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A collection of historic reviews and articles on Sherlockian theatrical performances from contemporary newspapers.
Click on these links for publication details of editions used for indexing:
The Great Detective
(La Comedie Anglaise)
June 16 - 21: Theatre Royal, Wexford, Ireland
September 19: Town Hall, Sandy, Bedfordshire, England(Information above on performance dates is derived from newspaper archives and is therefore likely to be incomplete.)
THEATRE ROYAL – Proprietor, Mr James Sinnott.
- La Comedie Anglaise Company, under the direction of Mr W.L. Dobell, opened here on Monday with The Great Detective, which met with much success. Mr Dobell gave a finished portrayal of the detective Sherlock Holmes, and was loudly applauded. Dr Brand was capitally played by Mr E.K. Burke, and Sir Ronald Carew found an able exponent in Mr Morris Maud. Mr C.R. Vincent in the role of Ralph Carew earned the execrations of the audience, and Mr Fred Ericson as Paul Desmond did well.
Miss Jennie Pegg gave a clever and amusing rendering of the role of the tiger Charley, and Mr Percy Edwards made the most of the part of Abel Dymack. Miss Daisy Humphreys acted sympathetically as Madeline Thorne, and Miss Madge Merryweather’s impersonation of the hard-hearted Miriam Marston left nothing to be desired. Miss H. Young as May Carlton was efficient and Miss G. Fairley was amusing as Saunders.
The Era, Saturday 21 June 1902
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