Ski Michaels
of the Windy Meadow (1986)
Story Type: Children's Homage
Sherlockian Detective: Detective Duck
Other Characters: Mr Mole; Mrs Mouse; Mr
Beaver; Tim Turtle
Locations: Windy Meadow
Story: Detective Duck arrives in Windy Meadow
just after Mr Mole's newspaper disappears. He sets
out to find it, and during his investigation
discovers that Mrs Mouse has lost her hankies, Mr
Beaver has lost his sticks, and Tim Turtle has lost
his ball of string.
Rosemary Michaud
Sherlock Holmes and the Somerset
Hunt (1993)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; (Tobias Gregson)
Other Characters: East Quantock Porter;
Jane Melrose; Andrew Hewitt; Heywood Melrose; Old
Pratt; Ned Hewitt; Housemaids; Colonel Laurence
Hewitt; David Hewitt; Dr. Hugh Farthingale; Sally
Collins; Collins' Children; Servants;
Superintendent Bellows; (Dixon; Mrs. Hewitt;
Norah Dudley; James Collins; Police Inspector;
Constable Johnson; Helena; Mr. Vickers)
Date: March, 1883
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; A Train;
Somerset; East Quantock Station; East Quantock;
Coombehill; Spring Green Cottage; Farthingale's
Story: Holmes is called to Somerset to
investigate when an old client's daughter's
fiancé, Andrew Hewitt, is involved in a riding
accident. A stirrup gave way, but after the
incident the stirrup leather disappeared. The
family has a history of unusual events: an uncle
killed in a riding accident thirty years
previously, and a mother who disappeared three
years before that. Holmes and Watson pose as a
cousin and friend of the girl, and are invited to
stay at the fiancé's family home. It becomes clear
that relationships within the house are strained.
Holmes discovers that the young couple are already
married, and finds himself investigating the
disappearance of the mother. To finally bring an
end to the case he joins the local hunt, disguised
as Hewitt.
Allan D. Mickle
The Execution of Newcome Bowles
Story Type: Parody
Solomon Holmes Loquot & Dr Benjamin Nicodemus
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock
Historical Figures: (Rudolph
Reveller; Judge; Counsel for the Crown;
Doctor; Augustus Ikonoky "Ikey" Ilks; Clerk of the
Court; Mortimer "Morty" Willikins; Jury; Court
Spectators; Newcome Bowles; Eulalia Musquash;
Lizzie Hopkins; Bowles's Servants; Frederick
Hopkins; Coroner; Black Cat Waitresses; Freezia
Sniffleblossom; Coroner; Annabella "Annie"
Ermyntrude Bellows; Police Officer; (Asbestos
Musquash; Helmet Musquash; Hosey Musquash; Flame
Musquash; Nicodemus Musquash; Phoebe Pitts
Musquash; Benjamin Pitts; Elderly Widow; Widow's
Family; Madeline Musquash Bowles; Blonde;
Bowles's Second Wife; Alfriston "Jimmy" Bowles;
"Skinny" Annie Skinner Bowles; Annie's Sister;
Orchard Owner; Small Boy; Emily Cloves; Grocer's
Carter; Grocer's Carter's Wife; Tom
Sniffleblossom; Countess; Alphonse Holmes
Loquot; Solomon's Mother; Solomon's Wife; Adrian
Tonks; British Agent; British Women; Government
Official's Wife; Felicité Grandressant;
Professor Harricotinski; Albert Stonker;
Scotland Yard Official; Forger; Governor of
Dartmoor Prison; Loquot's Operatives; Spies;
Rosey Adkins; Bowles's Housemaid; Euphobia
Willikins; Horry Rawkins)
Date: April - July
Locations: Australia; Melbourne; Musquash's
Bachelor Flat; Court House; Bowles's House;
Loquot's Flat; Black Cat Café; Musquash's Surgery
Story: When physician Benjamin
Musquash reads of the tragic death of business
magnate Newcome Bowles' third wife, in a fall from a
third storey window, he decides that justice must be
done, the deceased, Madeline Bowles, having been his
cousin. Bowles is acquitted at trial, and his
engagement to Freezia Snifflebottom is announced.
After two of Bowles's servants are murdered,
Musquash calls on his friend Solomon Holmes Loquot,
grandson of Sherlock Holmes. Loquot infiltrates
Bowles's staff and exacts his own form of justice on
Bowles and his servant, Willikins.
Adrian Middleton
"The Adventure of A Rat" (2017)
Included in: The MX Book of New Sherlock
Holmes Stories Part VII: Eliminate the Impossible
1880-1891 (David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; The Matilda Briggs; Giant Rat of
Sumatra; (The Gloria Scott; The Sophy Anderson;
The Norah Creina; The Cutter Alicia; The
Friesland; The Netherland-Sumatra [Steamship]
Company; Baron Maupertuis [Professor Georges Louis
Moreau de Maupertuis])
Fictional Characters: The
Ipecacuanha: (Professor Challenger; Dr
Moreau; Edward Prendick; Captain John Davies; Mr
[G.] Bensington)
Historical Figures: (The Mary Celeste;
The Leveret; Friedrich Miescher)
Other Characters: Abigail Tanner
Unnamed Characters: Dock Crowds;
Dock Labourers; Stevedores; Wharf Rats; Farmer;
Farmer's Wife
Date: Early 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Billingsgate;
The Upper Pool; Victoria Street; Kent; Hickleybrow
Story: After reading of the death of Baron
Maupertuis, Holmes tells Watson of an 1877 case in
which he believed he had brought an end to the
Baron's vivisectionist practices. He
believes that the disappearance of the Baron's ship,
the Matilda Briggs, and the simultaneous
appearance of the ship Ipecacuanha, with
identical specifications, is not a coincidence. He
and Watson head for Billingsgate docks, where they
join forces with anti-vivisectionist Abigail Tanner
to investigate the ship. After Holmes is attacked by
a komodo dragon, Watson does some investigating of
his own at Hickleybrow Farm in Kent.
NOTE: Hickleybrow Farm is from H.G. Wells's
The Food of the Gods.
"The Kingdom of the Blind"
Included in: The MX Book of New
Sherlock Holmes Stories Part I: 1881-1889
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Historical Figures: (Pope Leo
XIII; Henry Manning, Archbishop of Westminster)
Other Characters: Brother Pius Augustus;
Woodman's Butler; Dr William Woodman; Christopher;
Seminarians; (Dr William Westcott; Frau
Sprengel; Priest)
Date: Late Autumn of Holmes & Watson's
First Year Together
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Stoke
Newington; Woodson's House; South Kensington;
Abingdon House
Story: Brother Pius Augustus asks Holmes to
recover documents missing from the Vatican Secret
Archive that he believes will be used in a
Rosicrucian plot to bring down the Catholic Church.
After gaining possession of the document, and
revealing the truth about his various clients,
Holmes takes Watson to a seminary for the blind. |
James Miles
Worcester Enigma" (1981)
Included in: English Country House Murders
(Thomas Godfrey)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson
Historical Figures: Edward Elgar; Caroline Alice
Roberts; Sir Henry Gee Roberts; Lady Julia Maria
Roberts; (James Miles; Sir Edward Halle)
Other Characters: Dr Harvey; Miss Jenkins; (Dr Thomas
M---; Kate M---; Maud Palmerston; Adrian
Fox-Fordyce; Sir Gregory Fox-Fordyce)
Unnamed Characters: Maid
Date: 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Worcester;
Malvern; Elgar's Flat; Redmarley d'Abiot; Hazeldine
House; St James Hall; The Belgravia
Story: Elgar consults Holmes when General
Roberts falls ill after an argument over Elgar
asking to marry his daughter Alice. Alice believes
that her father has been poisoned by local M.P.
Fox-Fordyce, who wants Alice to marry his son,
Adrian. Holmes and Watson accompany him to Worcester
to investigate. |

Kenneth Millar
"The South Sea Soup Co."
Included in: The Big Book of
Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler)
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Herlock
Sholmes & Sotwun
Other Characters: South Sea Soup
Employees; Oswald Ox-Tailby; Josephine Bartley /
Jamaica Jo; Black Bleerstone; Peter P. Soup; (Raring
Date: Several years after 1927
Locations: Sholmes's Rooms; South
Sea Soup Offices; Bleerstone's House
Story: Sholmes is called to the
offices of the South Sea Soup Co., when its gravel
commissioner, Oswald Ox-Tailby is murdered. The
solution to the Ugga-Wulla murders leads in a
roundabout way to the solution of the crime.
Mark Millar & Chris Weston
"Canon Fodder" (1993)
Included in: 2000 AD,
Numbers 861-867; Judge Dredd Megazine, Issue 278
Giveaway Insert
Story Type: Supernatural
Canonical Characters: Dr
Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade [Le Strade]; Sherlock
Holmes; Professor Moriarty; Mycroft Holmes
Biblical Figures: Judas Iscariot; God; (Virgin
Folkloric Characters: Lucifer; Angels;
Demons; Cherub
Historical Figures: John Major; (Charlie
Other Characters: Canon Fodder; Fleming;
Giffen; Howard Sway; Sadie; Tatoo; (Squaxxlethratt)
Unnamed Characters: New Londoners; Taxi
Drivers; Reporters; Police Officers; Photographer;
Hostage Child; Funeral Guests; Priest; Bedlam
Guards; Bartender; Sins of the Flesh Patrons;
Fighters; Mycroft's Victims; Saints; Residents of
Date: 2004
Locations: Heaven; New
London; 221B, Baker Street; Wardour Street; Kwik
Crem; Cemetery; Fodder's Secret Headquarters; Bedlam
Asylum; Purgatory; Sins of the Flesh Bar; Hell; The
Black Forest
Story: Watson returns
to Baker Street to find Lestrade there, and Holmes
and Moriarty dead in an apparent suicide pact.
Watson contacts Canon Fodder and tells him that
they have to stop Holmes and Moriarty in their
plan to go to Heaven to kill God. He recalls his
own waking on Judgement Day after his death in
1903, and God's failure to take the newly dead
into Heaven, leading to a population explosion,
and the formation of Fodder's Priest Patrol.
Fodder takes Watson to Bedlam, where they recruit
Mycroft Holmes, a serial killer, to help them stop
Holmes and Moriarty, who have arrived in Heaven to
find that it has already come under attack.
Mycroft leads Watson and Fodder into Hell, where
they encounter Judas, before finally arriving in
Heaven, where they face Lucifer.
NOTE: Pagination for this story
in the character index section is taken from the Judge
Megazine giveaway insert edition in which
pages are not numbered. I have taken the first
page of story images as page 1. The final page is
page 41.
Joe Millard
"Kid Eternity: Great Heroes in Fiction" (1947)
Included in: Kid Eternity 4
(Winter 1947)
Story Type: Fantasy Comic
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Fictional Characters: Kid Eternity; Mr
Keeper; Uncas; Long John Silver; Aramis; Athos;
Porthos; D'Artagnan; Robinson Crusoe; Thief of
Baghdad; Dracula; Frankenstein Monster; Edward Hyde;
Jimmy Skunk
Historical Figures: Kaspar Hauser
Other Characters: Mark Miller; Squire
Humdrum; Lily; The Mackey Musclers
Unnamed Characters: Humdrum's Men;
Constable; Pirates; (Mark's Grandfather)
Locations: USA; Mark Miller's
Land; Country Jail; Musclers' Headquarters
Story: Kid Eternity and Mr Keeper
see Mark Miller searching for his grandfather's
buried treasure. Kid Eternity summons Kaspar Hauser
and Sherlock Holmes to locate it. Squire Humdrum
calls the Mackey Musclers to help him steal the
treasure from Mark, so Eternity more characters from
the world of fiction to protect the treasure and
bring Humdrum and his men to justice. |
Thos. Kent Miller
Allan Quatermain at the Dawn of
Time (2013)
Also published in Sherlock Holmes in the
Fullness of Time (2016)
Story Type: Homage
Biblical Characters: (Jesus
Christ; The Virgin Mary; The Magi; God)
Canonical Characters: (Dr Watson;
Sherlock Holmes; Mrs Hudson; Mycroft Holmes)
Fictional Characters: Allan Quatermain;
Lady Luna Holmes Ragnall; Alfred; Hans the
Hottentot; Zikali; Impey Barbicane
Lord Ragnall; Mr Mycroft; Sidney Silchester;
Quartermain's Father; John Arkle; Professor
Aronnax; Captain Nem; The Nautilus;
Predicant Quartermain; Professor Challenger;
Edward Malone)
Historical Figures: Thomas Kent Miller; E.
Hoffmann Price; Jayne Miller; Maria Mitchell;
James Clerk Maxwell; Giovanni Schiaperelli; Pope
Pius IX; Julia the Elder; (Isaac Howard;
Robert E. Howard; Thomas Edison; Heinrich Hertz;
John Thomson; Nikola Tesla; Max Planck; Augustus
Caesar; Livia; Gaius Caesar; Lucius Caesar)
Other Characters: Bayushtiak; Train
Engineer; Train Passengers; Town Residents;
Guards; Train Drivers; Scientists; Labourers;
Messenger; Xulê; Campachix the Surgeon; Thebes
Crew; Moab; Frigga; Erasmus; Livinius;
Jabez; Roman Galley Crew; Persian Pirates;
Children; Alberto Cardinal Cigliutti;
Stenographers; Porters; (Edward
Nicholson; E. Fitzgerald; Mr Webster; Anderson
Mellis; Natives; Vatican Archives Assistants;
Angelina DeMars; Raymond Brown; Leif
Erikson Crew; Vice Admiral Robert M. Reuben;
Vice Admiral Samuel Ashley; Allan Sunshine;
Ashley Neville; Lloyd Overholtzer; Vice Admiral
Samuel Rankin; Navy Spokesperson; Dr Bruce
Edwards; Taaxipalkul Barbarian; King Ponamyak;
Northwoman; Mute
Women; Fishermen)
Date: 1977 / 1986 / 1987 / 2008 / 1936 /
1930 / 1905 / 1884 / 1872 / August, 1873 / 1871 /
2 B.C. / May, 1985 / 1915
Locations: USA; California; Redwood City;
Emerald Lake; England; Ragnall Castle; Central
Africa; Sierra Leone; Freetown; The Laboratory;
Atlantis Water Temple; Yokatix-Mezel; Pandateria;
Aboard the Thebes; Zululand; Mambuzo
River; Ecuador
Story: Miller discovers a Quatermain
memoir in a misplaced envelope passed on to him
by E. Hoffmann Price, who in
turn had inherited it from Robert E. Howard.
The manuscript, a diary in which Holmes's cousin
Lady Ragnall relates a story told to her by
Quartermain, comes with a series of letters which
pay testament to its provenance.
1873: Hans and Quartermain are in
Freetown, waiting to travel back to Durban, when
Quartermain remembers hearing about a group of
"white witch doctors" while travelling through
Sierra Leone, and decides to go in search of them.
Arriving at the ocean, they sight what they take to
be a giant whale, then venturing inland, come upon
some railroad tracks which they follow until they
arrive at a mysterious industrial town in a valley
by the ocean. There they meet Clerk Maxwell and
Schiaperelli, who intend to turn them away until
Mitchell and Barbicane arrive, and they are invited
Over the next few days, Quatermain is
shown the laboratory, a temple and hydro-electric
system, but is kept in the dark about the true
nature of the facility's work, only learning that it
is concerned with the development of a
highly-advanced telescope. Later, he learns that the
scientists are on a quest to discover the true
nature of the Star of Bethlehem.
The theories surrounding the Star
are summarised in an 1871 encyclical by Pope Pius
Hans discovers a great treasure, and
the true nature of the whale is revealed.
A series of news clippings relate
the fate of the submarine Leif Erikson and
discovery of a pre-Mayan sunken dome. The
Scrolls of Xulê tell of the exile of
Julia, the daughter of Augustus Caesar, and her
warrior maidservant Xulê, and their rescue by Moab
aboard the underwater vessel Thebes.
When the telescope is eventually
activated, it has a strange effect on Hans.


The Great Detective at the Crucible
of Life (2005)
Also published in Allan Quatermain at the
Crucible of Life (2010) and Sherlock
Holmes in the Fullness of Time (2016)
Story Type: Pastiche
Biblical Characters: The Virgin Mary; (God;
Burning Bush; Gaspar; Jesus; Gabriel; St John)
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; Sherlock
Holmes; Professor Moriarty
Fictional Characters: Allan Quatermain;
Zikali; Hans; Sergeant Cuff; Sergeant Daniel
Dravot; Sergeant Peachy Carnehan; Axel Lidenbrock;
Sherrinford Holmes
(Harry Quatermain)
Historical Figures: Thomas Kent Miller;
Judy-Lynn Del Rey; James Turner; H.P. Lovecraft;
Sonia H. Greene; Anne Tillery Renshaw; Sally Good;
Louis Church; Frederick E. Church; Sir Richard
Holmes; Thomas Huxley; Richard Burton; Maria
Mitchell; (Gail Morgan Hickman; Clark Ashton
Smith; Theodore II; Charles Darwin; Gary von
Tersch; Tomasso Masini da Peretola; Leonardo da
Vinci; Gian Giacomo Caprotti (Salai); St Andrew;
Godfrey of Bouillon; Raymond of Toulouse; Prince
Bohemond of Tarentum; Hugh of Vermandois; Peter
Bartholomew; St Batholomew; Joseph of Arimethea)
Other Characters: New York Gallery
Proprietor; Zikali's Guards; Quatermain's Men;
Bayushtiak; Captain Endfield; Captain Joshua
Baker; Alberto Cardinal Cigliutti; Piero
Lorenzina; Young Florentine Couple; Carriage
Passenger; Shopkeepers; Youths; Bors, Count of
Mainz; Duke Stephen; Count Albert of Clermont;
William of Saint-Giles; Fulcher of Tyre; Duke
Stephen's Men; Thomas of Arc; Danakil Tribesmen;
Priests; Tabot Haile Mariam; Villagers; Ruth; (Nicholi
Lorenzo; Randy King; Maria Grazia; Duke Stephen;
Corporal Saint James)
Date: October 1994 / June, 1925 /
January, 1881 / December 25th, 1871-1872 / March
1870 / 1096-1097
Locations: Olana; Boston; New York; The
Black Kloof; Durban; Quatermain's House; HMS Deborah;
Ethiopia; Annesley Bay; The Granger; The
Danakil Desert; 221B, Baker Street; A Cave;
Florence; Basilica Santa Croce; Antioch; Sarras;
Yemen; Hungary; Transylvania; Chapel of the
Immaculate Heart; Sinai
Story: After a double biography of
Quatermain and Haggard is turned down, the editor
receives a call from Arkham House publisher
Turner, asking him to look at a manuscript which
had been found at Brown University.
It had originally been given to
Lovecraft for polishing, having been found at the
home of the artist Frederick Church, and was an
account of Quatermain's adventures taken down by
Watson, who had accompanied Quatermain to the
United States after being introduced to him by his
son Harry, a student at Bart's. There, they had
visited Church, and one of his paintings had
reminded Quatermain of the adventure he went on to
Quatermain is shown a vision by Zikali
which sends him in search of a goddess. Returning
to Durban, he is met by a British Museum
delegation (Richard Holmes, Huxley, Cuff, and a
young Holmes in the persona of "Will Scott") who
wish him to lead a joint expedition to investigate
rumours of the continued survival of Emperor
Theodore of Abyssinia, the discovery of early
human fossilised remains in the same area, and the
appearance of a possible lost gospel rescued from
the Alexandrian Library.
Accompanied by a Zulu warrior,
Bayushtiak, they set out aboard HMS Deborah,
and arriving at Annesley Bay they are met by
another party, comprising of Burton, Mitchell,
Dravot and Carnehan, in search of meteorites,
which become their first goal, taking them into
the Danakil Desert, where they encounter the
singing sands, the German vulcanologist,
Lidenbrock, and a desert sandstorm. Huxley and
Scott find a skeleton, and Scott is caught in
quicksand. Cuff reveals the true nature of his
group's quest, and its links to the Vatican,
Leonardo da Vinci and the Holy Grail, and the
First Crusade.
Having found the meteorites graveyard,
they are attacked by Danakil tribesmen. One of the
party is killed under suspicious circumstances.
Travelling on, they come across a church in the
middle of the desert. There, their wounded are
tended to, and they investigate the treasures of
the Chapel of the Immaculate Heart, before being
taken before the Mother of God in a hidden
NOTE: The ships which take the
various parties to Ethiopia, HMS Deborah
& the Granger, are named after the
stars of the 1950 film version of King
Solomon's Mines, Deborah Kerr and Stewart
Granger (who played Allan Quatermain). Their
captains, Endfield and Baker, are named after the
director and star of the 1964 film Zulu,
Cy Endfield and Stanley Baker.
Sherlock Holmes on the
Roof of the World, or The Adventure of the
Wayfaring God (1987)
Also published in Allan Quatermain at the
Crucible of Life (2010) and Sherlock Holmes
in the Fullness of Time (2016)
Story Type: Pastiche narrated by Leo Vincey
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes (as
Fictional Characters: (Foreword: Vincey);
Leo Vincey; Horace Holly
Historical Figures: (Foreword: Thomas Kent
Miller; Jayne Miller); The Regent (Choekyi
Gyaltsen Kundeling); The 13th Dalai Lama; (The
Journal of Issa: St. Issa / Jesus Christ; Thomas)
Other Characters: (Foreword: Jan
Needleman); Brother Paljori; Police Monks; Monks;
Wan Po; Guards; Brother Sigme; Undertaker; Brother
Linga; (Brother Sun-Li)
Date: 1891
Locations: (Foreword: California); Tibet;
Lhasa; The Library; Sigerson's Rooms; The Jo-Kang;
The Potala; Sky Burial Site; Paljori's Rooms
Story: When a neighbour returns from a
visit to Nepal she brought Miller back a package
of hand-made stationery as a gift. On opening
it, he discovers that it also contains a
manuscript, written by Vincey.
After the events recounted
in She, Vincey and Holly are in
Lhasa, carrying out research to aid in their
ongoing quest for Ayesha. In the library they
encounter the Norwegian explorer Sigerson, who has
read of their adventures, and who is admonished
for smoking by the librarian, Paljori.
The following day the
librarian is found murdered, and a sacred book
stolen. The three are accused of the crime and
brought before the Regent, who orders them
imprisoned. Some days later they are brought
before the Dalai Lama, who outlines the evidence
aganst them. Holmes proves its unreliability, and
suggests that he should take over the
He examines the murder site
and the dead man's rooms, and interviews the
mortician and the chief medical officer, before
announcing that he will be able to offer a
solution the following day. When the book is
finally recovered, their granted reading of it
forces them to re-evaluate all their previously
held beliefs.

Larry Millett
and the Red Demon (1996)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; (Colonel Moran; Lomax;
Mary Morstan; Willoughby Smith)
Historical Figures: Larry Millett; Joseph
G. Pyle; James J. Hill; William Best; Angus Hay;
Mary Robinson; Jack Pine Twins (Laura & Dora
Olson); Boston Corbett; Nellie Bly; (Mary
Mehegan Hill; Gertrude Hill; Dr D.W. Cowan;
Edward Barry)
Other Characters: James Parkins; Mr
Benjamin Cain; William"Big Billy" Thompson;
Bob; One-Eye Johnson; Bartlett Chalmers; Jean
Baptiste LeGrande; Jake O'Connell; Johnny
Dokes; Matty Swenson; James Morton; George Grady;
Jorgenson; Hill Mansion Administrator; Minnesota
Historical Society Experts; Locksmith; Sherlockian
Experts; Jersey Railroad Agent; St Paul Depot
Porter; Depot Crowds; Drummers; Hackmen; Swedish
Immigrants; Hill's Carriage Driver; Shoppers;
Injured Girl; Girl's Mother; Accident Crowd;
Doctor; Hinckley Station Porter; Morrison House
Clerk; Hinckley Citizens; Bearded Man;
Lumberjacks; Swede's Customers; Morrison House
Diners; Railroad Conductors; Young Doctor;
Sawyers; Swampers; Mechanic; Morrison House
Waiters; Mother Mary's Customers; Bank Chief
Cashier; Train Passengers; Mrs Robinson's Carriage
Driver; Old Man; Newspaper Boy; Driver; St Paul
& Duluth Station Agent; Pine City Station
Agent; High School Clerk; Duluth Businessmen;
Train Conductors; Duluth Travellers; Railside
Townspeople; Quarry Workers; No. 4 Train Crew;
Morrison House Clerk; Sandstone Residents; Bridge
Watchman; Hinckley Excursionists; Mary Robinson's
Girls; (St Paul Police; Thomas John Mortimer;
Prominent London Mercantile Man; Hill's Servant
Girl; Hinckley Firemen; Pinkerton Agents;
Huddleston; Pine City Courthouse Clerk;
LeGrande's Girl; Sheriff O'Rourke; John
Anderson; Bradford Cornell; Donald Jackson; Mrs
Cornell; Duluth Physicians; Cornell Jury;
Eastern Minnesota Attorneys; Grady's Mother;
Anderson; Mrs Mortimer; Mortimer's Children)
Date: August - Early November, 1894
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Atlantic
Ocean; Aboard the Lucania; USA; New
York; Hudson River Ferry; Jersey City; Ferry
Station; Philadelphia; Pennsylvania; Alleghenny
Mountains; Horseshoe Curve; Chicago; Union
Station; Illinois; Minnesota; St Paul; Union
Depot; Summit Avenue; James J. Hill Mansion; Sixth
Street; Schuneman's Dry Goods; Ryan Hotel;
Minneapolis; Union Depot; Anoka; Milaca; Hinckley;
Eastern Minnesota Depot; Morrison House Hotel; The
Eating House; Swede's Saloon; A Shed; Hinckley
Enterprise Offices; Mother Mary's Bordello;
St Paul & Duluth Depot; The Pineries; Big Pine
Lake; Big Pine Camp; First State Bank; Thompson's
House; Gravel Pit; Grindstone River; Cabin; A
Train; Pine City; Pine City Depot; Brackett House;
Wisconsin; Superior; Douglas County Courthouse;
Duluth; Duluth Union Depot; Duluth High School;
Spalding Hotel; Funicular Station; Grady's House;
Sandstone; Kettle River Bridge; Duluth Hospital;
Story: In 1994, a Holmesian manuscript
is discovered in a concealed safe in the James
J. Hill mansion in St Paul, Minnesota.
Holmes is roused from his post-hiatus torpor by the
arrival of Pyle, who has been sent by James J. Hill
to invite Holmes to Minnesota to investigate a
series of threats, and incidences of arson, made
against his railroad by the so-called Red Demon.
They travel to America aboard the Lucania,
and then by train to St Paul to meet with Hill. He
tells them the impact that a fire in the pineries
would have during the current dry weather, and sends
him to Hinckley, where Mortimer, a railroad
detective, disappeared while investigating the arson
attempts. Holmes carries out some research into
perfumes before leaving St Paul.
Arriving in Hinckley, they soon realise that they
are being followed. They visit the rail depot and
the local newspaper offices, and talk with the
town's crooked marshal, before traveling out of town
to Mary Robinson's bordello, where Watson faces the
Jack Pine twins. During a visit to a lumber camp,
they are saved from death by Boston Corbett. After,
a murder, disappearances and surviving a fire, they
relocate to Pine City, and after further
investigations in Duluth, they race back to Hinckley
on Best's locomotive, to find the town ablaze.
Sherlock Holmes and the Ice Palace
Murders (1998)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Historical Figures: Potter Palmer; Bertha
Palmer; Clifton Wooldridge; Mickey Finn; The Star
Cleaners; William Best; Joseph Pyle; Jack Pine
Twins (Laura Olson); Billy Bouquet; John J.
O'Connor; James J. Hill; Edward Fitzgerald; Mollie
Fitzgerald; (Mrs Hill; Hill's Children; Cass
Gilbert; Lillie Langtry; James Hill, Jr.; Louis
Other Characters: Hill's Driver; Ice
Palace Workmen; Tommy; Shadwell Rafferty; Jonathan
Upton; Delivery Boy; Swedish Girl; Lars Melander;
Ice Palace Crowds; Policemen; Giuseppe Dante;
Hill's Servants; Laura Forbes; George; Cadwallader
Forbes; Forbes's Employees; Jedediah Lapham; Mr
Yates; George Upton; Rafferty's Customers; George
Washington Thomas; Rafferty's Barmen; Frederick
Forbes; Police Sergeant; Drunken Vagabonds; Hill's
Butler; Globe Staff; Mr Peterson; Jail
Guards; Prisoners; Michael Riley; Young Man; Mrs
Dvorak; Mr Dvorak; Hill's Physician; Boys; (Thomas
Drunks; Mrs Swanson; Mr Parry; Frederick's
Friend; Bohemian Girl; Upton's Driver; Upton's
Servant; Locksmith; Spider; Michael Defiel; Red
Wing Judge; Dr Morrison; Captain Thomas Gray;
Red Wing Police Officers; Forbes's Servant Girl;
Muskrat Club Members; Sheriff of Ramsey County;
Bouquet's Friends; Virginia Soldier; Apartment
Superintendent; Mr Fandreau; Robert Street
Irregulars; Beatrice Dante; Mother Ursula;
Beatrice's Aunt; Dog Breeder)
Date: January 2nd - February 3rd, 1896
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Aboard the Campania;
United States; New York; Chicago; Union Station;
The Palmer Estate; The Levee; Lone Star Saloon;
The Holmes House; Minnesota; St Paul; Union Depot;
Hill's Mansion; Central Park; Ice Palace; Swede
Hollow; Olson's House; Dante's Apartment; Police
Headquarters; lowertown; Forbes's Offices; Summit
Avenue; Upton Mansion; Ryan Hotel; Rafferty's
Saloon; City Dump; Muskrat Club; Globe
Offices; Rice Park; Ramsey County Jail; Cedar
Street; Corner of Ninth & Fort Streets; St
Peter Street; Wabasha Street; Bench Street;
Jackson Street; The Mississippi; West Side Flats;
Dvorak's Home
Story: Holmes and Watson travel to Chicago
at the summons of Potter Palmer. After resolving
the case, they tour the Chicago underworld, and
receive a letter from Hill inviting them to St
Paul to investigate the disappearance of Upton on
the eve of his wedding. They arrive during the
Winter Carnival, and find the city full of Ice
Sculptures, including the massive domed Ice Palace
in which Upton was last seen.
They first encounter Rafferty, who
recognises them despite their use of aliases, at
the Ice Palace. He is also investigating the
disappearance. Their discovery of a decapitated
head and a Muskrat Club pin turns the
investigation into one of murder. From the Palace
guard they learn of the presence of Upton's
prosperous father and future father-in-law, and
Police Chief O'Connor, on the night of the
disappearance. Upton's fiancée seems unconcerned
and hints at an upcoming scandal.
Rafferty is called off the
investigation by his client, Upton's father, but
saves Holmes from an attack by the cross-dressing
footpad, Bouquet. Upton's fiancee's brother
receives a threatening letter, similar to one he
says Upton received before his death, and Upton's
body is found, but his father and fiancée both
Discovery of Upton's diary reveals
sexual misconduct and blackmail, and an account
book shows irregularities in the finances of the
Ice Palace Committee. Another body is discovered,
by the Fitzgeralds, at the Ice Palace, and an
arrest is made, but Holmes believes the wrong man
has been convicted. Further threats are made,
Rafferty's dog is killed, Holmes faces death and
muskrats on the frozen Mississippi, and a
jailbreak occurs, but the case is concluded in the
melting Ice Palace.
and the Rune Stone Mystery (1999)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; (Charles Augustus
Milverton; Professor Moriarty; Lomax)
Historical Figures: Joseph Pyle; James J.
Hill; Mrs Hill; Hill's Children; Mary Robinson
(Mrs Comstock); Sinclair (Harry) Lewis; (Oskar
II; Albert Carlson; Clifton Wooldridge; Harry M.
Pope; Calamity Jane; Wild Bill Hickock; William
& Charles Mayo)
Other Characters: Professor Erik Ohman;
Hill's Female Servant; George Kensington; Sheriff
Gustavus Boehm; Curiousity Seekers; Douglas House
Waiters; Elsie Kensington; Moira 'Moony' Wahlgren;
Douglas House Night Clerk; Shadwell Rafferty;
Railway Porter; Billy Swift; Douglas House Desk
Clerk; Majestic Customers; Magnus Larson; Ericson;
Nels Fogelblad; Train Conductor; Courthouse Crowd;
Einar Blegen; County Commissioner; Jack
Christianson; Bellboys; Edvard Olson; Holandberg
Residents; John Anderson; Holandberg Station
Agent; Thomas Amdahl; Hardware Store Owner;
Telegraph Clerk; Bank Teller; Linda's Patrons;
Arne; Peterson; Peterson's Customer; Drummer; (Olaf
Wahlgren; Professor George Hagen; Viking
Explorers; Frank Comstock; Mrs Comstock's
Lawyer; Mrs Wahlgren; Olaf Wahlgren, Jr.; Lars
Olson; Dr William Barton; Rafferty's Fishing
Friend; Karl Lund; Ticket Agent; Fogelblad's
Mother; County Commissioners; Great Northern
Railroad Detectives; Train Passengers;
Conductor; Kensington's Neighbours; Farmers; Mr
Peck; Hardware Store Owner; Christianson's
Stand-in; Telephone Operator; Ticket Agent;
Alexandria Police Chief; Moorhead Porter; Great
Northern Clerk; Fairview Worker; Rafferty's
Moorhead Driver; Moorhead Police; Old-Timer;
Robinson's Servant Girl; Farm Boy; Clay County
Sheriff; Fargo Businessman)
Date: March 15th, 1899 - April, 1899 /
December, 1899
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; United
States; Minnesota; St Paul; Hill's Mansion; Train
Depot; Trains; Alexandria; Wahlgren's Farm; The
Douglas House Hotel; Kensington's House; Majestic
Tavern; Broadway; Sauk Centre; Douglas County
Courthouse; Fogelblad's Farm; Cafe; Great Northern
Depot; Holandberg; Blegen's Apartment; Honest Ed's
Saloon; Stables; Holandberg Railway Depot;
Merchants National Bank; Lakeside Inn; Linda's
Home-Cooke Food Restaurant; Red River Valley;
Moorhead; Moorhead Station; Red River Inn;
Fairview Farms
Story: On the same day that he reads of
the discovery of a Viking rune stone in Minnesota,
Holmes is visited by Professor Ohman who brings a
commission from the King of Sweden for Holmes to
travel to Minnesota and discover whether the stone
is a genuine Viking artefact.
in Minnesota, he and Watson are greeted by Pyle
who takes them to Hill, who has been
information-gathering for them. They travel to
Alexandria where they learn that the farmer who
found the stone has been murdered, and the stone
disappeared. They visit the sites of the murder
and the stone's discovery, interview Wahlgren's
daughter, Moony, and re-encounter Shadwell
Rafferty. Together they search for the stone and
the mysterious Rochester, mentioned by Moony.
An old
adversary, Mary Robinson arrives in town, having
attempted to buy the stone from Wahlgren. Holmes
engages in a drinking contest with Larson, the man
responsible for the King's interest in the stone,
and champion of its genuineness, and learns of the
"Match King's" interest in buying it. En route to
intercept Fogelblad, Wahlgren's neighbour, who
knows where the stone is hidden, they encounter
Sinclair Lewis.
Fogelblad attempts to recover the stone it is
discovered to have disappeared again, and in its
place is a piece of wood carved with a mocking
runic inscription. Moony's room is broken into,
and Rafferty learns that she knows where the stone
is. Holmes and Watson discover another murder,
burgle a safety deposit box, and discovers the
identity of Rochester, which leads Holmes to fear
for Moony's safety, particularly when the girl
disappears. They follow the trail of Moony and the
stone to Robinson's farm, where Holmes leads them,
along with Rafferty, into a trap laid in a grain
The Disappearance of Sherlock
Holmes (2002)
Story Type: Pastiche narrated by Watson
& in third person
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Abe Slaney; Wilson Hargreave; Mrs. Hudson;
Elsie Cubitt; Inspector Martin
Historical Figures: Clifton Wooldridge;
General Richard Montgomery; William Devery;
Bathhouse John Coughlin; James J. Hill; Joseph
Pyle; John R. Tanner; Minna Everleigh
Other Characters: The Conspirator;
Hargreave's Men; North Walsham Carriage Driver;
Agnes; Two Stable Boys; Chief Groom; Martin's Men;
Ridling Thorpe Servants; Butler; Elsie's Banker;
Peter Smythe; Carriage Driver; Deputy Chief
Inspector David Butler; Rector; North Walsham
Station Ticket Agent; Walter Pashley; St. Pancras
Crowds; Porter; St. Pancras Hotel Desk Clerk;
Liverpool Cab Driver; Cunard Passengers; Cunard
Ticket Agent; North Western Hotel Desk Clerk;
Unremarkable Man Following Holmes & Watson;
North Western Hotel Guests; Hansom Driver; Matron;
New York Police officer; Policemen; Taxi Driver;
American Line Clerk; Cabman; Astor House Clerk;
Mr. Morgan; St. Paul Steward; Hackman;
Ambulance Attendants; Grocer; Coach Driver;
Shadwell Rafferty; Rafferty's Clientele; George
Washington Thomas; Telephone Operator; Policeman
At Gay Street; Messenger; Two Detectives; Cab
Driver; Astor's Servant; DuBois's Cabman; John
Coffin; Hotel Albert Doorman; Hargreave's Driver;
Union Square Strollers; Patrolman; Shabbily
Dressed Man; Bearded Cab Driver; Gatemen; Coach
Driver; Walter Smith; Tall Man; Urchin; Irish
Detective; El Passengers; Warren Street Station
Attendant; Well Dressed Gentlemen; Two Detectives;
Lieutenant Michael Bissen; Mrs. Mortimer;
Detective James Hurley; Four Pregnant Women;
Belgian Jack Flannery; Little Pete O'Riley; Boy;
Devery's Men; Charlie; Jenny Bissen; Pennsylvania
Limited Porter; Altoona Policeman; Altoona
Pickpocket Victims; Altoona Ticket Agent; Bellboy;
Billy Wainwright; Concierge; Brawlers; Jacque
LeClair; Bang-Bang Billy Perdue; Timothy Van Ness;
Union Station Doorman; Men Following Rafferty;
Danny Banion; Joe; Cadets; Man With Pistol;
Everleigh Girls; Everleigh Customers; Paulie;
Stable Hand; Mary Robinson; G. Hargens
Date: July 3 - August 6, 1900
Locations: London: 221B, Baker Street; St.
Pancras Station; St. Pancras Hotel; The Liverpool
Norfolk: North Walsham; A Carriage; Ridling Thorpe
Manor; Another Carriage; Smythe's Inn; A Church
Army Wagon; Another Carriage; Church Army Wagon
Shed; North Walsham Station; Worstead Station; The
London Express; Liverpool: Lime Street Station; A
Cab; Trials Hotel; Cunard offices, Strand Street;
North Western Hotel; Criterion Restaurant; A
Hansom Cab; S.S.Oceania; S.S.St. Paul;
S.S.Lucania; New York: St. Paul's Chapel;
Broadway; Chelsea Piers; New York Harbour;
Gansevoort Pier; freight office; A Taxi; American
Line Terminal; A Hansom Cab; An Ambulance;
Slaney's Apartment; The Astor House Hotel;
Greenwich Village; Gay Street; Hotel Albert;
Madison Avenue; Hotel Manhattan; A Cab; Fifth
Avenue; Brooklyn; Orange Street; A Hansom; Union
Square; 17th Street; Another Cab; Times Square;
Columbus Circle; Eighth Avenue; A Courtyard; A
Small Coach; Riverside Drive; Grant's Tomb; 110th
Street & 9th Avenue Intersection; 104th Street
El Station; An El Train; Warren Street El Station;
Hargreave's House; Miss Parry's House, Joralemon
Street; Henry Street; The Brooklyn Bridge;
Devlin's Clothing Store; Park Row; City Hall Park;
Warren Street; Pneumatic Railway Tunnel; Tavern in
the Bowery; Chelsea; Bissen's Apartment, West 23rd
Street; Pennsylvania Railroad Ferry; St. Paul,
Minnesota: Rafferty's Saloon; Aberdeen Hotel; The
Pennsylvania Limited; Jersey City; Altoona,
Pennsylvania; Horseshoe Curve; Train From
Minneapolis; A Freight Train; Chicago: Potomac
Apartments; Dearborn Street Tavern; The Sherman
House; Randolph Street; Michigan Avenue;
Washington Street; Wells Street; Union Station;
Sons of Hibernia Hall; The El; Dearborn Street;
Springfield; The Everleigh Club; State Street; A
Paddy Wagon; 21st Street; Murran's Livery Yard;
Clark Street; The Chicago River
Story: Holmes is waiting outside a church
in New York, laying a trap for a kidnapper, but
disappears after being enticed inside. The next
morning's newspapers contain headlines implicating
him in murder and kidnapping.
The story flashes back to Baker
Street, where Holmes receives a letter in the
dancing men code, apparently from Abe Slaney, who
is supposed to have died while escaping from
prison, although his body was never found. He
travels to Ridling Thorpe Manor to see Elsie
Cubitt, to whom he has become quite attached since
the murder of her husband, only to find that she
has been kidnapped. He meets a bogus spiritualist
who has recently become Elsie's closest
confidante, and with Watson follows a trail of
clues, which he believes to have been deliberately
planted, to London, Liverpool, and then aboard the
liner, Oceania, to New York, but not
before his adversary has placed the body of his
murdered female accomplice, who has been
impersonating Elsie, in Holmes's hotel room in
Arriving in New York, they are met by
Wilson Hargreave, ostensibly to take Holmes into
custody, who agrees to assist them. They receive a
ransom demand from the kidnapper and Watson
follows a trail of messages around Manhattan,
finally arriving back at St. Paul's Chapel in time
to witness Holmes's disappearance. Holmes manages
to escape his kidnappers on board a train heading
to Chicago, and it is in Chicago that Holmes,
Watson and Shadwell Rafferty eventually converge
to solve the crime and reveal the deep-seated web
of revenge lying beneath it.
Magic Bullet (2011)
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mrs Hudson
Historical Figures: Louis Hill; Vivian
Irvin; Allen Stem; T.F. Shine; Governor J.A.A.
Burnquist; (McQuillan)
Characters Based on Historical Figures:
John McGruder (John McGee)
Other Characters: Artemus Dodge; Shadwell
Rafferty; George Washington "Wash" Thomas; Police
Officers; Chief Michael Nelligan; Peter Kretch;
J.D. Carr / Dr Gideon Fell; Steven Dodge; Alan
Dubois; Gertrude Schmidt; Isabel Diamond; Dr James
Dahlberg; Inspector Mordecai Jones; Sergeant
Francis Carroll; Elevator Operator; Dahlberg's
Assistants; Amanda Dodge; Newsboy; John McGruder;
John; Declan Muldowney; Telephone Operator; Harlow
Secrest; Taxi Driver; Old Capitol Guard; Billy
Banion; Walter Battle / Samuel Berthelson; Busy
Bee Waitress; Battle's Companions; Streetcar
Motormen; Idler; Prisoners; Prison Guard;
Rioters;Reporters; Rafferty's Bartenders; Patrick
Butler; George Marshall; Robert Hicks; Safety
Commission Officers; Colonel Tom Masterson;
McGuder's Clerk; Michael O'Brien; Cab Driver;
Librarian; Kretch's Attacker; Dandy Jim's
Clientele; Gustave Klemmer; Hobos; Giovanni
Marzitelli; Train Engineer; Fireman; Taxi Driver;
Hospital Patients; Yacht Club Girl & Boy;
Street Urchin; Streetcar Passengers; Motorman;
Otto Meyer; Saul Freeman; Arcade Boys; Danny
Grimes; Statue-Razing Crowd; Captain Thomas
McGuire; Henry Merrivale; Chicago Police Sergeant;
Rafferty's Patrons; George Jacobson; Amanda's
chauffeur; (Sidney
Berthelson; Butler's Assistants; White Bear
Yacht Club Ladies; Marie; Plumber; Locksmith;
Firearms Examiner; Ezekiel Jones; Schmidt's
Neighbours; Dodge's Servants; St Peter Street
Hotel Doorman; Motorists; Walter Kleinschmitt;
Col. J. R. Camp; Henry Merrivale; Kid; Western
Union Boy; Wash's Chicago Friend; Hank Bencolin;
Emmanuel Dodge)
Date: October 1st - December,1917
Locations: United States; Minnesota; St
Paul; Dodge Tower; Ryan Hotel; Sixth Street; Old
State Capitol; Summit Avenue; Hill's House; Shad's
Place; Hill Street; Police Headquarters; Chestnut
Street; Steven's Townhouse; Schmidt's Apartment;
Merriam's Lookout; River's Edge; Mississippi River
Boulevard; Holly Avenue; Dubois' Apartment;
Wabasha Street; Exchange Street; Carr's Apartment;
Busy Bee Café; U.S. Hotel; Frogtown; Western
Avenue; Dietsch's Hall; Ramsey County Jail; Third
Street; City Hall; Bench Street; Golden Rule
Department Store; Seventh Street; Farrington
Street; St Paul Public Library; Rosabel Street;
The High Bridge; Dandy Jim's Tavern; Klemmer Lock
Company; Swede Hollow; Sibley Street; Little
Italy; Mill Street; Colborne Street; City
Hospital; Fountain Cave; Raspberry Island;
Lowertown; Morgue; Selby Avenue Tunnel; Mackubin
Street; Labor Temple; Seven Corners; St Paul
Cathedral; Joseph Schmidt Brewery; Freeman' Penny
Arcade; House of Hope Church; Oakland Cemetery; St
Paul Hotel; Train Depot; Sibley Street; Germania
Life Insurance Building; Pure Oil Station
Minneapolis; Hotel Vendome; Chicago; Police
Headquarters; Cicero; Ogden Avenue; Midwest
Security & Locksmithing Company; Union Station
London; 221B, Baker Street
Story: Financier Artemus Dodge is
shot in his supposedly impenetrable office on the
top of the thirty-storey Dodge Tower. No shot was
heard and there was no smell of gunsmoke. Rafferty
is called upon by Louis Hill to investigate and
examines the office with Wash. He learns that
stairwell alarms have been going off regularly, and
finds unusual blood spray patterns, a broken piece
of wood, severed window sash cords, an unlocked
window and a nail hole in the wall. A squirt gun,
stained red, is found in an alley by the building.
Various members of the staff and
family become aware of issues in the company with
regard to the Blue Sky Partnership, or become
involved in bribery and blackmail. Rafferty wires
Holmes for advice. Battle, a radical activist, is in
town, responsible for the murder and planning
further mayhem. Meanwhile, industrial unrest foments
among the streetcar workers, and the Minnesota
Public Safety Commission, under McGruder, know more
than they're telling the police. Further murders and
a kidnapping carry the case along, while Holmes
refers Rafferty to an essay by Gideon Fell on locked
room mysteries.
In London, Holmes examines copies of
the buildings blueprints and comes to some
conclusions, revealing Gideon Fell's true identity
to Watson. He cables Rafferty to look for an
Austrian gun, but Rafferty solves the case before
Holmes's final analysis arrives.
NOTE: The character
J.D. Carr is named in tribute to John Dickson Carr,
author of many locked room mysteries. Dr Gideon Fell
and Henry Merrivale are named after two of Carr's
detectives. There is also mention of a murder at
Plague Court, a reference to Carr's novel The
Plague Court Murders (p.300).

Strongwood (2014)
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
(Professor Presbury; Elsie Cubitt; Irene Adler)
Historical Figures: Judge Charles B.
Elliott; Frederick H. Boardman; Nancy Van Dusen;
Van Dusen; Van Dusen Children; William J.
Murphy; Ada Everleigh; Frederick Ames;
Partridge; Curtis Pettit; Joe Weber; Lew Fields;
Dr Will Mayo; James J. Lawrence; Ida Dorsey;
Jasper Gibbs; John S. Bradstreet)
Other Characters: Adelaide "Addie"
Strongwood / Alice Smith; Michael Masterson; J.
Winston Phelps; Samuel Ahern; J.M. Calvin; Col.
J.R.Camp; Marion Carroll; Alexander Deane; K.R.
Greshwalk; Corey James; J.M. Lucey; Henry Mallander;
David Persons; Matthew Edwards; S.M. Singham; Andrew
Vogel; Olaf Wangstad; Officer Michael Sweeney; Inspector
Robert McCall; Dr Randolph Porter; Inspector Donald
Gordon; J.W. Smithington; Marie Dornquist; Lorna
Smithers; Philip Masterson; Shadwell Rafferty; Greta
Hauser; Emma Crosby; Jonathan Jakes; George
Washington "Wash" Thomas; Thomas Rawlings; Chief
Daly; Peter Marrinan; Herbert Speed; Mary
McDonald; Bernice Masterson; Constance McBride;
Daniel Wellington; Samuel Marks; Lorna Day; Jackie
Stuntz; Johnny Moore; Earl Duggers; Dirk Chalmers;
Jenny; Charles Warren; Frank Kendall; Ellen
Morse; Catherine Malone; Joe Mugliano; Emily
Litton; Walter Niff; Mark Grantham; Andrew Owens;
Washington Avenue Crowd; Police Patrolmen; Jail
Matron; Office Girls; Picnickers; Van Dusen
Servants; Virginia Flats Caretaker; Everleigh
Housemen; Court Bailiff; Saloon Customers;
Reporters; Property Room Guard; Photographer; (Theodore
Masterson; Jackie Lee; Dr Richard Forsyth; Violet
Cutter; Earl Duggers; Ernest Coxhead; Hilda
Jacobson; John Strongwood; Martha Strongwood;
Orphanage Nuns; Van Dusen Maid; Peter Masterson;
Mr Carlton; Walter Crosby; Ida Dorsey's Girl;
Jackie Lee's Girl; Chief Lindstrom; Mrs Ruud;
Ruud's Tenants;
Park Avenue Prowler; Crittenton Home Staff; Darwin
Moody; Dayton's Clerk; Reporters; Thomas B. Jakes;
Mr Berman; Dr Will Johnston; Billy; George Morse;
Mrs Morse)
Date: 9th November, 1903 - 5th February,
Locations: United States; Minnesota;
Minneapolis; Municipal Building; The Windom Block;
Washington Avenue; 1900 LaSalle Avenue / Van Dusen
Mansion; Nicollet Island; Merriam Street; Masterson,
DeLaittre & Sons Offices; Portland Avenue;
Minnehaha Park; Police Headquarters; Metropolitan
Building; Nicollet Avenue; Loring Park; Hennepin Avenue;
The Virginia
La Veta Terrace; The Dutch Room; Hennepin
Avenue; Minneapolis Public Library; Hennepin
County Jail; Chicago; Palmer
House; Everleigh Club; South State Street; The Pink
Moon; Prairie Avenue; Fargo; Waldorf Hotel; Crittenton
Rochester; Osakis
Story: Addie Strongwood is on trial
for the murder of Michael Masterson. She protests her
innocence in the press, stating that she shot
Masterson in self defence. On hearing of the case,
Shadwell Rafferty contacts Addie's attorney, Phelps,
and offers to investigate. Meanwhile, Holmes and
Watson are in Minnesota, visiting the Mayo Clinic, and
learning of the case, decide to attend the trial.
Holmes believes that the case rests on a photograph
taken of Addie, supposedly by Masterson. The Minneapolis
Tribune carries Addie's own account of her
treatment by the Mastersons, her pregnancy, and
Michael's death.
"The Opera Thief"
Included in: The MX Book of
New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part III:
1896-1929 (David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes;
Historical Figures: (Charles
William Mayo; John J. O'Connor)
Other Characters: Watson's Physician;
Shadwell Rafferty; Electa Snyder; Stagehands;
Stage Manager; Barbara Majors; Peter Moore;
Opera Cast; Harold Skimpton; Stage Door Guard;
Rooming House Proprietress; (Mr Schiele)
Date: January - February, 1904
Locations: USA; Minnesota;
Rochester; St Paul; Union Depot; Ryan Hotel;
Metropolitan Opera House; Eleventh Street;
Skimpton's Rooming House
Story: Holmes accompanies Watson
to Minnesota, where the latter is to have his
gallstones removed by the Mayo brothers. As they are
about to return to England, Holmes reads of the
theft of a flute from a touring production of The
Magic Flute at the St Paul Metropolitan
Opera House. The flute was stolen from a locked
sore-room and many more valuable items were left
untouched. Holmes and Watson visit the theatre for
that night's performance, and when the final curtain
fails to fall solve the case

Lawrence Millman
"The Case
of the Dead Man's Fingers" (2014)
Included in: The Mycophile, Volume 54:3
(May-June 2014)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Professor Moriarty
Unnamed Characters: Mushroom Hunter;
Date: October (Holmes uses a
Locations: The Woods; University
Story: Holmes and Watson are
mushroom-hunting. They find a dead man who smells of
gym socks.

G.A. Mills
"A Saw
Screams at Midnight: The Adventure of the
Purloined Pants" (1956)
Included in: A Saw Screams at Midnight (G.A.
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Inspector Lestrade; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: Handy Andy Andrews; Mrs
Unna,ed Characters: Cab Driver; Client
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
L-----; Andrews's House
Story: Holmes follows a clue of a particle of
wood left in his Baker Street rooms to Andrews'
house, to prevent Mrs Andrews being knocked on the
head. Lestrade saves the day, arriving with a
missing pair of dungarees.
A.A. Milne
Rape of the Sherlock" (1903)
Included in: The Big Book of
Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler); Ellery Queen's Mystery
Magazine, February 1974
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Watson's Obliging Neighbour;
Professor Moriarty)
Date: June
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Watson returns to Baker Street to
discover that Holmes is not dead and Moriarty is a


Angela Milne
Great Trollope Mystery" (1980)
Included in: Punch, 9 July 1980
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Mrs Hudson)
Fictional Characters: (Septimus
Harding; Mark Robarts)
Historical Figures: (Anthony
Unnamed Characters: Bookshop Owner; (Sultan)
Date: Autumn, 1883
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Story: Watson reads to Holmes from The
Warden causing Holmes to become fascinated
by the discrepancy in the sum paid by Harding to
the occupants of the almshouses.
"The Postmaster General"
Included in: Punch, 1 November 1967
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Mrs Hudson)
Other Characters: Sir Denby Pryng-Beltravis;
Miss Gritchdale; Mr Blenkinsop
Unnamed Characters: Nutbridge
Date: Autumn, 1886
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Nutbridge; Post Office; Em View Cottage
Story: The Postmaster-General consults
Holmes when the telegram service stops making a
Andre Milos
Case of the Cat-Burglar" (1979)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Staffel; Embassy Staff;
Lutz; Schmidt; Von Rotwang; (Police
Superintendent; Ambassador)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; St
John's Wood; Austro-Hungarian Embassy
Story: During a spate of
cat-burglaries, Holmes is taken to the
Austro-Hungarian embassy to investigate a robbery
there. Holmes learns that a member of the embassy
staff, who is also a spy, is behind the burglaries.
"The Case of the Deadly Spectre"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Comic Strip
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson
Other Characters: Trap Driver; Constable
Edkins; Dr Maurice; Sir Oswald Taverner; Mr Varley;
Anna Varley; Cynthia; Jimmy Powell; (Varley's
Date: Autumn
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Cotley; Police Station; Cotley Manor; Sky Lantern Inn
Story: Holmes and Watson travel to
the haunted Cotley Manor, where three people have
recently died. They examine the body of the latest
victim, Sir Oswald Taverner, a psychic researcher, and
uncover smugglers. |
"The Case of the Jade Immortal"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Comic Strip
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
inspector Lestrade
Historical Figures: (Lu Tung
Other Characters: White Tiger Tong;
Restaurant Customers; Police Constables; Yueh
Heng-O; Wang T'u-Fei; (Tommy Dunn)
Locations: Limehouse; Dragon's Pearl
Restaurant; 221B, Baker Street; Britain Street
Story: Lestrade consults Holmes
after a murderous attack on the Dragon's Pearl
Restaurant in Limehouse. The restaurant's owner tells
them that a white jade statuette of Lu Tung Pin has
been stolen. She believes that the White Tiger Tong is
behind the attack. Holmes enters the Tong's den and
captures an opium smuggler. |
"The Case of the Kris of Death"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Comic Strip
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: The Honourable Patrick
Floohey; Francis Floohey; Victoria Floohey;
Annabelle Swann; Roger Bowen; Mr Gudger; Mrs
Pritchett; Josephine Jalaque; Mrs Floohey; Police
Locations: Mayfair; Floohey's Mansion
Story: Patrick Floohey is stabbed in
the back with a Malayan kris at his Mayfair mansion. |
"The Case of the Missing Mummies"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Museum Guests; Ahmet Bey;
Nept; Doctor Higgins; Police Constables; Jones;
Keightley's Housekeeper; Kemal; (Police
Superintendent; Professor Keightley)
Locations: Museum; 221B, Baker
Street; Keightley's House; Bey's House
Story: Holmes and Watson attend a
preview of an exhibition of mummies at the museum. The
following day the mummy of Nept, a court magician, and
two thers are found to have been stolen. |
"The Case of the Suspect Swami"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
& Doctor Watson Annual (Andre Milos)
Story Type: Comic Strip
Canonical Characters:Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson;
Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Samuel Fowler; Tunn; Ellen
Fowler; Swami Khan; Cabby; Police Constables; Khan's
Brother; (Ellen's Lodgers; Mrs Dane; Fowler's
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Tottenham; Khan's Consulting Rooms; Paddington;
Ellen's House; Scotland Yard
Story: Fearing that his sister is
being defrauded by Afghan Swami Khan, Yorkshire
businessman Fowler consults Holmes. Holmes and watson
attend one of the Swami's sessions, at which he
appears to demonstrate the ability to be in two places
at once. |
Paul Minett & Brian Leveson
"Barrett Holmes and the Red-Headed
Mystery" (1990)
Included in: Russ
Abbott's Fun Book (Peter Vincent & Barry
Story Type: Comic Strip Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Barrett Holmes
& Dr Wimpey
Historical Figures: (W.G.
Grace; Benjamin Disraeli; Henri
Toulouse-Lautrec; Queen Victoria)
Other Characters: Ticket Collector;
Carriage Driver; Lord Elpus; Elpus's Guests
Locations: Railway Station; Surleigh Manor
Story: Barrett Holmes is summoned to
Surleigh Manor by Lord Elpus after a series of
eight attacks in which the victims have been tied
up and had their hair painted red. They
arrive at the manor to find everyone wearing red
Angela Misri
Jewel of the Thames (2014)
Story Type: Young Adult Novel
Sherlockian Detectives: Portia Constance
(Jameson) Adams
Canonical Characters: Irene Adler
(Irene Jones); Sherlock Holmes; (Dr Watson;
Mary Morstan; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade)
Fictional Characters: (Constance
Other Characters: Marie Adams /
Marie Eagle / Marie Jameson; Mr Jameson; Mrs
Dawes; Mr Dawes; Brian Dawes; Mrs Darbishire;
Professor / Chief Inspector Archer; Miss Wellesley;
Ben Fawkes; Sergeant Michaels; James; Madame
LaPointe; Mrs Cotter; Constable Bonhomme; Asher
Trudy Bennett; James Barclay; Elaine
Barclay; Judge Marcus Barclay; Dr Joyce; Dr
Hamish Watson; Mrs Anderson; Leah Anderson; James
Arnold; Dr Ewing; Constable Perkins; Sarah; Constable
Borgin; Alan Anderson; Mrs Layton;
Constable Toom; Marie's Doctor; Mourners;
Toronto Cabbies; Marie's Lawyer; Portia's
Neighbours; Toronto Hotel Staff; Toronto Socialites;
Ship Waiters; Ship Passengers; London Cabbies;
Londoners; Irene's Accountant; Party Hosts; Party
Waiters; Party Guests; King's College Students;
Professors; Westminster Bridge Couple; Police
Constables; Milliner's Assistant; Smithfield Grocer;
Waiter; Café
Customers; Male Students; Barclay's Butler; Brixton
Residents; Barclay's Maid; Reporters; King's Cross
Porter; Train Conductors; Train Passengers; Train
Constables; Train Waiters; Arnold's Business
Partners; Edinburgh Station Crowd; (Charles
Eagle; Lawyer's Child; Funeral Director; Irene's
Father; Watson's Children; Irene's Son; Mrs
Wellesley; Turkish Millionaire; Madame Polk;
Mary; Mrs Cotter's Son; Dr Beanstine; Irene's
Cairo Friend; Barclay's Doctors; Dr Ridley; Dr
Alan Roche; Jankins' Father; Dr John Watson;
Coroner; Press Photographers; Earl of
Shrewsbury; Earl of Effingham; Richard Graft;
Watson's Funeral Guests; Mrs Katz; Anderson's
Lawyers; Anderson's Neighbours; Edinburgh
Police; Major William Baird)
Date: Winter, 1929 - December,
Locations: Canada; Toronto; Doctor's
Office; Cemetery; Lawyer's Office; Portia's House;
Hotel; Toronto Station; USA; New York; Hotel;
Ocean Liner; London; Trafalgar Square; Whitehall;
221B, Baker Street; Regent Street; Café Royal;
King's College; Westminster Bridge; Scotland Yard;
Milliner's Shop; Hampstead Village; Archer Hall;
Smithfield Market; Guy's Hospital; Café; Oxford;
Bodleian Library; Men's College; Hackney;
Barclay's House; Joyce's Office; Brixton; Regent's
Park; King's Cross Station; Aboard the Flying
Scotsman; Scotland; Edinburgh; Waverley
Station; Baird's House
Story: After her mother's funeral, a
stranger named Irene Jones, takes Portia to a
lawyer's office, where she learns that she has
inherited a house in London, but has also been
left in Irene's custody until she is twenty-one.
Irene takes her to London, where she discovers that
the house she has inherited is 221B, Baker Street,
and that she is the grand-daughter of Dr Watson and
Constance Adams. She enrolls at King's College
(which, although she claims it is part of Oxford
University, is reachable in half an hour by tube
from Baker Street) to study law, and decides to
investigate a recent spate of unsolved burglaries.
Her reading of medical textbooks helps her solve the
case, and learn more about her new guardian.
Some time later, she is consulted by
Barclay, a fellow student, whose sister Elaine has
been behaving strangely since their father, a
retired judge, was taken ill. He believes that
someone may be threatening her. While investigating,
Portia takes self-defence lessons from an ex-boxer,
meets Dr Watson's sons, and uncovers a case of
suspected vampirism. She begins searching for
Sherlock Holmes.
She spends Christmas in Edinburgh,
confronting her guardian with new discoveries, and
learning that Watson is not her only famous
grandparent. On her way north, aboard the Flying
Scotsman she is drawn into the case of an
abducted child.
Thrice Burned (2017)
Story Type: Young Adult Novel
Sherlockian Detectives: Portia Constance
(Jameson) Adams
Canonical Characters: Irene
Adler; Sherlock Holmes; (Dr Watson; Mary
Fictional Characters: (Constance
Historical Figures: (Joshua Reynolds;
Colonel John Dyke Acland)
Other Characters: Annie Coleson; Brian
Dawes; Mrs Dawes; Mr Dawes; Professor (Chief
Inspector) Archer; Sergeant Michaels; Benson; Asher
"Bruiser" Jenkins; Andy Walsh; Constable Rourke;
Gavin Whitaker; Dr Henry Beanstine; Arnold
Wigglesworth; Reverend Rood; Sergeant John Watkins;
Emily Watson; Dr Hamish Watson; Regulus Watson;
Sarah Watson; Marcus Fletcher; Matthews; Chief
Spencer; Inspector Owens; Alan Coombs; Reginald
"Reggie" Coombs; Elaine Barclay / Elaine Ridley; Mr
Ridley; Constable Reeves; Constable Bonhomme; Mr
Taylor; Audrey Waylan; Constable Touter; Ruby Walsh;
Mrs Ambrose; Master Ambrose; Alan Ambrose; Andrea
Scott; John Howard; Constable Alan; Sir Richard Dyke
Acland; Dina Walsh; Ginger O'Connor; Reverend Joseph
McCall; Alice McCall; Miss Wellesley; Carol Keene;
Dr Edwards; Renee; Constable Smith; Ben; Paul;
Rolly; Constable Eden; Earl of Manvers; Gomer; Dick
McGregor; Ian Meyers; Constable Benson; John Baker;
Sergeant Torrens; John Clayhall; Andrew Cochrane; (Charles
Eagle; Maria Adams; Elaine Barclay; James Barclay;
Marcus Barclay; Henry Rees; Kyle; Coombs Family;
Joseph Weels; Mrs Weels; Sir Gomer; Zeus; Ricky;
Mr Olsen; Elaine Olsen; Jane McCall; Thomas R.
Somerset the Third; Thomas R. Somerset the Second;
Constable Oakes; Constable Raime; Frank; Ian;
Sister Mary Allan; Sister Mary Peter)
Unnamed Characters: Dowgate Firemen; Cabbie;
Police Officers; Dockworkers; Fisherman; Fire Chief;
Cab Driver; Chez Amis Maître d'; Waiter; Underground
Passengers; Tipsy Couple; Street Urchins; Hackney
Drivers; Chestnut Woman; Watson's Butler; Watson
Children; Watson's Maids; Baker Street Couple;
Londoners; Farm Attackers; Amberley Station Woman;
Train Passengers; Leather Shop Proprietor; Law
Students; Professor; Scotland Yard Officers; Ball
Guests; Waiter; Musical Quartet; Dress Shop Manager;
Dress Shop Assistants; Elaine Barclay's Butler;
Elaine Barclay's Maids; Brunette; Mrs Ambrose's
Father; King's College Custodian; Messenger;
Regent's Park ouples; Businessmen; Wealthy Couple;
Churchgoers; Muggers; Hospital Porters; Jury;
Defendant; Reporters; Daily Mirror Editor;
Daily Telegraph Reporter; (Police
Detective; Barclay's Butler; Thief; Brick
Inventor; Mr Dawes's Mates; Kyle's Wife; Annie's
Brothers; Watson's Lawyer; Italian Translator;
Hotel Bellhop; Annie's Editor; Miss
Wellesley's Friends; Somerset's Valet; Somerset's
Kitchen Staff; New York Solicitor; Abbess)
Date: Spring - Summer 1931
Locations: Cheapside; 221B, Baker Street; The
Docks off Swan Pier; Warehouse; Chelsea; Chez Amis
Bistro; King's Road; Brixton; Jenkins' Apartment;
Hood Lane Church; Wigglesworth's Bric-a-brac Shop;
Praed Street; Haywards Heath; Baker Street; Regent's
Park; King's College; Dowgate Firehouse; Scotland
Yard; Ballroom; Dress Shop; St James; Lancaster
House; Rose Café; Spital Street; St James Square;
Opera House; Whitechapel; St Mary Matfelon Church;
Mecklenberg Square; Morgue; Chelsea; Alonzo's
Restaurant; Gomer's Firearms; Hospital; Courthouse;
Daily Mirror Offices; Southern Downs;
Amberley Station; Coombs Farm
Story: Portia is investigating two arsons
that she believes are connected, when she is visited
by Sunday Times reporter Annie Coleson, who
tells her that they are only the latest in a series.
When a church becomes the next target, the case
becomes one of murder. Meanwhile, Annie seems to be
attracting Brian's attentions away from Portia, who
is attacked while examining a potential arson site
on a farm. When the arsonists are caught, Portia
deduces that there must have been someone else
controlling them.
Portia attends Elaine Barclay's wedding ball, where
an attempt is made to steal a Pompeiian statue of
Apollo, the thief, calling himself Zeus, having
previously announced his intentions to the police.
The Secret Service become involved in the case.
A pair of streetwalkers draw Portia's attention to
strange activities at a church in Whitechapel, and
the Daily Mirror carries a story about her
solving a case that she has no knowledge of. She
discovers that a number of prostitutes, attendees at
the church, have disappeared.
Austin Mitchelson & Nicholas
Hellbirds (1976)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs. Hudson; Wiggins; Mycroft Holmes; Von
Bork; Count von und zu Grafenstein
Historical Figures: Adolph Hitler
{Corporal Schickelgruber}; Manfred Von Richthofen;
Kaiser Wilhelm II; Herbert Asquith; Lord
Kitchener; (Sir
Francis Bertie)
Other Characters: Polly Dempster; Ezekial
Sloe; Mrs. Gamadge; Mycroft's Chauffeur; Tower
Warder; Colonel Briland MacWyre; Tower Soldiers;
Tower Sentries; Tower Sergeant; Diogenes
Attendants; Naval Ratings; Orderly; Army Sergeant;
Constables; Train Driver; Dover Police Sergeant;
Soldiers; Dover Constable; Police Driver; Von
Bork's Men; Dover Police officers; Harbour-Master;
Launch Captain; Sailors; Calais Gendarme; Cab
Driver Station official; Paris Crowds; Wagram
Commisionaire; Monsieur Dalmy; French Soldiers;
Guillaume Lamartine Palmier; Henri La Falliere; La
Falliere's Men; Gendarme; Cab Driver; Lubin;
Police Surgeon; Roisterers; La Falliere's Driver;
Bookseller; Eiffel Tower Attendants, Gendarmes
& Passersby; Barman; Waiter; Station Crowds;
Captain Lockyer; Corporal; Soldiers; Medical
Orderly; Major; Sharpshooters; Private Dorling;
Colonel; Two Lieutenants; Corporal; Lieutenant;
Sergeant; German Soldiers; British officer; German
officer; Chateau Sentries; Flunkeys; Maidservants;
Drivers; French Servants; Nina Vassilievna; Inn
Landlord; Count Hantelmann; Heinrich; German
Infantrymen; Kaiser's Aide; Lombez Guards;
Airfield Guard; German Pilots; Royal Flying Corps
officer; British Soldiers; Major James Lawson;
Orderly; Ground Crewman; Royal Scots officer;
Albert Hall Crowds; Attendant; Cabinet Members;
Usher; Belgian Orchestra; Conductor; German Agents
Date: 18th December, 1914 - 1st January,
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Baker
Street; Oxford Street; Oxford Circus; Marylebone
Road; Ludgate Circus; Liverpool Street Station;
The Great Eastern Hotel; A Four-wheeler;
Bishopsgate; Tower Bridge; The Tower of London;
Diogenes Club; Heaven's Portal; Victoria Station;
A Special Train; Dover; A Steam Launch; France;
Calais; A Train; Paris; Gare du Nord; Taxi Cab
(Rue Lafayette; Avenue de l'Opera); Hotel Wagram;
Rue de Rivoli; Ile de la Cité; Notre Dame
Cathedral; Prefecture de Police; Le Faliere's Car;
The Latin Quarter; The Sorbonne; Rue Valette; The
Eiffel Tower; A Cab; A Troop Train; Arras; An
Ambulance; Fleurbaix; The Front; A Dug-out; No
Man's Land; The German Trenches; A Charcoal
Burner's Hut; Von Richthofen's Car; Lombez; An
Inn; Chateau Lombez; German Airfield; A German
Plane; British Airfield; Airfield Near London; The
Royal Albert Hall
Story: After bemoaning their lack of
contribution to the war effort, and a walk along
Oxford Street, during which Holmes deduces the
nature of the owner of a misplaced parasol, Holmes
and Watson are asked by Polly Dempster to look for
her uncle, Ezekial Sloe, who has vanished from the
coastal East Anglian village of Heaven's Portal.
She tells them of the legend of the Hell Birds,
sent by the Devil to rule over the village, which
have been seen many times recently. Holmes refuses
to accept the case, believing that it has a
mundane, rather than supernatural solution.
However, the following day they read of the
discovery of Sloe's body and are visited by
Wiggins, now a detective inspector with Scotland
Yard, who tells them that the body was covered in
tiny scratches as if it had been pecked to death
by a giant bird.
Holmes and Watson are prevented from
travelling to Heaven's Portal by Mycroft who
catches them at Liverpool Street station with the
news that Von Bork has disappeared from the Tower
of London. At the Tower, Holmes quickly deduces
the means of escape, and learns that Von Bork is
fleeing back to Germany, taking British secrets to
the Kaiser, aboard the steam yacht Ariadne.
Mycroft takes them to the secret government war
room under the Diogenes Club, from where the plan
to intercept the yacht is launched.
The Ariadne is destroyed, but
Von Bork escapes, coming ashore at Heaven's
Portal. Holmes, Watson and Wiggins pursue him to
Dover, and thence Holmes and Watson continue the
pursuit to Paris where Von Bork is to make contact
with the German agent, Lubin. Circumstances are
against them and, unable to discover if Von Bork's
information has been transmitted, Holmes decides
that they must cross the front lines and seek out
the Kaiser himself. They cross the lines during a
Christmas Day soccer match played in No Man's Land
by British and German soldiers.
After a brief encounter with Corporal
Schickelgruber, Holmes and Watson are taken to
Lombez by von Richthofen, who invites Holmes to a
dinner to be attended by the Kaiser. There they
learn that the British Agent is Irene Adler's
daughter, Nina Vassilievna, and arouse the
suspicions of Von Richthofen and the secret
Nina tells them of a plan, already
afoot, to assassinate members of the British
government, and of German advances in air warfare.
Captured by the Germans, they are interviewed by
the Kaiser, and encounter the Count von und zu
Grafenstein. Holmes resolves to escape and take
the German secrets and Nina back to London. Back
in England they must thwart the assassination
attempt, and clear up the mystery of Heaven's
Portal. Events come to a head at a concert at the
Royal Albert Hall attended by Asquith and
and the Earthquake Machine (1976)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Fitzroy McPherson; Colonel
Moran (G. Garstin); Baker Street Irregulars;
Klopman; Count von und zu Grafenstein; Professor
Moriarty (Tremaris / Timothy Soames); Baker Street
Page (Tommy); (Assistant Commissioner) Stanley
Hopkins; (Inspector Peter) Wiggins; (Harold
Stackhurst; Dr Moore Agar; Irene Adler; King of
Bohemia; Godfrey Norton; Shinwell Johnson)
Historical Figures: Sara Trassjonsky /
Sara Trassky; Tsar Nicholas II; Tsarina Alexandra;
Stephan Beletsky; Rasputin; Prince Felix
Yussoupov; Tsarevich Alexei; Vladimir Sukhomlinov;
Sir Edward Grey; Herbert Gladstone; Herbert
Asquith; Richard Haldane; Lord Tweedmouth; Sir
John Walton; Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman; Winston
Churchill; Thomas Pierrepoint; Edward VII; Arthur
Conan Doyle; (King
of Italy; Peter Schtern; Fritz Svaars / Joseph
Levi; Paul Hefeldt; Luba Milstein; Kaiser
Wilhelm II; William Crookes; Henri Becquerel;
Pierre Curie; Marie Curie)
Other Characters: Cabby; Diogenes
Attendant; Young Widow; Farthing; Silas Wheatley;
Moran's Men; Drayman; Policemen; Hansom Driver;
Jeremiah Bullfinch; Tremaris's Servant; Beggar;
Railwayman; Constable Pargeter; Gig Driver;
Inspector Burton; Falmouth Booking-Clerk; Collins;
Victoria Porter; St Petersburg Crowds; Hotel
Porter; Nina Vassilievna; Drinking Hall Crowd;
Waiter; Carriage Driver; Winter Palace Crowds;
Cossack Officer; Winter Palace Servants; Banquet
Guests; Royal Attendants; Imperial Guard Soldiers;
Imperial Guard Commander; Ladies of the Court;
Footman; Doctor; General's Staff; Cossacks;
Soldiers; Villagers; Pentonville Policeman; Prison
Officers; Prison Governor; Chaplain; Pierrepoint's
Assistant; Cabby; Baker Street Constable;
Moriarty's Man; Small Boy; Telephone Operator;
Bannerman's Secretary; London Refugees; Police
Officers; Churchill's Driver; Army Officer; (Emperor;
Telegram Boy; Sussex Villa Owner; Mrs Bullfinch;
Mrs Parsons; Mr Parsons; Vicar; Mr Parsons;
Jacob Welsby; Lighterman; Nina's Informants;
Russian Villa Owner & Family; Nun; Swiss
Peasants; Swiss Physician; Inspexctor Macauley;
Barton West; Gunman; Reporter; Woman from
Mycroft's Department; Looters)
Date: October, 1906
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Oxford
Street; Pall Mall; Diogenes Club; Fulworth; Inn;
Holmes's Sussex Villa; Scotland Yard; The
Embankment; Whitechapel Road; The East End;
Jubilee Street; The Anarchists' Club; 62, Roylott
Place, Maida Vale; Train; Cornwall; Helston; The
Falmouth Arms; The Old Trelawney Farm; Falmouth
Station; Paddington Station; Victoria Station;
Russia; St Petersburg; Nevsky Prospekt; Hotel;
Drinking Hall; Railway Station; Winter Palace;
Royal Train; Villa; Rybinsk; 10, Downing Street;
Whitehall; Pentonville Gaol; Bond Street;
Marylebone Road; King's Cross Station
Story: Holmes is summoned to the Diogenes
Club, where Mycroft tells him of a global criminal
organisation fomenting disorder around the world.
A plan is made for Holmes to "retire" to Sussex
and attempt to infiltrate the group. Watson tracks
down a suitable retirement villa for Holmes in
Fulworth, and notifies the press of Holmes's
retirement, while Holmes takes on the persona of
Joseph Altamont, infiltrates one of the
organisation's cells, discovering that it's leader
is Moran, and participates in a bank robbery and a
bomb attack on Scotland Yard.
A clue
found in Moran's lodgings takes them to Cornwall
in search of the mysterious mechanical-handed
Tremaris. A search of his house reveals a
laboratory containing a Crookes tube and samples
of pitch-blende, along with many dead animals and
a dead man. They are also faced with the
locked-room murder of their landlord.
to London, Holmes sets the Irregulars to find a
crate shipped by Tremaris, and follows it all the
way to St Petersburg, leaving Watson in London,
and travelling as Captain Basil. In Russia, Holmes
teams up with the daughter of an old acquaintance,
and learns that his adversary is yet another old
acquaintance. He thwarts an attack on the Tsar and
Von und Zu Grafenstein by Klopman, and is invited
to a demonstration of a weapon invented by Soames,
whom he believes to be Tremaris.
the train journey he encounters Rasputin. A train
crash delays the demonstration, which the Tsar
refuses to believe is anything but an earthquake
when it eventually takes place. Moriarty tells
Holmes of his escape from Reichenbach, the
development of the uranium bomb, and that there is
still another device, with which he holds London
to ransom.

Colin Mochrie
Quite the Classics" (2012)
Included in: Not Quite the Classics (Colin
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: Lambkin Clientele; Master
of Ceremonies; opera Singer; Acrobat; Dog Act; Bird
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; The Lambkin
and Puffin
Story: During a period of stagnation, Holmes
develops an interest in humour and decides to become
a stand-up comedian.
Gwen Moffat
"The Adventure in Border Country"
Included in: Holmes for the
Holidays (Martin H. Greenberg, Jon L.
Lellenberg & Carol-Lynn Waugh)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Billy
Other Characters: Clement Daw; Miles
Aubrey; Helen Aubrey; Minnie; Rosie Yewdale;
Salkeld; Village Children; Daw's Manservant;
Aubrey's Maid; Aubrey's Coachman; Aubrey's Grooms;
Stableboy; Butler; Minnie's Nurse; Daw's Servants
Date: The days leading up to Christmas
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; A Train;
Cumberland; The Lake District; Daw's House;
Swithins Hall; The Shooting Cabin; Rosie's Cottage
Story: Holmes is visited by Clement Daw, a
Cumberland tobacco importer, on behalf of his
neighbour, Helen Aubrey, whose husband has
disappeared. Holmes and Watson travel up to
Cumberland, where they meet Aubrey's wife and
step-daughter, Minnie, and are shown a shooting
cabin where Aubrey obviously held an assignation
on the night of his disappearance, its table laid
with a meal and champagne.
They interview Rosie Yewdale who was
known to be seeing Aubrey, but she has an alibi
for the night of his disappearance. On their way
back to Daw's house, alerted by a flock of ravens,
they discover Aubrey's body, where it has fallen
from a cliff. Holmes is worried that the knapsack
that he must have been carrying is missing.
Eventually Holmes learns of Aubrey's secret
predilections, and is inclined to leave a verdict
of accidental death, whatever the truth of the
James Moffett
"The Blank Photograph" (2017)
Included in: The MX Book of New Sherlock
Holmes Stories Part VII: Eliminate the Impossible
1880-1891 (David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; (Mrs Hudson)
Other Characters: Mrs Dillenberger;
Mr Lynch; Roger Dillenberger; (Sir Henry Williams)
Unnamed Characters: (Apothecary;
Date: Early 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Hampstead; 24,
Willow Road
Story: Mrs Dillenberger sends Holmes a
photograph taken by her husband Roger, a spirit
photographer, who has fallen into a fever after taking
it in their attic. Holmes and Watson visit
Dillenberger's attic darkroom and view a series of
photos showing the same shadowy figure standing by the
room's shuttered window.
Sue Mongredien
"The Case of the Alien Abductions"
Based on an Adventures of Shirley Holmes screenplay
Elizabeth Stewart
Story Type: Children's Homage
Detectives: Shirley Holmes; Bo
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock
Other Characters: Alan Brooks; Daisy the
Pig; Shirley's Grandmother; Shirley's Father
(Robert Holmes); News Reporter; Female Student;
Mike Halsey; Arthur Howie; Bartholomew "Bart"James
III; Shirley's Classmates; Alicia Gianelli; Ms
Stratmann; Mrs Fish; Hotel Guests; Security
Guards; Doctor Mirabella Stavko; Peace Delegates;
Waiters; Waitresses; Ambassador; (Shirley's
Grandfather; Alan's Father)
Date: 1990s
Locations: Canada; Redington; Shirley's
House; Redington University Bus Station; The
Woods; Sussex Academy; Bart's House; Redington
Story:Shirley Holmes discovers a chest
containing artefacts left by her
great-great-uncle Sherlock Holmes.
A student in a pig costume has a
strange encounter in the woods near the
university. Shirley practises tai chi, while her
diplomat father is engaged in peace talks.
She hears about the incident in the woods, the
latest in a series which have left their victims
unconscious, but otherwise unharmed. After checking
the woods for footprints, Shirley enlists the aid of
her classmate Bart, a UFO freak, and discovers that
the victims, including her History teacher, all have
a red mark on the back of their necks. Shirley and
Bo race to prevent a bombing at the peace talks.
Rhoda Montade
"The Gubb Diamond Robbery"
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
in America (Bill Blackbeard)
Story Type: Parody
Detectives: Mortimer Mudge &
Characters: (Noah)
Other Characters: Spiffany; Young Woman;
Old Man; Pawnbroker; (Otto Tiffany; Percy;
Girl; Jewelry Clerks)
Locations: USA; New York; Spiffany's
Jewellers; Mudge's Office; Lower Broadway; Snoggs
Service Station; Pawnshop
Story: The Gubb diamond is stolen
from the collection of Spiffany the jeweller
and replaced with a paste replica. A wad of
chewing gum provides Mortimer Mudge with a
clue. Mudge instructs Snoggs to set up
a gum re-flavouring service station to
catch the thief.
James J. Montague
"Dr Watson Gets Peevish" (1908)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
in America (Bill Blackbeard)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Watson gets annoyed with Holmes
because he no longer makes startlingly detailed
deductions about his clients. Holmes explains why.
David Moody
"A Concurrence of Coincidences"
Included in: The Mammoth Book
of Sherlock Holmes Abroad (Simon Clark)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Other Characters: Steamer Crew; Steamer
Passengers; Steamer Captain; Steamer Steward;
Inuit Guide; Crewman; Mortimer Jennings; Professor
Stanley Darrington; Inuit Woman Cook; Clara
Darrington; Alvis Matheson; George Eyre; Older
Inuit Man; Inuit Workers
Date: February, 1899
Locations: Canada; Quebec; Aboard a
Steamer; Atlantic Ocean; Greenland; Nuuk;
Darrington's Base Camp
Story: Holmes and Watson are
sailing home from Canada when their ship is struck
by ice in a fogbank and has to put in for repairs in
Greenland. There they encounter an expeditionary
party from Oxford University. When one of the party
is witnessed killing another with a harpoon, Holmes
and Watson venture out into the Arctic night to
uncover the truth.

Michael Moorcock
"The Adventure of the Dorset Street
Lodger" (1993)
Included in: The
Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
(John Joseph Adams); The Mammoth
Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures (Mike
Ashley); The
Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs. Hudson; Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Mrs. Ackroyd; James
Mackelworth; Sir Geoffrey Mackelworth; Mrs. Beck;
Jean 'Petit Pierre' Fromental
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; 2, Dorset
Street; Madame Tussaud's; 18, Dahlia Gardens,
Willesden Green; A Train; South Leigh Station; A
Pony Cart; High Cogges; Cogges Old Manor; High
Cogges Post office
Date: September, 1894
Story: While 221B is being redecorated,
Holmes and Watson take up lodgings with Mrs
Hudson's sister-in-law, Mrs Ackroyd. Returning
from a visit to the Kinema, Holmes notices an
American carrying a heavy Gladstone bag. The bag
contains a silver statuette, the Fellini Perseus,
and the American is James Mackelworth. He has been
contacted by an English cousin, of whom he was
formerly unaware, Sir Geoffrey Mackelworth, and
asked, in the event of him hearing of Sir
Geoffrey's death, to come to England and report to
an address in Willesden Green. He did so, having
learnt of Sir Geoffrey's suicide, and was met by
Sir Geoffrey's housekeeper, Mrs. Gallibasta, who
presented him with the statuette to take back to
America. At first it seems like a simple case of
insurance fraud - the statuette had been reported
stolen some years earlier, but Holmes's researches
uncover evidence of murder and the involvement of
a New Orleans gangster.
Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill
The League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen, Volume II (2003)
Story Type: Fantasy Graphic Novel
Canonical Characters: Professor Moriarty;
Sherlock Holmes; Colonel Moran; Mycroft Holmes; (The
Woman; Dr Watson; The Moriarty Gang)
Fictional Characters: Mina (Harker) Murray;
Allan Quatermain; The Nautilus; Captain
Nemo; C. Auguste Dupin; Mr Hyde; Dr Jekyll; Dick
Donovan; Rosa Coote; Olive Chancellor; Katy Carr;
Rebecca Randall; Pollyanna; Professor Cavor; Fu
Manchu; Quong Lee; Shanghai Charlie / Shen Yan; Ho
Ling; Broad-Arrow Jack; Ishmael; The Artful
Dodger; The Victoria; Ally Sloper; Weary
Willy; Tired Tim; The Huge Hunter; Martians; (M;
Umslopogaas; Madame L'Espanaye; Camille
L'Espanaye; Rue Morgue Orangutan; Sailor; Nana
Coupeau; Hetty Duncan; Robur; Plantaganet
Palliser; Lavelle; Septimus Harding; Miss
Flaybum; Lord & Lady Pokingham; Ayesha;
Brobdingnagian; Yahoo; Lilliputians; Arne
Saknussemm; Otto Lidenbrock; Captain Mors;
Lemuel Gulliver; The Scarlet Pimpernel;
Marguerite Blakeney; Dr Syn; Fanny Hill; Natty
Bumppo; Marie Quatermain; Sexton Blake; Klimo;
Dr Nikola; Phileas Fogg; Dr Samuel Ferguson;
Baron Munchhausen)
Folkloric Characters: Fairy
Historical Figures: (Jack the Ripper;
Arthur Conan Doyle; H. Rider Haggard; Edgar
Allan Poe; Sax Rohmer; Robert Louis Stevenson;
Bram Stoker; Jules Verne; H.G. Wells; Napoleon)
Characters: Campion Bond; Coachman; Various
Crowds & Bystanders; Egyptian Guides; French
Streetwalker; Nautilus Crew; Policemen;
Schoolgirls; Poorhouse Proprietor; Inmates;
Chinese Guards; PC 813; Cabby; Sergeant;
Moriarty's Men; Dodger's Boys; Firemen; Mitchell;
Locations: Dover; Cairo; Paris; Rue
Morgue; Quartier St Roche; London; Edmonton; Rosa
Cootes' Academy; British Museum; Limehouse; Quong
Lee's; Rotherhithe Bridge; Shanghai Charlie's;
Poorhouse; Rotherhithe Tunnel; Wapping; MI5
Building; Reichenbach Falls; Vauxhall; St Paul's;
Moriarty's Airship
Date: May - July, 1898 / May 4th, 1891
Story: With Nemo already on board, Bond
sends Mina to recruit Quatermain, Hyde and Griffin
to the League at the behest of the mysterious 'M',
whom she suspects is Mycroft Holmes. She finds
Quatermain in an opium den in Cairo, Hyde
terrorising the Rue Morgue, and Griffin haunting a
girls' school. Bond reveals that their task is to
retrieve stolen Cavorite from Fu Manchu, whom they
trace to the uncompleted Rotherhithe tunnel
beneath the Thames, where they find an airship
under construction. A flashback shows events at
Reichenbach and Moriarty's rescue. Griffin learns
that 'M' who is now in possession of the Cavorite
is Moriarty, who plans to use it to bomb Limehouse
from the air as part of his war against Fu Manchu.
The League take to the air by balloon to battle
NOTE: Pagination for this
story in the character index section is taken from
the omnibus edition in which pages are not
numbered. I have taken the first page of story
images ("Dover.
May, 1898": Campion Bond waiting for Mina)
as page 1. Page numbers run to 144.
The League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen, Volume II (2003)
Story Type: Fantasy Graphic Novel
Canonical Characters: Mycroft Holmes; (Professor
Sherlock Holmes)
Fictional Characters: Gullivar Jones;
Martians (Burroughs version); John Carter; Thoats;
Martians (Wells version); Sorns; Hither People;
The Crystal Egg; Mina (Harker) Murray; Alan
Quatermain; Captain Nemo; Dr Jekyll; Griffin, The
Invisible Man; War of the Worlds Narrator;
Narrator's Neighbour; Septimus Harding; Mr Hyde;
Colonel (Major) Blimp; The Nautilus;
Broad-Arrow Jack; Ishmael; Professor Gray (Jimmy
Grey); Teddy Prendick; Rupert Bear; Jumbo
Elephant; Tiger Tim; Mr Badger; Ally Sloper; Weary
Willy; Mr Toad; Dr Moreau; Algy Pug; Jemima
Puddleduck; Puss in Boots; Mole; Ratty; Peter
Rabbit; Jacko Monkey; Toby Twirl; Georgie Giraffe;
Bonzo; (Hither People; Michael Kane; The
Sorns; Dejah Thoris; M; Dr Nikola; Jonathan
Harker; Baron Münchhausen; W.C. Cording; Dorian
Gray; Dr Syn; The Scarlet Pimpernel; Tom Sawyer;
Dr Omega; Old Man of Coblenz; José de Silvestra;
The Beetle; Brobdingnagian; Fu Manchu; Stella
Quatermain; Gipsy Granny; Nemo's Wife; Nemo's
Folkloric Characters: Centaur
Historical Figures: Nipper; (Queen
Victoria; The Mad Mahdi; Jean-Marc Lofficier;
Robert Louis Stevenson; Gustave Moreau)
Characters: Various Crowds & Bystanders;
Policemen; Campion Bond; Soldiers; William Samson,
Sr.; Miss Mopp; Nautilus Crew; Animals; Train Crew
Locations: Mars; Horsell Common; The Bleak
House; Maybury; Museum Street; British Museum;
Wapping; Victoria Station; Barnes; Aboard the Nautilus;
The South Downs; Bell End; The Olde Stump;
Wildwood Station; London Bridge; Serpentine Park
Date: July - August, 1898 / September,
30th, 1898
Story: After a battle against Gullivar,
Carter and their allies on Mars, the Martian
molluscs start leaving for Earth. The League meet
Bond at the site of the first Martian cylinder's
landing, witness the first use of the heat ray,
and are left by Bond to keep watch. Griffin makes
contact with the Martians. The League return to
London to receive orders from Mycroft. Griffin
attacks Mina, stealing military plans to take to
the invaders. Mycroft suggests the League splits
up and leaves London: Hyde and Nemo aboard the Nautilus
to defend the Thames, and Quatermain and Mina to
contact Moreau. The Nautilus is stranded
by the red weed, and Quatermain and Mina are
captured by Moreau's creatures. Hyde goes after
Griffin. Quatermain and Mina return with one of
Moreau's creations.
NOTE: Pagination for this
story in the character index section is taken from
the omnibus edition in which pages are not
numbered. I have taken the first page of story
images ("July,
1898": Gullivar on flying carpet sequence)
as page 1. Page numbers run to 146.
Graham Moore
The Holmes Affair (2010)
Also published as The Sherlockian
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock
Historical Figures: Arthur Conan
Doyle; Silas Hocking; E.F. (Edward) Benson; The
Baker Street Irregulars; Kingsley Doyle; Bram
Stoker; Ellen Terry; Millicent Fawcett; Edward
Henry; Louise Hawkins Doyle; (The Curious
Collectors of Baker Street)
Characters derived from Historical
Alexander Cale (Richard Lancelyn Green);
Lady Harriet Conan Doyle (Dame Jean Conan Doyle)
Other Characters: Harold White; Jeffrey
Engels; Kathleen; Roger Doyle; Algonquin
Concierge; One-Legged News Vendor; Page Boys; Old
Lady in the Strand; Strand Crowd; Strand
Constable; Sarah Lindsay / Sarah Conan Doyle;
Satoru Ishii; Jim Harriman; Algonquin Bartender;
New York Police; Inspector Eddie Miller; Ron
Rosenberg; Sebastian Conan Doyle; York Street
Woman; Salmon Street Landlord; Jennifer Peters;
Friars; Marriage Desk Friar; Young Couple; Frank
Binns; Watney Street Charwoman; Needling's
Servant; Bertrand Needling; Clara Needling;
Heavyset Man; Cab Driver; Aldgate Boys; Aldgate
Beggars; Chinese Spice Merchant; Carriage Driver;
Oriental Shopkeeper; Asian Sailors; Perry;
Japanese Tattooist; Smithy; Suffragists; Caxton
Hall Ticket Girl; Reporters; Arabella Raines;
Emily Davison; Cab Driver; Mrs Lansing;
Constable Billings; Teenage Boy; Clerkenwell
Police; Prison Guards; Prison Governor; Doyle's
Servants; Barrow; Janet Fry; Dr Gwen Garber;
Library Attendant; Stoker's Butler; Bobby Stegler;
Penelope Higgins; Scotland Yard Constable; Tobias
Stegler; Melinda Stegler; Museum Guards; Eric;
Swiss Police; Workmen; (Morgan Nemain / Anna;
Hattie Stark; Slavey Girl; Morgan's Man; Sally
Date: August 9th, 1893 - August
11th, 1901 / January 5th - 17th, 2010
Locations: Switzerland; Reichenbach Falls;
Lucerne; Sherlock Holmes Museum; USA; New York;
Algonquin Hotel; South Norwood; Doyle's Home;
Charing Cross Station; The Strand;
Simpson's-in-the-Strand; Lyceum Theatre; Hindhead;
Undershaw; New Scotland Yard; Stepney; York
Street; Salmon Street; Waterloo Station;
Westminster Bridge; Kensington; Lambeth Road;
Vicar-General's Office; Phillimore Street;
Jennifer's Home; Cale's Flat; West Hampstead;
Millhead; Kensington Road; Fulham Street; Aldgate
Station; Aldgate High Street; Tang Spice Shop; St
George Street; Wellclose Square; Sailors'
Boarding-house; Kensington Internet Café;
Westminster; Palmer Street; Caxton Hall; Holland
Park; Abbotsbury Road; Sebastian's House; Notting
Hill; Bayswater; Clerkenwell; Aylesbury Street; St
Pancras; British Library; Newgate Prison; 18, St
Leonard's Terrace; Stegler & Sons Printing
House; Victoria Street; Bridge Street; Baker
Street; Cambridge; St John's College; Magdalene
Street; The Pickerel;
Story: 1893: Doyle, visiting
Reichenbach Falls, decides to kill off Holmes.
He is accosted in the Strand by angry crowds
after "The Final Problem" is published.
2010: Harold White is inducted into
the Baker Street Irregulars. Alex Cale, an English
Sherlockian who has located a lost Conan Doyle
diary, is found dead in his ransacked hotel room.
The diary is missing and the word "Elementary" is
scrawled on the wall in blood. Harold finds himself
investigating and, when Doyle's great-grandson
Sebastian, who regards the diary as his property,
becomes involved, flying to London with reporter
Sarah Lindsay as his Watson to talk to Cale's
1900: A letter bomb is delivered
to Doyle's home, Undershaw. It is
accompanied by an envelope bearing the word
"Elementary" and containing a newspaper clipping
about a young woman drowned in a bathtub. He
begins investigating, with Stoker's assistance.
After visiting the murder site and checking the
marriage records, he realises that this
is not the first murder. A three-headed
crow image appears to be a clue, and leads him and
Stoker to a sailors' boarding-house and a Japanese
2010: After Cale's office is
ransacked, White and Lindsay realise they are being
followed. White gradually becomes aware that he is
investigating something other than murder. The trail
takes them to the Stoker archive in Cambridge and
then to Conan Doyle's Undershaw, finally ending back
at the Reichenbach Falls.
1900: Doyle and Stoker attend a
suffragist meeting and find themselves
held at gunpoint. Doyle finds himself
arrested for murder. He gives up on the
case, before finally learning the truth.
James A. Moore
"Ebonstone" (2022)
Included in: Gaslight Ghouls
(J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type: Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Other Characters: Lucius
Ellison; Captain Arthur Wade; Hrolgathir; (Roger
Dodsworth; Lewis Dodsworth; Mark Dodsworth;
Lurene Dodsworth, Winnifred Dodsworth; Nigel
Unnamed Characters: Fishermen; Eel
and Gull Patrons; Innkeeper; Waiter; (Pregnant
Date: Autumn
Locations: Ebonstone; Church of All
Saints; Train Station' Dodsworth's Cottage; The
Eel and Gull Inn; Ellison's House
Story: Holmes and Watson are invited to the
coal-mining district of Ebonstone by Lucius
Ellison to investigate the disappearance of his
sister's family, the Dodsworths, from their
cottage, which had been broken into. Investigating
the church, they find indications of human
sacrifice by the followers of Hrolgathir, and
ancient deity that demands the sacrifice of unborn
children. Holmes and Watson face Hrolgathir in an
abandoned church.
"Emily's Kiss" (2009)
Included in: Gaslight
Grotesque (J.R. Campbell & Charles
Story Type: Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Dr. Watson; Sherlock
Holmes; (Mary Morstan)
Other Characters: Hugh Corin; Corin's Maid;
Sanatorium Matron; Rupert Corin; Emily Elizabeth
Corin; (Horatio Corin; Roderick Corin;
Date: December
Locations: Battersea Wharf; 221B, Baker
Street; Corin's House; Lourne Sanatorium
Story: Holmes is consulted by Hugh
Corin over the abduction of his family. After the
attack he had woken to find himself on Battersea
Wharf, where Holmes discovers strange tracks leading
to the river, and other marks high on a wall. At
Corin's home, he examines medical books, and
sculptures and carvings of tentacled creatures
collected on their travels to be studied by Corin's
family. Watson learns of a medical condition,
involving mould-like skin growths, afflicting Corin's
sister, Emily, and his explorer uncle, Rupert, who has
been missing since he departed on his last expedition.
Corin's doctor father, Roderick, had been working on a
cure. Roderick's journals suggest that Emily is also
possessed of strange powers. When Corin is also
abducted, Holmes and Watson set off in pursuit, but it
is Emily whom they encounter, and the meeting has a
lasting impact on Watson. |
Leah Moore, John Reppion, Chris
Doherty & Adam Cadwell
"The Problem of the Empty Slipper"
Included in: In the Company
of Sherlock Holmes (Laurie R. King &
Leslie S. Klinger)
Story Type: Comic Strip
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Other Characters: Mr
Vilmaz; Gusan; Russian Ambassador's Daughter;
Shell Game Man; Shell Game Players; Young Woman;
Married Man; Pickpocket; Pivkpocket's Victim;
Nanny; Piano Mover; Passers-by
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Baker
Street; Park; Vilmaz's Shop; Kidnapper
Story: Holmes's delivery of shag
leads to the rescue of the Russian Ambassador's
daughter, and the resolution of a number of more
minor problems.
Stephen Mooser
Holmes's First Case" (1999)
Included in: The Best of Girls to the Rescue
(Bruce Lansky)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
Other Characters: Shannon Holmes; Sir William
Vickers; Henry
Mr Haskins
Unnamed Characters: Racegoers;
Incredible Start's Jockey; Trumpeters;
Red-Faced Man; Race Officials; (Baron;
Locations: Ascot Park
Story: Thirteen-year-old Shannon
Holmes accompanies her uncle Sherlock to the Royal
Stakes horse race at Ascot. They notice something
unusual in the behaviour of Incredible Start, a
racehorse owned by their friend, Sir William Vickers.
Shannon's solution helps Holmes solve a bank robbery. |
Keith Moray
"The Fulham Strangler" (2015)
Included in: The
of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Third-person Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Professor Moriarty;
Sherlock Holmes; Mrs Hudson; Billy; Baker Street
Irregulars; Wiggins; Dr Watson
Historical Figures: Marquess of
Other Characters: Joshua;
Inspector Alistair Munro; Constable Grimes; Liam
O'Donahue; Alfie Decker; Munro's Men; Elliot
Sanderson; (Watson's
Uncle; Fulham Constable; Fusilier's Club
Cleaner; Jack Lonsdale; Dixie Heaton; Fulham
Road Police Inspector; Scotland Yard
Superintendent; Rossetti; Collingwood)
Date: 1888
Locations: Moriarty's House; 221B,
Baker Street; Mortuary; Bethnal Green; St Barnabus
Story: Moriarty and Holmes both have
dealings with spiders in their respective rooms.
Inspector Munro consults Holmes over the strangling
of a Putney pawnbroker at a gambling club-brothel in
Fulham. The dead man also happens to be Moriarty's
quartermaster. Three pairs of dice, wrapped in
sacking are found lodged in the dead man's throat. A
plot to assassinate the Prime Minister is averted
and Holmes learns Munro's secret.
Tell-Tale Tea Leaves" (2020)
Included in: The Book
of Extraordinary New Sherlock Holmes Stories
(Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Mary
Morstan; Mrs Hudson; [Albert] Wilson the Canary
Trainer (Roland 'Denarius' Deauville); Inspector
Lestrade; Mycroft Holmes; Baker Street Irregulars;
Historical Figures: (Edward VII; Joseph
Chamberlain; Chlodwig, Prince of
Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst; Queen Victoria;
Kaiser Wilhelm II; Sir
William Gordon-Cumming; Sir
Vivien Dering Majendie)
Other Characters: Miss
Templeton; Mathieson; Ebenezer Garside; Polly
Washburn; Colonel Peregrin Maltravers; (Mrs
Mulligan; Constable Derby; Count Leo)
Unnamed Characters: Watson's
Patients; Baker Street Pedestrians; Police
Constables; Chimney Sweep; Plumber; Reporters;
Anarchists; Lestrade's Men; (Mary's
Sister; Chinese Man; Mrs Hudson's Niece; Mrs
Mulligan's Husbands; Blackmailer; Blackmail
Victims; Young Woman; Concierge of Watson's
Club; Civil Servants; Holmes's Clients)
October 1895
Locations: Watson's
House; Watson's Surgery; 221B, Baker Street; Diogenes Club;
Jacob's Island; The Ship Aground Public House;
Whitehall; Cellar; Mayfair; Private Club
Story: Watson is called
upon by Mrs Hudson who is concerned about Holmes,
who is acting strangely and seems to have become
obsessed with tea leaf-readings and horoscopes. At 221B, Holmes
tells Watson that he is expecting a call from the
fortune-teller Roland Deauville, whose real name is
Albert Wilson, a former canary trainer and cat
burglar. He is acting as the middle-man for a
blackmailer whom Holmes is on the trail of. The following
day, Watson is summoned back to Baker Street by
Lestrade, who has a warrant for Holmes's arrest for
Eric Morecambe & Ernie Wise
"The Whitechapel Murders" (1978)
Included in: The Morecambe & Wise
Special (Eric Morecambe & Ernie Wise)
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Sheerluck Holmes
& Dr Witsend
Historical Figures: Queen
Victoria; John Brown; (Edward VII)
Characters Based on Historical
Figures: Jock the Ripper
Date: November 1882 or 1892
Locations: Holmes's Rooms
Story: Queen Victoria arrives in
Sheerluck Holmes's rooms and asks him to investigate
the "Jock the Ripper" murders in Whitechapel. Her
ghillie, John Brown, is spreading rumours that the
Prince of Wales is behind the killings. No sooner
has she gone than a knife-wielding Scotsman appears
at the door.
Deborah Morgan
"The Mysterious Case of the Urn of
ASH; or, What Would Sherlock Do?" (2014)
Included in: The Adventure of
the Plated Spoon and Other Tales of Sherlock
Holmes (Loren D. Estleman)
Story Type: Homage
Fictional Characters: Jeff Talbot;
Greer; Sheila Talbot
Historical Figures: The
Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes
Other Characters: Deliverymen; Michael
Danville; Sharon Swan; Rose Trellis Staff; Nursing
Home Housekeeper; Whitcombe; Violet "Vi" Chilson;
Old Man; (Veronica "Ronnie Elder" Elder;
Richard Elder; Nursing Home Receptionist; Mr
Chilson; Private Eye; Ronnie's Grandmother;
Victoria "Vickie" Larson; Ronnie's Parents)
Date: Early 21st Century
Locations: USA; Washington State; Seattle;
Talbot's House; Rose Trellis Nursing Facility; King
Street Station; A Train; Oregon; Portland;
McMinnville; Violet's House
Story: Talbot is given a large trunk by a
doctor friend who has inherited it from a patient.
On opening it, he discovers that it is full of
Sherlockian ephemera, the owner having been a member
of the Adventuresses of Sherlock Holmes. Among the
trunk's contents, Jeff and Sheila discover a funeral
urn full of ashes, and knowing that the trunk's
owner had no direct relatives, Jef sets out to
discover whose ashes they are so that they can be
properly dealt with.
Sally Morgan
"The Adventure of the Cursed
Cartouche" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Cherry in the Cake (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: Ernest Biggins; Quentin
Frussup, 6th Earl of Monthaven; Petunia Pearson
Frussup; Harold Caper; Matilda Frussup; Fergus
Frussup; Conrad Pearson; Jacques Pinchart;
Donald Dewy; (Egyptian Minister of Antiquities;
Dr Manwell; Archibald Pollard; Walter Waters;
KhaRa; KhaTen; KhaRa's Vizier)
Date: August, 1886
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Somerset;
Monthaven Manor
Story: Holmes receives a letter from the
Earl of Monthaven's butler, askimg him to
investigate the death of his master, an amateur
Egyptologist, and his dog, Anubis, a few days later.
A cartouche, received by the Earl a few days before
his death has disappeared. The newspapers have
linked the deaths to the curse of the Unfortunate
Pharaoh KhaRa.
NOTE: The name of the
Unfortunate Pharaoh KhaRa is Arabic for "Shit".

"The Adventure of the
Found Finger" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Pound of the Baskervilles (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Inspector Lestrade; (Dr Watson)
Historical Figures: Surefoot; Fred
Barrett; Sainfoin; Sir James Miller
Other Characters: Dr Terrence Sprenkle; Ronald
Hart; Reginald "Reggie" Hart; Kenneth Dupe; Gustav
Feinstein; (Hart's Father; Lady Swinbrooke; Mimi
Date: After June 2nd, 1890
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Warden Avenue;
Hart Brothers' Bank; Jermyn Street; Dupe's Gaming
House; Feinstein's Fine Papers, 214, Charing Cross
Road; 460a, Jermyn Street
Story: Holmes returns to Baker Street to find a
severed finger, wrapped in a handkerchief on the
steps. His investigations lead him to Reggie Hart,
banker and unsuccessful gambler. |
"The Adventure of the
Vanishing Lord" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Cherry in the Cake (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Other Characters: Lord Marmeduke Fitzgibbon /
The Fabulous Fitz; Landon Midge / The Great Suprendo;
Lady Marianne Fitzgibbon; Mildred Clay; Thomas
Goddard; Dustin May; Hector Lowe; (Leonard Midge)
Date: October, 1886
Locations: Mandrake Theatre; Brotherhood of
Magicians Headquarters; Fitzgibbons's House; The
Trickster's Trove
Story: Lord Marmeduke Fitzgibbon fails to
reappear after disappearing during his magic act at
the Mandrake Theatre.
"The Cherry in the Cake"
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Cherry in the Cake (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Mrs Hudson
Characters based on Historical Figures: (Mr
[Mary Berry])
Other Characters: Detective Swan; Marianne
Boyle; Mimi Swathe; Lady Swinbrook; Kitchen Maid;
Melody Frisk; Gideon Frump; Leonora Swag; Swinbrook
Hall Maid; (Clarence Yankit; Moira Bea Lenny; Mr
Berry; Mrs M. Hubert; Martin Tudor; F. Flitwick)
Date: March 30th, 1893
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; South
Kensington; Swinbrook Hall; 58, High Street
Story: A cherry cake with a ruby in it is left
on the doorstep of 221B. Mrs Hudson tells him about
Lady Swinbrook's stolen ruby. Inspector Swan has
arrested Mimi Swathe, a draper who was measuring for
curtains at Swinbrook Hall when the ruby disappeared.
"The Forger and the
Fake" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Pound of the Baskervilles (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Other Characters: Raymond DeQuincy; Edmund
Granger; Marcel Toulone; Desmond DeQuincy; Ken Fenton;
DeQuincy's Parents; Desmond's Landlord; (Edouard
Toulone; Critics; DeQuincey's Brother; Gallery
Guards; Gallery Visitors)
Date: After 1880
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Strand Studios
Gallery; Covent Garden; Desmond's Studio;
Story: Art gallery owner Raymond DeQuincy
consults Holmes when one of his paintings, The
Reflection of a Fine Lady by Edouard Toulone,
is revealed to be a forgery. |
"The Poisoned
Apprentice" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Pound of the Baskervilles (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; (Dr Watson)
Other Characters: Samuel Barker; Stanley Shaw;
Patrick Brigham; Customer; Vincent Bouche; Henry Fox;
Peter Petersham; Doctor Lancett; Montgomery "Monty"
Brigham; (Monty's Wife)
Date: After 1884
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Kirby Street;
Barker & Co.; Lancett's Surgery; London Assay
Office; Patrick's Apartment
Story: Samuel Barker, a silversmith, consults
Holmes after his apprentice, Stanley, falls ill, and
their products start turning orange. |
"The Pound of the
Baskervilles" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Pound of the Baskervilles (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Sir Henry Baskerville
Other Characters: Susannah Tuft; Peter Pattock;
Thaddeus Crump; Ellen Molesworth; Mervin Spry; Geneva
Spry; Peddler; C. Tuft; (Susannah's Aunt;
Geneva's Mother)
Date: After HOUN
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Devon; Grimpen;
Grimpen Station; Baskerville Hall; Grimpen Groomers;
Kennel Association Headquarters; Spry's Farm;
Baskerville Pound
Story: While taking part in a dog show at
Baskerville Hall, Susannah Tuft's Dalmatian, Pebbles,
is switched for a painted impostor. Holmes travels to
Grimpen to investigate. |
"The Terror of Traymar
House" (2018)
Included in: The Casebooks of Sherlock Holmes:
The Cherry in the Cake (Sally Morgan)
Story Type: Children's Pastiche / Puzzle
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Other Characters: Lord Tobias Traymar; Stan
Brockles; Edmund Markham; Susan Brockles; Theresa
"Tess" Traymar; Richard "Dicky" Simms; Traymar Guest;
Monty Bijoux; Terrence Traymar; J. Darling; Edmund
"Eddie" Simms;
(Robert Ward; Susannah James Traymar; Lucius
Traymar; Elizabeth Hackett Traymar; Emily Traymar;
Charles Traymar; Meredith
McDonald Traymar;
Anthony Traymar;
Monthaven Traymar;
Amelia Drage; Abigale Jones; Dicky's Grandfather)
Date: June
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Cornwall;
Traymar; Traymar Tavern; Traymar House
Story: Holmes travels to Cornwall to
investigate the haunting of Traymar House. Lord
Traymar hopes to sell his home, but the presence of a
ghost is greatly reducing the price being offered by
his potential buyer. |
Christopher Morley
"Codeine (7 Per Cent)" (1944)
Included in: The Standard Doyle Company:
Christopher Morley On Sherlock Holmes (Steven
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mycroft Holmes
Historical Figures: Henry
Morgenthau, Jr; (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Other Characters: (Commissionaire;
Cambridge Economist; Typist; Tide-waiter;
American Ambassador; Principal Secretary for
Foreign Affairs)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Date: Spring, 1944
Story: Mycroft calls at 221B with Henry
Morgenthau to request Holmes's support for te
Fourth War Loan.

"Codeine (7 Per Cent)" (1945)
Included in: The Big Book of
Sherlock Holmes Stories (Otto Penzler); The
Standard Doyle Company: Christopher Morley On
Sherlock Holmes (Steven Rothman)
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: (Sherlock
Holmes; Mycroft Holmes; Dr Watson; Violet
Hunter; Wilson Hargreave; Conk-Singleton; The
Politician; The Giant Rat of Sumatra; The Matilda
Fictional Characters: (Professor
Baker Street Irregulars; (Adolf
Other Characters: Narrator; Dove Dulcet; (Violet
Sibyl Holmes)
Locations: USA; New York; Murray Hill Hotel
Date: January, 1945
Story: At a meeting of the Baker Street
Irregulars, Dove Dulcet proposes a toast to
Sherlock's younger sister. He later reveals
to the narrator that her daughter Violet works for
him in Naval Intelligence, and shows him the
Sherlockian code she used to communicate from
Joel Morris & Jason Smith
"The Armchair Mystery" (1990)
Included in: Russ
Abbott's Fun Book (Peter Vincent & Barry
Story Type: Puzzle Parody
Canonical Characters:
Professor Moriarty; (Dr Watson; Inspector
Sherlockian Detective: Barrett Holmes
Other Characters: Lord Armchair; Scrivens;
Fiona Pinchpenny; Nimmo; (Lestrade's
Locations: Armchair Towers
Story: At Armchair Towers, the body of
Lord Armchair's gardener, Scrivens, is found in
the privet hedge. A broken antler and the
footprints of a deer have been found nearby. Barrett
Holmes investigates, and a collection of false teeth
provides a motive.
Mark Morris
"The Affair of the Heart" (2009)
Included in: Gaslight
Grotesque (J.R. Campbell & Charles
Story Type: Science Fiction Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs Hudson
Other Characters: William Boulting; Joe
Boulting; (Lady Miriam Allcott; Earl of
Salisbury; Charles Boulting)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Shoreditch;
Joe Boulting's Shop
Story: Holmes receives a box
containing a human heart and a warning message. The
heart is wrapped in a sheet of newspaper bearing the
following day's date. He believes that it is the
work of the Boultings, brothers of a murderer whose
capture he had effected some six years previously
and who has recently died in jail. He and Watson
enter one of the brother's shops in Shoreditch,
where they discover the corpse of a man identical to
Holmes in every way. Holmes realises that somehow
they have travelled forward in time and that he must
now work to prevent his own murder.
"The Crimson Devil" (2015)
Included in: The Mammoth Book
of Sherlock Holmes Abroad (Simon Clark)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Sir Henry Baskerville; (Mrs Hudson;
Mycroft Holmes)
Other Characters: Ship's Crew; Train
Passengers; Joseph Villiers; Indian Plantation
Workers; Karamchand; Zulu Villagers; Zulu Chief;
Diggers; Boers; Native Children; (Housemaid;
Villiers's Parents; Constance Baskerville; Sir
Henry's Children)
Date: 1897
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Aboard a
Trading Vessel; South Africa; Durban; Natal; Railway
Station; Baskerville's Plantation; Zulu Village;
Story: After receiving a telegram from Sir
Henry Baskerville, Holmes and Watson sail to South
Africa. Arriving at Sir Henry's sugar plantation in
Natal, they are told of a series of appearances by a
creature that has come to be known as the Crimson
Devil, and which is terrorising the plantation
workers. In recent weeks, one of the workers has
been killed by the beast, and another death occurs
on the night of their arrival. A series of deep
pits, associated with the creature, have also been
appearing around the plantation. |
"For Fear..." (2022)
Included in: Gaslight Ghouls
(J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type: Supernatural Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mary Morstan; (Tobias Gregson)
Characters: Dr Cornelius Layton; Nelly
White; Bill Gideon; Ernie Summers; Old Barney;
Peggy; Hobb's Yard
Unnamed Characters: Mortuary
Assistant; Red Crown Patrons; Rat-Men; Boy
Date: After 1888
Locations: Spitalfields Mortuary; The
Red Crown; Hobb's Yard; Sewer; 221B, Baker Street;
Watson's House; Layton's Club
Story: Holmes and Watson visit Spitalfields
Mortuary, where Dr Layton shows them the corpse of
Nelly White, a tobacco factory worker, with strange
wounds and a missing liver. In her local pub, they
hear rumours of similar deaths caused by the "little
men", demons with the faces of rats, and snakes the
colour of blood. They venture down into a sewer
where they encounter the little men and something
even more terrible.
"The Lizard Lady of Pemberton Grange" (2018)
Included in: Gaslight Gothic
(J.R. Campbell & Charles Prepolec)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Other Characters: Lily Parrish; Inspector
Moorcock; Harriet Moorcock; Lord Pemberton; Cab
Drivers; Police Sergeant; Lady Pemberton; (Police
Pemberton Staff; Dancing Bear Men; Dancing Bear
Landlord; William Dwight; Martha Bullimore; Hetty
Meadows; Hetty's Children; Florence Bishop; White
Bull Landlord)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Somerset;
Moorcock's Cottage; Pemberton Grange; The Crown and
Mitre; Railway Station; The White Bull; Islington;
Upper Street; The Dancing Bear; Bewdley Street
Story: Holmes is consulted by lady's maid
Lily Parrish after the death of her mistress Lady
Pemberton and her pug Toby. Both the victims' heads
had been taken from the crime scene, and she has
since seen the headless ghost of her ladyship. After
visiting Pemberton Grange and a night-time vigil in
its grounds, Holmes and Watson follow Lord Pemberton
to London.
Sonora Morrow
"The Landlady's Journal" (1977)
Included in: Ellery Queen's Mystery
Magazine (Sept 1977)
Story Type: Pastiche (Narrated by Mrs.
Canonical Characters: Mrs Hudson;
Lestrade; (Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson)
Other Characters: Jeremy Coggins; Mr
Courtney Beggs; Mrs Beggs; Constable; (John
& Alfred Wembly)
Date: April 7, 1883
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Insurance salesman Jeremy Coggins
calls at Baker Street, only to find that Holmes is
out on a case. He tells Mrs Hudson of a client, Mr
Beggs, whom he suspects of trying to poison his
wife for the insurance money. Now, a fire at the
Beggs' house has claimed Mrs Beggs's life. Mrs
Hudson travels to the scene of the fire with
Coggins, and then on to Scotland Yard to report
her suspicions to Lestrade.
Paul Morse
Gravity of the Situation" (1925)
Included in: Modulus (Huntington High School),
Story Type: Parody Playscript
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes
Historical Figures: Sir Isaac
Newton; Wendell H. Kinsey; Neil Crull
Other Characters: Mrs Newton
Date: 1888 / 1924
Locations: Newton's Country Home; Huntington
High School
Story: Holmes and Newton are sitting in
Newton's orchard when an apple falls on Newton's head.
Together they deduce gravity, which is taught years
later to Crull in Kinsey's science class. |

Thomas F. Mosimann
Adventure of the Obstruent Chessmen" (1960)
Included in: The Best of Chess Life and
Review, Volume 1 (Bruce Pandolfini)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr Watson; Mrs
Hudson; (Mrs Watson)
Historical Figures: François-André
Danican Philidor
Other Characters: (Mrs Watson's Mother)
Date: Mid-summer 1890
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Watson visits Holmes in Baker Street,
and finds him perusing a chessboard and considering
the changes that would be made to the game by adding
various pieces into play.
Jean-Marc Mouiller
"Behind the Mask of the Ripper"
Included in: Tales of
the Shadowmen 12: Carte Blanche (J-M &
Randy Lofficier)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Tobias Gregson; Inspector Patterson;
Inspector Lestrade; (Mycroft Holmes)
Fictional Characters:
Harry Dickson; Tom Wills; (Lecoq; Mrs Crown)
Historical Figures: (Jack the
Ripper; Robert Louis Stevenson; Sir Melville
MacNaghten; Montague Druitt; Sir William Gull;
Duke of Clarence; Mary Ann Nichols; Sir Charles
Warren; Sir Robert Anderson; Annie Chapman;
Catherine Eddowes; Elizabeth Stride; Louis
Diemshutz; Constable Watkins; Arthur Conan
Doyle; Martha Tabram; Emma Smith; Fairy Fay
[Angel Curls]; George Bernard Shaw; John Pizer;
Sidney Paget; Queen Victoria; Barnaby &
Burgho; George Lusk; Mary Kelly; Crown Prince
Rudolf of Austria; Baroness Mary Vetsera)
Other Characters: Barkeep; (Watson's
Date: 1894 / September 7 - November, 1888
/ November 9, 1933
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Commercial
Road; The Angel and the Crown; Police Station;
Dorset Street; Mitre Square
Story: In 1894 Holmes deduces that
Watson's thoughts have turned to the Ripper murders.
He explains to Watson how he solved the case from
his armchair in 1888, and why the official police
never revealed the Ripper's true identity. In 1933,
Harry Dickson gives Tom Wills his analysis of
Holmes's tale.
Steve Mountain
"The Ululation of Wolves" (2015)
Included in: The MX Book of
New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part I: 1881-1889
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Lestrade
Other Characters: Mr Reynolds; Maddison;
Mr Turner; Mr Graham; Mr Wilson; Wolfe's Cook;
Lady Elizabeth Wolfe; Sarah Wolfe; Young
Policeman; (Sir
Cedric Wolfe; Thomas Wolfe; Colonel Sir Jerome
Russett; Lady Wolfe's Maid)
Date: 24th March, 1888
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Buckinghamshire; Ellington House
Story: When bank director Sir Cedric Wolfe
is murdered in his home, Ellington House, the
grounds of which are patrolled by a pack of
wolves, his valet, Reynolds, consults Holmes.
Whe they visit Ellington House, one of the guests
tells them about a ghost he saw in the grounds on
the night of the murder.
Mark Mower
"The Case of the Rondel Dagger"
Included in: The MX Book of
New Sherlock Holmes Stories Part IV: 2016 Annual
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche narrated by Charles
Stewart Mickleburgh
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes;
Mycroft Holmes
Historical Figures: (Sir
James Fitzjames Stephen)
Other Characters: Charles Stewart
Mickleburgh; Museum Visitors; Tradesmen;
Loiterers; Hugh Devlin; Devlin's Servants; James
Campbell-Grant; Doctor; Inspector Brady;
Constables; (Edward Flanders; Lord
Haverstock; Lester Devlin; Mr Peters; Ministers;
Civil Servants; Dr Spencer; Flanders' Eton
Friends; Bosworth Society; Sir Hilary Grantham;
Campbell-Grant's Father; Campbell-Grant's
Relative; Mickleburgh's Doctor; Scotland Yard
Inspector; Russian Ballerina)
Date: March 5th, 1880 / Late
Locations: British Museum; Great Russell
Street; Whitehall; Foreign & Commonwealth
Office; Garrick Club; Stoke Newington; Huntingdon;
Braxton Hall; Huntingdon Station; Montague Street
Story: Ancient weapons expert Mickleburgh
is approached by Holmes. He shows
Mickleburgh a replica rondel dagger, which
Mickleburgh is able to link to the Bosworth Order, a
secret society. Holmes tells him that the dagger was
used in the murder of a foreign diplomat, Edward
Flanders. The case takes them to the home of
Mickleburgh's old university friend's father, Hugh
Devlin, who tells them the history of the Bosworth
Society, but who has also received a death threat.
"The Melancholy Methodist" (2017)
Included in: The MX Book of New Sherlock
Holmes Stories Part VII: Eliminate the Impossible
1880-1891 (David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Historical Figures: (Maharajah Duleep
Singh; Christopher Columbus; Thomas Vaughan)
Other Characters: Robert Chatton;
Evan Dyer; Jed Stephens; Charlie Stubbins; Dr Joseph
Buckingham; (Sir Anthony Chatton; Elizabeth Dyer)
Unnamed Characters: Hotel Guests;
White Hart Patrons; White Hart Landlord; Blacksmith; (Elveden
Gamekeeper Chatton's Maid; Halesworth
Tradesman; Halesworth Methodist Minister; Body
Date: Autumn / October
Locations: Suffolk; Hotel; Halesworth;
Geldingbrook Hall; Blythburgh; White Hart Inn;
Methodist Graveyard
Story: After resolving the case of
a murdered gamekeeper on the Elveden estate in
Suffolk for Maharajah Duleep Singh, Holmes tells
Watson of a case he worked on before they met.
After solving the theft of a ruby
associated with Christopher Columbus, Holmes spends a
night at an inn in Blythburgh. The evening is
interrupted by the arrival of Methodist minister Evan
Dyer, who claims to have seen the ghost of Jed
Stephens, a man who had died two weeks previously,
seemingly as a result of a curse placed upon him by
Dyer, who had objected to Stephens taking up with his
daughter, Elizabeth. Shortly after, Holmes and the
inn's customers witness the phantom, driving his
ghostly farm cart, themselves.
"The Mile End Mynah
Bird" (2016)
Included in: The MX Book of New Sherlock
Holmes Stories Part V: Christmas Adventures
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; ([Charlie] Wiggins)
Historical Figures: (Sir Nevil Macready)
Other Characters: Constable Dunning;
Jonathon Christie; Inspector Banns; Serang Syan; (Bhandarry
Sidney Vulliamy; Mr Metcalf; PC Moxon)
Unnamed Characters: Strand
Revellers; Cabbie; Police Constables; Watson's
Patient; (Bancroft
Arms Drinkers; Orderly; Children Patients; Grosvenor
Night Porter; Concierge; Maid; Pathologist)
Date: December 1919
Locations: Charing Cross Hospital; The Strand;
Mile end Old Town; Louisa Street; Grosvenor Hotel;
White Horse Lane; Watson's Home; Bow Street Police
Story: Dr Watson is assisting at the Charing
Cross Hospital during the great flu pandemic. When
Jonathon Christie, the victim of a shooting is brought
in after being shot, he refuses to reveal anything
about his would-be murderer, Serang Sayan, who with
his brother Bhandarry is wanted for a series of
assaults carried out under the instigation of Sidney
Vulliamy, an East End moneylender. At Christie's
house, Holmes and Watson encounter a mynah bird. With
Wiggins's help the case is brought to a close. |
Recalcitrant Rhymester" (2020)
Included in: The Book of
Extraordinary New Sherlock Holmes Stories
(Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Stanley Hopkins; (Baker Street
Irregulars; Professor Moriarty)
Other Characters: Thomas Jermyn;
Frederick Paget; Sergeant McClean; Edwin Halvergate;
Lord Cranhurst)
Unnamed Characters: Coachman's Assistant;
Doormen; Halvergate's Men; Surrey Merchant Banker;
Chicago Stockbroker; Nottinghamshire Colliery Owner;
Police Constables; (One-Legged Theatre Doorman;
Aging Showgirl; Ticket Clerk; Halvergate's
Date: End of September, 1896
Locations: Theatre; Baker Street;
Buckinghamshire; Amersham; The King's Arms
Story: The solution to the mystery of
purloined box-office takings at a theatre leads Holmes
back to Edwin Halvergate, an elusive criminal whom
Holmes has been in pursuit of for some time, who
taunts him conundrums written in rhyme. Holmes and
Watson attend a poker game. |
"The Strange Missive of
Germaine Wilkes" (2015)
Included in: The MX Book of New
Sherlock Holmes Stories Part I: 1881-1889
(David Marcum)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Inspector Alec MacDonald; (Mary
Professor Moriarty)
Historical Figures: (Herbert
Druce; Inspector Thomas Byrnes)
Other Characters: (Germaine Wilkes;
Westminster Police Officer; Augustus
Waldringfield; Typewriter Sales Assistant;
Wilkes's Prison Visitor; Scotland Yard Officer)
Date: Saturday in August, 1887 /
Monday 25th May, 1891
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: MacDonald brings Holmes a coded
message found on the person of Germaine Wilkes, an
American forger who has been apprehended by the
police in Westminster. Holmes deuces the
presence of Moriarty in the case, and his purchase of
a typewriter leads to the uncovering of the truth
about the recent death of the MP for Chippenham East. |

Frank Muir
"It is a
riddle wrapped inside a mystery inside an enigma"
Included in: Oh, My Word! (Frank Muir and
Denis Norden)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr
Historical Figures: (Lillie
Langtry; Sir Edward Grey; Queen Victoria; Wilkie
Other Characters: (Sister Anna)
Unnamed Characters: Cabby; (Balkan
Princeling; Anarchists; Police Officers)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street
Story: Holmes rushes to save the life of a
Balkan princeling, in london for an ingrowing
toenail operation, whose is under threat of
poisoning by a Russian anarchist sect.
Pat Mullen
"The Case of the Woman in the
Cellar" (1998)
Included in: The
Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
(Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson; Inspector
Lestrade; Sir Henry Baskerville; Jack Stapleton;
Mrs Watson; Dr James Mortimer; Beryl Stapleton; (Sherlock
Sir Charles Baskerville)
Other Characters: Club Servants;
Warrington; Abigail Ferncliffe; Baronet
Ferncliffe; Mrs Agrafe; Landlady; Constables; (Lester
Stanley; Anthony)
Date: May 1-26, 1893
Locations: The Continental Club; The
Ferncliffe Residence; Woman's Room
Story: Lestrade is attacked near a
theatre. Sir Henry Baskerville is due to marry
Abigail Ferncliffe, and Watson visits him at the
Continental Club and tells him about a coach which
recently almost ran him down. After dinner at the
Ferncliffe house, during which Sir Henry's
character seems to change, he calls Watson to a
house in a poor part of London where he finds a
badly scarred woman. The woman disappears and the
recently arrived Mortimer is murdered. When Watson
realises who the woman was, Lestrade accuses Sir
Henry both of her murder and of the death of Sir
Charles. Another death, a revelation of identity,
and Watson's reinterpretation of the events on
Dartmoor precede the capture of the villain.
Marcia Muller & Bill Pronzini
Affair (2012)
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; (Dr
Professor Moriarty; Mycroft Holmes)
Historical Figures: Charles Ackerman;
(Ambrose Bierce)
Other Characters: John Quincannon; Sabina
Carpenter; Callie French; Chutes Crowds; Vendors;
Test Your Strength Barker; Ticket Collector;
Lester Sweeney; Clara Wilds; Cab Driver;
Montgomery Street Crowds; Hezekiah Gabriel
"Dodger" Brown; Samuel Truesdale; Mrs Truesdale;
Dr Caleb Axminster; Margaret Axminster; Andrew
Costain; Penelope Costain; Foyles' Customers;
Foyles' Porters; Galway; Luther James; Breezy Ned;
Slewfoot; Ezra Bluefield; Buchanan's Maid; Hansom
Drivers; John Greenway; Mrs Greenway; Ellen
Anderson; Anderson's Housekeeper; Bazaar Crowds;
Bazaar Vendors; Dancer; Freak Show Proprietor;
Temperance Speakers; Salvation Army Band; Citywide
Messenger Boy; Hack Drivers; Lodging House
Landlady; California Market Crowds; California
Market Vendors; Antonelli's Employees; Tony
Antonell; Sally "Dippin' Sal" Tatum; Victor Pope;
North Beach Vendors; Wendell Reilly; Ackerman's
Clerk; Jessie Street Boys; Ben Joyce; Police
Officers; Reporters; Inspector Kleinhoffer;
Sergeant Mahoney; Wilds' Neighbours; Mrs Anthony
Marcus; Washington Square Flower Seller; Luther
Duff; Sailors; Skiff Owner; Salty Jim O'Bannon;
Tea Shop Proprietress; Fiddle Dee Dee Maid; Lettie
Carew; Ming Toy; Senator; Mexican Girl;
Plainclothesman; Sergeant Percy; Axminster's
Housekeeper; Cobweb Palace Customers; (Jackson
Pollard; Stephen Carpenter; Frieda Gosling;
Fanny Spigott; Joe Spigott; Lily Hamlin; Jane
O'Leary; Myra McCoy; Lovely Lena; The
Sanctimonious Kid; James; William Buchanan; Mrs
Buchanan; George Anderson; Mrs Anderson; Henry
Holbrooke; Mrs Holbrooke; Holbrooke's Doctor;
R.W. Jackson; Lonesome Jack Vereen; The Nevada
Kid; Aunt Bess; Katherine Bennett; Charles
Riley; Hostler)
Date: Autumn, 1894
Locations: USA; California; San Francisco;
Market Street; Carpenter & Quincannon's
Office; The Sun Dial; Haight Street; Chutes
Amusement Park; Montgomery Street; Kearney Street;
Russian Hill; The Barbary Coast; Stockton Street;
Jack Foyles'; Boarding House; The Embarcadero;
Foghorn Annie's; Pacific Avenue; Scarlet Lady
Saloon; Green Street; Webster Street; Jessie
Street; Washington Street; California Market;
Mission Street; Jersey Street; Pope's Hardware
Store; North Beach; Washington Square; Union
Street; Parsons' Rooming House; Geary Street;
Costain's Office; Miner's Bank; Montgomery Block;
Battery Street; H. Wendell & Sons,
Silversmiths' Shop; Second Street; Hoolihan's
Saloon; Rincon Hill; Leavenworth Street;
McAllister Street; Duff's Curio Shop; The Ferry
Building; Oakland City Wharf; Davis Wharf; Aboard
the Oyster Catcher; Federal Street; Tea
Shop; Uptown Tenderloin; O'Farrell Street; Fiddle
Dee Dee Brothel; Hall of Justice; The Cobweb
Story: Quincannon is working on a
series of burglaries at the homes of prominent San
Francisco citizens, all Great Western Insurance
Company policy holders, while his partner Carpenter
takes on the case of a female pickpocket at the
Haight Street Amusement Park. They read in Bierce's
newspaper column that Sherlock Holmes is said to be
in the city, having survived Reichenbach. Carpenter
follows the pickpocket but loses her on Kearney
Street. Quincannon lays in wait for the burglar, but
after chasing and losing him, finds himself at the
mercy of the man who claims to be Sherlock Holmes.
He has, however, been able to identify the burglar
and sets about tracking him down in the Barbary
Coast district.
Carpenter visits the pickpocket's
victims, deduces her method and discovers that she
has also caused the death of one of the men she has
robbed. She almost captures the woman at the Market
Street night bazaar, and succeeds in identifying her
as an associate of Quincannon's burglary suspect. By
the time she finally tracks her down, the woman has
been murdered.
Holmes visits their offices and
persuades Carpenter to take him on a tour of the
Barbary Coast in return for assisting in a stakeout
at Costain's house, but Costain is murdered while
they are on watch. The trail leads Quincannon to an
oyster sloop before he collars his suspect in a
brothel. Holmes tells Carpenter that he has solved
the case. Quincannon resolves to present his own
solution in advance of Holmes. At a gathering of the
principals at the insurance company's offices,
Carpenter, Quincannon and Holmes present their joint
NOTE: Sections of
this novel were previously published as "The Bughouse
R.K. Munkittrick
"The Sign
of the '400' " by Roy L. McCardell

Simon Munnery
"The True Confessions of Sherlock Holmes"
Included in: The Fish Anthology 2010
(Clem Cairns & Julia Walton)
Story Type: Parody
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Unnamed Characters: Party Guests
Locations: A Party
Story: Holmes solves a murder at a
party and explains to the other guests that he was
able to do so because he is a man of science.
Pat Murphy
"Wish Hound" (1980)
Included in: Shadows 3
(Charles L. Grant)
Story Type: Homage
Canonical Characters: (Hound of
the Baskervilles)
Historical Figures: (Basil
Other Characters: Alice; Tommy;
Joseph; (Paul)
Unnamed Characters: Organ Grinder; Dog
Owners; (Alice's Friends; Alice's Relatives;
Alice's Co-workers; Tommy's Aunt; Tommy's
Grandmother; Tommy's Babysitter)
Locations: USA; Airport; Alice's
Apartment; England; London; Trafalgar Square; Hyde
Park; Charing Cross Bookstore; Seaside Village;
Church; Bed-and-Breakfast House
Story: Paul sends his seven-year-old
son Tommy home to his ex-wife on the eve of her
honeymoon to England with her new husband, Joseph. He
also sends a puppy. While Joseph takes the puppy to
the pound, Tommy watches Basil Rathbone in The
Hound of the Baskervilles on TV. Tommy is
miserable in England, escept when he is playing with
dogs. When Tommy disappears from his room, Alice has a
ghostly encounter. |
Will Murray
"The Adventure of the Imaginary Nihilist"
Included in: Sherlock
Holmes: The Crossovers Casebook (Howard
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr. Watson
Fictional Characters: (Helene
Marie Vanderbilt-Astor Gaines)
Historical Figures: Colonel Richard
Henry Savage
Other Characters: Four-wheeler
Driver; Ruddy Fox Innkeeper; Helene's Brother;
Brother's Confederates; (Hotel Clerk)
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Charing Cross Station; Crowborough; Blackness; The
Ruddy Fox; Ashdown Forest
Story: Holmes is visited by
Savage who has received a message telling him that
the woman on whom he based the title character of
his novel My
Official Wife, and whom he has not seen since
their adventures in St Petersburg, is in London. He
asks for Holmes's help in finding her. They
investigate the spot at which Savage caught a
glimpse of the woman, from where a clue leads them
to the village of Blackness and a trail of the
woman's personal effects through Ashdown Forest.
"The Adventure
of the Reckless Resurrectionist" (2019)
Included in: Sherlock Holmes
and Doctor Was Not (Christopher Sequeira)
Story Type: Fantasy Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Dr Watson
Fictional Characters: Herbert West;
(West's Assistant)
Unnamed Characters: Brook
Staff; Brook Patients; Ward Maid; Car Driver; (Holmes's
Date: Summer 1918
Locations: Shooter's Hill;
Brook War Hospital; Sussex, Holmes's Villa
Story: Back in service
treating war casualties, Watson finds Dr Herbert West
among his patients. West expresses his interest in
meeting Holmes, believing he will be able to assist in
perfecting his reagent for re-animating the dead. He
and Watson travel to Sussex, where Watson falls victim
to the Spanish flu. West proposes using his reagent on

K.V.K. Murthy
"The Oxford Calendar" (1989)
Included in: The Illustrated Weekly
of India (23-29 April, 1989)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mrs Hudson; Atkinson Brothers
(Geoffrey & Horace); (Harold Stackhurst)
Other Characters: Mr Myers;
Nicholson; Dr Saunders; Mr Brodie; Brian Sedge; (Alice
Dr Owen Richardson; Brian Sedge; Nora Hampton;
Unnamed Characters: Myers' Men; Tamil
Labourers; Tamil Housekeepers; Nicholson's Servant;
(Alice's Husband; Secretary of the Asiatic
Society; RCAS Journal Editor)
Date: 1920 / 1887
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Sussex; Holmes's Bee-farm; Ceylon; Trincomalee;
Atkinsons' Tea Plantations; Clydesdale Plantation
Story: Watson, who has moved back
into the rooms in Baker Street, now cared for by Mrs
Hudson's daughter Alice, travels down to Sussex to
visit Holmes. There he meets
Myers, an ex-Superindent of police in Ceylon, who
encountered Holmes in 1887 when he investigated the
case of the Atkinson brothers.
Holmes travels to Trincomalee where Geoffrey and
Horace Atkinson, tea planters, have been
bludgeoned to death in the jungle. Visiting
the murder site, Holmes deduces that the killing
was well-planned in advance, but notices an
absence of weapons among the brothers'
possessions. A letter
from the Provost of Balliol College, and a copy of
the Oxford University Calendar for 1875 set Holmes
on the path to the solution.

Vasudev Murthy
Sherlock Holmes in Japan (2013)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr. Watson; Mary Morstan; Mycroft Holmes;
Professor Moriarty; Colonel Sebastian Moran; (Inspector
Inspector Patterson; Moriarty Gang; Dubuque;
François Le Villard; Charles Augustus Milverton)
Historical Figures: Jagdish Chandra
Bose; Emperor Meiji; (Masataka Kawase)
Characters Derived from Historical Figures:
(Shinobu Tsukasa)
Other Characters: Hideo; Kazushi
Hashimoto; Samuel Groves; Edith Andrews; Colonel
James Burrowe; Shamsher Singh; Clara Bryant; Simon
Fletcher; Inspector David Joyce; Dr James Israel;
Inspector Baynes; Mr Andrews; Hiroshi Sugiyama;
Babineaux; Ambassador Toyoda; DRT33; Jiro Hamada;
Shigeo Oshima; Suzuki; Honda; Kazuo Nohara;
Kobayashi; Uchiyama; Kiyono; Takada; Murakami; Itoh;
Sasaki; Charles Atwood; Rahman Khan; Hiroshi Ota;
Akira Fujimoto; Abel Petrosian; Shyam Chundur
Mookerjee; Debnath Chatterjee; U. Mya Sein; Suvann
Chea; Mr Yamamoto; Akira Arima; Nara; Shinji
Kurosawa; Shimuza; Saito; Akira Otawa; Yoshio
Yoshida; Hajime Sasaki; Seiichiro Kasama; Kazuo
Takenaka; D'Silva; Sequeira; De Groot; Herr
zSchmidt; Senor Cruz; Markevich; Cosgrove
Liverpool Dock Crowds; Japanese Passengers; North
Star Steward; Alexandria Police Constables;
British Consular Official; British Police Inspector;
Egyptian Physician; Alexandrian Vendors; Beggars;
Alexandria Crowds; Elderly Egyptian; Egyptian Boy;
Old Lady with Bernese Dog; French Couple; Teenage
Boys; Loquacious Englishman; Rough-Looking Train
Passenger; Trans-Siberian Train Staff; Russian
Plainclothesman; Russian Policemen; Waiter; Oshima's
Attendants; Shopkeeper; Yakuza Members; Bombay Dock
Workers; Watson's Hotel Waiter; Hoel Staff; Hotel
Guests; Indian Musicians; Chowpatty Vendors; Bombay
Coachman; Tonga-Wallah; Bombay Residents; Terminus
Beggars; Train Attendants; Ticket Collector; Train
Passengers; Sadhoos; Mughal Sarai Englishmen;
Buddhist Pilgrims; Calcutta Residents; Urchins;
Beggars; Priests of Kali; Mill Protestors; Coach
Driver; Chatterjee's Servants; Isabella
Passengers; Rangoon Englishmen; Myeik Porters; Myeik
Port Official; Burmese Guide; Cambodian Coachmen; Tek
Hwa Seng Passengers; Kinkaku-ji Monks;
Priests; Kyoto Police Officers; Kurosawa's Aide;
Tokyo Policemen; Doctor; Tokyo Coachman; Palace
Guards; Shanghai Europeans; Japanese Diplomats
(Walter Campbell; Watson's Editor; Llewellyn,
Harwood & Fox; Durban Army Colonel; Santiago
Ship's Captain; English Ambassador's Wife;
Japanese Consul; Maharajah of Patiala; Masataka
Kawase; LeFevre; Mary Smith; WRT77; Tsong Wang:
Japanese Policeman; Isamu Nishikawa; Masako
Nohara; Masako's Parents; Watanabe; Shirahata;
Marquis of Kintyre; Duke of Roxburghe's Secretary;
Son of the Ambassador of Slovenia; Bombay Police;
Korean Court Official; Japanese Government
Official; Junior Diplomat; French
Governor-General; Mr Sen; Shyamal Chatterjee; Sir
George Hastings; Swedish Naval Attaché; Norwich
Family; Cook; Cambodian Boy; Nagasaki Gentleman;
Ataru Hayashi; Yatsuhashi Miyagi; Miyagi's Father;
Hayashi's Mother; Emiko; Concert Witnesses;
Emiko's Father; Prince of Bavaria; Mr Takada;
Admiral Santiago; Heir to the Throne of
Schleswig-Holstein; Berlin Japanese Attaché;
Lestrade's Agent; Irish Horse-Master's Daughter;
Emperor's Emissaries; Yakuza Diplomats)
Date: June, 1909 / June - July,
1893 / May, 1891
Locations: Watson's Country Home;
Natural History Museum; Liverpool; Langton Dock;
Aboard the North Star; Mediterranean Sea;
France; Marseilles; Paris; Gare du Nord; Café Le
Petit Château d’Eau; Japanese Embassy; The Louvre;
Egypt; Alexandria; Jewish Quarter; Suez Canal; Red
Sea; Jeddah; Yemen; Aden; Arabian Sea; Switzerland;
Reichenbach Falls; Farm Hut; Meiringen; Hotel;
Lausanne; Meiringen Railway Station; Berne; Japanese
Embassy; Russia; Moscow; Japanese Embassy; Minsk;
Trans-Siberian Train; Gostovskoya Station; Austria;
Vienna; Poland; WarsawIndia; Bombay; Watson's Hotel;
Juhu Beach; Mumba Devi Temple; Haji Ali Mosque;
Chowpatty Beach; Chor Bazaar; Victoria Terminus; The
Bombay-Calcutta Mail Train; Mughal Sarai; Mughal
Sarai Station; Patna; Bodh Gaya; Dhanbad; Calcutta;
Howrah Station; Armenian Street; Rose Lodge;
European Quarter; College Street; Mookerjee's
Bookstore; Kali Temple; Jorasanko; Chatterjee's
House; Aboard the Isabella; Burma;
Rangoon; Myeik; Jungle; Siam; Bangkok; Post Office;
Cambodia; Siem Reap; Angkor Wat; Vietnam; Saigon;
Guesthouse; Aboard the Tek Hwa Seng; South
China Sea; Shanghai; Japan; Sagami Bay; Yokohama;
Nagasaki; Hotel; Meganabashi Bridge; Post Office;
Telegraph Office; Kyoto; Kinkaku-ji Temple; Tokyo;
Adachi-ku; Intelligence Office; Ameya-Okocho; Tokyo
Central Station; Guest House; Imperial Palace
Story: The vagrant poet, Hideo,
finds a body in the sea at Sagami Bay.
In 1893, Watson receives a note from Holmes
summoning him to Yokohama. He sails from Liverpool
aboard the North Star, but his voyage is
disrupted in the Mediterranean by the death of his
Japanese cabin-mate. He survives an attack in
Alexandria, another passenger disappears as they
cross the Arabian Sea, and Holmes makes an
unexpected appearance.
Holmes tells of the events at Reichenbach and
his subsequent encounter with Sugiyama, the
Japanese ambassador to Switzerland. Moriarty
recounts his escape. Official documents relate
Holmes's passage through Russia to Japan, where he
becomes involved in Operation Kobe55, the battle
against the Yakuza and the opium trade, and learns
of Moriarty's Japanese connections.
Holmes and Watson come under attack in Bombay, and
they decide to change their travel plans for the
remainder of the journey to Japan. They journey
across India, in disguise, by train, but Holmes is
recognised in Calcutta, which leads to a meeting
with Chandra Bose. They face deadly wildlife in the
jungles of Burma, and a murderous attack at Angkor
Arriving in Japan, they investigate a death at the
Kinkaku-ji temple in Kyoto. In Tokyo, they meet with
the Emperor, and reveal a traitor.
NOTE: Many of the character names
are lifted from historical, contemporary and
fictional figures, sometimes directly (e.g. Shinobu
Tsukasa), sometimes split between two characters
(e.g. Akira Arima & Shinji Kurosawa), and
sometimes combined into one character name (e.g.
Yatsuhashi Miyagi).
Sherlock Holmes The Missing Years: Timbuktu
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock
Holmes; Dr Watson; Wiggins; Mary Morstan; Colonel
Moran; Professor Moriarty; Mrs Hudson; (Mycroft
Holmes; Inspector Patterson; Inspector Lestrade)
Fictional Characters:
Historical Figures: Marco Polo;
Kublai Khan; 64th Zamorin of Calicut; Ibn Batuta;
65th Zamorin of Calicut; Pope Leo XIII; Agostino
Ciasca; Lord Dufferin; Prime Minister; (Rustichello
da Pisa; Kokochin; Patriarch of Venice; Ibn
Juzayy; Pope Gregory X; Pope John XXII; Uzbeg
Khan; Queen Tin Hanan; Takamat; The Mahdi)
Characters Derived from Historical Figures:
(Bishop Jozef Glemp)
Other Characters: Antonio Rozzi;
Vincenzo Batista; Father Agnelli; Giovanni; Bishop
Hubert Landel; Abu; Haji Ahmad Bouabid; Abdelaziz
El-Kahina; Thalasser Vatoot Mohammad Koya; Boughaid
Arroub; Khalid Ibn Ziyad; Mehdi Benbouchta; Hasso ag
Akotey; Said as-Sabar; Amedras; Wararni; Amayas;
Hasso; Alain Favreau; Inspector Lachapelle; Haji
Ahmad Al-Kaburi; Haji Toumani Kouyate; Haji Mohammad
Yahya Wangari; Amaha Ag Barha; Omar Ag Oumbadougou;
Uthman Shaykh Al-Din; The Khalifa; Ismail El
Kachief; Omar; Ibrahim; Amani; Alberto; Ian Felton;
Venice Museum Guards; San Lorenzo Worshippers; Altar
Boy; Pope's Secretary; Tuareg Men; Tangier
Residents; Rue Ibn Batouta Passerby; Bouabid's
Servant; Prefecture Cook; Koya's Father; Koya's
Wife; Koya's Sister; Farm Children; Arroub's
Attendants; Tuaregs; Guardians of the Letter;
Customs Officer; Casa Barat Merchants; Ahaggar
Tuaregs; French Gendarmes; Café Customers; Jailor;
Prefecture Guard; Old Tuareg Woman; Café Waiter;
Slaves; Abaradiou Attendants; Sankore Mosque
Students; Mosque Official; Mosque Slaves; Timbuktu
Gendarmes; Malinese Policemen; Police Chief; Mosque
Students; Djitafe Tuaregs; Fulani Batman; Boatman's
Son; Niger River Villagers; Bourem Tuaregs; Griots;
Bandits; Kidal Musicians & Singers; Kidal
Audience; Imajaghan Ahaggar Tuaregs; Bandit Chief;
Khalifa's Assistants; Kachief's Messenger; Khartoum
Escort; Omar's Bodyguards; Sudanese Soldiers; Nile
Valley Villager; Vatican Soldiers; Tuareg Nurse;
Valley Inhabitants; Italian Priests; Polo's
Servants; Khalifa's Chief of Security; Dungeon
Guards; Sawakin Administrators; (Inspector
Cowley; Lazarus Smith; Donahue; Duke of Beaufort;
Earl of Breadalbane; James Conway; Venice Museum
Guard; Catholic Priests; Hansom Driver; Mehdi
Benbouchta; Batuta's Son; Guardians of the Letter;
Slave Girl; Holy Man; Sijilmasa Merchants;
Conway's Brother; Professor Charpentier; Father
Andrzej Bakiewicz; Landel's Brother; Ibn Batuta's
Grandson; Batuta Society Member; Koya's Teacher;
Koya's Mother; Abu Bakar; Ibrahim Koya; Koya's
Grandfather; Koya's Shipmate; Arroub's
Grandfather; False Letter Claimant; Jacques
Pétain; Ziri; Alain Beaumier; Henri Toussaint;
Stationer; Professor of Mathematics; Soldier; Army
Physician; Yaqub Beg; Morteza; German Ambassador;
German Violinist; Violinist's Fiancée; Duke of
Grafton; Son of the Ambassador of Austria;
Assassins; Omar's Mother;' Amani's Parents; Baron
Stafford; Tall Nun; Italian Chef; Lafarge;
Phillips; Member of Parliament; President)
Date: 26th May, 1909 / January -
May, 1891/ April, 1893 / October 3, 1368 / June 28,
1352 - February 27, 1353
Locations: 221B, Baker Street;
Watson's Practice; Diogenes Club; Foreign Office;
Italy; Venice; Venice Museum; Church of San Lorenzo;
Rome; The Vatican; China; Xanadu; Kubla Khan's
Palace; Chittagong; Quanzhou; India; Calicut;
Thalassery; Switzerland; Reichenbach Falls; France;
Paris; Morocco; Tangier; The Prefecture Church; Rue
Ibn Batouta; Bouabid's House; Tomb of Ibn Batouta;
Café; Arroub's Farm; Casa Barat; Hasso's Camp; Jail;
Magistrate's Office; Roadside Café; Casablanca;
Batuta's Mansion; Fez; Atlas Mountains;Oasis of
Tafilalt; Sijilmasa; Sahara Desert; Taghaza; Mali;
Timbuktu; Sankore Mosque; Abaradiou; Djitafe; Niger
River; Bourem; The Sahel; Kidal; Tamanrasset;
Abalessa; Tomb of Tin Hanan; Bornu; Bilma; The
Djourab Depression; Bodélé; Kobbei; Western Darfur
Desert; Kusti; Sudan; Khartoum; Omdurman; Dungeon;
Jebel Barkal; Napata; Secret Valley; The Nile;
Sawakin; Mecca
Story: Antonio Rozzi, from the
Venice Museum, brings Holmes a Meroitic manuscript
from the collection of Marco Polo. He believes that
it was the object of a break-in at the museum and of
a series of threatening notes in Arabic that he has
Marco Polo discovers an engraved copper plate
in the library of Kubla Khan in Xanadu. He makes a
manuscript copy of it, which he splits in two,
leaving half with the Zamorin of Calicut.
In 1893, believing Holmes dead, Watson receives a
letter summoning him to Morocco.
In 1368, the traveller Ibn Batuta writes to his
son about his meeting with the Zamorin
of Calicut who gave him the manuscript left with
his father by Marco Polo, asking him to take it to
Venice, where promised riches await the bearer. He
eventually conceals the manuscript in Timbuktu.
After Reichenbach, Holmes travels to Venice, where
he discovers that Rozzi has been murdered. He is
taken to Rome for a meeting with the Pope, where he
learns that the manuscript contains an incantation
promising eternal life if carried out at a precise
location indicated on a map. He is asked to go to
Morocco to find the other half of the document. Lord
Dufferin asks him to spy on the French while he is
He arrives in Tangier in the guise of Father
Andrzej Bakiewicz, in charge of the Catholic
prefectures accounts. He learns of Ibn Batuta from
Ahmad Bouabid, and of an Indian claiming to be a
descendant of Batuta who has recently visited the
After the death of his father, Thalassery
Vatoot Mohammad Koya, finds a letter from his
ancestor, Ibn Batuta, among his possessions,
instucting his descendants to find two parts of a
document in Venice and Timbuktu. Travelling
to Tangier, he is introduced to a member of the
Guardians of the Letter. From there he is taken to
Casablanca, and given a letter from Ibn Batuta,
revealing the details of the manuscript. The
Guardians decide to enlist Moriarty's aid in
recovering it.
Watson arrives in Tangier, and Holmes tells him
that Colonel Moran is also there. They travel across
the Sahara to Timbuktu in the company of a caravan
of Ahaggar Tuaregs, led by Hasso Ag Akotey, whom
Holmes had saved from a false accusation of murder.
After achieving their goal, and pursued by the
Guardians, they head east to the Nile Valley to test
the veracity of the manuscript's claims, facing a
bandit attack and visiting the grave of Tin Hanan on
the way. They meet the Khalifa at Omdurman, and
investigate a series of assassination attempts.

Cuthbert Q. Mutt
Mystery of Murdered Marmaduke or Who Killed the
Kiyoodle?" (1923)
Included in: Carolina Boll Weevil (University
of North Carolina), Volume 1 Number 5
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherhawk Foams &
Unnamed Narrator
Other Characters: John E. Walker; (Walker's
Locations: Foams' Sanctorium; Walker's Home
Story: Sherhawk Foams is called in to
investigate the death of John E. Walker's famous
prize-winning hound Marmaduke.
"The Mystery of the
Missing Maidens or, Why Girls Leave Home" (1923)
Included in: Carolina Boll Weevil (University
of North Carolina), Volume 1 Number 10
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherhawk Foames &
Dr Potson
Other Characters: City Detective
Locations: Faker Street; North Carolina;
Raleigh; State Capitol
Story: Potson is summoned to Faker Street by
Foames, who tells him that the eldest daughters have
disappeared from their families in North Carolina. |
Mystery of the Missing Pickle Fork or Whoinell
Could Have Done It?" (1922)
Included in: Carolina Boll Weevil (University
of North Carolina), Volume 1 Number 3 (30 November
Story Type: Parody
Sherlockian Detectives: Sherhawk Foams &
Other Characters: Lord Howe Greene; (Aintshe
Locations: Foams' Rooms
Story: Lord Howe Greene consults Sherhawk
Foams over a pickle fork that went missing while he
and his wife were eating pickled herring. |
Amy Myers
"The Adventure of the Faithful
Retainer" (1997)
Included in: The Mammoth
Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures (Mike
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs. Hudson; Mycroft Holmes; Lord
Bellinger; Sir George Lewis; Inspector Lestrade;
Adolph Meyer; (Dr. Moore Agar)
Historical Figures: Queen Victoria {Lady
X}; (John Brown {as The Faithful Retainer};
Edward VII}
Other Characters: Robert Mannering;
Baroness Pilski; Driver; Cook-Housekeeper; Von
Holbach; Meyer's Servants; Crowds in St. James's
Park; Ice Cream Vendor; Bandstand Audience; German
Band; Young Lady; Colonial Troops; Royal
Procession; Jubilee Crowds
Date: 1911 & February - June, 1897
Locations: Holmes's Sussex Villa; 221B,
Baker Street; The Diogenes Club; Cornwall; An Inn;
A Cottage near Poldhu Bay; A Train; Blackheath;
Blackheath Station; The Dover Road; Shooter's
Hill; A Villa on Shooter's Hill; Birdcage Walk;
St. James's Park; Whitehall
Story: A compromising letter to Lady X
from her faithful retainer is being used to
blackmail the government. Mycroft summons Holmes
to the Diogenes Club, where Lord Bellinger, Sir
George Lewis and Mannering ask him to recover it.
He reasons that the letter is in the possession of
Baroness Pilski.
A cryptic clue takes him to Cornwall,
but after two months of inactivity, he realises
that he has been duped by Adolph Meyer and returns
to London, where a further set of clues in the
agony columns lead him to a villa in Blackheath
where the Baroness was to auction off the letter.
He arrives too late, however, and finds her
murdered by Meyer. Events come to a head during
Jubilee week, when Holmes uses his knowledge of
Meyer's enthusiasms to deduce the location in
which he will hand over the papers to his boss,
Von Holbach.
"The Affair of the 46th Birthday"
Included in: The
Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
(John Joseph Adams)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Mrs Hudson; Lord Holdhurst; Inspector
Lestrade; (Mrs Watson)
Historical Figures: (Umberto I of
Italy; Prime Minister (Lord Salisbury); Queen
Other Characters: Count Panelli; Coachman;
Surrey Police; Carlo Mandesi; Michael Anthony;
Guests; (Count Litvov; Giuseppe Rupallo;
Phelps; Carriage Driver; Servants)
Date: 14th March, 1891
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Surrey;
Chartham Beeches
Story: King Humbert is celebrating
his 46th birthday in England. Holdhurst brings
Panelli, the Italian ambassador to Baker Street. A
party is being thrown by Holdhurst at his home,
Chartham Beeches in Surrey, to be attended by a
number of foreign emissaries, but a threatening note
has been received. The anarchist, Rupallo is
believed to be behind the threat. Holmes and Watson
travel to Surrey, where Lestrade is already present,
and an attempt on the life of Humbert has resulted
in the death of his secretary. A Medici portrait and
Queen Victoria's gift of a ring enable Holmes to see
through the plot and ensure the ongoing safety of
the King.
"The Importance of Porlock" (2015)
Included in: The
Adventures of Moriarty (Maxim Jakubowski)
Story Type: Extra-canonical adventure of
Canonical Characters: Fred Porlock; Colonel
Moran; Professor Moriarty; Sherlock Holmes
Historical Figures: Queen
Victoria; Edward VII; Frederick III; Wilhelm II;
(Mahomet) Mohammed Buksh; Abdul Karim "The Munshi"
Other Characters: Elsie Bracken; Beadle;
Covent Garden Crowd; Police Constable; Porlock's
Link; Barmaid; Moran's Valet; Shoeblacker; Hansom
Driver; Albion Club Doorman; Shoeblack Customers;
Regent Street; Queen's Guards; Crowds; Jubilee
Crowds; Palace Guards; Palace Police; (Bill
Butcher; Jesse Bracken; Indian Assassins; Abdul
Karim Mahomet)
Date: 20th - 21st June, 1887
Locations: Covent Garden; The Strand; Temple
Bar; Fleet Street; Tavern in the Strand; Tavern near
Eaton Square; Pall Mall; Albion Club; St James's
Street; Post Office; St James's Park; Regent Street;
The Mall; Hyde Park Corner; Constitution Hill;
Buckingham Palace; Buckingham Palace Police
Story: On the eve of the Queen's
Golden Jubilee, Porlock comes across flower-seller
Elsie Bracken dying in Covent Garden. Knowing that her
husband Jesse was a link in the chain of messages he
passes, he vows to hunt down her killer. He makes
contact with other links in the message-relaying chain
that he is part of. He comes to realise that a plot is
afoot against the Queen and alerts Holmes. |
Aline Myette-Volsky
"The Woman" (1998)
Included in: The
Confidential Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
(Marvin Kaye)
Story Type: Pastiche
Canonical Characters: Sherlock Holmes; Dr.
Watson; Irene Adler
Historical Figures: (Edward VII)
Other Characters: Hotel Clerk; Cleaning
Woman; Hotel Guests; Ex-officer; Jeweller; Street
Arabs; Lady Fitzbarry; (Irene's Maids;
Fitzbarry's Coachman; Lord Fitzbarry)
Date: Winter
Locations: 221B, Baker Street; Irene's
Hotel; Jewellery Store; Coffeehouse; Park
Story: Holmes is visited by Irene Adler
(now Norton) who tells him that she has been
subjected to a series of physical attacks and
thefts. Holmes believes she is keeping something
back from him. He and Watson set up watch in
Irene's hotel lobby and identify a man watching
Irene, but are unable to discover who employed
him; they also trace some of her jewellery, but
are again unable to discover who sold it to the
jeweller. Holmes eventually identifies a royal
connection in the case, and must negotiate to
maintain the reputations of all involved and save
Irene's career. Irene eventually departs England,
taking a new lover with her.