A collection of historic reviews and articles on Sherlockian theatrical performances from contemporary newspapers.

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The Bank of England (Max Goldberg)
(Henry Johnston’s Company)
September 26 - ?: Gaiety Theatre, Dundee, Scotland

(Information above on performance dates is derived from newspaper archives and is therefore likely to be incomplete.)


There was a fairly large house at the Gaiety Theatre last night when an excellent interpretation of Max Goldberg’s domestic play entitled “The Bank of England” was given by Mr Henry Johnston’s Company. The play abounds with exciting incidents relative to forged notes and attempts to rob the bank.

Principal interest centres round the appearance of Mr Hubert S. Chambers as the famous “Sherlock Holmes,” and of his part he gave an excellent interpretation, the manner in which he unravelled the great mystery of the forgery eliciting the well-merited applause of the audience.

Mr Edwin Walton made a capital Sir Sidney Barraclough, while Mr Alfred Hilliard performed the part of Eric Dane in a quiet but taking manner. Mr Juan de Alberti made a capital villainous Director, and perhaps he was seen at his best in the attempt to rob the bank. He was ably assisted in his designs by Gordon Isaac, a half-bred Jew, a part capably performed by Mr Charles Ninian.

Miss Ada Collins gave a good rendering of the part of Sylvia Barraclough, her sympathetic and quiet ways taking with the audience. As an American widow, Miss Marie Loreth was quite a success, and especially was she amusing in her endeavours to captivate the famous detective.

Miss Amy Ellam as Margaret Dane, the victim of Hartley’s hate, also performed her part well. The comic element was supplied by Mr Charles Goff as Tommy Sprout, a racing man.

Dundee Evening Telegraph, Tuesday 27 September 1904
found at www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk