
"The Case of the Great Grey Man" (1985)
Included in:
One Step in the Clouds (Audrey Salkeld & Rosie Smith)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson;
James Phillimore; (Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade; Mycroft Holmes)
Historical Figures: Hugh T. Munro; Queen Victoria;
Tsar Nicholas II; (J. Norman Collie; Harold Raeburn; Edward VII)
Other Characters: Mr Scott; Dundee Wullie; (Duke of Fife; Donald; Macdonald)
Unnamed Characters: Police Officers; Highlander; Ghillies; Lynwilg Landlord; Ponyman; Airship Crew; (Shooting Party; Landlord's Boy)
Date: August-September 189-
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; North London; Phillimore's House; Scotland; Braemar; Lynwilg Hotel; Derry Lodge; Coire Sputan Dearg; Ben Macdhui
Story: James Phillimore, a scientist suspected of selling secrets to a foreign power disappears after stepping back inside his house for an umbrella, despite the house being surrounded by Holmes, Watson, and twenty police officers. Frustrated at his failure to find Phillimore, Holmes resorts to cocaine. His mood is lifted by a letter from his cousin, Norman Collie about a giant spectre that has been seen in the Cairngorm Mountains. After travelling to Braemar, they are told of other sightings of strange lights, faeries and a giant bird, and a second death attributed to the spectre. They encounter a giant hairy beast atop a mountain, and Holmes flies a kite to avert an assassination.

J.B. Cannon

"Mister Misty's Missing Mystery" (1932)
Included in:
The Journal (Wofford College), Volume 43 Number 1, November 1932
Story Type:
Sherlockian Detective: "Misty" Sherlock Watson Vance Philo Holmes

Other Characters: (Vanwagon Family; Martha; Freddie the Rat)
Unnamed Characters: Narrator; Chocolate Center Residents; Police Officers; Waiter; Vanwagon's Butler; Detective; Judge
Date: June
Locations: Chocolate Center; Dining Establishment; 420 E-Z Street; Courtroom
Story: The narrator encounters Sherlock Watson Vance Philo Holmes, whose friends call him Misty, in the village of Chocolate Center. Holmes has been hired by the Vanwagon family to find the murderer of Martha, whom they had adopted several years previously. They arrive at the Vanwagon's mansion to find it infested with rats. They discover that the victim is not all that they expected, and the butler confesses to the crime.

P.H. Cannon

Pulptime (1984)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes / Altamont; (Dr Watson; Mrs Watson; Irene Adler)
Historical Figures: Frank Belknap Long; May Doty Long; H.P. Lovecraft; Frank Belknap Long, Sr; Bess Houdini; Harry Houdini; Sam Loveman; Rheinhart Kleiner; Everett McNeil; George Kirk; Arthur Leeds; Wheeler Dryden; James F. Morton; Hart Crane; Detective Thomas F. Mahoney; (George Kirk; E.L. Sechrist; Anne Tillery Renshaw; Lillian Clark; Arthur Conan Doyle; C.M. Eddy, Jr; Vincent Starrett; Sonia Greene; Sarah Phillips Lovecraft; Winfield Lovecraft; Farnsworth Wright)
Other Characters: Jan Martense; Manuel; Cordelia Garrison; Dinah; (Jack Altamont)
Unnamed Characters:
IRT Passengers; Street Toughs; Speakeasy Doorman; Speakeasy Customers; Speakeasy Waitress; Bouncer; Fifth Avenue Doorman; Garrison's Maid; Red Hook Residents; Illegal Immigrants; Martense's Lieutenants; Church Girls; Nurse; Dockside Crowd; (Persian Lodger; Martense's Cook; Wolcott Street Locals; Doctor)
Date: April, 1925
Locations: USA; New York; Upper West Side; 825 West End Avenue; Brooklyn; Borough Hall Station; Willoughby Street; John's Spaghetti Place; Clinton Street; 169 Clinton Street; Riverside Park; 278 West 113th Street; 110th Street; Suydam Street; Red Hook; Wolcott Street; O'Connell's Saloon; Gotham Hotel; Fifth Avenue; 50 Fifth Avenue; Madison Avenue; Columbia Heights; Loveman's Apartment; Parker Place; A Sewer; Martense's Underground Lair; Dance-Hall Church; Brooklyn Hospital
Long and Lovecraft assist Lovecraft's elderly neighbour, Mr Altamont of Chicago, after he is assaulted by street toughs outside his and Lovecraft's lodging house in Brooklyn. Altamont reveals that he is Sherlock Holmes and has been recommended Lovecraft, by Houdini, as a guide to the backstreets of New York. Houdini tells them of Jan Martense, a Brooklyn bootlegger with a chain of speakeasies, who is also involved in people trafficking. he is also closely involved with the spirit medium, Cordelia Garrison, and has possession of sensitive documents belonging to Holmes's illustrious English client. They attend visit a speakeasy, and attend a séance. Holmes sets a plan in motion to retrieve the documents from Martense's Red hook lair with the aid of the literary members of the Kalem Club. Holmes, Long and Lovecraft descend into the sewers to face Martense in his underground lair.

"The Rummy Affair of Young Charlie" (1994)
Story Type:
Supernatural Parody
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes / Altamont
Fictional Characters: Bertie Wooster; Jeeves; Aunt Agatha Gregson; Charles Dexter Ward; Blandot; Aged Money-Lender; Upholsterer; Erich Zann; (Arthur Jermyn; Pongo, the White Ape; Tuppy Glossop; Theodore Howland Ward; Mrs Ward; Uncle Tom Travers; Claude Wooster; Eustace Wooster; Dr Marinus Bicknell Willett; Randolph Carter; Strange Old Mulatto; Uncle Willoughby; Sir Alfred Jermyn; Beefy Bingham; Doctor Muñoz; Student of Metaphysics; Mrs Herrero)
Other Characters: (St John)
Unnamed Characters:
Gamin; Rue d'Auseil Residents
Locations: Berkeley Mansions; France; Paris; Hotel; Rue d'Auseil
Story: Bertie Wooster and Jeeves travel to Paris, at the behest of Aunt Agatha, to keep Charles Dexter Ward, the son of her American friends, out of trouble. when Ward disappears, Jeeves tracks him down to a house in the Rue d'Auseil, where he has apparently moved to be in closer association with the violinist Erich Zann. Also lodging in the house is the elderly American, Altamont, who gets them to assist him in a plan to extract the details of a mysterious manuscript from Zann using the soothing powers of music.

Peter Cannon

"The Adventure of the Noble Husband" (1998)
Included in:
The Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (Marvin Kaye); The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)

Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson
Fictional Characters: (Adrian Mulliner)
Historical Figures: Louise Hawkins Doyle; Arthur Conan Doyle; Jean Leckie; P.G. Wodehouse; E.W. Hornung; Constance Hornung; Mary Doyle; (Jack Hawkins; Mary Conan Doyle; Kingsley Conan Doyle; Fletcher Robinson)
Other Characters: (Mason)
Summer, 1900
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Lord's Cricket Ground; Paddington Station; Gloucester; The Everson; (Undershaw)
Story: Louise Doyle visits Holmes and tells him that she suspects her husband of having an affair. She says that he is involved in a literary feud, has taken up the banjo, and has been pressing snowdrops in books. When Doyle returns from South Africa, Holmes sends Watson to meet him at a cricket match at Lord's, where he finds him in the company of Jean Leckie. Doyle travels to Gloucester after a confrontation with his brother-in-law, Hornung, and Holmes follows him there, having learned of his destination from Wodehouse, to find him in the company of more than one woman.

                        Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (Marvin

The Big Book of
                        Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)

Sherlock Holmes
                      Mystery Magazine #10 (Marvin Kaye) "The Problem of the Three Edwardian Pennies" (2013)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #10 (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; Sherlock Holmes
Historical Figures: Arthur Machen
Unnamed Characters: Suffolk Trap Driver; Men in Blue Jerseys; Inquest Official; (Machen's Editor; Fishermen)
Date: After 1901(During the Reign of Edward VII)
Locations: High Holborn; The Dog and Duck; Suffolk; Martello Tower; Station
Story: Since Holmes's retirement, Watson has made the acquaintance of Arthur Machen, who tells him of his own encounter with Holmes at a treasure-trove inquest into a horde of coins found in Suffolk after a section of cliff collapsed.
"Holmes and the Loss of the British Barque Sophy Anderson" (1996)
Included in:
Resurrected Holmes (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type:
Third Person Pastiche (in the style of C.S. Forester)
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Billy; Dr Watson; (Mycroft Holmes)
Other Characters: Sir Joseph Porter; Commander Henry Bush; Lt. Richard Hornblower; Lt. Patrick McCool; Captain George Budd, M.D.; Jack Luhulu; (Sophy Anderson Crew; Howard Grimes; Captain Koch; Nurse)
Date: 1887
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; A Train; Portsmouth; Naval Headquarters; The Admiralty
Story: Admiralty Sea Lord Porter calls at Baker Street. The Sophy Anderson under command of Lt. Richard Hornblower (great-grandson of Horatio Hornblower) and sporting new experimental engines has sunk in the North Sea after an explosion. Porter asks Holmes to discover whether foreign agents were responsible for the sinking. He believes that a German submarine may have been behind the disaster, and that this may be part of a plot centred around the maritime events that will be a part of the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations. Holmes travels to Portsmouth to interview the ship's survivors. A comatose Polynesian steward seems to be the focus of Holmes's concern, and an impersonation brings the case to a close.
Resurrected Holmes (Marvin Kaye)

Wilson Cantrell

"Right Dress" (1957)
Included in:
The Dude, November 1957
Story Type:
Sherlockian Detectives:
Hemlock Sholmes' Doctor Whatsup;
Canonical Characters: (Professor Moriarty)
Other Characters: Fifi LaRuelaRue
Locations: USA; New York; Madison Avenue
Story: Fifi LaRuelaRue plots the death of Hemlock Sholmes who has spurned her love, despite the fashionable wardrobe of gifts she has given him.

Bernard E.J. Capes

"A Notable Interlude" (1907)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches II: 1905-1909 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters:
Narrator; Mr Shapter; Valombroso; Inspector Jannaway; (Mr Dalston; Johnny; The D's; Coachman)
Story: When Valombroso objects to working with Jannaway on the search for Dalston, it is decided that he will work with Holmes instead.

NOTE: This is a chapter from Capes's novel The Great Skene Mystery.

Sherlock Holmes
                      Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches II: 1905-1909
                      (Bill Peschel)
                      Holmes Victorian Parodies and Pastiches: 1888-1899
                      (Bill Peschel)

Montgomery Carmichael

"On the Threshold of the Chamber of Horrors" (1894)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes Victorian Parodies and Pastiches: 1888-1899 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters: Edward Clay; Waxworks Attendant; Policeman
Locations: Baker Street; Marylebone Road; St John's Wood Station; Mme Tussaud's Wax Museum; Marlborough Road Station; Grovend Road; Lisson Grove; Bloomsbury; Temperance Hotel
Story: Edward Clay, the London Road Murderer, is hiding out in a Temperance Hotel in Bloomsbury.
As he is walking down Baker Street he notices the celebrated detective and his companion looking down at him. With the two in pursuit, he flees, arriving eventually in Mme Tussaud's where he encounters a wax model of himself.

Caleb Carr

The Italian Secretary (2005)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs Hudson; Mycroft Holmes; (Shinwell Johnson)
Historical Figures: Queen Victoria; (Mary, Queen of Scots; Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley; David Rizzio; Lord Salisbury; Edward VII)
Other Characters: Military Intelligence Officer; Naval Officer; Intelligence Men; Train Attacker; Lord Francis Hamilton; Gavin Hackett; Andrew Hackett; Mrs Hackett; Dennis McKay; Alison Mackenzie; Robert Sadler; "Likely Will" Sadler; Fife & Drum Barman; Fife & Drum Patrons; Colour Sergeant; Roxburghe Clerk; Garrison Commandant; Policemen; Duke of Hamilton; Golden-Haired Girl; Punjabi Shop Proprietor; (Sir Alistair Sinclair; Alec Morton; Jackson)
Date: September (before 1901)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Euston Station; Train; Scotland; Edinburgh; Prince's Street Station; Holyroodhouse; The Fife and Drum; Roxburghe Hotel; Edinburgh Castle; Balmoral Castle; Baker Street; Punjabi's Shop[
Story: Holmes receives a cryptic telegram from Mycroft summoning him to Scotland after the deaths of the architect and foreman involved in restoration work at Holyroodhouse. Holmes astonishes Watson by suggesting that the ghost of David Rizzio, the murdered secretary of Mary, Queen of Scots may be at the root of the killings. Travelling to Scotland they undergo a bomb attack on their train, and are accused of one of the murders. Mycroft tells them of a number of attempts on the Queen's life, and that the perpetrator of the latest has escaped from the prison ship on which he was being transported. At Holyrood they examine one of the victim's injuries, find a damsel in distress and a secret passage, and hear a ghostly voice. After Holmes identifies those involved in the events at the palace, he and Watson arrange to be taken on an illicit ghostly tour, but instead come under siege from an enemy armed with mediaeval weaponry. Watson has an encounter with a spirit.

                          Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sebastian

                          Game Is Afoot (Marvin Kaye)

John Dickson Carr

"The Adventure of the Conk-Singleton Papers" (1948)
Included in:
The Game Is Afoot (Marvin Kaye); The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sebastian Wolfe)
Story Type:
Parody / Script
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Conk-Singleton; Professor Moriarty; (Porlock)
Historical Figures: (William Ewart Gladstone; Queen Victoria)
Other Characters: Narrator; (Lord Scarborough)
Date: 1st January, 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Lord Cosmo Conk-Singleton visits Baker Street with letters sent between the Queen and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister, it seems, has been poisoned by whiskey laced with prussic acid, sent to him as a Christmas present by the Queen. Holmes refuses to investigate, but reveals that one of the letters, and his client, are fakes, and that it is part of a plot to steal the Scarborough Emeralds.

"The Adventure of the Paradol Chamber" (1949)
Included in:
The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sebastian Wolfe)
Story Type:
Parody / Script
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Colonel Moran; (Inspector Lestrade; Tobias Gregson; Athelney Jones)
Historical Figures: (Queen Victoria)
Other Characters: Narrator; Lady Imogene Ferrers; M. De Marquis De Paradol; (Lord Matchlock; Men in Masks)
Date: August, 1887
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: After reading of Lord Matchlock's fainting spell, and deducing that he was wearing no trousers, Holmes and Watson are visited by his daughter, Lady Imogene, with a pair of trousers which had been thrown from a window of Buckingham Palace, where her father was in talks with the Queen and the French ambassador, de Paradol, who also arrives at Baker Street to retrieve his pants, which he had taken off in front of the Queen. A treaty, which was concealed in a copper lined chamber of the trousers has disappeared and a traitor is revealed in their midst.

                      Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sebastian

The Nine Wrong Answers (1952)
Story Type:
Historical Figures: (C.T. Thorne; Abraham Lincoln; William H. Seward; Edwin M. Stanton; John Hay; Jefferson Davis; George Washington; Stonewall Jackson)
Other Characters: William (Bill) Dawson; George Amberley; Laurence Herbert (Larry) Hurst; Joy Tennent; New York Taxi Driver; Dingala's Patrons; Vagrant; James Brook; Howard Fowler; G. Vassilov; G.V. Aguinopopolos; Ronald Wentworth; Marjorie Blair; Plane Passengers; Dingala's Police Officer; Waldorf Doorman; Hotel Guests; Walfdorf Receptionist; Bus Passengers; Idlewild Passport Officer; Woman in Queue; Air-Line Counter Girl; Air Steward; Albert Court Hall Porter; Hatto; Gaylord Hurst; Tuffrey; Eric Cheever; Bus Conductor; Chemist; BBC Reception Girl; Bee Roberts; Walter Kuhn; Norma; Del Durrand; Felicity; BBC Orchestra; Radio Announcer; Actors; Franz; Monica Carslake; Robert MacTavish; Studio Attendant; Rabbie; Joe the Radio Man; Programme Engineers; Times Radio Critic; Controller of Programmes; Dr Pardoner; Patricia Conway; Thomas / Tommy; Rev. James Dawson; Admiral Hooker's Guests; Sergeant Frank Green; Chief Inspector Partridge; Inspector Conway; Old Lady on Green Park Station; Uniformed Policeman
(Miss Ventnor; Lady Alice Penrith; Joe the Elevator Man; Bill's Mother; Larry's Mother; Herbert Hurst; Ann Heston; Harry Trevor; Lieutenant Michael T. McGinnis; Assistant Medical Examiner Gortz; Howard McHavern; Sir Ashton Cowdray, K.C.; Vice-Admiral the Hon. Benbow Hooker; Horace Snufferley; Dr Lambert; Bradley Somers; Old Gentleman; John Blair; Marjorie's Mother; Edward J. Riley; Dora Riley; H.F. Thompson; Mrs Thompson; Harry T. Pinckney; Mrs Pinckney; Picot; Albert Street Police Officers; Police Surgeon; Bill's Grandfather; Oculist)

Date: Tuesday, 12th June - 22nd June, 1951
Locations: USA; New York; 120 Broadway; Greenwich Village; Sheridan Square; Bleecker Street; Arcadia Street; Dingala's Bar; Park Avenue; Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; Madison Avenue; Wall Street; Broadway; Fourth Avenue; Idlewild Airport; Highgate; Albert Street; Albert Arms, 14A, Albert Court; South Kensington Underground Station; Green Park Underground Station; Piccadilly; St James's Street; 68, St James's Place; Piccadilly Circus; Boots the Chemist; Broadcasting House; The Mall; Green Park; Piccadilly Circus Underground Station; Baker Street Underground Station; Baker Street; Abbey House
Story: Summoned to the New York offices of Amberley, Sloane and Amberley, regarding a legacy from his grandmother in England, Bill Dawson is
asked to witness Larry Hurst sign a document involving a legacy from his uncle. Hurst asks Dawson to take his place travelling to England for six months to visit his uncle, a requirement of the agreement he has signed. He tells Dawson about the cruel tricks that his uncle used to play on him, and that he fears for his life. When Larry is murdered, Dawson swears vengeance.

On the plane to England he meets Marjorie, an old flame, and persuades her to play the role of Larry's fiancée. The first evening of humiliation at the hands of Gaylord and his servant Hatto is interrupted by an unexpected arrival. The evening ends with Gaylord threatening to murder Dawson some time in the following three months. Later that evening, Dawson comes under attack at Broadcasting House. The final showdown takes place at the Festival of Britain Sherlock Holmes Exhibition in Baker Street.

Molly Carr

"The Curious Case of the Well-Connected Criminal" (2016)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas Adventures (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson; Billy; (Baker Street Irregulars; Mrs Turner; Mycroft Holmes)
Other Characters: Willie Cameron; Constance Cameron / Marquise de Brinvilliers / Madame de Pompadour; (Albert Block; Elsie; Edward Stokes)
Unnamed Characters: Oxford Street Shoppers; Savoy Waiter; Hotel Employee; (Police Constables; Physician; Watson's Patients; Highlands Laird; Factor)
Date: December
Oxford Street; 221B, Baker Street; Savoy Hotel; London Hospital
Story: While Christmas shopping in Oxford Street, Watson realises that he is being followed. This leads to an encounter at the Savoy Hotel with Constance Cameron, whose fiancé, Albert Block, has disappeared. Summoned to the London Hospital, they learn of Albert's demise. The case ends in a confrontation with an intruder at 221B
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas
                      Adventures (David Marcum)

Gethyn Carr-Harris

"The Case of the Scruffy Note" (1984)
Included in:
The Rampant Lion 1983-1984 (Glenlyon Norfolk School, Victoria, British Columbia)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Mr Chumwit; Roy Hickmagog; Danny Chumwit
Unnamed Characters: School Receptionist; Form Eight Teacher; (Bishop of St Paul's Cathedral)
Date: August, 1880
222B, Baker Street; Le Willows-Crescent School
Story: Newly arrived from Canada, Mr Chumwit, a cousin of the Bishop of St Paul's Cathedral, calls on Holmes when his eight-year-old son, Danny, is kidnapped. A ransom has been demanded. A clue in the ransom note sends Watson to a French-speaking school.

Philip J. Carraher

"The Adventure of the Captive Forger" (2002)
Included in:
Alias Simon Hawkes (Philip J. Carraher)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes

Other Characters: William Marsden Lancaster; James Lancaster; Lancaster's Driver; Station Attendant; George; Annette Ballard; (Charles Buonocore)
New York; The Dead Rabbits Society, Prince Street; Fifteenth Street; Twenty-Ninth Street; The Bronx
Story: Called out to the Bronx to examine a possible forged painting, William Lancaster meets with a severe beating. He tells Holmes of a woman he believes is being held prisoner in the home of Buonocore, the man who called on his services. Holmes and the Lancasters travel back to the Bronx, where Holmes is able to locate the house William was taken to, but they arrive to find it in flames. William rescues the young woman, and they hear her story, and how her artistic skills nearly led to her death.

"The Adventure of the Glass Room" (2002)
Included in:
Alias Simon Hawkes (Philip J. Carraher)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes

Other Characters: Alwyn Pritchett; Detective Blaine; Patrolmen; Detective Cullen; Eileen Burgess; Parish; William Burgess; Gordon Burgess; (Charlotte Davreux; Mary Faliciano)
Date: August, 1893
New York; The Dead Rabbits Society, Prince Street; Pritchett's House
Story: Holmes is called to the scene of a murder-suicide. An acquaintance, Pritchett has apparently shot a medium, then himself, inside a locked glass compartment which he was using to test her abilities. Holmes's discovery of bloodstains outside the locked box suggest that matters are not as straightforward as they seem.
"The Adventure of the Magic Alibi" (2002)
Included in:
Alias Simon Hawkes (Philip J. Carraher)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
Historical Figures:
Inspector William "Big Bill" Devery; (Servais Le Roy)
Other Characters: David Conroy; Skeleton Attendants; Servants; Magicians; Band; Greenleaf's Guests; Clifford Greenleaf; Detective Cullen; Virginia Greenleaf; Harvey; Singing Newsboys; Dime Museum Barker; Patrolman Baker; Mrs. Durbin; Mrs. Victor Cleary; Joseph Taylor; Blake; Rat Catchers; Rat Baiting Crowd; Jane Montane (Jane Orleneff); Dead Rabbits Desk Clerk; Stableboys; Police officer; Ticket Seller; Grand Duke's Audience; Actors; Peter "Re-Pete" Orleneff; Hansom Driver; Alice Lake (Alice Steffens); Alice's Companion; Cushman's Bartender; Cushman's Musicians Cushman's Clientele; Burnt Rag Police officer; Johnny Dobbs; Policemen
Date: 1893
New York; The Pontseele House; The Dead Rabbits Society, Prince Street; Grand Street; The Bowery; Steve Brodie's Saloon; Fourteenth Street; Black Pete's Saloon; Montane's Apartment; Grand Duke's Theatre; The Tenderloin; Cushman's Palace of Delights; Bloomingdales; Brookstone's; The Burnt Rag Saloon
Story: At a Halloween party Greenleaf announces that he will disappear from a locked room into 'the spiritual world' and twenty witnesses, who are outside the room while he stages the disappearance, will be able to search it to prove he is not in there. When his wife is murdered in another part of the house during the stunt, he becomes the chief suspect, but claims that he had never left the room, and reveals the secret of his trick as proof. Cullen, convinced of his guilt, approaches Holmes, in New York in the guise of Simon Hawkes, to prove his suspicions. The following day, a showgirl, Montane, another of Greenleaf's guests is found dead of a drug overdose. After investigating her recent shopping expedition, Holmes begins to see the net closing around Mrs. Greenleaf's murderer. A false arrest and a re-enactment of the crime bring the case to an end.
"The Adventure of the Talking Ghost" (2002)
Included in:
Alias Simon Hawkes (Philip J. Carraher)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes

Other Characters: Broome Street Policemen; Detective George Blaine; Madam Tollier; Joseph Carter; Riley; Rosemary Lametta (Howard Mendelson; George O'Neil; Eleanora Carter; Laura Carter)
Date: December, 1893
New York; Lafayette Street; Broome Street; (Staten Island; Central Park)
Story: A former client of Holmes, Joseph Carter, has been shot by Tollier, a gypsy fortune teller, who says that he had tried to kill her to stop her contacting a spirit, after a séance at which the spirit of Carter's daughter had appeared and stated that she had been murdered. Holmes's investigation reveals connections with his former case: the murder of Carter's wife.
Sherlock Holmes: The Adventure of the Dead Rabbits Society (2001)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person by Watson
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters: Angela Costispoti; George Hammond; Charles Dunmore; Franklin Dunmore; Drunkard; Woman Tenant; Dead Rabbits Desk Clerk; Dead Rabbits Waiter; Jolly Pigeon Waiter; Edward Madden; Detective Hawthorne; Landau Driver; Amelia Hammond; William Huxley; Braxton; Dr. Rogers; Robert Costes; Benjamin Willis; Agatha Willis; Charlotte; Tramp; Detective Riley; Urchin; Rogers' Patients; Mrs. Costispoti; Mr. Costispoti; Dunmore's Bodyguard; Detective Cullen; Howard Lethbridge; Girls; Costes' Brother; Hammond's Driver; Hammond's Assailants; Holmes's Cook
Date: 1893
New York; The Brooklyn Bridge; The Dead Rabbits Society; Dunmore's House; Apartment Building Opposite Dunmore's; The Bend; The Jolly Pigeon, Cherry Street; A Landau; Brooklyn; Madden's Boarding House; A Train; Grand Hotel Station; Black Oak; Another Train; Lafayette Street; A Carriage; Rogers' Surgery; Willis's House; Costes' Parents' House; Another Landau; Costes' Apartment; Another carriage; Hester Street Italian Restaurant; Holmes's Home Outside London
Story: During the hiatus Holmes is in New York in the guise of Simon Hawkes, a Scotland Yard detective. He is called in by police to view the body of a pregnant girl who has thrown herself off the Brooklyn Bridge. A week later Franklin Dunmore, a fellow member of the Dead Rabbits Society, tells him of two attempts on his life - a strangling and a rifle shot - which he suspects his brother of being responsible for. He asks Holmes to investigate. After the body of a dead cat is found strung up in his room, Dunmore agrees to go into the country to stay with George Hammond. While there, another attack occurs, and Hammond's wife is killed by the bullet intended for Dunmore. Holmes journeys out to Black Oak to investigate. After returning to New York to interview the witnesses who have already left, Holmes discovers Dunmore's body, and later learns of the suicide of another of Hammond's guests, confessing to the murder. Holmes believes things are not that simple, and ultimately must bring about justice in his own way.
Sherlock Holmes in New York: The Adventure of the New York Ripper (2005)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated in third person and by Watson
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Captain W.C. Streeter; (Mycroft Holmes; The Moriarty Gang; Colonel Moran)
Historical Figures: Francis J. Tumblety; Mulatto Servant; (Wolfe Mandelbaum; Frederika Mandelbaum; Jack the Ripper; Chief Inspector Thomas Byrnes; Carrie Brown; James Jennings; Captain Richard O'Connor; Eddie Fitzgerald; Doran; Griffin; Inspector Alex Williams; Mary Miniter; C. Kniclo; Mamie Harrington; Frenchy / Ameer Ben Ali; Mary Ann Lopez; Kelly; Arbie La Bruckman; Frederick House; Inspector George 'Chesty' McClusky; Martha Tabram; George Collier; Dr Timothy R. Killeen; Henry Tabram; Ann Morris; Private; Corporal; P.C. John Neil; Polly Nicholls; Thrawl Street Residents; Ellen Holland; Mary Ann Monk; Emma Elizabeth Smith; Green Family; Walter Perkins; Annie Chapman; John Davis; John Pizer; Louis Diemschutz; Elizabeth Stride; George Morris; Constable Edward Watkins; Catherine Eddowes; Constable Alfred Long; George Lusk; Dr Thomas Openshaw; Dr Gordon Brown; Sir Charles Warren; Daniel Halse; Queen Victoria; Barnaby & Burgho; Robert Lees; Mary Kelly; Joseph Barnett; Thomas Bowyer; John McCarthy; James Whitehead; Mary Ann Cox; Sarah Lewis; Rose Mylett; Constable Robert Goulding; Constable Joseph Allen; Alice McKenzie; Dr George Bagster Phillips; Sir Melville Macnaghten; Montague John Druitt; Duke of Clarence; Aaron Kosminski; Thomas Neill Cream; Inspector John Littlechild [Littlefield]; Batty Street Landlady; Dr Lispenard; Philomene Dumas; Mrs McNamara; Margaret Tumblety; Patrick Tumblety; Michael Ostrog; Sir William Gull)
Other Characters: Sally "Rhyming Child" McBride; Kyosuke Ikegami; Dead Rabbits Members; Inspector Cullen; Rosie / Beverly Melas; Patrolmen; Carriage Driver; Nancy Putnam; Dixon; Kumiko Ikegami; Amy Ikegami; Carl Ikegami; Streeter; Powers Desk Clerk; Joseph Cushing; Ostlers; Stuart; Harold Whittier; Cushing's Son; Tumblety's Servant; Stableman; Pauper; Stableman; Clerk; Rochester Patrolman; Bobby; Grand Central Patrolman; Grand Central Crowds; Cab Driver; Preacher; Margaret "Old Maggie" Stoddard; Barbara Woodall; Mary / "Gentle" Sadie Chandler; Stable Watchman; New York Police
(Sally Jenkins; Coroner; Meyer; Sea Beach Staff; Mr Kelly; Rochester Police; Whittier's Cleaning Lady; Mr Hardin; Rochester Smithy; Chestnut Vendor; Ikegami's Kaishkumin)
Date: 1893 / 1911
Locations: New York; East Side Hotel; The Dead Rabbits Society; Prince Street; The Bowery; Alley; Delancey Street; Gouverneur Street; Water Street; Lafayette Street; The Battery; Ferry Terminal; Steamer; Brooklyn; Coney Island; Sea Beach Hotel; Rochester; Powers Hotel; Clarissa Street; Sophia Street; Cushing's Stable; Full Cups Pub; Stuart Stables; St Peter's Churchyard; 616, Weld Street; Grand Central Terminal; Henry Street; Old Maggie's Boarding House; Five Points; Elizabeth Street
Story: A prostitute, Rhyming Child, is murdered in New York. Holmes tells Watson of his investigation: in the city under his Simon Hawkes alias he is taken to the scene of another murder, against orders, by Inspector Cullen. The murder is similar to those of Jack the Ripper, and the city officials wish to keep it under wraps. An arrest has been made, but Cullen believes it is the wrong man. He also believes it may be connected to the murder of Carrie Brown in 1891, believed to be a copycat Ripper killing, and gives Holmes details of the earlier case and the embarrassment that the current one could cause to Chief Inspector Byrnes. More murders follow, including one of Holmes's friends. He wires Mycroft for details of the London Ripper killings, and on reviewing them, develops a theory as to the original Ripper's identity.
He visits Rochester in search of his suspect, but it is a different man he follows back to New York, where the case reaches its conclusion.

Lenore Carroll

"Before the Adventures" (1977)
Included in:
Murder, My Dear Watson (Martin H. Greenberg, Jon Lellenberg & Daniel Stashower)
; Sons of Moriarty and More Stories of Sherlock Holmes (Loren D. Estleman)
Story Type:
Detectives: Budger & Doc
Historical Figures: H. Greenhough Smith
Other Characters: Ticket Agent; Dr. Morestone; Miss Morestone; Brougham Driver; Boy With Handcart; Maid
Doc's Rooms; The George & Dragon; Bankside; Harley Street
Story: Greenhough Smith receives a letter from "Doc" telling how he came to write stories about his famous detective character. He tells how, on returning home, wounded, from Afghanistan, he met the mysterious Budger, a man able to make startling deductions from simple observations. Budger claims to be a private agent, matching people up with those who require their services. By some discreet manipulations Budger is able to set Doc up as assistant to Dr. Morestains, and help him achieve literary success.

NOTE: Originally published in Baker Street Miscellany in 1977.

Murder, My
                      Dear Watson (Martin H. Greenberg, Jon Lellenberg
                      & Daniel Stashower)

Sons of
                        Moriarty and More Stories of Sherlock Holmes
                        (Loren D. Estleman)

Sherlock Holmes
                      in Orbit (Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg)

Susan Casper

"Holmes Ex Machina" (1995)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes in Orbit (Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg)
Story Type:
Science Fiction Homage
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock Holmes)
Other Characters: Dr John Watson; Gene; Sophie; Mike; Landers
Locations: Vid-Tech Offices
Story: Watson is working for Vid-Tech, transforming old 2-D movies to 3-D. When the only surviving copy of Godzilla vs the Smog Monster goes astray, he programs a holographic Holmes to assist in finding it.


"The Missing Leek" (1909)
Included in:
Labour Leader, Vol. 6 No. 16, 1 April 1909
Story Type:
Sherlockian Detective: Sherlock Jones
Canonical Figures: (Dr Watson)
Fictional Characters: (Mr Dooley; Mr Hennessy)
Historical Figures: Casey
Characters Based on Historical Figures: (Donan Coyle)
Other Characters: Evans; (Clarkson; William Thomas; Newman; Harry Davies; George Gethin; D.F. Griffiths; Lewis Lewis; Rees Rees; Morgan Morgan; Avon Avon; Owen More; Philbin; Comrade Richards)
Unnamed Characters: Labour Leader Editor; Labour Supporters; Ticket Collectors
Date: April 1, 1909
Locations: Labour Leader Offices; Train; Wales; Glamorgan; Blaengwnfi; Yrhewnnaweithionafwytaedchwaith
Story: When the St David's Day leek disappears from outside the editor's office, Casey is sent to Wales to investigate. There he meets Welsh detective Sherlock Jones.
                      Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen)

Jules Castier

"The Footprints on the Ceiling" (1920)
Included in:
The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen); Sherlock Holmes Jazz Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type:
Pastiche (in the style of Doyle's Professor Challenger stories)
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Fictional Characters: Austin; Mrs. Challenger; Professor Challenger; Edward Malone; Mr. McArdle; Lord John Roxton
Story: Professor Challenger has disappeared. Holmes sends Watson to the Daily Gazette to fetch Malone to help in the investigation. On the way to Challenger's home they meet Holmes and Roxton. Challenger's disappearance seems to be connected somehow to Zeeman's Phenomenon.

Sherlock Holmes Jazz
                      Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924 (Bill

Brittany Cavallaro

A Study in Charlotte (2016)
Story Type:
Young Adult Homage
Sherlockia Detectives: Charlotte Honoria Holmes & Jamie Watson
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Helen Stoner; Julia Stoner; Grimesby Roylott; Professor Moriarty; Culverton Smith)
Historical Figures: (Edward VII; Gary Snyder)
Other Characters:
Tom Bradford; Lena; Monsieur Cann; Lee Dobson; Randall; Mrs Dunham; Detective Ben Shepard; Harry; Peter; Mason; J. Watson; Grace Watson; Shelby Watson; Cassidy; Ashton; Ted Wheatley; Will Tillman; Taylor; Lucas; Penelope; Elizabeth Hartwell; Bryony Downs / Davis; John Smith; Mrs Hartwell; Kline; Larson; Coach Q; Gabriel Tinker; Abigail Watson; Malcolm Watson; Robbie Watson; Milo Holmes; Peterson; Michaels; Dr Warner; Lucien Moriarty; Sherringford Students; Governor Schumer's Son; Teachers; The Dean; Policemen; Reporters; BBC Reporter; BBC Cameraman; Waiter; Restaurant Customers; Casino Dealers; DJ; Elizabeth's Rommate; EMTs; Medical Examiner; Rugby Team; Nurse; Michigan Poet Girl; Firemen; (Rose Milton; Sherringford Athletic Director; Lawrence Hall Hall Mother; Araminta Holmes; Dobson's Sister; Jameson; Alistair Holmes; Emma Holmes; Murdered Glasgow Girls; Charlotte's Scotland Yard Contact; BBC Radio Presenter; Fiona; Marquess of Abergavenny; Kristof Demarchelier; Comtesse Tracy van Landingham; Innsbruck School Headmistress; Quentin Wilde; Basil; Thom; August Moriarty; Mariella; Kate; Anna; Maisie; Milo's Agent; Aaron Davis; Leander Holmes; Charlotte's Cosin Margaret; Charlotte's Great-Aunt Agatha; Charlotte's Lawyer; Biology Teacher; Scotland Yard Officers; Philadelphia Cop; CDC Girlfriend; D.I. Green; Lena's Boyfriend; Mr Jones; Hadrian Moriarty; Phillipa Moriarty; Wheatley's Brother; School Therapist; Andrew; Sherringford Parents; Physics Teacher; Henry Holmes; Henry's Mother; Henry's Sons; Julian Holmes; Oxford Don; Charlotte's Fencing Instructor; Bookshop Owner; August's Parents; Bryony's Mother)
Date: September - October
Locations: USA; Connecticut; Sherringford School; Michener Hall; Lawrence Hall; Sherringford; Restaurant; Underground Tunnels; Police Station; Jamie's Father's House; Hospital; Morgue; Market Street; Greene Street; Cafe; Bryony's Flat
Story: Jamie Watson, the great-great-great-grandson of Dr Watson, first meets Charlotte Holmes, the great-great-great-granddaughter of Sherlock Holmes at an illicit party at Sherringford School
, in Connecticut, where he is a rugby scholar. A schoolmate, Dobson, with whom Jamie has had a fight, is murdered, and Jamie and Charlotte come under suspicion, particularly in light of the copy of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes clutched in Dobson's hand, and that the murder seems to be a recreation of "The Speckled Band". Charlotte believes that the clues are a warning to them. After an attack during the school dance, imitating "The Blue Carbuncle", they discover another attempt by the killer to incriminate Charlotte, in the tunnels beneath the school. Jamie becomes suspicious about Charlotte's past relationship with August Moriarty, and when the scale of the threats against them increases, he summons Charlotte's brother, Milo, and sees the darker side of Charlotte.

                      Adventures of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)

Steve Cavanagh

"The Box" (2015)
Included in:
The Adventures of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Extra-canonical adventure of Professor Moriarty
Canonical Characters: (Professor Moriarty; Sherlock Holmes)
Historical Figures: Sir Henry Fielding Dickens
Other Characters: Thomas Clay; Albert Ruthnick; Judge Campbell; Ham Burglar; Mr Roderick; Jury; Clerk of Court; Mr Deery; Trial Attendees; John Robinson; Hugo Loffler; (Sir Kenneth Horatio Rochesmolles; Royal College Dean; Mr Triebel; Police Officer; Dock Constables; Innkeeper)
Date: 29th January - May, 1894 / 14th April, 1916
Locations: The Old Bailey; Dickens's Chambers
Sir Henry Dickens is hired to defend art student Ruthnick, who is being tried at the Old Bailey, charged with forging a document in an attempt to steal a box belonging to the German artist Hugo Loffler.

Randy Cerveny

"The Mystery of "Eliminating the Impossible"" (2009)
Included in:
Weather's Greatest Mysteries Solved! (Randy Cerveny)
Story Type: Pastiche
Sherlockian Detective: The Great Detective
Other Characters: Rita Monroe-Whittingham; Alex Whittingham; Harold Reamus; Alfred; (Lord Raymond Whittingham)
Unnamed Characters: Climatologist; (White Hart Patrons)
Locations: Whittingham Manor
The meerschaum-pipe-smoking Great Detective gathers the suspects together at Whittingham Manor to reveal the murderer of Lord Raymond Whittingham during a thunderstorm on the previous night. It is a climatologist, however, who solves the case.

Michael Chabon

The Final Solution (2003)
Story Type:
Third Person Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes (The Old Man)
Other Characters: Linus Steinman; Bruno the Parrot; Richard Woolsey Shane; Simon Parkins; Reggie Panicker; Reverend Panicker; Mrs Panicker; Detective Inspector Michael Bellows; Detective Constable Quint; Martin Kalb; Noakes; Woollett; Soldier; Mr Sackett; Colonel Threadneedle; Threadneedle's Driver; East Grinstead Policemen; Mrs Dunn; Postmaster; Young Women;
(Mr Wilkes; Joseph Black; Satterlee; Fatty Hodges; Dr Julius Steinman; Le Colonel; Herr Obergruppenführer; Kalb's Brother)
Date: July, 1944
Locations: Sussex; The South Downs; Holmes's Cottage; The Vicarage; Hallows Lane; Police Station; Gabriel Park; The London Road; East Grinstead; London; Club Row; Black's Shop; Kalb's Rooms; Railway Station
Story: The old man sees a boy with a parrot on his shoulder walking along the railway tracks near his cottage. The parrot lists numbers in German. The boy indicates that he is German, but does not answer the old man's questions, or speak at all. At the Panickers' Vicarage-cum-boarding-house, Parkins has been keeping tabs on the parrot, which quotes Goethe and Schiller, and suspects that new arrival, Shane has been sent there for the same purpose. When Shane is murdered, and the parrot goes missing, the local police consult the old man. Panicker's son is arrested for the crime, but the old man believes him innocent. His investigations take him to an experimental dairy farm that may have a hidden agenda, and he receives a visitor from London who fills in the boy's background. The old man, intercepting Panicker, extends his search for the bird to London where he witnesses the effects of the Blitz and reinterprets the boy's writings.

William E. Chambers

"The Curse of Bridges Falls" (2011)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine #6 (Marvin Kaye)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Mara Bridges
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Inspector Lestrade; Wiggins; Mrs Hudson; (Mycroft Holmes)
Other Characters: Mara Bridges; Edmond Bridges the Fourth; Farrell; Bridges' Servants; Brighton Groundskeeper; Coachman; (Edmond Bridges the First; Johannes Koopman; Lillian Bridges; Farrell's Great-Grandfather; Samson Leeds; Grandfather Bridges; Bridges' Father; Farrell's Grandfather; Granfather Bridges' Servants; Grandmother Bridges; Bridges' Mother; Farrell's Father; Farrell's Mother; Mrs Bridges' Parents; Phoebe; Arthur Leeds; Leeds's Intermediary; Jiro Nakabayasha)

December, 1894
221B, Baker Street; Bridges' House (a mile from Baker Street); Brighton
Story: Holmes
is consulted by Edmond Bridges and his wife as Bridges approaches his fortieth birthday, his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather all having fallen to their deaths on theirs. The curse was placed on the family by his great-grandfather's Dutch partner, killed in a duel over Bridges' great-grandmother Lillian. After visiting Bridges' house, Holmes sends the Bridges to Brighton, asking them to return on the eve of Bridges' birthday. A set of Ninja armour sets Holmes on the path of a solution.

Sherlock Holmes
                      Mystery Magazine #6 (Marvin Kaye)

Tim Champlin

Deadly Season (1997)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; (Inspector Lestrade)
Fictional Characters: Jay McGraw
Historical Figures: Blind Boss Buckley; (Chief Patrick Crowley; Willard B. Farwell; Dr John E. Kunkler; E.B. Pond; Matt Fallon)
Other Characters: Lieutenant Fred Casey; Cal; O'Toole; Jeff Brady; Bernard Kohl; Jason Neal; Dr Donnelly; Captain Thomas Kingsley; Katherine "Katie" O'Neal; Ivan Sarkoff; Bridget O'Neal; Tub Moran; Jim Bellson; Kevin O'Toole; Sergeant Davis; Patrolman Todd; Dr D.L. Dorr; P.J. Vanderpool; Ho Ming; Roscoe; Harvey Bascomb; Captain John Moreland; Mar Tan; Oliver Bledsoe; Kem Ying; Jeffrey Dunhill; Sheriff Joe Cutliffe; Art; Chinese Opium Smugglers; Cable Car Gripman; Bridget's Boarders; Stormy Petrels Baseball Team; Seattle Woodmen Baseball Team; Buckley's Companion; Sweatshop Guard; Chinese Workers; Sweatshop Supervisor; Chinatown Residents; Shop Proprietor; Li Po Tai's Clerks; Police wagon Driver; Police Wagon Attendant; Chinese Vendor; Desk Sergeant; O'Toole's Funeral Guests; Priest; Chinese Fish Vendor; Woman Shopper; Central Pacific Stars Baseball Team; DuPont Street Doorman; Chinese Prostitutes; Chinese Madam; Chinese Client; Chinese Hatchet Men; Star of the West Barman; Tramp; Star of the West Customers; Lunch-Time Pedestrians; Salinas Stationmaster; Chinese Bath Attendant; Chinese Bathhouse Owner; Chinese Laundry Owner; Palace Hotel Clerk; Hack Driver; Opium Smokers; Celestial Delights Doorman; Celestial Delights Proprietor; Seafood Waiter; Bartender; Seafood Customers; Golden Gate Park Strollers; Salinas Ranch Hands; Orient Moon Deckhands; Passengers; Chinese Slavegirls; Tremont Guests; Salinas Train Depot Family; Baggage Handler; Train Passengers; Train Messenger; Tremont Employees; Kearney Street Businessmen & Shoppers; Chinese Restaurant Customers; Chinese Waiters; Chinese Cooks; Street Vendor; Carriage Driver; Hack Driver; Schooner Crew; Beach Onlookers; Courtroom Spectators; Prosecutor; Jury; Reporters; Defense Attorney; Judge; Character Witnesses; Bailiff; (Snuffy; Finney; Fishermen; Schooner Crew; Chinese Cook; Susie; Lab Men; Ho Ming's Madams; Dr Andrew Bennett; Professor Colin Wilson; Tessie Waters; Harvey Sullivan; Jim Scala; Marcella Stewart; Marcella's Cousin; Toy Gum; Cutliffe's Deputy; Thompson; Lopez; Mister Hanson)
Date: June, 1885
Locations: USA; California; San Francisco; Beach; Station House; California Street; Market Street; O'Neal's Boarding House; Mission District; Baseball Field; Boyle's Saloon; Sweatshop; Chinatown; Shop; Washington Street; Li Po Tai's Chinese Tea Herb Sanitarium; Dunscombe Alley; Cemetery; DuPont Street; Ho Ming's Whorehouse; Cave; Oakland; Bush Street; Star of the West Saloon; Salinas; Salinas Train Depot; Hotel; Bathhouse; Palace Hotel; California Street; Cooper's Alley; House of Celestial Delights Opium Den; Sutter Street; Chinese Restaurant Kitchen; Seafood Restaurant; Waterfront; Golden Gate Park; Casey's Rooming House; Pacific Coast Steamship Company; Pier Six; Livery Stable; City Hall; The Western Adition; Kingsley's House; Kearney Street; Chinese Restaurant; Waterfront; Pier Seven; San Francisco Bay; Aboard Moreland's Schooner; Sausalito Beach; Courtroom
Story: Jay McGraw is taking temporary leave from Wells Fargo in San Francisco helping his friend in the police department, Fred Casey, bust a Chinese opium smuggling ring, and playing on the Stormy Petrels baseball team.
In Chinatown they are summoned to view the headless corpse, which McGraw identifies as a cop he had seen talking to Blind Boss Buckley after a baseball game. After escapng from a sea cave, and taking his landlady's daughter on a picnic, McGraw visits Buckley and gets a potential lead while taking a bath in Salinas.

A professor friend of Casey's introduces them to Dr Watson, who is in San Francisco with Sherlock Holmes. Holmes identifies the murder weapon as a tenth-century Danish war axe, possibly stolen from the British Museum. Watson asks them to take him and Holmes to a Chinatown opium den. McGraw is taken captive in Chinatown, and his enquiries lead to a murder in a Salinas hotel. The case ends in a boat chase in San Francisco Bay.

A. Bertram Chandler

"Hall of Fame" (1969)
(Also Published as "The Kinsolving's Planet Irregulars")
Included in:
The Commodore at Sea (A. Bertram Chandler)
Story Type:
Homage / Science Fiction
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Fictional Characters: Mephistopheles; Jeeves; Lady Macbeth; Hamlet; Frankenstein's Monster; Dracula; Robin Hood's Men; King Arthur's Knights; Dr. Faustus (Horatio Hornblower; Queeg; Captain Ahab; James Bond; Tarzan; Jane Porter; Mellors; Lady Chatterley)
Historical Figures: Buffalo Bill; A. Bertram Chandler (Noah)
Other Characters: Commodore John Grimes; Sonya Grimes; Admiral Kravinsky; Mayhew; Clarisse; Commander Williams; the Major of Marines; Mr. Tallent; Mr. Mackenzie; Mr. Briggs
The Rim Worlds; Port Forlorn; the spaceship Faraway Quest; Kinsolving's Planet; Faustus's Castle; Sherwood Forest; Camelot; Earth; the ship Kantara
Story: The Commodore's wife Sonya brings back Sherlock Holmes's pipe as a gift for him from her trip to Earth. Kravinsky sends the Commodore on an expedition to Kinsolving's planet, a planet where attempts at colonising have been unsuccessful: there is something psychologically strange about it. On Kinsolving's Planet Grimes soon finds himself in a world populated by characters from fiction, and a few confused souls (Buffalo Bill, Hamlet) who are no longer sure if they are real or fictional. Holmes & Watson approach him to reclaim Holmes's pipe. Later, Jeeves introduces him to some of the other residents and takes him to Dr. Faustus's castle, from where he finds himself on Earth, on the Kantara, in the cabin of his own creator, A. Bertram Chandler.

The Game
                        Is Afoot (Marvin Kaye)

A Bedside Book of
                        Early Sherlockian Parodies and Pastiches
                        (Charles Press)

Arthur Chapman

"The Unmasking of Sherlock Holmes" (1905)
Also published as "M. Dupin Calls On Sherlock Holmes"
Included in:
The Game Is Afoot (Marvin Kaye); The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)
; Sherlock Holmes Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches II: 1905-1909 (Bill Peschel); A Bedside Book of Early Sherlockian Parodies and Pastiches (Charles Press)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs. Hudson
Fictional Characters: C. Auguste Dupin
221B, Baker Street
Story: Dupin arrives in Baker Street, accuses Holmes of being a slavish imitator, and states that Poe's great virtue was that he knew when to stop writing about him. He condescends to admit, however, that Holmes is not really such a bad fellow.


The Big Book of
                        Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)

Sherlock Holmes
                        Edwardian Parodies and Pastiches II: 1905-1909
                        (Bill Peschel)

Ian Charnock

"The Adventure of the Old Russian Woman" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Stamford; The Old Russian Woman (Olga Pleshkarova); Mycroft Holmes; (Baker Street Irregulars)
Historical Figures: Karl Marx
Other Characters: Dead Lamplighter; Police Sergeant; Library Assistant; Readers; Reading Room Staff; One-Armed Librarian; Oscar Lundholme; Holmes's Assistant; Constable; Sam Belcher; Tarantula-bitten Market Porter; Visiting Surgeon; Cyril Boddy; Alley Attacker; Policeman
Date: January
Locations: Bart's; Back Hill, Lodging House; British Museum Reading Room; Holmes' Montague Street Rooms; Hotel Russell Square; Kentish Town High Road; The Butcher's Arms; Boddy's Tobacconist; Alley; Diogenes Club; Pall Mall
Story: Holmes asks Stamford to accompany him in breaking into a lodging house. The adventure began in the British Museum Reading Room where the only other reader there, aside from Holmes, sat on a pin. He retrieves a paper thrown away by his fellow reader and attempts to decipher the Russian lettering on it, and begins to pay special attention to the man in order to learn more about his persecutor. He is particularly interested in an old Russian cleaning woman whom he follows home, and from whose rooms he follows a young man. After visiting his tobacconist, Stamford saves Holmes from a stiletto attack in an alleyway. The full facts of the case are revealed during a visit to the Diogenes Club and an interview with Mycroft.

"The Case of Vamberry, the Wine Merchant" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Stamford; (Josiah) Vamberry; Inspector Lestrade; Brooks; Woodhouse; (Professor Moriarty; Victor Lynch)
Historical Figures: Louis Pasteur
Other Characters: Stamford's Mother; Stamford's Sister; The Cook; Stamford's Father; Alderman Roach; Stamford's Landlady; Inspector Craggs; Desk Sergeant; Mr Beal; Mr Wilson; Constable; Lawyer; (Mrs Craggs; Chief Inspector John Morrissey; Pinkertons Agent)
Locations: Bart's; Lee, Kent; Stamford's Family Home; Stamford's Lodgings; Lee Police Station; Vamberry's Wine Merchants
Story: Holmes is invited to a dinner given by Stamford's parents to meet Louis Pasteur. Holmes advises Stamford's father to pull his money out of Vamberry's wine business, which he deduces is not successful. Pasteur invites Holmes to France to work on the phylloxera problem affecting the vineyards there. After his return, Vamberry is murdered and Stamford's father arrested. Holmes visits the scene of the crime and with Lestrade, takes Vamberry's assistants, who are not who they claim to be, into police care, from which they are removed by a Chief Inspector who is also something other than he appears. Holmes discovers the man behind the crime, and the origin of the phylloxera.
"A Full Account of Ricoletti of the Club Foot & His Abominable Wife" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Stamford; (Guglielmo Feliz) Ricoletti; Ricoletti's Abominable Wife (Angelina); Tobias Gregson; Sherlock Holmes
Folkloric Characters: The Abominable Snowman
Other Characters: Ricoletti's Audience; Rosa; Palace Audience; Cabby
Locations: Bart's; Leather Lane; Greville Street; Palace Music Hall
Story: Stamford encounters Ricoletti at Bart's. A former prizefighter who had disappeared for some length of time, he had previously earned money by displaying his club foot for the benefit of students there. He meets him again, with Holmes, playing a barrel organ and advertising the "Missing Link" on show at the Palace Music Hall. They attend the show and Holmes takes special interest in the creature. He also tells Stamford of two jewel robberies that occurred during Ricoletti's street performance. A murder and a battle with Ricoletti reveal the missing link between Ricoletti's wife and a Music Hall diva, the Missing Link, a pickpocket and the jewel robberies.

"Matilda Briggs and the Giant Rat of Sumatra" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Stamford; Victor Trevor; Giant Rat of Sumatra; Sherlock Holmes; Mycroft Holmes; (Squire Trevor / James Armitage; Morrison, Morrison and Dodd)
Other Characters: Laxman Shiva; Dr Roberto H. Sinnotti; Piero Cresczi
; Calcutta Police; Owain Bress; Captain of the Matilda Briggs; Morrison, Morrison & Dodd Representative; Crew of the Matilda Briggs; Dodd's Son; Pearl Fishers; Trincomalee Harbormaster's Staff; Tea Buyer; Messenger; Singapore Police; (Esperanza Deckhands; Esperanza Crew; Bruce Duggan; Vernon Maclure; Doctors; Li Xian Kyuong)
Date: 1880-1881
Locations: India; Pilibhit; The English Club; The Terai; Trevor's Plantation; Sumatra; Bay of Bengal; Calcutta; Aboard the Matilda Briggs; Ceylon; Trincomalee; Diogenes Club
Story: Stamford, using the alias Surgeon Stewart, meets Trevor in a club in India, and is invited to his plantation.
Trevor shows him documents relating to the case of the Giant rat of Sumatra.

After the Esperanza is washed asore in Sumatra in a storm, Dr Sinnotti, who specialises in rats, disappears into the interior in search of specimens that have escaped from the ship. Trevor later buys the ship and changes its name to Matilda Briggs, and in July of 1881 the ship is discovered sailing at full steam, but with no one on board. Investigations reveal the ship to have been overrun with rats. Investigations aboard reveal a ratking. Trevor invites Holmes to investigate. He later receives a letter from Holmes telling him of a threat to the British Government .

"Mrs Farintosh and an Opal Tiara" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Stamford; Sherlock Holmes; Inspector Lestrade; Wainwright; (Dr Watson; Ricoletti; Percy Phelps; Mrs Farintosh)
Historical Figures: (Sidney Paget; Walter Paget; Arthur Conan Doyle; Queen Victoria; Eleanor of Castile; Edward I; El Cid; Dona Ximena; The Pope)
Other Characters: Crossy Stamford;
Post Office Messenger; Fleckingham Arms Landlord; Fleckingham Arms Customers; Mr Myrland; Mr Reyde; Fleckingham's Retainer; Lord Fleckingham; Mr Fomalhaut; Lady Katharine (or Eleanor) Fleckingham; Harold Fleckingham; Isabella Eleanor Plantagenet Fleckingham; Niccolo da Boninsegna, Count of Noto-Palma; Count's Retainer; (Sam Belcher; Mrs Farintosh's Sister; Alured Fleckingham; Henry Fleckingham; Police; Hungarian Knight; Stamford's Father; Wainwright's Gang; Tuscan Goldsmiths; Matilda Plantagenet; Ruling Council Member; Matilda's Husband)
Date: End of May, 1880
Locations: Stamford's Home; Montague Street; Suffolk; Woodham Hoo; Fleckingham Arms; Fleckingham Hall
Story: Holmes calls on Stamford's sister when Mrs Farintosh
, servant to Isabella Fleckingham, consults him. She has been let go from her position, followed, and her sewing box has been stolen. Miss Stamford is to be bridesmaid at the wedding of Isabella and the Count of Noto-Palma. He travels to the Fleckingham estate in Suffolk, where he learns from Lestrade that Mrs Farintosh has been accused of stealing an opal tiara that once belonged to Eleanor of Castile, from whom Lady Fleckingham is descended. Holmes faces an art forger and uncovers the truth, but it is down to the Count to return the tiara.

NOTE: Lady Katharine (or Eleanor) claims descent from the third daughter of Eleanor of Castile. It is not clear which of Eleanor's daughters this refers to, as her third, Joanna, died before she was a year old. As her first was stillborn, her third living daughter was Eleanor (1269-1298). The third of her daughters to survive into adulthood was Margaret of Brabant (1275-?).

"The Record of the Tarleton Murders" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Young Stamford
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Stamford; (Inspector Lestrade)
Other Characters: Mrs Parsons; Major Hicks; Hodgson; The Hon. Thomas Wriggleton; Count Constantine Bellaysarius; Constable; Maid; Unhired Domestics; Hiring Fair Head Man; Madame Yalta; The Great Alcalde; Alexander Knox Pennington; Police; (The Hon. Clive Melvin Moreton-Ashbee; Mayan War Party)
Bart's; Train; Chipping Oversomer, Oxfordshire; Police Station; Sibberton Hall; Sheepstown-by-Stower; (Yucatan)
Story: Holmes shows Stamford the dead body of a woman and a news item on the death of Moreton-Ashbee. Travelling to the dead man's home, Holmes tells Stamford of his acquaintance with Moreton-Ashbee and his friends, members of the Festival Hams, an Oxford dining society dedicated to demeaning its guests. They visit the coroner and attend the funeral where Stamford encounters the other Hams, Wriggleton & Bellaysarius. As they are leaving, Wriggleton's sister brings news that her brother is dead. Returning to the house, Holmes learns that the dead man was found in a room identical to that in which the previous death occurred, and sharing a common chimney flue with it. Holmes finds a cigarette end that he does not recognise. His investigations lead him to a hiring fair looking for a man of South American origins. They learn the connection between the deaths in England and an expedition to the Yucatan, and Holmes is introduced to cocaine. He and Stamford rush back to the Hall to prevent another death.
"The Singular Affair of the Aluminium Crutch" (1999)
Included in:
The Elementary Cases of Sherlock Holmes (Ian Charnock)
Story Type:
Pastiche narrated by Holmes
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Delicia Ogilvy; Mary Ogilvy; Miss Slocombe; Tewson & Billings Head Clerk; Jarvey; Police Sergeant; (Algernon Berry; Detective; Mrs Berry)
Locations: Montague Street; 34, Percy Terrace, Shepherd's Bush; Tewson & Billings' Office
Story: Holmes tells Stamford of his first case after having placed his first newspaper advertisement calling for clients. Delicia Ogilvy consulted him over the disappearance of her fiancé, Berry, a crippled scientist. He vanished in his own house leaving behind only his crutch. Holmes examines the man's home and notices a burning smell in the lab and a large amount of ash in the grate. He also finds burn marks on the man's crutch, which is surprisingly light even though it seems to be made of teak. Interviewing the staff he learns that the cook is Miss Ogilvy's mother. While pondering the solution, Holmes encounters Lestrade for the first time, who reveals that Berry's body has been found in the Thames. Holmes now has to prove to the police that his client is innocent of murder. His final solution meets with no approval.
Watson's Last Case (2000)
Story Type:
Extra-canonical adventures of Dr Watson narrated by Young Stamford & Mycroft Holmes
Canonical Characters: Young Stamford; Dr Watson; Mycroft Holmes; Victor Trevor; Squire Trevor; Trevor's Bull Terrier; Reginald Musgrave; Hudson (GLOR); Mrs St Clair; (Sherlock Holmes; Von Bork; Ricoletti; Ricoletti's Wife; The Matilda Briggs; Old Russian Woman (Olga Pleshkarova); Vamberry; Watson's Bull Pup; Mary Morstan; Count Negretto Sylvius; Steve Dixie; Susan; Von Herling; Beddoes; The Gloria Scott; Head Lama; The Lion's Mane; Professor Moriarty; Killer Evans; Neville St Clair; Inspector Lestrade; H. Watson (Father); H. Watson (Brother); Percy Phelps; Ghazi; Agatha; Eugenia Ronder; Anna Coram)
Fictional Characters: (Professor Challenger)
Historical Figures: General Edmund Allenby; T.E. Lawrence; Arthur Conan Doyle; Sir George Buchanan; Sergei "Iliodor" Trufanov; Prince Felix Yusupov; Count Vladimir Fredericks; Tsar Nicholas II; Tsarevich Alexis; Dr Eugene Botkin; Dr Vladimir Derevenko; Dr Ostrogorsky; Dr Sergei Fedorova; Dr Rauchfuss; Alexandra Fedorovna; Rasputin; Grand Duchess Olga; Grand Duchess Anastasia; Grand Duchess Tatiana; Grand Duchess Marie; Pierre Gilliard; Sydney Gibbes; Eugene Kobylinsky; Klementy Nagorny; Alexander Kerensky; Lewis Carroll; Joseph Conrad; (Edward VII; George V; Jacob Sverdlov
Other Characters: Meadows; B-----; H-----; D-----; James Campbeuil; Arthur Rowbotham; Duchess Prushnikov; Mrs Rowbotham; Mrs Trevor / Miss Matthews; Neb; Sherrinford Holmes; Grandfather Mycroft Holmes; Grandmother (Vernet) Holmes; Sherlock Holmes, Sr; Hans Rugler; Carel Rugler; Dieter Netzer; Carolyn Foggarty; Mr Foggarty; M'twali; James Stamford; Andrew Stamford; Felicity Carolyn Stamford; (Algernon Berry; Delicia Ogilvy
; Dick Renton; Yuri)
Unnamed Characters: Criterion Customers; Soldiers; Nurses; Devonshire Regiment; RAF Man; Piccadilly Circus Crowds; Lawrence's Arabs; Camel Corps; Diogenes Club Porters; Diogenes Club Members; HMS Torquay Crew; HMS Torquay Passengers; American Reporter; Ethiopian Eunuch; Troika Driver; Grand Dukes; Grand Duchesses; Princes; Buchanan's Guests; Secret Police; Tsarkoe Selo Cossacks; Foot Soldiers; Tsarkoe Selo Servants; Yar Customers; Policemen; English Club Steward; Workers; Peasants; Revolutionary Guards; Sverdlov's Agents; Railway Workers; Engine Driver; Old Retainer; Perm Officials; Rowbotham's Children; Interrogator; Trevor's Sister; Neb's Father; Fortune Teller; Indian Boy; Oxford Tutors; Ship's Surgeon; Gang of Toughs; Italian Organ-grinder; Cockney Songstress; Holmes's Mother; Old Sailor; Stour Cook; Dutch Sailor; Pompadour Crew; American Sailors; Cormorant Fishermen; Stamford's Children 187; (War Cabinet Members; Rolls Royce Enthusiasts; European Royal Families; Duke; Mycroft's Colleagues; Watson's Co-driver; Hansom Cabbie; Watson's Mother; Watson's Aunt; Watson's Uncle; Dressers; Wounded Soldier; Rich Chinese)
Date: January - November, 1918 / Early 1916 / 1874 / 1878 - 1879 / 1897
Locations: Criterion Bar; Piccadilly Circus; 221B, Baker Street; Pall Mall; Diogenes Club; Doyle's Office; Montague Street

Egypt; Palestine; Beersheba; Bair; Aboard HMS Torquay; Russia; Murmansk; St Petersburg; British Embassy; English Club; Tsarkoe Selo; Alexander Palace; Yar Restaurant; Perm; Tobolsk; India; The Terai; Trevor's Plantation; Pilibit; Kerala; Norfolk; Donnithorpe; Oxford; Holmes's College; St Giles; France; Afghanistan; North Sea; Aboard the Stour; Netherlands; Amsterdam; USA; San Francisco; Japan; Yokohama; Liverpool; West Africa; Guinea; China; Shanghai; American Club

Story: Stamford recalls his meeting with Watson in the Criterion Bar, and on Armistice night encounters him there again. Watson takes him back to Baker Street, and tells him how Mycroft sent him to Palestine, with his Rolls Royce,  to meet with, and work alongside Lawrence of Arabia, before he dies. Stamford takes Watson's final stories to Conan Doyle. They discover an account
of his last case hidden in the lining of his briefcase.

In 1916, at Sherlock's suggestion, Mycroft sends Watson to the court of Nicholas II, to assess and report back on the situation Russia. There, he is summoned to the bedside of the ailing Tsarevich, where he encounters Rasputin and pledges to cure the Tsarevich. Illness and orders from Mycroft lead to him being present to witness the Revolution, and being tasked with the rescue of the Romanoffs.

Stamford sheds some light on Holmes's early years. Victor Trevor tells him of his childhood encounter in Norfolk with Sherrinford Holmes, and his first encounter and friendship with Holmes in Oxford. Holmes decides to give up Biblical scholarship and become a consulting detective. Stamford's sister, who would become Mrs Neville St Clair, tells of Holmes's family background.

Stamford sheds some light on Watson's rugby-playing youth, and reveals the details of his own youth, sea-faring days, war service, and his role in Holmes's addiction to cocaine.

Simon Cheshire

"The Adventure of the Dented Computer" (2003)
Included in:

Story Type:
Children's Homage
Sherlockian Detectives: Kevin; Weasel Watson
Other Characters:
Mrs Womsey; Wayne Banks; Jonathan "Thug" Robinson; Mega-Maurice; (Sally Robinson; Sickly O'Sullivan)
Unnamed Characters: Kevin's Mum; Kevin's Grandad; Students; St Egbert's Irregulars; Thug's Dad; (Cleaning Lady)
Date: 2000s
Locations: St Egbert's School; Kevin's House; Thug's House
Story: Kevin is a Sherlock Holmes fan, wears a deerstalker he found in his grandad's attic, and is even considering changing his name to Sherlock Holmes. The students of 7A are bewildered when Thug Robinson starts handing in pieces of outstanding work across a whole range of subjects. Kevin recruits Weasel Watson to help him investigate. After following Thug for several days, and recruiting the infants as his St Egbert's Irregulars, Kevin spots Thug talking to Mega-Maurice, the smartest boy in school. Kevin and Watson infiltrate Thug's bedroom looking for a battered computer.

A Study in
                      Sherlock (Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger)

Lionel Chetwynd

"The Shadow Not Cast" (2011)
Included in:
A Study in Sherlock (Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger)
Story Type:
Other Characters: Rabbi Eliezar Burman; Sergeant-Major Robert Jackson; Jackson's Students; Captain Snow; Zakaria; Captain Eric Turner; Baxter; Policeman; Gerry Rivers; Freyda Simon; Gorgi Pelachi; Will Diamond; Sergeant; Bar Patrons; P.K.; P.K.'s Bodyguards
Date: 21st Century
Locations: USA; Washington D.C.; Synagogue; Carlisle Barracks; Columbia Heights; Pelachi's Offices; Diamond's Office; Ninth Street; Jackson's Home
Story: A rabbi is killed during a burglary. When FBI agent Hamstein tells Captain Turner of another related murder, of a financial reporter, across town, Turner brings in army investigator Jackson, who brings along his new student, Snow. At the site of the second murder they find the rabbi's business card with a list of biblical citations.

NOTE: Aside from the methods of the investigators there is no Sherlockian content in this story.

Lee Child

"The Bone-Headed League" (2011)
Included in:
A Study in Sherlock (Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger)
Story Type:
Other Characters: FBI Agent; Scotland Yard Sergeant; Inspector Bradley Rose; Ezekiah Hopkins
Date: February, 21st Century
Locations: Baker Street; Scotland Yard; British Library; USA; Kansas; Leavenworth Prison
Story: An FBI agent working at the American Embassy in London is called to the scene of a murder on Baker Street. The victim appears to have false papers, and the agent recommends Inspector Rose, the investigating officer, to read The Red-Headed League, believing the body to be a decoy.

A Study in Sherlock
                        (Laurie R. King & Leslie S. Klinger)

Rob Chilson

"Logos: My Tale Is Read" (1991)
Included in:
Amazing Stories, #561, August 1991
Story Type:
Fantasy Homage
Sherlockian Detective: Sir Stanleigh Storm
Historical Figures: Rob Chilson
Other Characters: Hugh Hesseltine; Maria; (Will Honeycutt)
Unnamed Characters: Hostess; Villagers; Singing Boy; Carrier; Hostler's Boy; Father
Locations: Langdon; Wheat and Sickle Pub
Story: Hugh Hesseltine arrives at the Wheat and Sickle pub in Langdon, where he encounters the briar-smoking, deerstalker-wearing great detective Sir Stanleigh Storm. They realise that each, to the other, is a fictional character from a series of books by R. Chilson. While they are examining the strange flowers on the front of the pub, Chilson himself arrives. The three tool up to face a dire beast.

NOTE: Sir Stanleigh Storm owns a Watson .39 pistol.

Mike Chinn

"The Adventure of the Haunted Room" (2017)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part VII: Eliminate the Impossible 1880-1891 (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson
Historical Figures: (William Friese-Green; John Rudge)
Other Characters: Violet Trecoming; Gwen Westgate; Grantford Sparks; (Hubert Trecoming)
Unnamed Characters: Cabbie; Cherry Road Passers-by
Date: Early Spring, 1890
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Camberwell; East Dulwich; 187, Cherry Road
Story: Mrs Trecoming consults Holmes over an apparition of a man that has been seen multiple times in the window of the front room of the home in East Dulwich that she shares with her sister. Her sister, Gwen, also claims to have seen it appear in the room itself. That night, Holmes and Watson visit Cherry Road and witness the phenomenon for themselves.
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part VII: Eliminate
                      the Impossible 1880-1891 (David Marcum)
The MX Book of
                      New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas
                      Adventures (David Marcum) "The Adventure of the Vanishing Man" (2016)
Included in:
The MX Book of New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas Adventures (David Marcum)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson; Billy
Historical Figures: (Louis Le  Prince)
Other Characters: Jerzy Krakowski; Mrs Krakowski; Edwin M'Gurk; Connie; Jocelyn Barrington; Laura Whitside; (Wenman Higgins; Mr Whitside)
Unnamed Characters: Mrs Hudson's Guests; Trap Driver; Gardener; (Laura's Family; Higgins's Cook)
Date: 24 - 25 December
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Norfolk; Norwich Station; Corvin House; North Walsham
Story: Mrs Hudson's Christmas party is interrupted by the arrival of Edwin M'Gurk, whose employer, Wenman Higgins has vanished before his eyes while walking across the lawn of his home in Norfolk. Information about Higgins's pastimes and finances leads Holmes to a solution.
"A Function of Probability" (2015)
Included in:
The Adventures of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Extra-canonical adventure of Professor Moriarty
Canonical Characters: Professor Moriarty; (Moriarty Gang; Colonel Moran; Sherlock Holmes)
Historical Figures: Wilhelm I; (Frederick III; Otto von Bismarck; Kaiserin Augusta; Wilhelm II; Andreas Schlüter)
Other Characters: Hawes; Leonard Eastman / Leofric, Duke of Granat-Östermann and Baron von Reichschliesser; Herr Eisenerz; Stadtschloss Servants; Screaming Woman; (Heinrich Sciffersohn; Serb Servant; Kaiser's Physician)
Date: 1888
Locations: College; Moriarty's Study; Germany; Unter den Linden; Kaffeehaus; Berliner Stadtschloss
Professor Moriarty is called on by Leofric, a minor German nobleman, who seeks his help in assassinating Kaiser Wilhelm. Moriarty travels to Berlin and gains access to the Kaiser's palace.
                      Adventures of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)

Sam Christer

The House of Smoke (2016)
Story Type: Pastiche narrated by Simeon Lynch
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Professor James Moriarty; Colonel Sebastian Moran; (Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson)
Historical Figures: Louise Masset; Patrick Hoolihan; Edward VII: (James Billington; John Bellingham; Herbert Spencer; William Warbrick; Sir Matthew White Ridley; Merry Hampton; The Baron; George Baird; Queen Victoria)
Other Characters: Simeon Lynch / Terry Perch; Sebastian the Jew
; The Scuttlers; Danny; Fingers; Professor Brogan Moriarty; Tobias Johncock; Surrey Breed; Sirius Gunn / Thierry De Breton; Dr Reuss; Lady Elizabeth Audsley / Lizzie MacIntosh; Michael Brannigan; Alexander Rathbone; Boardman; Baker; Jane; Bailey; Cornwell; Harrison Huntley; Ralph; Theodore Levine; The Blinders; Billy; Henry; Briggs; Father Francis Deagan / Ernest Braithwaite; Mrs Ellis; Victoria Graftbury; Lady Graftbury; Lord Graftbury; Giles; Brandon Timms; Jeremiah Beamish; Charles Arthur Connor; James Arthur "Jimmy" Connor; Blackson / Bosede Bangura; Miller; Jonathan J. Clark; Mr Gray; Mr Southgate; Thackeray; Cyril Lynch; Philomena Lynch; Leadbetter; Reece; Huiwi Chan; Lee Chan; Wu Chan; PC Thomas J. Jackson; Isaac Pickering; Wallace; Molly Lynch; Frederick; Inspector Mather; Lin; Sun Shi; Benjamin Crowther; Christopher Ellis Ackborne; Willy Watkins; Newgate Warders; Scuttlers' Women; Moriarty's Servants; Newgate Prisoners; Prison Orderlies; Asylum Staff; Asylum Inmates; Bargemen; Moriarty's Kitchen Maid; Newgate Governor; Prison Chaplain; Workhouse Governors; Workhouse Boys; Workhouse Inmates; Boxing Crowd; Workhouse Doctor; Tissington Hall Judge; Matlock Police Officer; Moriarty's Groom; Photographer; Undertakers; Workhouse Masters; Workhouse Boys; Workhouse Matron; Pall-Bearers; Funeral Attendant; Brannigan's Cousins; Brannigan's Nieces; Peak District Villagers; Moriarty's Men; Hoolihan's Gang; Southwark Police; Derby Coachman; Derby Station Crowds; St Pancras Porters; Albert Road Servants; Chan's Men; Highway Robbers; Lincoln Whore; Banker; Gypsy Fortune-teller; Epsom Racegoers; Moriarty's Business Partners; Trainers; Jockeys; Members of Parliament; James Moriarty's Chauffeur; Motor Car Driver; James Moriarty's Coachman; Lee Chan's Bodyguards; Harley Street Police Officers; Rookery Inhabitants; Cab Driver; Clerkenwell Police; Prison Doctor; Baldy; Young Convicts; Warbrick's Assistants; Execution Crowd; (Old Bailey Judge; Wilberforce Singleton; Singleton's Butler; Singleton's Cook; Singleton's Housemaid; Holmes's Cocaine Supplier; Lady of the Night; French Mechanic; Tavern Patrons; Alice Armer; Mario; Moriarty's Mother; Moriarty's Bostonian Friend; Betsy; Chan; Bertrand de Breton; Graftbury's Cook; Harvard Businessman; Workhouse Matron; Blackston's Parents; Tavern Landlord; Drunkards; Mr Potts; Mr Flanders; Mr Addison; Surrey's Parents; Moriarty's Father; The Fireman; Bai Chan; Equestrian Veterinarian; Andrew O'Connell; Elizabeth's Father; Elizabeth's Maid; Elizabeth's Doctor; P.C. Cross; Moriarty's American Men; Moriarty's American Servants; Harley Street Surgeon; Alice's Madam; Royal Secretary; Sheffield Pawnbroker; Leeds Jeweller; Home Office Doctor; Coroner's Officer)
Date: May, 1884 - 19 January, 1900 / 1875 / 1878
Locations: London; Newgate Gaol
; East End; Workhouse; Southwark; St Pancras Station; Albert Road; Moriarty's House; Harley Street; Rookery; Clerkenwell; Police Station; Manchester; A River; A Mill; Goddard Grange; Derbyshire; Peak District; Dovedale; Moriarty's House; Tissington Hall; Matlock Bath; Graveyard; Derby Station; A Train; Milldale; Viator's Bridge; Birmingham; Winson Green; All Saints Mental Asylum; Warwickshire; Graftbury's House; Lincoln; Surrey; Epsom Station; Epsom Racecourse; Tattenham Corner; Tavern; Mycroft's House
From his cell in Newgate Gaol, awaiting his execution, Lynch recounts his life story: He flees to Manchester after his first murder in 1884, where he meets Sebastian the Jew and is recruited into the Scuttlers, a gang of thieves. After working his way up through the ranks, he is recruited to work for Professor Brogan Moriarty.

In Newgate, he is visited by Holmes who attempts to persuade him to turn Queen's evidence against Moriarty. He also discovers that his life may be ended before ever he meets the executioner, and receives a ghostly visitor. An anonymous gift provides a possible means of escape.

The theft of a tiara is Moriarty's first test for Lynch, after which he learns that he is destined to become a member of Moriarty's Trinity. He tells of his first boxing match and how he joined the Hooligans, and is shown Moriarty's collection of skulls. His position in Moriarty's organisation rises as does the number of deaths he carries out, until his final arrest.

He learns the truth of his parentage, and of his saviour.

Agatha Christie

"The Case of the Missing Lady" (1929)
Included in:
Partners in Crime (Agatha Christie); The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen)
Story Type:
Fictional Characters: Tommy & Tuppence Beresford
Story: Tommy and Tuppence of Blunt's Brilliant Detectives emulate Holmes in their attempt to help Arctic Explorer, Gabriel Stavansson, trace his missing fiancée, the Honourable Hermione Crane. When they finally locate her in Maldon, Sussex, the play is not nearly as foul as they expected.

Note: In each story in Christie's PARTNERS IN CRIME Tommy & Tuppence adopt the techniques of a different fictional detective. The version published in Ellery Queen's THE MISADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES is a conflation of chapter 3 "The Affair of the Pink Pearl", and chapter 9 "The Case of the Missing Lady".

                          Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery

Anatole Chujoy

"The Adventure of the Turned Worm" (1955)
Included in:
The Baker Street Journal, July 1955
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Band of the Grenadier Guards; Ticket Seller; Audience; Charles Ghoti; Charles Fish
Date: August Bank Holiday
221B, Baker Street; The Embankment; Embankment Gardens
Story: Holmes and Watson run into Lestrade at a band concert. He has solved a forgery case and arrested one of the men involved, but cannot find his accomplice. He has the man's name, Charles Ghoti, and his address in an apartment block, but there are fifty apartments, no one knows the name, and he cannot get a warrant to search them all. Watson is able to suggest the name he ought to look for.

Dwight Church

"Shylock Combs and the Case of the Flying Phonograph" (1941)
Included in:
Advocate, Volume 52 Number 1, December 1941
Story Type:
Sherlockian Detectives: Shylock Combs & Dr Potsam
Other Characters: Peter Q. Piffle; Angus Flanagan; Patrick McTavish / Looie the Dip
Unnamed Characters: Boarding House Occupants; Police Officers; (Looie's Mother)

Combs's Rooms; Pigs-Knuckle Avenue; The Sign of the Sour Dishrag Restaurant; Police Headquarters
Story: Pickle magnate Peter Q. Piffle consults Combs after an attempt is made on his life with a phongraph dropped from a great height.

The Further
                      Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Richard Lancelyn

F.P. Cillié

"The Adventure of the Second Stain" (1967)
Also published as "The Adventure of the Green Empress"
Included in:
The Further Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Richard Lancelyn Green)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; Dubuque; Fritz von Waldbaum; (Mary Morstan; Watson's Patient)
Other Characters: A Cabbie; Lord Malton; Lady Elizabeth Malton; The Duke of Lindford; Major Hugo Dashwood; Sir Graham Hylton-Smith; Cabman; (Johnson; James Morgan; Lucy; Beryl; Cathy)
Date: Monday 23rd, July, 1888
The East End; A Public House; A Cab; Baker Street; 221B, Baker Street; Another Cab; Summerdowne
Story: After Holmes makes a series of deductions about a visitor to Baker Street from his walking stick, the man himself, Lord Malton the Secretary for War, arrives and tells of the disappearance of an emerald, the Green Empress, from his wife's bedroom. Returning to her room unexpectedly, Lady Malton discovered her brother, the Duke of Lindford - known to be in financial difficulties - standing with her jewelry box in his hands, the emerald ring gone. A search of his room failed to turn up the stone. Dubuque & Von Waldbaum have been hired, but have failed to make any progress. Examining Lady Elizabeth's room, Holmes finds a recent inkstain in a drawer, and points out to Watson the significance of there being no second stain. A search of the house's refuse bins yields up an ink-stained handkerchief. After an interview with Lindford, Holmes calls together Malton, Dubuque and von Waldbaum, and displays the stolen emerald, which he then proceeds to smash, and announces that this is a case not of theft, but of fraud. The motive for the disappearance of the ring, he says, is gambling debts, and goes on to tell the facts of the matter, the significance of the missing stain, and the dreadful choice Lindford had to make.

David N. Cisler

"The Problem of the Sussex Scalping" (2003)
Included in:
Curious Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters:
Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Historical Figures:
Other Characters: Eliza Savegin; Peter Savegin; Abigail Savegin; Rail Passengers; Roger Warren; Manservant; Sir Roger Warren; Shepherd, The Butler; Stableboys; Cabby; 'Skinny' Skolnic; Mrs. Roberts; Thomas Packard; Charlie; Constable; Constable Jones; Sergeant Neal
Date: A Monday in Early January, 1891
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; A Train; Sussex; Lewes; Roger's Carriage; Brantworth Manor; The White Hart; The Crown Inn; A Dogcart; A Bakery; A Stable; The Twittens
Story: Holmes learns that a former client, Eliza Savegin, daughter of Sir Ronald Warren, has been kidnapped and her husband, Peter, has disappeared. Eliza's father has received a ransom note and her cut-off hair. Holmes believes the husband to have been involved in a similar case before, and so, likely to be responsible for, rather than a victim of, the events. Examining the Savegins' rooms, Holmes discovers a football schedule, and a visit to a bakery opposite a stable provides him with further evidence, enabling him to explain the events behind the disappearance.

                      Incidents 2 (J.R. Campbell & Charles

Benjamin S. Clark

"Sunshine, Sunshine" (1960)
Included in:
The Baker Street Journal, Christmas Annual 1960
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: James Phillimore (Edgar Smith); Merryweather; (Crosby the Banker; Dr Watson; Sherlock Holmes)
Other Characters: (Mr Graves; Phillimore's Naive Wife; Phillimore's Children; Phillimore's Servants)
Date: Ten years after Phillimore's disappearance
A Pacific Island; Phillimore's Beach House; 20, Sloane Square; Sloane Square; Sloane Square Station
Story: James Phillimore awakes in his beach house, ten years after his disappearance.
He recalls his job in a bank, the means by which he effected his disappearance and his reasons for it, and the way he chose his new name. He receives a surprise when he settles down to read "Thor Bridge".

Simon Clark

"The Adventure of the Falling Star" (1997)
Included in:
The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures (Mike Ashley)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Professor Charles Hardcastle; Cabbie; Maid; Edward Hardcastle; Dr. Columbine; Clarkson the Gardener; Police
A Four-Wheeler; The Strand; Hampstead; Hardcastle's House
Date: June
Story: Holmes is summoned by an old acquaintance, Professor Hardcastle, to investigate the disappearance of a meteorite from a collection in his locked laboratory. The meteorite reappeared in his son's bedroom the following day. When Holmes and Watson arrive at the Professor's home, they find him raving in the garden clutching some sprigs of thyme, amongst which he has found another of his meteorites, again in his son's bedroom. He suggests that the thyme links the disappearances to an old colleague, Dr. Columbine, who has been dead for five years.
The Mammoth
                      Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures (Mike
Sherlock Holmes's
                      School for Detection (Simon Clark)

"The Case of the Wrong-Wise Boots" (2017)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes's School for Detection (Simon Clark)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; (Inspector Lestrade)
Other Characters: Miss Charlton; Mr Garret;
Mr Paswan; Charles Keppel / Major Robin Fox-Warren; Joplin; Mrs Keppel; Mrs Jacob; Thomas Rawcliff; John Lavelle; Gwyneth Fox-Warren; Gwyneth's Daughter; Railway Engineer's Wife; Mrs Keppel's Servants; Mrs Keppel's Maids; London Constables; North Reiff Constables; Station Porter; Lavelle's Gang; (Man in Dover; Fifteen-year-old Bootboy; Bootboy's Mother; Falmouth Poisoner; Sir Benjamin Keppel; Physician; Jeremiah Poole; Rawcliff's Father; Rawcliff's Grandfather; Fox-Warren's Landlord; Gwyneth's Friend; Sailors; Shopkeepers; Ship's Captain; Captain's Wife; Stationmaster)
Date: November
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; 9, Juniper Terrace; A Train; Scotland; North Reiff; Bothy Road; Harbour View; Chapel Cottage; Police Station
After setting six of his students investigative tasks, Holmes invites them to stay to listen to the story of his latest client, Keppel, who tells them that he has recently discovered himself in a strange street, wearing strange clothes, in front of a house which he recognised as his own, even though he has no recollection of ever living there. On making enquiries at the house he was told that he has been dead for two years. As the case proceeds, Keppel faces a charge of murder. Holmes sends his students ahead of him to Scotland where they encounter a pair of boots filled with flower petals.

"The Climbing Man" (2015)
Included in:
The Mammoth Book of Sherlock Holmes Abroad (Simon Clark)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Grey Guards; Dhow Helmsman; Sarim; Edward Priestly; Compound Sentry; Mousaf; Professor Hendrik; Eden Hendrik; Native Workers; Tribesmen; Benjamin Gordon Priestly; (Bandits; Harold Priestly; Prudence Hendrik; Captain Grey)
Mesopotamia; Euphrates River; Priestly's Camp; Tirrash
Holmes and Watson come under fire while in Mesopotamia on the trail of a European gang of plunderers of ancient sites. Holmes is wounded, and when the dhow transporting them down the Euphrates runs aground, they encounter Edward Priestly, an archaeologist. He tells them how he has found the dead body of his brother, missing for four years, inside a sealed underground chamber that has not have been opened in three thousand years. They soon realise that they are in their enemies' camp, but Holmes is determined to solve the mystery. He must make his deductions with only two small-viewing holes cut into the chamber walls, and under the threat of earth tremors.
The Mammoth
                      Book of Sherlock Holmes Abroad (Simon Clark)
Sherlock Holmes's
                      School for Detection (Simon Clark) "Holmes Receives a Most Intriguing Proposal" (2017)
Included in:
Sherlock Holmes's School for Detection (Simon Clark)
Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson; (Mrs Hudson)
Other Characters: Baker Street Pedestrians; (Burglar; Undertaker's Assistant)
Date: Autumn, 1890
Locations: Baker Street; 221B, Baker Street
Returning home after a tussle with a burglar, Holmes and Watson find Lestrade waiting for them. Holmes deduces that Lestrade has been engaged in a case involving an undertaker. Lestrade asks Holmes to mentor students in detection at the newly established Imperial Academy of Detective Enquiry and Forensic Sciences in Russell Square.
"Nightmare in Wax" (2003)
Included in:
Shadows Over Baker Street (Michael Reaves & John Pelan)
Story Type:
Supernatural Pastiche narrated by Moriarty, Holmes & Watson
Canonical Characters: Dr. Watson; Professor Moriarty; Victor Hatherley; Sherlock Holmes
Other Characters: Watson's Visitors; Dr. Cowley; Village Creatures; Navvies; Soldiers; (Father Solomon Buchanan)
Locations: Watson's House; A Train; Burnston
Date: 1915 & November 1st, 1903
Story: Three high-ranking government officials bring Watson a phonograph cylinder on which Moriarty has recorded an account of his attempt to use the Necronomicon to become all-powerful. He is journeying by train to the location of a lost village, Burnston, which had been drowned beneath the North Sea and which he has hired a company of hydraulic engineers to recover. The navvies have discovered living creatures in the village which have, according to Hatherley, who has stopped the train to inform Moriarty of events, started attacking them.
Shadows Over
                      Baker Street (Michael Reaves & John Pelan)
                      Arcanum (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec) "Sherlock Holmes and the Diving Bell" (2011)
Included in:
Gaslight Arcanum (J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type:
Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr. Watson
Other Characters: Tugboat Captain; Captain Smeaton; Fitzwilliam Crew; Jessup; Katrina Barstow; Claudine Millwood; George Barstow; (Winch-Man; Edith's Father; Edith)
Date: 1904
Locations: Cornwall; Fowey; Tugboat; Aboard the Fitzwilliam
Holmes summons Watson to Fowey, from where he takes him out to the location of a sunken diving bell. Five years earlier, Barstow had been lost when the submarine chamber Pollux had become snagged on the wreck that the crew of the salvage vessel Fitzwilliam were trying to recover silver bullion from. The Fitzwilliam has returned to attempt to salvage the diving bell. The diving bell Castor has returned from its search with both its crewmembers dead, and noises resembling a voice have been heard over the communication cable from the Pollux. Holmes and Watson descend in the Castor to uncover the truth.
The Big Book of
                      Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)

Logan Clendening, M.D.

"The Case of the Missing Patriarchs" (1934)
Included in:
The Misadventures Of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen); Profile By Gaslight (Edgar W. Smith); The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)

Story Type:
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
Historical / Fictional Characters: Adam; Eve; Jehovah
Story: Dead and in Heaven, Holmes is called upon by Jehovah to locate the missing Adam and Eve.

                      Misadventures Of Sherlock Holmes (Ellery Queen)
A Study in
                      Lavender (Joseph R.G. DeMarco)

Elka Cloke

"The Adventure of the Poesy Ring" (2011)
Included In:
A Study in Lavender (Joseph R.G. DeMarco)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
; Mrs Hudson; Baker Street Irregulars; Inspector Lestrade; (Dr Verner)
Other Characters: Frederick Croft; Russell Carter; Bathhouse Attendant; Bathhouse Patrons; Clay's Servant Girl; Walter Clay; (Captain Elliot Clay; Doctor)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Knightsbridge; Jermyn Street; Turkish Baths; Rye; Clay's House
Croft asks Holmes to locate a missing opal ring which belonged to his late partner Captain Elliot Clay and disappeared from his hand on the night of his death. A visit to the Turkish baths reveals the ring's location, but a visit to Clay's house in Rye is needed to reveal the truth about his death. Watson makes moves to bring a change to his relationship with Holmes.

J. Storer Clouston

"The Truthful Lady" (1920)
Included In:
I Believe in Sherlock Holmes (Douglas G. Greene); Sherlock Holmes Jazz Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924 (Bill Peschel)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; (Sherlock Holmes)
Other Characters: Narrator; F.T. Carrington; Carrington's Companion; (Lord Algernon Fitzpatrick; Duke of Munster; 1st Duke of Munster; Lady Diana Mountfalcon)
Locations: Carrington's Office
Carrington tells the story of how he was once consulted by Dr Watson.

Watson has been consulted by Lord Algernon Fitzpatrick whose late father's will, leaving everything to him, has gone missing. Only an earlier will, leaving everything to his sister, remains. The pink bon-bons that Watson is sucking prove vital in leading Carrington to a solution.

I Believe in
                        Sherlock Holmes (Douglas G. Greene)

Sherlock Holmes Jazz
                        Age Parodies and Pastiches I: 1920-1924 (Bill

John Clunk

"The Strange Case of Cornelius Candlewick III" (1940)
Included In:
The Old Line (University of Maryland), Volume 10 Number 3 (December 1940)
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detective: Hotshot H. Holms
Other Characters: Peeves; Cornelius Candlestick II; Cornelius Candlestick III
Unnamed Characters: Co-ed
Date: November
Locations: USA; Baltimore; Maryland; Holms's Rooms; University of Maryland
Hotshot Holms, a sophomore at the College of Agronomy resolves to become a campus leader. Cornelius Candlestick II summons him for help when his son, Cornelius Candlestick III, fails to achieve straight As. Holms follows Cornelius around the University making note of his activities.