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A collection of historic reviews and articles on Sherlockian theatrical performances from contemporary newspapers.
Click on these links for publication details of editions used for indexing:
The Bank of England (Max Goldberg)
August: Kilmarnock, Scotland
September 16: Peebles, Scotland
November 15: Town Hall, Falkirk, Scotland
November 27: Town Hall, Macduff, Scotland(Information above on performance dates is derived from newspaper archives and is therefore likely to be incomplete.)
- The Falkirk Town Hall was on Saturday night occupied by Mr Walter Bentley and a strong company, when Max Goldberg’s dramatic play, “A Mystery of the Bank of England,” was staged with good effect, the role of “Sherlock Holmes” being impersonated by Mr Bentley himself, who is undoubtedly one of Falkirk’s most popular professional visitors.
The representation he gave of the famous detective was strong and interesting and worthy of Mr Bentley’s high reputation. In every scene Mr Bentley was the central figure; his “make-ups” were exceedingly clever, as were also his asides and byplay.
The other artistes, all round, were very capable. The vivacious American widow of strikingly handsome presence was full of dash, and always gained the good graces of the audience; while Lady Sylvia suited her part admirably, the two making a clever and very acceptable duet.
The gentleman impersonating Stephen Hartley, while having a part the nature of which was not calculated to make him a favourite with his audience, interpreted his role with striking ability, and undoubtedly pleased the most critical among his audience. The other characters in the piece were all more or less conspicuous in their different parts, particularly Tommy Sprouts, whose rollicking fun at once made him a favourite with the house.
The whole piece was sustained with intelligence and care, and met with a cordial reception from the crowded audience.
Falkirk Herald, Tuesday 19 November 1902
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